View Full Version : What would a Devil do?

2015-03-16, 12:09 AM
Ok picture this: You're a run of the mill Hamatula minding your own business, waging the blood war, invading some Abyssal plane with your buddies, no biggie.

All of a sudden you feel a strange tingle. Before you know it you're called, not summoned mind you, called to the prime material! It looks like that human you made the deal with all those years ago is calling in his favor.

Except when you get there he's scragged (you think that's his charred corpse slumped against the wall).

There's also a startled looking halfling, his invisibility is peeling off and he's trying to put some magical steel into your kidneys. Rude!

You drop the little punk down into negative hit points, just as a formality really, but the next thing you know you've got a human and some demi-humans on all sides trying to poke you with things.

They're bouncing spells off your resistance, shouting things, carrying on. Well now you're annoyed, what bothers you is that mortals need to show the proper respect. So again, just as a formality, you drop a few more down into the negatives.

You're on the verge of actually starting to enjoy yourself but then they cross the line.

They summon a demon. A demon! Now hear me out, it's one thing to summon during combat. Is it distasteful? Sure, but who hasn't stooped to calling in a favor from time to time. No, it's not the summoning that bothers you so much, it's what they chose to summon. On top of that it's that they decide to run while you're engaged in grapple. These mortals know nothing of protocol! It's as if they imagine a demon is going to put you down?

You're almost tempted to think that they consider the lives of the other mortals more important than winning combat and are running away to save them, but that's of course ridiculous.

Well this simply cannot be allowed to stand. You dispatch the demon but by now the humans are long gone.

What are you going to do now?

Your situation:
You're in a dungeon, an unfriendly one from your recollection.
You're down to your last few hitpoints.
You've fulfilled your contract and are therefore free to loot the (dead) wizard's workshop, you're reasonably sure the workshop doesn't have any more traps (you were the last, one you think).
You're on an unfamiliar plane.
You DO have a summon coming up, not today but tomorrow.

Barbed Devil (Hamatula)
Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 12d8+72 (126 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 29 (+6 Dex, +13 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+22
Attack: Claw +18 melee (2d8+6 plus fear)
Full Attack: 2 claws +18 melee (2d8+6 plus fear)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Fear, improved grab, impale 3d8+9, summon devil
Special Qualities: Barbed defense, damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, see in darkness, spell resistance 23, spell-like abilities, telepathy 100 ft.
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +12
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 23, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills: Concentration +21, Diplomacy +6, Hide +21, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (any one) +16, Listen +19, Move Silently +21, Search +16, Sense Motive +17, Spot +19, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks)
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Improved Grapple, Iron Will, Power Attack
Environment: A lawful evil-aligned plane
Organization: Solitary, pair, team (3-5), or squad (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: 13-24 (Medium); 25-36 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: —
A barbed devil is about 7 feet tall and weighs about 300 pounds.

Barbed devils eagerly fight with their claws, trying to impale their opponents. They use hold person to immobilize those who avoid their hug attacks.

A barbed devil’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Fear (Su)
A creature hit by a barbed devil must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or be affected as though by fear (caster level 9th).

Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected by that same barbed devil’s fear ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Impale (Ex)
A barbed devil deals 3d8+9 points of piercing damage to a grabbed opponent with a successful grapple check.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, a barbed devil must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can impale the opponent on its barbed body.

Summon Devil (Sp)
Once per day a barbed devil can attempt to summon 1d6 bearded devils or another barbed devil with a 35% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th-level spell.

Barbed Defense (Su)
Any creature striking a barbed devil with handheld weapons or natural weapons takes 1d8+6 points of piercing and slashing damage from the devil’s barbs. Note that weapons with exceptional reach, such as longspears, do not endanger their users in this way.

Spell-Like Abilities
At will—greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), hold person (DC 16), major image (DC 17), scorching ray (2 rays only). 1/day—order’s wrath (DC 18), unholy blight (DC 18). Caster level 12th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

2015-03-16, 01:05 AM
I should mention that the mortal's home village is well defended but easy to find.

Bad Wolf
2015-03-16, 01:22 AM
Take all the stuff he can find, establish where he is, and if the humans/demihumans have any loved ones he can kill.

2015-03-16, 02:31 AM
Grab any obviously valuable loot, lick your wounds for a few days (gotta heal up!) and then return to the Abyss. You're busy, you got demons to kill, who cares about some mortals?

2015-03-16, 03:25 AM
and then return to the Abyss.

