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2015-03-17, 02:45 AM
The Galactic Republic has enjoyed relative peace and prosperity for a thousand years. Despite occasional setbacks, like the recent rebellion of the droids, the citizens of the Repiblic are optimistic about the future.

The Jedi have served as discreet councilors to the Republic's success. Their Order has set up several Academies throughout the galaxy for training young Jedi. One such Academy is on the distant world Hellion...

The shuttle slowly approaches Hellion on descend course. Behind a wide panoramic window two passengers observe the green planet. The younger one, a bulky man with clean-shaven head breaks the silence, "Is it time yet, Master Nonaver?"

The older one has grey in his short hair, but not in his well-trimmed black beard. He deliberates for a moment, then says, "Call them in one by one, Aleko."

2015-03-17, 04:31 AM
A four armed young woman is ushered in to the room, peering around, her eyes like saucers

"Hello? Was told to come in here and... oooooh" She begins, but cuts herself off mid sentence by zipping to the window and pressing her face against it "Wowwwww. That's a view"

2015-03-17, 04:47 AM
The spaceous room you step in is rather dark, lit only by the panoramic window and a couple of red lights high on the inner wall. There are two tables, each with a semi-cirucular bench with soft padding next to it.

"Indeed", agrees Master Nonaver. "Hellion is special in many ways. Just like you..."

Aleko confirms, "My Master always finds the most promising initiates...even if they are a bit older than customary".

2015-03-17, 07:25 AM
Raiko blushes a little "Aw, I not special. Just like everyone else back home." she replies before turning from the window to face the two men, fidgeting nervously "If I too old, how old is normal then?"

2015-03-17, 02:59 PM
Fidon entered the room, and regarded those he found there for several long moments of silence before he bowed his head slightly, a loose scarf hiding most of his face - he had come to learn that his appearance unsettled many of the younger races.

"Fidon Mendosis, here as requested, Master Nonaver. How may I be of assistance ?"

He instinctively straightened the ruffles that had formed in his robes from the walk.

2015-03-17, 03:19 PM
"We are about to land, Fidon. I'd like you to meet the rest of this year's apprentice class."

Next, Aleko brings in a towering species covered with short white fur below simple clothing. "Greetings", it says, "My name is Hes."

2015-03-17, 03:36 PM
A pretty and slender-human looking girl walks in as they're getting ready to land, she had freckles and white hair done up in pigtails. She was wearing old clothing that was clear, but worn and torn, and she wore an overly large blindfold that seemed to be made of several clothes and/or leathers stapled together. The blindfolded girl folded her arms across her chest, facing the direction that had the highest concentration of people.

"Hey. Name's Damaya, uh, it' a pleasure I guess?"

2015-03-17, 04:42 PM
The next apprentice to be presented has two legs, four hands, and two heads! His bird-like ancestry is obvious, as the heads coyly introduce themselves as Rakok, son of Rakok.

2015-03-17, 04:48 PM
After him, a haughty looking human girl accompanied by a massive, rotund, yet clumsy droid on small wheels, strolls in.

"I am Princess Ashga," she proudly declares. "And this is Dresser. You may kiss my hand", she imperiously commands Damaya.

2015-03-17, 06:21 PM
"Greetings, Hes. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Fidon. Have you been associated with the order for long?"

As he saw the Princess enter and put on her display, Fidon tactfully positioned Hes between himself and her.

"... and tell me Hes, do you have any special talents?"

He couldn't help himself, tactical analysis was hardwired into him. Already he was assessing the possible tactical uses of those around him, and how best to apply them should a fight break out. Already he had considered 45 different scenario's at the reaction to the Princess's demand. Most were peaceful enough. But he would always make sure he was in the most tactically advantageous position.

2015-03-17, 07:37 PM
Hes considers Fidon's question for a moment, then replies:

"I eat a lot. I am big, but I am also fast".

2015-03-17, 08:07 PM
Jeron entered trailing behind the cluster new candidates his expression was politely neutral the Academy on Coruscant had always been a melting pot of alien species though there were quite a few he didn't recognize at all. He bowed his head respectfully toward the pair, "Master Nonaver, Padawan Aleko, I'm Jeron Tamelerrin, may the Force be with you."

He paused a moment then the muscular human found took a spot toward the back of the room where he could keep his shoulders to wall and stand slightly apart from the others.

2015-03-17, 08:13 PM
Another muscular near-human with dark skin and khaki pants enters and introduces himself as Holster.

