View Full Version : Seas of Change II

2015-03-15, 12:38 AM
Parai's Palace
"I'm glad to hear it. There are times when mercy is not the appropriate course of action."

The Forbidding Manse
Nazri pauses to consider a more precise way to phrase his request. "To use the powers you have been granted for the good of Creation's people, over using them for your own benefit."

2015-03-15, 12:47 AM
The Forbidding Manse

"Well, that's basically the working definition I've been using already, so it sounds fine to me. I assume however, that you have more questions then this." Caida smiles inwardly at the response. It was someone going out of their way to say what he wanted to hear, or there might just be one more honest Sidereal in heaven.

2015-03-15, 02:16 AM
Parai's Palace
"Of course it's not always appropriate. But I feel a duty to consider it. I'll ask my last questions of her - unless she shows a completely unforeseen side of herself, I'll handle the execution myself."
And no way in all of the layers of Malfeas am I going to let a Solar, god, or priest do it.

"Yes, Renata - let's go. I have my last questions lined up; we'll see if the Sidereal or Deathknight have had any ideas."

2015-03-15, 02:24 AM
Parai's Palace
"You will do no such thing. In case you've forgotten, I enforce the laws here, not you."

Two of priests enter the prison, both their faces concealed by thick hoods. One of them approaches the Exalts while the other hangs back. "What progress has been made with the interrogation?"

2015-03-15, 03:16 AM
Parai's Palace
Ah, the most palatable bad option. He doesn't know enough of the local laws - if there are any written down - to properly oppose it. Having a mortal executioner perform the deed comes entirely too close to having Parai's priests do it for his comfort, but so long as it is a matter of 'law' and not 'holiness'...
"I had not forgotten that you hold power here, no. But I was expecting you to send an interrogator with us, to be honest, especially if you wish to assign an executioner under the law."

2015-03-15, 03:41 AM
Topaz turns her head to examine the newcomer. There are times when she regrets setting aside her mortal sight and donning Jupiter's veil. It marks her as someone apart, someone other - which is of course perfectly accurate, but at times it grows wearying. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and hers cannot be seen. Little wonder that her fellow Sidereals prefer to cloak themselves in normalcy from time to time.

But there are times when she's glad she did. This is one of them. The priests - she thinks that's what they are, she saw one in the street yesterday - subscribe to the same philosophy, it would seem, hiding their faces to set themselves apart and above. Not a person with individual loves and dreams and vices, but a priest, faceless and faultless. That her eyes are also hidden helps keep them on an even footing.

"Not much," Topaz replies. She briefly considers challenging their presence here, but quite likely they would respond in kind, and she has no proper answer for that. Easier to tell them the most relevant information, and hold back the most sensitive. "She gave the name of the one who sent her, a Merchant Prince Aledein; little more."

After a momentary pause she inquires, "And what brings you here?"

2015-03-15, 11:15 PM
"Oh? Who did you have in mind for the job, Parai?" Perhaps one of her priests? Or did Parai want to strike the blow herself? Honestly, at this point Renata really doesn't care. She just wants the whole dirty business over with.

I want to go back to sea. I want a deck under my feet again, the wind in the sails and the call of seabirds.

But her ship lies at the bottom of the bay, wrecked beyond the abilities of this tiny island port to salvage even if she had the cowries to do so, and only five of her crew remain alive and loyal to the Anathema captain. Sol, Luna, Maiden of Journeys... please, help me do my duty. I am a sailor, and I can serve Creation so much better if I have a ship.

2015-03-16, 03:44 AM
"I see. The Most Glorious Parai has wondered whether you are perhaps using this interrogation as an excuse to delay justice. We have been sent to determine whether any useful information is being extracted, and execute the prisoner if not." The assassin gives a short, derisive laugh. "Yeah, and if I speak up you'll execute me afterwards instead. Great motivation, that."

Parai's Palace
"The city has an official executioner. If they lack the nerve, my people are willing to do the deed."

2015-03-16, 08:43 AM
Coranach's hands tighten on her soulsteel bow, as she glances around to assess exit routes. Given that this is the most highly secure area Paraida has to offer, the results are not encouraging.

We never suggested to Parai that this was to be an interrogation, she says silently into Topaz's thoughts. We only offered to keep watch over her at Renata's request, to ensure she didn't escape while Parai was brought up to speed - and Parai seemed to approve that course of action. Furthermore, she already agreed that I would be responsible for executing any condemned prisoners.

I think they are bluffing, Topaz Morning, to attempt to gain custody of the prisoner, or at least find out what she's told us. Their story does not seem consistent with Parai sending them. Your thoughts?

2015-03-16, 02:31 PM
I concur.

"We were not charged with interrogating the prisoner," Topaz tells the priests(?) calmly, "merely guarding her while her fate is discussed elsewhere. It is curious that you seem to think otherwise. Have you any proof that you are what you claim to be?"

2015-03-17, 12:10 AM
The speaker smiles politely, the movement just visible underneath his hood. "Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding. As The Most Glorious Parai saw the situation, this creature was to be interrogated while you waited for the order to execute her. The information she carries is, after all, supposed to be the only reason she has not been killed already. Is this not the case?"

