View Full Version : Pathfinder Anti-Paladin creating undead and capturing souls

Techno Magician
2015-03-16, 02:30 AM
Ok so I have a paladin(level 5) who is falling into antipaladin-hood soon(probably level 6 or 7) and I was wondering if anyone has any advice on creating undead and capturing my enemies souls(destroying also wouldn't be terrible).

I found the spell Create Soul Gem and it seems pretty good but I would need to use magic device or the such to use the spell, might be able to convince my DM to have a Summon Cacodaemon as my fiend companion to create a soul gem every day(rather not as the ability is very powerful and it would be a bit of a waste for flavor).

As far as undead go I would rather not wait until I have 3rd level spells, while I don't have the money for it yet I could get the cauldron of the dead, I am not too worried about keeping control of the undead for long periods. Maybe be able to get DM to allow lesser animate undead as level 2 antipaladin spell.

So any ideas you guys can think of?

2015-03-16, 03:39 AM
My DM has introduced a Soul Gem in our campaign, but it's an artifact we found. Well, took from the corpse of a fallen enemy. It sucks in all souls that die in its vicinity and is not destructible unless the Antipaladin responsible for it dies or releases the souls.

It has been created by sacrificing something pure and good. So they probably caught and killed a very powerful good outsider for it. Seeing as the DM did let us prevent the summoning of another god in the campaign by 7th level, it's bound to be something really big. I feel that they sacrificed a solar or astral deva at minimum but since the land it originates from is ruled by several high level antipaladins it's more along the lines of one or several solars.

Personally I would get a Cleric to call a powerful outsider for you and then proceed to slay him and the outsider while in the vicinity of your fiendish patron. This can serve as your quest to fall and gain acceptance to your new demonic lord as well as your soul gem (that would need powering up with souls in order to do something good with it).

2015-03-16, 06:36 AM
Does your game have access to Thinaun (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?309659-Thinaun)?

2015-03-16, 07:18 AM
Does your game have access to Thinaun (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?309659-Thinaun)?

Thinaun does capture souls. As to what he'd be doing with them, selling them to devils and demons seems most likely, maybe daemons. Have him have three separate go-betweens, likely low-level servants of each race. Or, choose one and go with it.

Techno Magician
2015-03-16, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the ideas, I don't think he allows any 3.5 books(definitely not if we don't own it ourselves to show him) though pathfinder stuff in pfsrd is generally good. I was thinking of eating them for health as well as selling them for some extra income. I am thinking maybe summon cacodaemon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/summon-cacodaemon) because it is level 2 so cheaper to use, also might be able to convince him to get it on spell list seeing I have summon monster 2 on spell list and the rest of the summon monster 2 guys can do it.

Any advice on the undead? I can use lesser animate undead but it is very limited, maybe I could just go with scrolls of animate undead since they would nly by 375 each, if I use it for any big creatures I want to keep around and lesser for the rest it might work out.

Truth be told I was hoping pathfinder had it's own version of Thinaun lol.