2015-03-17, 08:21 PM
Bythis enters after the others. He's dressed like a hunter, not a Jedi, and carries a sleek hunting rifle instead of a lightsaber. He nods to Nonaver and Aleko as he enters, and briefly introduces himself to the other padawans as "Bythis." Then, he goes to stand by the viewport looking over Hellion, near Raiko.

2015-03-17, 08:41 PM
"They are not yet Padawans, Bythis. You begin as initiates," Aleko explains.

Another near-human, a lithe girl with eyes all black and extraordinarily sharp teeth walks in and raises an eyebrow at Princess Ashga's behavior. She presents herself as Lila.

Next is a species unfamiliar to you. This student wears expensive clothes, and between them and the short reddish fur almost no skin is seen. It has fairly big triangular ears pointing upwards.

"Greetings to you all. I am the Lady Maessi", she bows.

Finally, Nonaver looks quizzically at Aleko. Aleko shrugs:

"I don't know, Master, it wasn't in its room..."

"It? IT? I am Fal Stormbringer, a higher form of life than you, human!", a squeaky voice yells under one of the tables. In the shadows there, you barely spot a creature about two feet high, covered with fur so black it rivals the emptiness between the stars. His two yellow eyes sprakle with annoyance. "I need not be invited, I feel at home in this shuttle, Padawan. As for this years' students, it is quite obvious none will be a competition to me. You say your Master is the best when it comes to finding talent all over the galaxy? If so, the Jedi Order is in dire condition."

2015-03-17, 08:44 PM
Fidon nodded at Hes's self appraisal.

"Always a good combination. I admittedly am less blessed in physical capacity, and my appetites likely pale in comparison. As a consequence I have learnt to try to avoid direct conflict where possible, but I always have an appreciation for those more martially gifted."

He left a pause in case Hes had struggled to keep up.

"I short, Hes, I look forward to training alongside you."

2015-03-17, 08:53 PM
"It is not them you'll have to compete with to become a Jedi, Fal...it is you you have to compete with. Master your emotions," Nonaver tells the little creature.

"Huh! Jedi! Huh!" Fal mutters as he walks out from under the table and to the panoramic window just as the shuttle elegantly plunges into the atmosphere. Lady Maessi observes, "This is an oxygen-rich planet, is it not?"

"Indeed it is, Maessi", says Master Nonaver, "Very astute".

2015-03-17, 08:58 PM
"Fidon," Aleko says, "Tradition says the oldest of the students is now to flip a coin. Heads is for Blue, tails for Yellow."

Roll 1d2

1- heads
2- tails

2015-03-17, 09:15 PM
Bythis winces slightly as the shuttle begins reentry, but then shakes it off and turns to watch the others. Ashga and Fal seem of particular interest to him, and he openly stares at both.

2015-03-17, 09:29 PM
Jeron held a hand against the bulkhead next to him as the shuttle accelerated. He felt a slight pulse of discontent thicken around him being lobbed in with the rest of these amatuers seemed a to be slant against him personally. After a moment he dispelled the negative thought with an expelling sigh and tried to focus on Fidon and Master Nonaver.

After a few moments his eye back to wander around the room briefly assessing students, it lingered for more than a moment on the cute Miraluke apprentice before he shook his head and tried to focus on the events in front of him.

2015-03-17, 10:41 PM
"Tails! So be it. Fidon, Jeron, Bythis, Raiko and Damaya: You are Team Yellow. The rest of you are Team Blue. Good luck!"

The shuttle completes reentry and approaches a pad near a monumental building. The closer you get, the more you realize this structure is truly enormous, rising like a mountain peak above a sea of green grass. The sky is blue and the land flat to the distant horizon you see when still high in the air.

The Academy's building is ashen gray and it vaguely resembles a pyramid missing large chunks of its four corners. Strangely, the Academy has no windows, despite the climate seemingly being sunny and calm.

You land and the shuttle's doors open. The air smells rich and soon you are feeling strangely exhilarated. "It's the oxygen's kick," concludes Lady Maessi as all of you step out.

2015-03-18, 01:19 AM
Damaya had looked down at the 'Princess's hand even though her eyes were covered, but didn't respond in any other way as someone else got in the way. As they approach their destination she walks over to a window to get a 'look' at it all.

"Wow. It really is massive... so this is what a place that's strong in the force looks like. So what is this 'team' thing, what are we 'sposed to do?" She takes a deep breath as she steps out, stretching.