The Forbidding Manse
After Nazri is satisfied that he has collected all the information he needs, he leads Caida to a nearby room. It is sparsely furnished, with a small bed and a table for eating. "This is where you will stay for now. If you attempt to leave without obtaining permission we will know, and there will be consequences."

2015-03-17, 12:23 AM

"She hasn't been killed already because not everyone with a stake in the matter has had a chance to speak their piece," Coranach says precisely, standing up from her chair. "Now, I would ask that you present identification to confirm your story. We would be poor guards if we handed our charge over to the first people who walked in claiming to be sent by the city-mother."

2015-03-17, 12:40 AM
"Has our deathknight spoken to you yet? I know ghosts enjoy blood, I'm not sure if a deathknight has similar wants or needs. If so, best that they get it from a condemned criminal."

2015-03-17, 10:22 PM
"You speak as though you were guarding her from the rest of the city, rather than the reverse."

Parai's Palace
"She has. We have agreed that she ought to serve as the city's executioner, although I have others if she is unwilling or unable."

2015-03-17, 10:36 PM
"If this woman had allies who knew she'd been taken captive," Topaz says evenly, "they might well send someone to try to free her - or, failing that, to silence her, thereby preventing her from revealing any secrets she might hold. It is certainly our duty to guard against ploys of that nature. You are doing a poor job of reassuring us that that is not the case, here."

2015-03-17, 10:56 PM
My thoughts precisely, Coranach agrees mentally. You said you had means to see the invisible, correct? If it comes up, act as if I've left completely.

"Excuse me for a moment," the Abyssal says, and takes a single step, and vanishes.

To Essence sight her form would glow darkly with a strange unlight, silhouetting the soulsteel bow she carries, and her hand reaching for new arrows - blunt-tipped, this time. The baleful hearthstone in the bow shines, but quiescently; no venom darkens the arrowheads.

Let's see how they react, she says through the mental link. I won't start anything just yet.

After this action:
Personal: 2/19 + 6m committed to Screaming in Silence + 4m committed to Unseen Wisp Technique
Peripheral: 5/43 + 22 committed (5m committed to countering the influence of Creation + 10m committed to Splinter In The Mind's Eye +4m attunement to Requiem + 3m attunement to the Belt of Aerial Mobility)
Willpower: 4/10
Anima: 0

2015-03-17, 11:14 PM
Neither of the strangers react at all to Coranach's disappearance. "Your suspicion is understandable, and I hope you are equally understanding when I say that we have reasons to be suspicious of you as well. Your insistence on waiting to confirm a known murderer's fate - a love of justice, or are you stalling for time? Claiming that she has important information, but taking no steps to acquire that information, even as she is in your custody? And such a coincidence that you arrive so soon before she does."

2015-03-17, 11:42 PM
Topaz inclines her head a fraction of an inch. "Naturally. Our presence here is somewhat irregular. But you must accord us some measure of trust; if nothing else, the assassin has been in our sole custody this last half-hour, and yet remains a prisoner. I do not claim that she holds important information - in fact, I rather doubt it - only that she might. Others are making the decision of what to do with her, and when to do it; we await their decision. Preferably delivered in person, or failing that in some manner more verifiable than hooded strangers claiming to bear a message."

"If you call that stalling, so be it. Justice is not a perishable commodity; I see little harm in executing her tomorrow rather than today. If you suspect us of something worse than being slower to kill than you might wish, you may remain here to watch over us."

2015-03-18, 01:09 AM
Cor circles around behind the newcomers, moving to the doorway and then through it. If their eyes track her, well... that will be something to know. If not, she turns and nocks a blunt arrow to her bow, covering the exit.

2015-03-18, 06:55 PM
The Forbidding Manse

"Hah. Alright, I'll just pretend this looks a little less like a prison then it does then." Caida settls down in a cross-legged position on the floor. He might be here for a while, might as well start working on something.

Assuming I have enough time, I'll start using this as training time for something. I'm not sure what yet. Maybe a homebrew flurry-breaker if I can come up with something good.

2015-03-18, 08:29 PM
The pair don't appear to notice Cor moving. "This is no mortal. What guarantee do you have that she will still be here tomorrow? To show mercy to one of the Exalted long enough for her to restore her Essence would be deeply foolish."

Department 137
"Buried in a book already, huh?" Crane leans against one of the oddly-shaped walls of the endless library. "Took me a while to find you in here. Journeys may be my thing, but walking around in circles for half an hour sure isn't. I think I went through the same room at least four times."

2015-03-19, 04:29 AM
"A valid concern. Nevertheless, it is not our decision to make; nor is it yours, unless you can prove your legitimacy. If this worries you, you are welcome to return to the palace and ask your goddess and her allies to hurry." Topaz does not sound concerned, herself. "I do not expect this will be necessary. It would surprise me if they took longer than an hour or two to decide her fate."

