View Full Version : Building for flavor

2015-03-16, 06:34 PM
I have a build brewing in my mind and i'd like some opinions
it is a gestalt build as I love them using favored soul and dragon fire adept
with the sliver brow race.

ELC 16

I was wondering what would be a good way to go about this

Karl Aegis
2015-03-16, 09:33 PM
I'm sure there is a feat for prestidigitation that lets you flavor whatever you want. It's less complicated than dipping cloistered cleric for dweomerkeeper entry and using major creation as a supernatural ability to create dragonmeat soup in a fancy bowl.

2015-03-17, 12:31 AM
What exactly is the flavor you want? Is there a particular dragon god you'd like to be a Favored Soul of?

Do you want to stand up for all that is good and pure as a servant of Bahamut or perhaps be a Favored Soul of Tiamat who takes his deity's favor as evidence that he deserves the resources held by "lesser" regular humans. There are good ACF levels for Favored Souls of Bahamut and Tiamat in Dragon Magic. Bahamut has a decent (loses a few caster levels, but not bad on the whole as I recall) divine casting PrC called the Swift Wing. On the flip side of the coin, Tiamat opens up the best DFA options.

Or maybe you'd like to be a Favored Soul of Tchazzar, trying to follow his example and ascend toward dragonhood and divinity through your specific gestalting.

Or any number of other things. There is, as it turns out, quite a bit of dragony stuff in D&D.

2015-03-17, 05:34 PM
What exactly is the flavor you want? Is there a particular dragon god you'd like to be a Favored Soul of?

Do you want to stand up for all that is good and pure as a servant of Bahamut or perhaps be a Favored Soul of Tiamat who takes his deity's favor as evidence that he deserves the resources held by "lesser" regular humans. There are good ACF levels for Favored Souls of Bahamut and Tiamat in Dragon Magic. Bahamut has a decent (loses a few caster levels, but not bad on the whole as I recall) divine casting PrC called the Swift Wing. On the flip side of the coin, Tiamat opens up the best DFA options.

Or maybe you'd like to be a Favored Soul of Tchazzar, trying to follow his example and ascend toward dragonhood and divinity through your specific gestalting.

Or any number of other things. There is, as it turns out, quite a bit of dragony stuff in D&D.

I think I"d like to go with Tchazzar.
any ideas who to make this effective?

2015-03-17, 10:31 PM
I think I"d like to go with Tchazzar.
any ideas who to make this effective?Note that Tchazzar is Faerun specific, so he might not be an option if you're not in a Forgotten Realms game. You might be able to worship a different Dragon Ascendant though, so long as your DM is willing to make one in his setting. It's mechanically the same.

The feat Servant of a Dragon Ascendant, which you need to worship dragon quasi-deities is actually not bad, mostly due to bad writing. It lacks the "1/day" language that similar feats generally have, so it's effectively a free license to pester the Dragon Ascendant you serve for a +1 luck bonus to every attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or level check you roll. Gods need prayer badly, I suppose, and new upstarts need to offer a better service to break into the deity game.

You might ask your DM if you can take the Favored Soul of Tiamat/Bahamut ACF even without worshipping them. Or, I guess, since you're starting at level 16 you could just delay the servant of a Dragon Ascendant feat until a later level and explain your conversion in your backstory. The ACF would allow you to choose some Sorcerer spells (like Breath spells to use in conjuction with your DFA abilities).

Since DFA and Favored Soul are both somewhat "active" classes, there will be some struggle to make them work together. At the very least, you should look for a way of working in Quicken Breath, which, due to a hiccup in the 3.0 to 3.5 transition, is still a free action, unlike other Quicken-style feats. Unfortunately, DFAs don't qualify for Metabreath feats out of the box, as they require a Breath Weapon with a recharge time expressed in rounds. The simplest workaround is to be a Heart Aspect Dragonborn, but that doesn't seem like it'll be an option for you. If Dragon Magazine material is allowed, then the Power Surge feat in Dragon 313 probably works. If it isn't, you might consider using the Draconic Graft Metabolic Fire. It's expensive, but its an option, and if you want the flavor of being really, really devoted to making yourself more dragony, taking Wyrmgrafter might fit your purposes.

I'm not sure I have any other suggestions off the top of my head. You might look into handbooks for Favored Souls (or try to take what you can from Cleric handbooks) and DFAs, to see what you can pick up.