View Full Version : 3rd Ed Running Games?

2015-03-14, 09:27 PM
Not sure if this is the place to ask this or not (if its not please direct me :) )
but, are there any players that run online d&d games here? Im playing in a game every sunday night right now, but the dm and players are mostly new, and I miss playing with Dm's or players that have some experience under there belts.

Looking for the 3.0/3.5 or pathfinder, as I dont own any of the books past that.

2015-03-14, 09:39 PM
I'd go look at the Finding Players (Recruitment) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?51-Finding-Players-(Recruitment)) board in the online game section. There are always people looking for players.

Good luck, hope you find what you're looking for.

2015-03-14, 09:51 PM
I'd go look at the Finding Players (Recruitment) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?51-Finding-Players-(Recruitment)) board in the online game section. There are always people looking for players.

Good luck, hope you find what you're looking for.

...I had no idea we HAD that forum O_o