2015-03-19, 05:40 AM
"You are making a decision. Inaction is just as much a choice as action is. But as you appear to value neutrality, remain neutral and do not interfere in this matter. The Most Glorious Parai has declared this criminal worthy of death, and no opinion but hers is relevant to this matter." The man turns to face the assassin, and a shimmering sorcerous light begins to form around him.

2015-03-21, 06:48 PM
A hand catches the priest's wrist as he begins weaving Essence. Topaz moves like a snake gliding through grass, fast and smooth without appearing to exert any effort.

"I have chosen to leave the decision to others. Others who are not you. Desist." Another step twists the priest's arm backwards uncomfortably, setting him off-balance and forcing him to turn away from the prisoner.

Join Battle: [roll0] +1 success bought with 2nd Excellency

Attempting to clinch and hold the priest (no damage): [roll1]
Using the Fateful Excellency to buy TN down to 5.

One-die stunts for both, I'm not feeling terribly inspired.

2015-03-22, 03:49 AM
Coranach barely moves. She barely needs to. A twist sideways, so the doorway doesn't obscure her lines of fire, even as it provides a measure of cover. An almost automatic repositioning of her body, to present a smaller target to attackers, to blend into the shadows around the corner. The soulsteel bow rising swiftly; the first arrow sliding to its string; all like pieces of a puzzle fitting smoothly into place. Topaz is moving, but there is a second priest...

She is not angry, no. It is hard to muster up much rage for Yaiven's killer's welfare. To Topaz's eyes her face is very calm. But there is a chilly seething irritation, at having to deal with this; whoever sent these "priests" is rapidly accruing Cor's displeasure.

Join Battle, we'll see where I go:
[roll0], claiming a 2-die stunt and taking WP.

Personal: 2/19 + 6m committed to Screaming in Silence + 4m committed to Unseen Wisp Technique
Peripheral: 5/43 + 22 committed (5m committed to countering the influence of Creation + 10m committed to Splinter In The Mind's Eye +4m attunement to Requiem + 3m attunement to the Belt of Aerial Mobility)
Willpower: 5/10
Anima: 0

2015-03-22, 01:57 PM
The speaker's arm shoots out to grab Topaz's, and he shoves her away. The energies surrounding him intensify.

DV 10, attack misses. He takes his first Shape Sorcery action. Current ticks:

Silent priest - 3
Cor - 3
Virgil - 4
Speaking priest - 6
Topaz - 6

Cor is up.

2015-03-23, 08:25 PM
Virgil opens the door, having finished chatting about something inconsequential with Renata on the way - revealing, to him, the bright clarity of a sorcerous spell in action.
Parai would almost certainly disapprove of the speed with which he chooses a side and leaps into action - he's late, possibly too late to stop this, but he can certainly try. Even as he's moving to stop it, he pays attention to the regimented flows of essence and the gaps where Will is shaping the world, applying his knowledge of such magic to try and determine what the intent actually is - but distracted as he is by his sudden gestures to direct telekinetic force to stop it, he has too little attention to spare.
"I see! Perhaps Parai wanted us to see this, then!"

Join Battle and Identify Spell in the OOC thread - 2 successes in both cases.

2m from stunt

Personal Motes 3/18, 10m committed
Peripheral Motes 6/42, 12m committed
Willpower Points 4/9
Anima Flare 1m (Infernal: Defiler)

Mind-Hand Manipulation (10m peri, Indefinite)
Essence-Dissecting Stare (5m pers, 1 hour)
Loom-Snarling Deception (5m pers/2m peri, Indefinite)

-0 [X]( )
-1 [X][X]( )
-2 [X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]( )
-4 [ ][ ][ ]( )
(4/8 days of activity towards next health level healed)

2015-03-24, 12:40 AM
Oh, gods. Renata clears her throat and projects her voice over the noise of not-quite-a-battle-but-getting-there. Not quite shouting, but definitely not her indoor voice either. It's a voice designed to get a crew's attention over the noise of a ship under sail. "PRIESTS OF PARAI! We have just come from an audience with your goddess. She has decreed that the assassin is to die by the hand of her official executioner. Not you! Stand down, now!" The caste mark appears on her brow, a disk of glowing gold.

Performance check to intimidate/convince the priests to give up and let Cor do the job. Using Peripheral Essence for extra showmanship.

Charisma 3 + Performance 3 + Speeches 1 + 1st Excellency 6 = [roll0]

Not sure if I get a stunt, so I didn't put one in.

2015-03-24, 05:02 AM
Zeras, adjusts his reading glasses and looks up from a book he had just been reading from which concerned the exploits of the public record of his shard in the First Age, but he knew it would lack any details of which Solar, if any, he was involved with during the Usurpation. But he knew that such a record had to exist somewhere.

Regardless he grins as Crane speaks,"i must say your welcome sight. While this library is incredible, the subject matter can be rather dry at times, such as what my shard had for breakfast in a past life., he chuckles,"Three mangos and a piece of toast in case you were curious. Anyway what's up Crane?"

what should i roll to find a pertinent scroll/book about my shard?int+lore?

