View Full Version : [Empire] My Sister's Keeper 515

2015-03-15, 12:02 AM
Queen Kyria hadn't felt fear in decades. Not in the Sunset War, not when she had been summoned before the Quorum Pax, not when she was attacked by the Pavonian assassins or she had heard of the Ice Palace's infiltration and the death of Huanle. She had felt anger, felt vindication, felt the calm coolness of a plotted plan followed by flawless execution. But she felt fear now. In three years she would be forced to journey to the Nighthawk Grove, to take the place of her sister beneath the Nighthawk and to sleep half a century away while her twin reigned as Queen. It was not fear of what she might miss during her half century beneath the holy site. It was not fear of losing those she knew in this life to the ravages of time, her closest and most trusted would rest at the Grove with her, Meztli was of the Dragon's Blood, and Nezetkhamun was the Father of Dragons. It was fear, she knew, of what her sister would see when she looked out at the world Kyria had helped shape and what she might undo of it.

The alliance with the Concordat, the destruction of the Sunset War, the dissolution of the Pax Varinel, and the Mother forsaken Erlstorm. Loris was not like Kyria, she did not stand abject and removed from the world, pulling the strings of those around her and sacrificing the enemy to save one's own. Her devotion to the Mother was not just respect of power and an obligation by contract with Mother Night it was empowered passion for the faith and devotion to the teachings of the Call. Loris would not approve of the actions Kyria had taken. Not on the surface and possibly not even when she read Kyria's explanations. The thought prompted the Queen to pass a hand over the grimoire journal she had ordered scribed by Eevi.

Loris was too much like their mother like that. Too afraid to justify the ends with the means. Spending the half century Kyria had spent expanding the Freehold into a dominant power in the central north in the realm of Kina at Valineth's knee likely did little to solve the problem either. The Queen's fists clenched and if she could see she might have torn something but the risk it might be something of value was too great.

She had contacted Nezet using the amulet he had given her after Huanle's death and she knew he was coming but she couldn't help but reflect that his counsel, one of the few opinions she respected and relied on outside those of her Palace, might become an enemy of her sister's reign if for no other reason than for the Children's negative view on the Tzaltec. If only Jonah hadn't failed the trials and become Eldest she might have had a chance to undo the stance of the Children and leave instruction of the church and her sister to Meztli through Jonah but the young man had failed them and now some mutant claiming to be the reincarnated Tupelo was heading the Children. If there were blood near the surface of her skin it might yet have been drawn by her nails digging into her own palms.

This was to say nothing of her sister's innate squeamishness. She had fasted at the calls of their mother's mixing of blood resulting in affliction of the vampyre and had balked at the concept of killing those who stood in opposition. To Loris too many people were friends and lives stood as too sacred. Loris had no experience with the Blessing and she would kill one of her first meals through overeagerness for nothing else. The guilt of the death of one she knew would haunt her, she could very well be driven mad by it. Kyria had set a scene anyone would gladly walk into except the person walking into it, her sister. She hoped Nezet would arrive soon. The resounding silence from her Watchers and the useless or placating opinions of her Brood had done nothing to tame the passion that welled up inside her. Only the Atheling had said anything remotely of import, noting that were he given the chance he would renegotiate with the Mother the terms of their arrangement but such a proposition was of little use to the Queen now and did little to address her fears for the next half century. If only there were a way to ensure her sister's compliance with what was set before her. If only there was a way to make her see the truth that Kyria had laid out for her.

2015-03-18, 01:05 AM
Nezetkhamun's coming was well heralded. How could it not be, when even the most ill-chosen sentinels would find their eyes drawn to the tempest that was his passing. But unlike many of the realms of Telluris, the approach of the Dragon raised no alarum and sent but the slightest tremor of fear through the assembled soldiery. For Nezetkhamun had come this way many times, and by now the preparations for his arrival were well-practiced.

So it was that the progenitor of Tzalteclan came before Kyria, draped in one of the black robes kept on hand for just such an occasion, stopping at the door that he might before a slight bow. But with that formality done with he straightened and smiled.

"My good daughter, you summoned me and I have come. It is a joy to see you again. Tell me, how might I ease your mind?"

2015-03-18, 11:07 AM
"Nezet," she breathed with a sigh of relief and concern reaching her hand out that the Dragon might come closer that she could take hold of him given her earthly blindness.

Once the two had moved into the Queen's salon they sat alone and the Queen began to speak.