Easier said than done for a creature without access to plane shift. Besides, this interruption would deserve retribution. That said, use your summon to send a message to your immediate superior to relay what has happened, and ask for authority to carry out a retributive campaign against these mortals. You'd probably need to stop by baator to fill out the appropriate paperwork, your superior would probably send an enslaved creature capable of plane shifting you back and forth to fill out the paperwork and then drop you back off on the material.

2015-03-16, 05:47 AM
first I would switch out some feats:
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Improved Grapple, Iron Will, Power Attack
Feats: Combat Focus & Combat Vigor (Find a rat to keep making touch attacks to so you can heal to full)
I guess you could keep Improved Grapple, Power Attack and get Improved Initiative (There is probably something better)

2015-03-16, 07:26 AM
What do I do? I murderhobo like there's no tomorrow. If I die, then mission accomplished, I reform in the Abyss, as per Fiendish Codex.

2015-03-16, 07:53 AM
I'd also check to make sure that the soul of that mage I'd made a pact with made it to Baator okay and was properly stewing in larva form.

Mere slaying as retribution would seem petty and a waste of time. No, there's an opportunity here to get a true shining mark on the old resume. Now is the time to make some more pacts, sow more seeds of corruption to be harvested later (like that mage).

These mortals might be a good place to start. For destroying their bodies might be an interesting morning's diversion, but reaping their souls in a few decades would be at least as satisfying and also a good career move.

2015-03-16, 08:00 AM
Easier said than done for a creature without access to plane shift. Besides, this interruption would deserve retribution. That said, use your summon to send a message to your immediate superior to relay what has happened, and ask for authority to carry out a retributive campaign against these mortals. You'd probably need to stop by baator to fill out the appropriate paperwork, your superior would probably send an enslaved creature capable of plane shifting you back and forth to fill out the paperwork and then drop you back off on the material.

I think this is great. Assignments to the Prime Material are usually the province of imps or harvester demons, so this would be a great opportunity for both it and its superiors to take advantage of. Could be a promotion involved!

2015-03-16, 08:07 AM
Easier said than done for a creature without access to plane shift. Besides, this interruption would deserve retribution. That said, use your summon to send a message to your immediate superior to relay what has happened, and ask for authority to carry out a retributive campaign against these mortals. You'd probably need to stop by baator to fill out the appropriate paperwork, your superior would probably send an enslaved creature capable of plane shifting you back and forth to fill out the paperwork and then drop you back off on the material.

Actually returning is quite easy. If the task is finished and you didn't teleport home just say task finished to the dead wizard and you teleport home. If that doesn't work you just have to choose to go home. If neither works your task as defined by the caster is not done. Every.calling spell has a built in way to get home. That being said retribution does seem like something they would do.

2015-03-16, 08:18 AM
I would absolutely not take retribution against his family; children especially have an annoying habit of not ending up in Baator when they die, and what's the point of wasting a great expedition to the material plane? Do well enough, and I could be promoted to Falxugon. I would recover my own hitpoints, and do enough to keep all of the people that are in the negatives, alive. (If I can - in any way - determine that any of them were Lawful Evil, then they stay dead). I'd heal up one of them that didn't look like a spellcaster to zero hitpoints. Preferably, one of the ones who died before the demon was summoned.

Then, the games begin. I've saved your life, I tell him. That means you have a responsibility to me. I'm the only thing that would be keeping your friends alive, either. I have a general policy against helping people who've stuck pointy things in me, but I'm feeling generous today. So let's make a deal...

2015-03-16, 08:49 AM
If your contract with the original mortal is fulfilled (and I'm pretty sure no devil worth his salt would continue to be indentured past the original party's death - after all, in many cases they are the ones who want that mortal dead as soon as possible so they can collect the soul for minimum payment!) then lollygagging around on the Material longer than necessary could easily be seen as desertion or dereliction of duty.

What do I do? I murderhobo like there's no tomorrow. If I die, then mission accomplished, I reform in the Abyss, as per Fiendish Codex.

I think you meant Baator - and also, you don't want that, it takes decades/centuries to reform if you truly die (i.e. while called), and for devils, can even result in demotion.

2015-03-16, 09:24 AM
It looks like that human you made the deal with all those years ago is calling in his favor.

This could be important... How well connected is this thing? If it happens to know something about the Prime Material plane he's in, he might know where the local representatives of hell can be found, and can just 'greater teleport' on over to check in.

Once there, he might be allowed to stay and rack up some favors with other devils, at the very least.