2015-03-25, 02:43 AM
Convenient, Coranach thinks as Virgil and Renata rush past her, although a minute earlier would have been better. But from what they say, it's even more unlikely these two were sent by Parai. Aledein's minions, sent to silence the killer, to try to deny justice for Yaiven? It seems more and more likely...

No one except Topaz can see the expression on the Abyssal's face, an executioner's mask of polished porcelain. But death will have to wait its due for now.

She leaps up onto her chair, pushed back against the wall; with this many people crowding the area outside the cell, a little height seems like a useful thing. A near-stationary brightly illuminated target, a range so short it should be nearly impossible to miss... it seems like an archer's dream, but he's a sorcerer, so who knows what tricks he'll have up his sleeve?

Keep an eye on the other one, Topaz Morning, she notes mentally, even as she sets blunted fowling arrows to her bowstring, and draws and releases in one smooth motion. No room for subtlety here; she aims her arrows downward at head and torso, hoping to batter the "priest" enough to disrupt his concentration.

Withering Feathered Maelstrom for four attacks with fowling arrows, spending 4m. Claiming a 2-die stunt. Vengeful specialty... might apply as she suspects these guys are working to interfere with justice for Yaiven, I'll roll it separately. Damage on all attacks is 7B/2; coral snake venom doesn't apply as it only works on attacks that draw blood.

[roll0] + possible Vengeful specialty [roll1]
[roll2] + possible Vengeful specialty [roll3]
[roll4] + possible Vengeful specialty [roll5]
[roll6] + possible Vengeful specialty [roll7]

2015-03-25, 06:34 PM
"And if the official executioner is unwilling or unable to perform the deed, we will," says the other hooded figure. She reacts to Coranach's arrows with unnatural speed, grabbing two out of the air with one hand, and with the other shifting her companion's stance so he can more easily defend against the rest.

Defend Other on the sorcerer as Cor attacks him.
First attack: 13 successes - 4 DV from defender = 9 leftover successes, sorcerer is at DV 0.
Second attack: 8 successes - 8 DV from defender, miss.
Third attack: 12 successes - 8 DV from defender = 4 leftover successes, sorcerer is at DV 5.
Fourth attack: 3 successes - 8 DV from defender, miss.

How is Cor going to allocate the arrows that got through the defender's DV?

2015-03-27, 12:47 AM
Arrows, from someone fighting on Topaz' side? Aha! Renata draws her sword and swings at the sorcerer with the flat. It's pretty obvious that she's not fighting to kill or even maim. "If that's our newest ally, you're the official executioner! Aim those arrows at the assassin and settle the issue for good!"

I rolled Join Battle in the OOC thread.

Dexterity 5 + Melee 4 + Swords 1 + 1st Excellency 5 = [roll0] -1 success for Pulled Blow

2015-03-27, 02:07 AM
One arrow hits into the protector's skin with a dull thud. A brief flash of energy sparks across the ground beneath her and a few chips of brick fly up from the ground, but she remains totally unharmed. Another strikes the sorcerer, this one far more effective, and he reels in pain for a moment, but the mystical energies surrounding him remain. A moment later the guard slaps away Renata's blade, shaking her head at the Solar. "The executioner attacked us, even after being told of their duty. What makes you think they aren't with the assassin?"

Arrow at sorcerer deals 14B raw damage, -3 soak = 11 pre-roll damage, 6 final. Arrow at bodyguard deals 9B raw damage, -5 soak, then the final four damage negated by what Topaz recognises to be the Jade Mountain charm Pasiap Still Stands. Renata gets 9 successes against DV 12, missing.

2015-03-27, 03:37 AM
No real way to stop it...
... And it is over-kill in the extreme for a prisoner's execution.

"Frankly, your Guillotine is over-kill for a prisoner - everyone, just get out of his sight - we'll talk, after."

Virgil retreats through the door and around its corner, leaving the door open for others.

2015-03-27, 02:54 PM
With a flick of his hand, the sorcerer discharges the spell. The energies surrounding him congeal into a barbed steel chain, which flies between the bars of the cell at an incredible speed, heading directly for the assassin.

Flying Guillotine at the prisoner. Attack roll, if anyone wants to try stopping it:

11d10 + 4 successes [roll0] = 10 successes

2015-03-28, 05:48 AM
Topaz revises her estimation of the priests upward a notch. Not only a sorcerer, but a warrior of no small skill as well. Part of her is concerned and annoyed: this is foolish, fighting here and now gives the prisoner an opening to try something while her captors are distracted, there's no sense to the conflict. But she cannot help but be intrigued as well. It's not often that Topaz faces an enemy worthy of her skills outside the dojos of the Division of Battles. Sparring is all very well, adding the elements of challenge and uncertainty to the meditative physicality of training, but it isn't quite the same. She doesn’t court danger - at least, she thinks she doesn't, it's always struck her as irresponsible - but she must admit that a real duel feels more, well, real.

A close observer might be able to read all this in the expressions that flicker across her face as the priest knocks her arresting hand away: surprise, pleased surprise, anticipation, focus.