2015-03-18, 01:40 AM
Bythis visibly relaxes as he steps off the ship. He breathes in deep and takes a moment to smell Hellion's air. Then, when Damaya speaks, he looks at her.

"Yes - why are we in teams?"

2015-03-18, 09:43 AM
Raika takes a deep breath as she exits the shuttle before darting from place to place accompanied by various oohs, ahhs and enthusiastic hellos

2015-03-18, 09:53 AM
Fidon stepped out, letting his eyes better adjust to the light, but he still found it disorientating. He didn't fully understand the allure of the open, he always preferred a strong ceiling above his head. Stepping towards where Damaya and Bythis stand, as he spoke calmly.

"To foster competition between the teams and to test how well we work together. A Jedi is not an island, he must foster connections. The Jedi are walking talking symbols of peace in the galaxy. How can we be part of the order if we do not foster peace within our contemporaries."

He regarded the others on the team.

"Let us begin with sharing our skills. I was raised by the order, and am gifted in utilizing of the force."

2015-03-18, 03:38 PM
"The teams? A venerated Hellion tradition. Competition is a natural thing and you must learn not to be thrown off balance by adversity," Nonaver muses as everybody crosses the tarmac.

Four Masters await your arrival in front of a grandiose entrance thirty yards high and framed by two gray monoliths. A middle-aged Zabrak man eyes you with a steely gaze. Next to him, a venerable Cerean man seems almost asleep. Looking just as ancient, a Human woman with long white hair greets you with a smile. Finally, a slender Twi'lek woman of inscrutable age eagerly waves at you, in what probably amounts to a break of protocol.

They present themselves as Masters Vrabu Novak, Jyvun, Adelora, and Dia'Rai Nolak.

"You will soon see more of us than you'd like to", friendly warns Master Dia'Rai before engaging Nonaver in a private conversation.

Master Vrabu commands, "To your quarters now! If you have any questions, I will answer them, but first listen to what I have to tell you..."

You cross the line between the sunlight of Hellion and the shadow of the great doors. A corridor lined with gray pillars and lit by humming white energy flow just below the ceiling some thirty yards above occasionally opens into side-arcs leading to other rooms and corridors. Other than the outer entrance, you see no doors.

"You are young, but you are not children anymore. I advise you to put your weapons in the secure vaults provided for you, and use only training lightsabers for the time being - but the decision, as well as the responsibility - is yours. The two teams will regularly compete in three areas: lightsaber combat, application of the Force, and knowledge of the Jedi Order, the Republic, and the Galaxy. You have training halls and libraries near your quarters.

A word of warning: this academy predates...well...the historians argue to this day, but it predates nearly everything. It is a structure of Precursor origin wisely utilized by our Order for millenia, but its unwise use may cause...all kinds of calamities to befall upon you. Do not stray too far from your respective areas..."

Fal Stormbringer pays no attention to the Master, instead watching the energy flow above you with curiosity. Master Vrabu continues:

"Here are two service droids, Yellow and Blue, that will lead you to your chambers and assist you. Any last questions?"

You notice the corridor branches here, there is a yellow line painted on the floor in one of the directions, and a blue one in the other.

2015-03-18, 04:20 PM
"I am a skilled outdoorsman and hunter," Bythis tells Fidon, before they're led off. "But I do not know much about the Force."

Bythis is quiet through the tour. After it's complete, he nods to the masters deferentially, then steps forward to follow the yellow line.

2015-03-18, 05:00 PM
The droid leads you to a passage with rooms at both sides. The rooms are very spaceous but almost empty, but a bed and an inbuild vault in the far wall. Each room has an adjoinging bathroom. There are no doors.

Down the passageway, there is a hall: an open space a hundred by hundred yards, with several sofas and the occasional gray pillar not doing much to dispell the vastness and the emptiness of the Academy. Adjoining are your mess hall where food is delivered automatically from kitchens far away, the library, and the training hall.

The droid speaks in a metallic tone, "Tomorrow, you will meet the other team in initial evaluation. After that, competitions will be weekly and you will spend most of your time in classes led by the Masters. Good night, my Yellow champions!" It puts itself in standby mode in the middle of the corridor.

2015-03-18, 05:02 PM
Raiko stows her gear as instructed and then heads to the common room and begins bouncing on sofas, testing for comfort

2015-03-18, 05:11 PM
Roll a Knowledge (Interior Designer) check. Add +3 if you happen to wear a trendy scarf.

