View Full Version : Argent Fist

2015-03-15, 03:57 PM
Hey all, I need some advice on creating a character. Her story follows.

The game is set in the Magic: The Gathering multiverse, and we're playing planeswalkers. My character is the daughter of an Innistradi mayor from Wittal, who wished to keep her sequestered and safe from the world's evils, but she was getting fighting lessons in secret from the town' head cathar. One day, she went out wandering on her own and got bitten by a werewolf. This awoke her spark, and she travelled to Tarkir where she met Narset, who was on her travels after becoming a master. Narset helped her focus herself through meditation, allowing her to gain some control over her werewolf form and travel back to Innistrad. She returned home, kept things secret from the public, but one night she lost control again and the villagers found out about her werewolfism, driving her off the plane and back to the one other plane she knows - Tarkir. Here she apprenticed with the Ojutai brood, learning to control her lycanthropy from a djinni master.

Her fire abilities are the the ghostfire from Tarkir. She calls it moonfire, because the moon is a big thing on Innistrad, and is tied to spirits and ghosts. At one point, the djinni found out about her ghostfire (which is apparently banned in the Ojutai), helping her master it. She could return at the end, join the zealots, and teach them to use moonfire against the evil.

Now, I'm not sure how to represent this character mechanically. I was thinking Swordsage, with some Paladin to represent her cathar training. I was thinking maybe going into Argent Fist?

2015-03-15, 07:44 PM
Well, planeswalkers have inborn powers, so maybe psion or sorcerer? They still learn though, so Erudite? And, of course, an StP Erudite?

2015-03-15, 07:50 PM
Well, planeswalkers have inborn powers, so maybe psion or sorcerer? They still learn though, so Erudite? And, of course, an StP Erudite?

Not too keen on psion or erudite. I've had bad experiences with those in the past. And it lacks the feel I'm going for.

Karl Aegis
2015-03-15, 08:16 PM
Paladin does a bad job at representing anything mechanically. If you could choose a motorcycle as your special mount and drive at people with a lance, maybe you could get somewhere. You'll get better mileage going into Moonspeaker from a Druid entry and taking a reserve feat for fire damage.

2015-03-15, 08:31 PM
I'd ask the DM about doing a variant Tash build to advance Swordsage and Psi-warrior and then just fluff it.

2015-03-16, 12:45 AM
Paladin does a bad job at representing anything mechanically.

How do you figure?

I'd ask the DM about doing a variant Tash build to advance Swordsage and Psi-warrior and then just fluff it.

Maybe. But I'd rather not have to keep track of both spells/powers and maneuvers. That's a bit much for me.

2015-03-16, 06:48 AM
At worst, you have a list of 20 known powers by level 20, corresponding PP that will vary based on your Wis Score, and then you just keep some 3x5 index cards with your maneuver's known written down on them (What they are, what school there from + level they are, and what they do/how they work.), and take a sheet of lined paper and mark five segments on it. Maneuvers Known, Maneuvers Readied, Stances Known, Maneuvers Expended, Stances Active.

When you Ready a maneuvers, it goes to the Maneuvers Readied Pile form the Maneuvers known Pile. When you Use a readied maneuvers, you move it form the maneuvers readied pile to the maneuvers expended pile. When you Recover the maneuver, you move it back to the Maneuvers Readied Pile from the Maneuvers Expended pile. When you change your maneuvers out, they move from the Maneuvers Readied to the Maneuvers known Pile, and the Maneuvers Known to the maneuvers readied pile respectively.

When you activate a Stance, you move the active stance to the active stance pile form the Stances Known Pile. When you change it, you move the old stance back to the stances known pile, and the new stance over to the Stances Active Pile.

There for, the maneuvers all but keep track of themselves outside of leveling up, and all you REALLY have to keep track of are Power Points and Powers Known.

2015-03-16, 07:36 AM
How do you figure?

Because Paladins do a bad job mechanically. It's hard to justify your existence as the ultimate holy crusader when there are several classes with that flavor who do it better than you
Crusader? Yup
Cleric? Yup
Favored Soul? Yup
Very religious Warblade? Yup