Topaz draws her blades with a smooth motion, sorcerous light glinting in odd colors along the dull steel edges. One of them flicks out as the spined chain coalesces, its point hooking into one of the links. The Sidereal pivots, letting its momentum carry her into a spin, then using her weight to turn its trajectory into an arc. By the time she twists Equity to release the chain, it's flying in very nearly the opposite direction, whipping out to sever the leg from a poor hapless chair.

She remains poised and still for half a second, the sign of the Maiden in Blue glimmering faintly on her forehead; a moment of perfect equilibrium in the midst of the battle. Then she moves smoothly onto the attack, reversing her motion to slam the rounded end of a hook daiklave into the priest's gut.


Topaz is going to use Spoken in Kindness to redirect the attack from the prisoner to her. Since she acts on the same tick, she will also be drawing her daiklaves and launching an attack (two-action flurry). Technically this all resolves simultaneously, but handling the defense first because I have to do it in some order...

Topaz is activating Empowering Justice Redirection, which boosts the retaliatory attack she's about to make, and All-Encompassing Discussion, which halves his attack successes before comparing them to her PDV. Base PDV is 8, no penalties since this is her action tick, let's call that a 2-die stunt; PDV 10.

She will then hit the priest with a single attack, using the Fateful Excellency to drop TN to 4. Empowering Justice Redirection adds (however many successes he got) to her attack, makes it bashing and keeps it from wrapping over to lethal, and knocks him prone if he takes any levels of damage. Base dicepool 16 (I think Knowledge and Defense applies here, since it's a definitely nonlethal counterattack), -3 flurry penalty, +1-die stunt.

Roll: [roll0]

2015-03-28, 06:07 AM
"They want her dead," Coranach says clearly out loud, "they claim to be from Parai but attempted to preempt her decision, we asked for identification and they could show none. That disinclines me to do exactly what they want, Renata."

With the words still hanging in the air, she steps sideways, away from the location she just revealed, setting more arrows to her bow as she moves.

2015-03-28, 06:21 AM
Virgil steps back into the room.

"Parai does want the prisoner executed. She believes - rightly - that we can almost certainly find all the information we need regarding the Merchant Prince. Save for one question I won't abandon, I dislike it but agree. This is exactly what paperwork is for... even I know that. It sounds like her instructions were less clear than her intents.
"Regardless, were you the executioner, deathknight, or was it our sorcerer friend here?"

Ribbons of force snake through the bars of the cell and bind the assassin, another layer of security.

2015-03-28, 06:30 AM
"Parai had agreed I would execute any prisoners sentenced to death," Coranach replies, still moving quickly around the room to haze her location. "When two people show up with no identification, demand to know what we learned from interrogation, and then try to summarily kill a prisoner in my charge, I do find "trying to silence her" the more plausible explanation. And that in turn makes me wonder if we're missing something."

2015-03-28, 05:07 PM
Despite the speed and skill of their attempts to parry it, Topaz's daiklave strikes the sorcerer, knocking him to the ground. The other priest begins to circle his prone form, tracking Cor by the sound of her movements. "You have told the 'executioner' twice already that The Most Glorious Parai demands the woman's death, and she still insists that we are the enemy and the murderer should be spared. She is working with Aledein, not us."

22 successes on the attack, the guarding priest has DV 10 and the sorcerer has DV 9. 12B raw damage, -3 soak = 9 pre-roll damage, 2 final. Sorcerer is knocked down.

Virgil - Guarding, can act at any time
Renata - 8
Bodyguard priest - 8
Cor - 9
Sorcerer priest - 11
Topaz - 11

Renata's up, the bodyguard is guarding for this tick.
Department 137
"Three mangoes? You were a hungry one." Crane pulls a familiar-looking scroll out of his pocket, frowning at it. "Been given a new assignment already, I have to run back off to Creation tomorrow. So," he says, going back to his usual grin, "I'll see you tonight then?"

No need to roll anything, Zeras can find all his info.
Caida's Room
Some time after he settles down, Caida hears a thick, buzzing voice from behind him. "Welllcome, sir Caida. I'lllll be your host and helllper whillle you are here." The speaker appears to be invisible.

2015-03-28, 07:48 PM
"She's not going to say anything more unless we let her go, which neither myself, Virgil, or Parai want to do. Anyone who kills one of my crew- er, Circle- needs to die." Renata watches the two so-called priests with narrowed eyes, not attacking but not putting her sword away either.

Delaying until/unless one of the priests makes a move to threaten the Circle, or unless the assassin makes a move.

2015-03-29, 01:33 PM
Caida's Room

Caida jerks slightly as the voice speaks from behind him, more from surprise that the Sidereals would bother coming up with an excuse for a watcher then anything else. "Ah. No need for a 'sir' here. Haven't had the authority for that kind of honorific in years." Caida turns to face the direction the voice originated from, more for impolitenesses sake then out of any legitimate hope of seeing the speaker. "Candidly put, I can't imagine what I'd need a helper and host for. It seems a little unnecessary considering the simplicity of these accommodations."

2015-03-30, 02:31 AM
"No, she won't say anything more useful to us, probably. Not with you shouting about all this just outside the cell...
"Assassin, is there anyone you want us to tell about your execution, who won't be a threat to us? Family, or similar?"
Left unsaid: Who do you want to have your funeral?