2015-03-18, 05:26 PM
Bythis selects a room and places his rifle, bow, and quiver beneath his bed. He doesn't stow them; without a lightsaber, he doesn't have much else to practice with. Afterwards, he begins exploring the team's designated facilities, before finally coming to stop in the common area to watch Raiko.

2015-03-18, 05:45 PM
There are training lightsabers in the training hall. Also, there are training droids and a control console with unknown purpose. When Bythis approaches them he hears a flat female voice recording:

"These training lightsabers utilize Bondar Crystals for younglings' safety."

These crystals make lightsabers to cause stun damage

2015-03-18, 06:16 PM
Oh no, it's untrained, now Raiko well never know which sofa is the plush snuggliest :(

2015-03-18, 06:19 PM
"Wake up! The sun rises over Hellion!" The Yellow Team droid is particularly noisy for your first morning in the Academy. In these artifically lit halls of gray stone, the sun is only a distant memory already.

But not for long: the droid takes you to an elevator leading high on the pyramid, at a vast balcony-like platform.

Survival check to observe a fact about Hellion

All five Masters and Aleko await you, while Team Blue is a minute late, arriving via another elevator.

"Now," solemnly proclaims the Cerean, "The teams choose their three best representatives in the respective areas: lightsaber combat, Force mastery, and knowledge!"

"What do the Teams decide?"

2015-03-18, 06:21 PM
Team Blue's internal infighting is obvious even at the significant distance you are placed at. Will you fare better?

2015-03-18, 06:27 PM

Raiko looks nervous
"knowledge about what?" she whispers to her teammates "Fidon good with force though yes?"

2015-03-18, 06:36 PM

You notice all the grass is slightly more yellow now.

2015-03-18, 08:11 PM
Bythis shakes his head. "I can do none of these things well, if at all."

2015-03-18, 08:47 PM
Bythis has a bad feeling about this beautiful planet. Also, the grass is yellower now.

2015-03-18, 09:44 PM
UGh, scrap that, the ic progressed way too fast.

2015-03-19, 02:31 AM
Lidon nodded at Raiko.

"I shall accept the task of representing us in the force. The knowledge they speak of is likely the history of our galaxy and of our order, sadly not something I am especially well versed in. Presumably either yourself or Blythis will be better placed for that, having a wider experience than that of an initiate."

He angled his head towards the other two Jedi.

"Jeron and Damaya are likely much better with a lightsabre than I."

2015-03-19, 01:44 PM
Jeron settled in quietly the first open bed and rolled over to sleep as quickly as the other were eager to explore that was probably why he was the least surprised by the droid banging about in the early hours of the morning to be standing on top of the temple mesa shortly after that.

After Lidon volunteered for Force use and threw two names Jeron regarded the Miraluka Jedi, "Rock, paper, scissors, for who gets combat?"

2015-03-19, 08:44 PM
Master Nonaver announces:

"There are still a couple of students you haven't met. They will be part of your team."

He beckons the new students to present themselves.

2015-03-19, 10:07 PM
Bythis looks out over the planet, away from the other students and the Academy. His eyes narrow as an unfamiliar feeling rises through him.

"I have a bad feeling about this place," he mutters.

Still, as Nonaver announces the new students, Bythis forgets the sense of foreboding. He turns on heel and raises his hand to greet the other students.

2015-03-20, 02:29 AM
Fidon inclined his head slightly towards Blythis.

"Bad feeling .... how ?"

Fidon sends out his feelings for disturbances in the force


2015-03-20, 02:49 AM
Bythis shakes his head. When he speaks, he speaks quietly. "Just... bad. I can't place why. Something in the air, in the grass... it gives me chills."

2015-03-20, 04:31 AM
As the elevator makes one more trip down and up again, another human girl appears on the balcony; thin, almost frail-looking, she nevertheless approaches the edge in light, springy steps and looks around in wonder observing the first alien world she ever saw.

Of course, looking around means she sets her sight on the group of Jedi masters and, having been briefed on the proper protocol just recently, bows to them slightly awkwardly, "Please excuse me being late, Masters, I had to go through some medical checks... my name is Lana", she turns to the fellow students, and it's obvious that she's unused to being formal, "and... I don't know nothing about hystory or phylosphy, and Master Nonaver said my control of the Force is subconscious, rather than deliberate... whatever it means... and I only fenced on-stage before", she says excusingly, "but lightsabers are, well, light, so maybe I won't be that bad with it..."