"Thank you for coming Nezet. I'm," she paused, "afraid. As you know in three years I must journey to the Nighthawk Grove in Tar and trade places with my sister Loris. The price of hers and mine's immortality and blessing by the Mother. She will be crowned Queen, I shall slumber with my Brood for a half century and all that while Loris will reign as Queen. Loris is not, she does not understand the demands of politics, of alliances. She is my twin and I love her but her devotion to the Mother and to what she sees as the 'greater good' blinds her to much of the realities of this world. You are aware in the canon of the Children you and Tzetultep are considered demons, enemies of the Mother. Faedas has the power to turn back the demands of the clergy in our association and long have I done so, but the time swiftly approaches when Loris may very well choose not to buck the Children or the Eldest. I had hoped to place one of my own as Eldest, to repeal the strictures before Loris' reign but I was thwarted. I fear when Loris ascends to the throne she will dismiss the explanations and the writings I have left for her and cling too much to the teachings of the Mother and Her Children in Tar and in her fervor destroy Faedas' alliance with the Concordat. That cannot happen Nezet."

Kyria paused once again as if contemplating her next words carefully.

"I trust you, and I trust the value you place in family. If my suspicions are right, if Loris does prove to be a liability... I need you to work with Meztli and those whom she trusts to remove Loris from the Throne of Thorns. I do not wish my sister harm, and if harm is done to her and the bond we share damaged I do not know that I could control my response when I woke. I ask you instead to ensure she is out of the picture but unharmed, allow her the comforts she is deserved while Meztli reigns as Regent until my return. Will you agree to help me in this?"

2015-03-20, 02:53 AM
Taking a seat alongside Kyria, Nezetkhamun listened attentively as she bared her soul. Though she could not see it in truth, Kyria could feel Nezetkhamun's paternal concern, and a pride that only deepened as she continued speaking. As she finished, he took her cold hand in his own, the heat of his touch naught but the warmth of the sun for her.

"You do not know how proud I am of you, Kyria. To have risen so high from the crumbling foundations left to you by your mother...you have molded a mighty kingdom in your image, stood fast against empires both ancient and powerful, and have come to mean as much to me as any of my own children. I have long dreaded the moment where you leave my life, however temporary it might be."

Nezetkhamun raised his other hand to stroke the queen's cheek, reaching beneath her veil to set aright an errant strand of hair. It was a simple gesture, and bold beyond measure, but also carried a tenderness rarely felt.

"We are immortals, you and I. Not simply because we shall endure the ages, but because of the legacies we have constructed. To allow your Faedas to falter would be an act of unforgivable betrayal, a destruction of beauty so perverse as to move a philistine to tears. I will help you, Kyria, in whatever way I can. And you have my word, though she might stand against us no harm will befall your sister by my hand. She is precious to you, and so she is precious to me."

2015-03-20, 10:33 AM
Kyria turned her head slightly in reaction to the touch of Nezetkhamun, surprised at the physical contact but she raised her hand to her face and took his fingers in her own.

"Thank you Nezet, you promise me my sister will be safe and I know it to be true. There are other matters that will need solving as well, Meztli's reign as Regent must be secured, her position assured by those loyal, but knowing that you stand with her and stand with me assures me my efforts are not in vain. Thank you Nezet."

The Queen paused and from beneath the hanging of her veil and the movement of her sightless eyes behind it she appeared to be in thought.

"There is something else as well. I have heard Meztli speak often of the young Aahotepre. There is much that is tolerated and with my blessing none would oppose me but her relationship, it cannot be known if she is to maintain her position as Regent. Speak with Aahotepre, I shall speak with Meztli. I do not begrudge her her pastimes nor would I dictate her choices but what she has with the boy cannot become publicly known. Not should Loris be Queen and hold to the teachings of the Children."

2015-03-21, 04:58 AM
"You are more than welcome Kyria."

He caressed her face a moment longer before withdrawing his hand, only to chuckle when the queen broached the topic of Meztli and Aahotepre's incestuous affair.

"They are both their father's children. If Senusret could conduct his torrid affair with Katava Tayanya in relative secrecy, I am sure they can be made to see the benefits of discretion."

2015-03-22, 08:34 PM
"Very well," the Queen still seemed stressed and did not smile at Nezet's chuckle, "Thank you Nezet. I hope this coming transition goes better than I fear. Do you plan to stay the evening? Your usual quarters are prepared and I should think Meztli would appreciate a visit from her grandfather if you are?"

We can cut it here. Thanks Dark! :)