2015-03-30, 06:44 PM
"If you are indeed loyal servants of Parai, seeking to execute Yaiven's killer on her orders and without any ulterior motive, then say it for all to hear," Coranach says coldly, backing away from the guarding priest and putting the doorframe between them. "Say it, and if my allies hear only truth in your words -" Virgil, I do hope you are listening to me, "- then I'll acknowledge this was a misunderstanding, and stand down. But until then, I'll try to avoid irreversible choices."

Not sure if it's my turn yet, or if Bodyguard Priest is doing something first. If it's Cor's turn, Guarding for now.

2015-03-30, 07:23 PM
Caida's Room
After a moment, Caida can see a slight shimmer in the air in the shape of a slightly translucent flying serpent. "I am here to offer you food, or anything elllse you need to be comfortabllllle. Do you require anything?"

"Of course we are." The sorcerer reaches into his cloak and produces a document, somewhat crumpled from his fall, declaring he may execute the prisoner and signed by Parai. "This was most enlightening. I apologise for my less than total honesty."

2015-03-31, 05:04 AM
Over already. That is - not a shame. That is sensible and right. Topaz transfers both daiklaves to her left hand, holds out the right for the piece of paper so she can examine it. Not that she knows what official documents on Paraida are supposed to look like, mind you. She has no way to tell imitation from the genuine article. But hypothetical false priests wouldn't necessarily know that she doesn't know, and Captain Swiftblade and Virgil confirm that the assassin has been condemned... Past a certain point, paranoia ceases to be useful.

"You could have displayed this when we asked for verification," she says mildly, proffering the note in Coranach's direction. If the deathknight takes it, she uses her newly freed hand to sheath her swords over her shoulders. "Why did you not?"

2015-03-31, 05:28 PM
"Well, I do have some questions, but there isn't anything I need at the moment. Do you have any information on how long I'm going to be cooped up in here?" An answer would be nice, but given what he'd seen and heard of heaven, he rather doubted his 'host' even knew why he was here. Not that this was a bad thing, given the circumstances.

2015-04-01, 02:47 AM

"'Of course we are' was truth. I won't comment on the remainder, as I would rather be more certain of the last wishes - or last words - of the prisoner."
"Executions are not a game."

This island rapidly becomes more confusing than useful, to match its danger. Hopefully the others share that opinion. I just want to finish my business and leave, now... Or possibly just leave. Someone is playing jokes with Flying Guillotines.

2015-04-03, 09:45 PM
The sorcerer delicately dusts himself off. "This was no game. Knowledge is power. I wished to learn something about you."

Caida's Room
"A few days, but it is hard to be sure. Things have not gone according to plllan. Once the other interested parties have lllearned what they wish to, you will lllleave this room."

2015-04-03, 10:25 PM
Coranach makes the note vanish from Topaz's hand, and retreats to the doorway, watching the scene play out. Part of her wonders why she's staying at all. Yaiven is dead, Parai seems inclined to games of a sort she finds rather distasteful, and the others... well, Topaz's cause is reasonable enough, she supposes. There's little obvious she shares with Renata and Virgil except their anger at Yaiven's killer; she's not sure how much they're motivated by justice as opposed to vengeance, and they don't seem particularly inclined to trust her judgement either. Maybe it would be best to simply kill the assassin, to quell for a few weeks the silent demands of her Exaltation, and then move on.

But for now she listens.

2015-04-04, 04:28 PM
Caida's Room

"What do you mean things didn't go as planned?" Caida straightens his posture slightly, considering his options. It was highly unlikely he could escape from the Forbidding Manse, and even less likely he could get out of Heaven should he manage that. This could be problematic. "Or is that something I'm not supposed to know?"

2015-04-05, 05:59 AM
Topaz is unperturbed by the priest's admission. She's faced tests crueler than that in Bureau training. "If you are finished educating yourself, I believe a sentence has been passed. I would have preferred indefinite imprisonment, myself, but I cannot argue the justice of it, and the choice is not mine."

She steps aside, more a symbolic gesture than anything else.

2015-04-05, 11:10 AM
"And what do you think you learned?" Coranach asks coldly, from where she stands by the door. "I hope it was worth it to you."

Safety in numbers is clearly a fool's game. They can't protect themselves, how could they protect you? And from the sound of things, they'll insist on you lowering your defenses for their comfort. The Alliance was a lovely dream, but it was Yaiven's dream, and Parai is playing games with you...

"But I'll execute Yaiven's killer as I promised," she continues shortly. "I believe Virgil had asked if she had any last words or wishes to convey?"

2015-04-06, 12:57 AM
Either the letter is a forgery, or Parai has some explaining to do. Renata keeps her sword in hand but pointed down and glowers silently at the priests. There's really not much more to say here. She just wants to finish this whole dirty business and move on.

2015-04-06, 01:17 AM
Caida's Room
The host's voice has a tinge of embarrassment as it speaks. "Too many have lllearned of your existence. They have made... uncomfortablllle demands. Your presence here is being used for blllackmail."