2015-03-20, 06:04 AM
Tesserina Paar

The turbolift doors opened, revealing a young human female in her mid-teens. Her straight light brown hair is normally currently pulled back in a pony tail, but if let free, would drop slightly below her shoulders. Slim and lithe of form and graceful of movement, she is quick to smile at the group assembled before her, her green eyes sparkling with life and vitality. A tan vest is tucked into only slightly darker leggings, for ease of movement, which are in turn tucked into leather boots, still shiny with their newness. A dark green all-weather cloak obscures her form except where it parts on one side, revealing a lightsaber hilt clipped to her belt.

"Hello everyone," she said, "my name is Tess."

Edit: "I understand there's to be some sort of contest?" she added, "I am somewhat proficient with a lightsaber, but I'm afraid I only have some rudimentary knowledge of life outside my enclave or the Force."

2015-03-20, 06:36 AM
Fidon raised is hand in greeting to the new team members.

"I am Fidon. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. And yes, we are in need of a skilled Lightsaber duelist. Unfortunately my own talents lie elsewhere, I could certainly try it, and would be passable, but I would much rather we put a specialist forward."

Behind his scarf he smiled.

"Or those who wish to partake could allow the force to decide, and draw lots."

2015-03-20, 06:56 AM
"Oh, I'm probably not the best fighter here", Lana raises her hand, "but if we're drawing lots, I'm in; after all, what's the worst that could happen"

2015-03-20, 07:00 AM
Tess nodded.

"I will sit this one out, I think," she said, eyeing the others, who all seemed so much more confident in their abilities than she felt in hers.

2015-03-20, 07:30 AM
You see Fal Stormbringer to leave the group of team Blue, obviously aggravated. They declare their representatives: Hes for lightsaber combat, Ashga for mastery of the Force, and Maessi for knowledge.

Holding a training saber with a hilt too small for his hand, Hes is ready.


a total of 7 because rollv doesnt work with +

2015-03-20, 08:04 AM
"Careful, he is strong but quicker than he looks. He isn't the fastest thinker, so you may be able to outmanoeuvre him if you are smart."

He glanced over at Hes again.

"His weapon is ill fitting for him, so if you get into his reach he may find it harder to block."

2015-03-20, 08:04 AM
Bythis sits cross-legged to watch the contest.

"What are the rules?," he asks.

2015-03-20, 09:24 AM
Raiko looks excited at the new arrivals
"Hi!" she calls enthusiastically, waving energetically "I Raiko, nice to meet you"

2015-03-20, 03:10 PM
Bythis sits cross-legged to watch the contest.

"What are the rules?," he asks.

"Begin at 30 feet. Use traing lightsabers that only stun", explains Padawan Aleko.

in other words, distance inbetween is 6 squares. Stun damage does only half the hp damage but double the condition track damage. Your fighter can roll initiative, and should he or she beat 7, go ahead to posting the action itself (presumably a Charge...but might be something else).

2015-03-20, 04:57 PM
Jeron watched Tess and Lana introduce themselves, he smiled at Damaya suddenly eager to prove himself.

"I think I'll give this a go."

The youthful blond threw back his green cloak and let the wind take it across the roof top as he plucked the training saber from the offered tray. Confidence surged in him as he took the hilt of the familiar weapon in his hand, it had been an extension of his body since they started drilling the forms at age four. Taking the hilt in his hand seemed to transform Jeron from a slightly awkward teen bulky and unused to his size or muscles yet into a dancer.

His stance transformed to one of emptiness as he emptied his mind of emotions and opened himself to the Force. His boots spread out to shoulder's breadth apart, toes pointed toward his training partner, knees bent, the loose cotton tunic fluttered against his bare chest he kept his spine straight. In his right hand he drew the the training saber from his belt and gripped it firmly but gently in a two handed grip. Then at last he depressed the activation stud.


Jeron stared at the energy blade, even if it were configured to stun only it still fascinated him. He emptied his mind again with a deep slow exhalation and brought the blade up into a high left guard, elbows out hands straight and strong. The blade illuminated his face with a soft yellow glow only inches away from his hair.

His gray eyes locked with Hes.

"May the Force be with you," Jeron intoned.

