View Full Version : Rules Q&A Presist question

2015-03-14, 12:11 AM
I dont think I fully understand the rules of the limits on persist spell

From what I understand, it has to have a fixed (not scaling with level) range, or a range of personal,
Has to have a duration (aka - not an evocation blaster spell)

So would you be able to persist a spell like say - Flashflood (SS pg,155)

2015-03-14, 02:23 AM
So would you be able to persist a spell like say - Flashflood (SS pg,155)
Yes, Flashflood (Sand) has a fixed range of 120 feet, and non-discharged duration of 1 round, so it can be persisted. Persisting short duration spells like this (to effectively last 86400 times longer) shows the power of Persistent Spell.

2015-03-14, 05:55 AM
RAW, this spell can be persisted, As Cruiser pointed out.
The specifics of this particular spell might not make it worth persisting though. Persisting only efffects the duration of the spell, no other variables. This spell creates just 1 wall of water, no matter how long the spell lasts. (the water would continue to rush forward for 24 hours though)

2015-03-14, 06:52 AM
RAW, this spell can be persisted, As Cruiser pointed out.
The specifics of this particular spell might not make it worth persisting though. Persisting only effects the duration of the spell, no other variables. This spell creates just 1 wall of water, no matter how long the spell lasts. (the water would continue to rush forward for 24 hours though)

do you know the destructive power of a tidal wave? its horrendous. this could (in the right circumstances) cause 1000's of deaths and stupid damage. imagine doing this across a metropolis. that takes hours to walk across or even a day to walk across.

2015-03-14, 09:02 AM
(to effectively last 86400 times longer)

10*60*24=14400 rounds per day

RAW, this spell can be persisted, As Cruiser pointed out.
The specifics of this particular spell might not make it worth persisting though. Persisting only efffects the duration of the spell, no other variables. This spell creates just 1 wall of water, no matter how long the spell lasts. (the water would continue to rush forward for 24 hours though)

It would certainly not create a volume of water that is any larger than the original amount. I am imagining something akin to one of those swimming pools that create a current so you can swim upstream. It would be much larger and more violent, though. The water would be rushing violently from one end to the other without leaving the region or needing to travel physically back to the start. After 24 hours, the duration would expire and it would be allowed to relax into the surrounding area.

Even the normal duration is too long to look natural. That is, if it were shown in a movie as written, a full six seconds would make viewers point out that water flows faster than that.

The persisted version would not devastate a larger area than the original, but it might devastate the area more thoroughly...

2015-03-14, 11:24 AM
do you know the destructive power of a tidal wave? its horrendous. this could (in the right circumstances) cause 1000's of deaths and stupid damage. imagine doing this across a metropolis. that takes hours to walk across or even a day to walk across.

We're not talking a tidal wave though are we? We're talking about the spell Flashflood. The amount of damage it does is not altered by persisting it, neither is its range (120ft). Persisting it just means the water takes 24 hours to travel the 120ft and deal its damage. to quote a popular thread: 100% rules legal, 110% silly!

Also: Anything/body that moves slow enough to still be in the area in that time, wasn't a thread to begin with. Persisted spells can get crazy powerful, this just isn't one of them.

2015-03-14, 11:40 AM
Just one thing to note is that the spell's range (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#range) is the maximum distance from you at which the spell's effect can occur. For example, if you cast a Summon Monster spell, and then you move away from the summoned creature far enough that it's now out of range, the creature will disappear because the spell's effect cannot occur further from you than the spell's range. The same goes for this spell: If you make it persistent, then it will only last as long as you stand close enough that the effect is still within the spell's range from you. The spell's point of origin doesn't move with you, so it will only last as long as you stick around.

2015-03-14, 01:08 PM
Just one thing to note is that the spell's range (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#range) is the maximum distance from you at which the spell's effect can occur. For example, if you cast a Summon Monster spell, and then you move away from the summoned creature far enough that it's now out of range, the creature will disappear because the spell's effect cannot occur further from you than the spell's range. The same goes for this spell: If you make it persistent, then it will only last as long as you stand close enough that the effect is still within the spell's range from you. The spell's point of origin doesn't move with you, so it will only last as long as you stick around.

Wait, so what about other spells such as Consecrate.
That spell is designed to bless an area, yes, but at the same time it has a range and a radius. If you leave the range, the spell is still working at the place the spell is cast at.

After reading the link you posted about range, I think I see what you are saying. Its not that the spell would magically stop working, as you changed the rules on it a bit with metamagic. By those words however, any water that passed the spells range would just magically go away, negating the awesomeness I thought I found.
Drat :/ I will need to keep that in mind for now on

2015-03-14, 01:39 PM
For example, if you cast a Summon Monster spell, and then you move away from the summoned creature far enough that it's now out of range, the creature will disappear because the spell's effect cannot occur further from you than the spell's range.

Conjuration has an exception.

Each conjuration spell belongs to one of five subschools. Conjurations bring manifestations of objects, creatures, or some form of energy to you (the summoning subschool), actually transport creatures from another plane of existence to your plane (calling), heal (healing), transport creatures or objects over great distances (teleportation), or create objects or effects on the spot (creation). Creatures you conjure usually, but not always, obey your commands.

A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.

The creature or object must appear within the spell’s range, but it does not have to remain within the range.