"Last words? Sure, gimme a sec to think of something really poignant. Uh," she pauses for a moment to ponder, "screw you all, I hope you get leprosy and all your favourite bits fall off." The priests ignore the assassin. "I do not know whether this information was worth the inconvenience. Much knowledge only shows its worth in the moment it is needed."

2015-04-07, 11:28 AM
Caida's Room

"Hah. And here I was starting to wonder what would go wrong. I assume there's no way you'd let me talk to those involved? It's only been a little while and risking instant death is already feeling attractive."

2015-04-08, 01:46 AM
"I'm not surprised. Take your death, leave our lives, and may you reincarnate as someone kinder and more fortunate."
He looks up at no-one in particular, and somewhat wearily says, "I was told the deathknight was to finish this? It should be finished. And with a more respectful death than a razor chain."

2015-04-12, 02:27 AM
As the assassin and the priests say their respective pieces, Coranach does not answer, and listens only enough to mark the woman's words in memory. Her attention, her focus, her skill: these are all turned to absence, to becoming no more than a fading silence in the air. Unbreathing, she moves as if tracing out the steps of a dance, a minuet of exaggerated slowness; hand to quiver. Fingers to bowstring, brushing the gleaming metal head of the arrow - yet in her hands it reflects no light, or at least none that can be seen by mortal eyes. To Topaz's eyes the Abyssal blends effortlessly into the shadows at the corners of the room, where the light from the doorway and from lamps does not quite reach - and the shadows almost seem to reach out to embrace her, drawing her in.

There had been music once, the deathly requiem leaving only silence in its wake. Now... only the darkness, silence without song, the slipping of a shrouded shade into the oblivion of unremembered unbeing. Is it comfort or despair, the knowledge that when she walks from this room none will recall her name?

But there is a death owed. For Paraida's justice. For the breaking of the chain that binds the assassin and her kin.

But by all means let us be honest with ourselves...

So yes, for vengeance. For Yaiven, and Yaiven's dream, and for the sick helplessness that had washed through her with his last faltering thoughts, echoing the faltering beat of his heart.

The whispers seem to fill the air around her, thick and close now, like starveling children crowding to warm themselves at a fire. Even as she wishes it could be otherwise... it is for them as well, this death. A little piece of it is Cor's sacrifice to the Veiled Cantor, and thence to them.

It is better to die than to live, she thinks to Topaz, with both anger and self-mockery in her mental tone, as she draws the bow, better to be free of flesh than saddled with its imperfections.

The arrow flies, weighted with poison and steel and bitter irony. The shot is at point-blank range; there is no graceful arcing curve to its flight. Only the hum of the bowstring and the keen of wind through the fletching and a flash of metal-glitter and darkness in the dim light. The center of the assassin's forehead, where at another time her caste mark might flare - that is the Day's target.

Sorry for the delay, things have been busy. Cor will at least attempt to be the firing squad.

I am assuming we are out of combat ticks. If I'm wrong, please space out these actions as appropriate.

She is first rolling to re-establish surprise, claiming a 2-die stunt (for motes). If I can actually get enough darkness in the corners to make my In Darkness specialty applicable (from Shadow Cloak Technique), it doubles stunt dice as well, so I will roll these separately.

[roll0] Stealth+Dexterity + 2-die stunt + 2 automatic successes from invisibility
+[roll1] In Darkness specialty if can be made applicable
+[roll2] extra stunt dice if In Darkness specialty is applicable

She is following up with a maxed Archery-Excellency One Perfect Shot, using the Fierce Blows option to add 2L damage at the cost of -1 external penalty to her attack, and again claiming a 2-die stunt (for WP, this time). If we took the assassin's armor off her in the course of healing and transporting her (I don't think it was specified), using a Frog-Crotch Arrow, otherwise using a broadhead arrow. Cor is trying to achieve a clean kill, but if it doesn't work, she'll grit her teeth and shoot again (without Charms). She's also out of motes, so probably will be running off to hide somewhere after this.

[roll3] attack, hopefully with surprise (17 base with Vengeful specialty + 10 Excellency + 2 stunt), -1 external penalty for Fierce Blows
Base damage is 9L/2 with broadhead arrow, 11L/2 with frog-crotch arrow.

Personal: 0/19 + 6m committed to Screaming in Silence + 4m committed to Unseen Wisp Technique
Peripheral: 0/43 + 22 committed (5m committed to countering the influence of Creation + 10m committed to Splinter In The Mind's Eye +4m attunement to Requiem + 3m attunement to the Belt of Aerial Mobility)
Willpower: 6/10
Anima: 0

2015-04-13, 05:01 AM
The arrow passes cleanly through the assassin's forehead, thudding into the floor below and spraying gore in its wake. A moment later she collapses beside it, showing no signs of life.

2015-04-13, 08:00 PM
You have some medical knowledge, Topaz Morning - can you check and confirm she is dead? Coranach's mental voice is tightly controlled. I would rather not leave this unfinished. She lowers her bow, but does not put it away.