Initiative: [roll0]
Ready Action: Mighty Swing when Hes charges Jeron.
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] Halfed for Stun Damage

2015-03-20, 07:15 PM
Tesserina Paar

Tess glanced around at the other initiates. The strongly built blonde was the only other human, except perhaps the blind girl. She took a few steps closer to her so she could speak without being overheard by the other team.

"What happens if our team loses?" she asked.

anyone feel free to answer.

2015-03-20, 07:30 PM
"Then we must win the next two," Bythis shrugs.

2015-03-20, 10:04 PM
Raiko shrugs "Even if we not, then maybe nothing. Who knows? maybe try another tomorrow. Be silly to bring all the way here then say go back after one day"

2015-03-20, 10:40 PM
Jeron swings mightily, but misses the charging Hes. The bulky white-furred initiate puts his strength behind the lightsaber.

It seems the Force is with Hes as he strikes a devastating blow.

High Impact activation UtF check vs DC 15 [roll0]

Charge [roll1]

Desperate Gambit if needed [roll2]

Damage with High Impact [roll3] halved for Stun
without High Impact [roll4] halved for Stun

Hes is unable to concentrate for his Force talent, however he scores a critical hit. It is over Jeron's threshold, so Jeron goes down two levels due to Stun damage and takes 18 hit points of damage (multiplied and divided by 2)

PS. As far as I remember Block could stop a critical, couldn't it? Jeron could reach a DC 28...

2015-03-20, 11:32 PM
Jeron saber cut nothing but air as he is staggered by the stun blast. He cringes the blow to his ribs is definitely going to leave a bruise, he even felt like a rib might of cracked from the blow. He wheezed and stepped wide away from the alien.

I stepped up, can't afford to get knocked down now!

He surges forward and draws his blade up in a two handed in an upward diagonal slash hoping to get under Hes' guard. What the hell planet did the white furred alien come from!? He shoved the thought down and drew on the Force to assist his attack.

Using a Force Point for this Attack Roll
Force Point: [roll0]
Mighty Swing
Attack: [roll1] Plus the 1d6 above.
Hit: [roll2]
Block vs the Next Rounds Attack

2015-03-20, 11:54 PM
Hes brushes Jeron's hit aside before slicing at him...but it is more akon pointless flailing that leaves an opening.

Jeron is at -2 from conditions, but hits Hes. The damage is not enough to reduce Hes' condition track.

Hes action:
UtF for Impact [roll0]

attack [roll1]
gambit if needed [roll2]

dmg with impact [roll3]
without [roll4]

Hes at -2 Ref due to Desperate Gambit

2015-03-21, 12:40 AM
The sabers hissed and shrieked as Jeron met Hes' strike with his block and drove the white furred acolyte back. The Force flowed strongly with him he could feel the ground around him, the air, the energy in his saber's blade as clearly as the sweat that trickled down his forehead. He broke the saberlock pivoted on in place using his hips to drive with both shoulders in a long horizontal sweep aim at Hes's midline.

2015-03-21, 12:43 AM
Mighty Swing
Adding another Force Point to the Attack
Attack: [roll0] Plus [roll1]
Hit: [roll2]


2015-03-21, 12:49 AM
When Jeron's injured leg gives in under him, he is certain to have missed, but then Hes' loss of balance impales him on the blade!

Now, as stunned as Jeron, Hes attempts to counterattack, but doesn't press Jeron much.

Utf [roll0]

attack [roll1]
gambit [roll2]

impact dmg [roll3]
dmg [roll4]

Hes is also -2 on the track and misses. He is also -2 Ref from gambit again.

2015-03-21, 01:16 AM
Jeron breathing heavily steadies himself on his legs even as pain in his thigh and ribs flares so badly he wants to cry out. Sweating heavily as he and Hes go blow for blow in savage exchange of brute force. Turning aside Hes' last strike he could feel the force of it vibrate all the way into his palms but he refused to give up or back down from the Alien. As Hes prepares to counterattack Jeron strikes in a crushing overhead blow hoping to end the fight.

Mighty Swing Power Attack Taking a -3 to Attack for a +3 to Damage
Spending Another Force Point to add to Attack
Attack Roll [roll]1d20+1[roll] Plus [roll0] Total of 20 to hit!
Hit: [roll1]

Block: UTF [roll2]

2015-03-21, 01:17 AM
Attack: [roll0]

2015-03-21, 01:31 AM
to recap all the damage inaccuracies, total stun damage done to Hes from three strikes, two of them at +8 (double strength) one at +10 (x2 Str x2 power attack of 1) is 28, and the third hit is also stunning for him at 18 dmg before the stun division.

That brings Hes two more levels down on the condition track! He is at -10. His turn.

Hes takes a moment to recover.

now at -3 on the cond. track

2015-03-21, 01:59 AM
Jeron was amazed at Hes' fortitude but he did not let his respect turn to laziness. He struck again with another overhead blow to down Hes. The fight was not over.

Mighty Swing (Power Attack -1 / +1) with Force Point
Attack Roll: [roll0] Plus [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] / 2 for Stun

Block UTF: [roll3]

2015-03-21, 02:06 AM
With one last mighty blow, Jeron knocks Hes down. There is a slight smell of electrocuted fur.

Not only the students, even the Masters have watched the heated exchange agape. Nonaver smiles:

"Well...I did tell you they show promise."

2015-03-21, 02:07 AM
As Hes quickly recovers, Princess Ashga also smiles, but crookedly.

"I won't be as easy challenge as this peasant."

Who dares face her?

2015-03-21, 02:33 AM
Jeron nods his head in respect to Hes then shuts the saber off. He offers a short bow before heading back toward the sidelines covered in sweat and exhausted he sprawls on the ground completely spent. He wished he had thought to bring a canteen with him.

"Well, one point for yellow team." He mutters under his breath as he wipes sweat from his brow.

2015-03-21, 02:45 AM
Jana, who watched all the fight entranced, immediately rushes towards Jeron, "Hey, you're OK? Congratulation, you were really cool there! Eh, so what's the next challenge?" she looks around, "though it's not like I'll be participating, of course..."

2015-03-21, 03:00 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess started to move closer to Jeron, but for what purpose? To offer her congratulations? Words of soothing for his pain? In the end, she stayed where she was as the next challenger stepped forward.

She glanced around at team yellow, waiting for someone else to volunteer.

If silence reigns long enough to become embarrassing:
Basically let's give everyone a chance to respond, otherwise I will volunteer to move things forward, despite complete lack of Force powers or skill focus UTF.

Tess slowly raised her hand.
"If nobody else will volunteer, I will, though I don't have more than the most basic training," she said.

2015-03-21, 03:07 AM
Princess Ashga snickers contemptuously.

2015-03-21, 03:26 AM
Be cool, be cool, be cool!

Jeron thinks to himself as he grins up at the girl and sits up with a cocky grin on his face and bit of a blush in his cheeks. As he sits up Jeron winces and puts a hand over his ribs, through his partial open tunic its easy to see a very large purple and blue bruise forming in spectacular fashion.

"Hehe, thanks, yeah I'm fine." His smiled turns a little forced and he winces again as he gets his feet under him. "Okay yeah that guy hit pretty hard."

He offers Lana(?) a hand to shake, "Yeah, the next test involves actually using the Force, you know things like you can levitate the biggest rock or something."

If no one steps up Jeron, tells Tess, "Mess her hair up Tess, royals can't fight with bedhead!"

2015-03-21, 04:39 AM
Fidon stepped forward.

"I am trained in the levitation of large rocks, as you so eloquently put it."

He calmly walked forward, clearing his mind as best he could as he approached Ashga, before pointed disregarding her presence.

He inclined his head towards the masters.

"What is the nature and rules of the competition?"

2015-03-21, 05:06 AM
"You will have to move this crate to a circle of your team's color. You may begin."

This one is simple as Force tests go.

You have to have Move Object.

Skip rolling for Initiative.

Use Move Object continuously on the crate, opposed by the other student.

Differences in the results is added up. The first one to reach 20 difference in her favor wins.

If you are evenly matched for too long, the one with higher difference wins.

2015-03-21, 05:09 AM
The princess extends her hand...

UtF [roll0]

The crate snaps in motion moving in the direction of the blue circle.

The Stormbringer, who is standing some distance away from his team, yells:


2015-03-21, 05:17 AM
Fidon likewise raises his hand and focused his mind on moving the crate towards the the yellow circle.


"I have to say, I did not have you down as a force specialist."

2015-03-21, 05:20 AM
Whilst the crates movement slowed to a crawl, Fidon could see that she had the upper hand. He knew he had to gain back control lest her confidence strengthen her further.

Spending a forcepoint


2015-03-21, 05:22 AM

10 characters.