2015-04-15, 04:43 AM
Topaz... watches. Perhaps. It's hard to tell where her attention lies, with the blindfold hiding her eyes. She neither turns aside nor flinches.

In the moments after the execution, she fetches the key and unlocks the prison cell in silence, kneeling on the unstained flagstones beside the assassin to feel for a pulse. Seconds pass; the skin is still warm, and the blood pumping through the woman's veins takes time to still. But eventually she stands, fingers bent into one of the five Lesser Signs of Saturn. "She is dead."

And to Coronach, she replies, There is no virtue in death, merely the absence of its antithesis. A small and dismal ideal to strive for.

2015-04-15, 04:36 PM
Virgil watches - his sight tells him that Cor is invisible, but in the same way it would tell him the color of her hair - one factual detail among many.
When she seeps into the shadows so thoroughly that he still loses track of her, his false Deception and his real self are suddenly alert with surprise - and moments later, the inevitable executioner's arrow flies forth.

He stays back as Topaz examines the yet-nameless assassin's cooling corpse.
He breaks the awkward silence that follows Topaz's words, and says, "We have a handful of decisions to make. Yaiven's funeral, and whether we should let the losses dissolve the circle... Or more likely, change it. Lady executioner, you should have a say in all of those. Topaz Morning... You've shown enough respect that, if you promise to mean us no harm, I believe I extend the same to you. And...hooded priests, I think it would be best if Parai sent a representative. Even if we decide to part ways, we may meet again and should try to part well."

2015-04-16, 02:02 AM
Renata is silent and stone-faced as she watches the assassin die. It won't bring Yaiven back, but at least no more will fall to this Infernal's compulsion to kill. "I don't think the Circle should break up. We all want to make life better in the West, and we can do that more effectively together than we can alone. But this isn't the place to discuss that." The Zenith sheathes her sword. "Anyone else want a drink? We can drink to the spirits of the dead, and to the future."

Of course, Yaiven will need a proper wake, which takes some planning and generally a whole evening plus some time the morning after to account for hangovers. (For everyone except Renata. It's good to be Solar.) But a libation and a toast will do for the nameless woman here. If her soul hasn't been taken by the Yozis, it's only good sense to appease her spirit somehow.

2015-04-16, 02:59 PM
Thank you for the commentary, Coranach replies mentally to Topaz, and though her 'voice' is controlled, there is a snap to it.

She forces herself to calm as Virgil and Renata speak. Truth be told, at the moment she wants nothing more than to walk away, to retreat to her cave at the ocean's edge, to set aside her bow with its whispering solitary string and wash in the sea and think of nothing for a while. There's no blood on her hands - all the deaths today happened at a physical distance - but she shared one through the link and another was at her hands, and Oblivion feels very close right now.

But if there's any chance she might remain here, she shouldn't alienate them. And drinks to send the dead on their way... that's a very human custom, isn't it? Maybe she should join in, just for that, even if it feels strange.

After a moment she steps back into the fate-strung world. The whispers in her mind grow fainter, distanced by Creation's alien Essence. That same Essence still scratches and grates at her, but right now, it feels like a good trade.

"I'll join you for that drink," the Abyssal says quietly, and steps toward Renata, slipping her bow back over her shoulder.

Hey, Phasm, Renata could use her Zenith anima power on the body, if you like. (Topaz could suggest it, too; Cor doesn't have the Occult, as that one doesn't have a direct Abyssal analogue - I don't think it's reasonable to extrapolate from "Midnights make zombies" to "Zeniths can burn the dead".)

2015-04-17, 02:34 AM
Topaz's mental tone, by contrast, is unruffled: If you do not want commentary, you need not share your thoughts.

She inclines her head a fraction towards Virgil. "Thank you, Master Wise-Eyes. I believe I will accept your invitation; I have business upon Paraida, and should you remain I will need to consult with you." She steps out of the cell, but pauses before swinging the door shut. "Captain Swiftblade. Before you go, will you perform the last rites for this woman? Your blessing would ensure that her spirit passes on peacefully."

2015-04-18, 12:26 AM
Oh yeah, that's one of those things priestesses are supposed to do. One of these days, Renata will get the hang of this whole Zenith thing. She just hopes that day will come soon. "Oh! Sure." Taking a moment, she closes her eyes and thinks back to the moment when she Exalted, the burning touch of power on her soul. "Ignis Divine, I, your Zenith, ask you to cleanse this woman's soul for her journey to the next life. Though she made unfortunate choices, she may be able to learn from her mistakes in her next incarnation. In your infinite compassion, please bless this spirit and send her on to Lethe." Renata bends to touch the body on her bloody forehead just above the arrow. Instinctively she channels a bit of Essence, and the dead woman bursts into golden flames. Straightening back up, the Tya steps back. "Wow. I only thought that happened when I had my full anima active. Don't worry about it setting things on fire, I did this for the fallen on my ship."

So many golden fires, burning in pools of blood and seawater... Renata's expression is uncharacteristically grim and haunted for a few seconds. Then she takes a deep breath and pulls her attention back to the present. "Right. Is that everything?"