2015-03-21, 05:35 AM
The duel of Force, however intense it might be for the challengers, doesn't look that exciting, and Lana soon grows bored looking at the crate; stepping aside to avoid hurting anyone and looking at the Masters to make sure she's not breaking rules, she ignites the lightsabre and starts swinging it, trying to imitate the fight she just saw but quickly finding she just doesn't have the raw strength for that. But why bother with hitting hard? It's lightsabre, it will burn through anything with but a touch...
Drawing at her stage experience, Lana changes her moves; it's not about swinging hard anymore, the sabre starts spinning in her hand like a top, drawing fancy patterns with the blade's afterglow.

2015-03-21, 05:53 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess moved closer to Jeron as the crate slid slowly towards their opponents' circle.

"You were really good," she said quietly, staring at the crate, so as not to distract the two Jedi aspirants locked in a battle of concentration. She glanced sidelong at the other human, to see if he gave any kind of reaction.

Then Lana ignited her lightsaber, and Tess gave an involuntary shudder as her hand twitched towards her own weapon, until she realized the other girl was only practicing. Her attention was effectively torn between the crate, Jeron, and the lightsaber tracing arcs in the darkness.

2015-03-21, 06:39 AM
Bythis eventually grows bored of watching the Force contest; he gets onto his feet again and moves to the balcony's edge. He looks out over Hellion, trying to place whatever it is that's nagging at his senses.

2015-03-21, 06:47 AM
Ashga tries to even out and then pull ahead. The princess has some advantage so far, but will Fidon overcome her at the very end?

rolling for the second round and then rolling for a third, final one


Ashga leads with +6 before her last roll...


2015-03-21, 06:50 AM
Bythis eventually grows bored of watching the Force contest; he gets onto his feet again and moves to the balcony's edge. He looks out over Hellion, trying to place whatever it is that's nagging at his senses.

From your vantage point on the mesa, hundreds of yards above the plains, you see an endless sea of high greenish grass. The air is exhilarating as yesterday. The sky is blue. There is nothing else, and the foreboding feeling is gone.

2015-03-21, 06:53 AM
Realising he is been pushed back ever further, Fidon focuses entirely on the crate and trying to halt the Princesses seemingly inevitable victory.

Going to make 5 rolls here, to speed things up since its a concentration thing.


His brow began to sweat with the strain of the battle, his muscles tensed up as they mimicked the strain his mind was under, trying as best he could to claw back yards.

2015-03-21, 06:59 AM
After the third round Ashga leads by only +2. Rolling 4 more times for her and ending it


After over forty seconds of contest, Fidon wins by having pulled the crate three quarters of the distance!

The Stormbringer would laugh if he weren't asleep already. Lady Maessi approaches for the final contest, that of knowledge, even if the day goes to Team Yellow. Who will face her?

2015-03-21, 07:09 AM
The question the Masters pose is:

"How do spaceships navigate?"

2015-03-21, 07:10 AM
Fidon bowed to his opponent

"I admit, I underestimated you. Your skills are strong."

He then turned on his heel and walked back to team yellow's corner, a slight spring in his step.

2015-03-21, 07:11 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess raised her hand.

"I will," she said, stepping forward.
"Good job," she whispered to Fidon as they passed, "I wouldn't have had a chance in that contest."

In an effort to move this along, I'm volunteering, despite not having any trained knowledges. This should be simple, let me know if there's something aside from simple knowledge rolls:

knowledge: [roll0]
knowledge: [roll1]
knowledge: [roll2]
knowledge: [roll3]
knowledge: [roll4]
Edit: Ninja'd by the question. Tess should be able to answer this, by saying "with a navicomputer".

2015-03-21, 07:18 AM
"Oh, I know this, I know this!" Lila jumps at her place.

Lady Maessi is far more confident when she says:

"Not to offend, my dear classmate, but you are largely incorrect. There are no navicomputers powerful enough to calculate courses on their own.

Spaceships upload data for hyperjumps from a navsatellite found in each system. Each such satellite contains tremendous amount of information: enough for several jump routes from each system! They form a web spanning the galaxy."


2015-03-21, 07:23 AM
"Truly," Nonaver says "A navicomputer able to calculate jumps on its own: that would be a marvel.

Maessi wins this round, and your first contest goes to Team Yellow by a 2:1 score. We are most pleased with the skills displayed. And do not grow arrogant: there are many more competitions to come. Everyone is dismissed for lunch."

2015-03-21, 07:26 AM
As you eat in the Team Yellow cantina, Maessi, Hes, and Lila walk in.

"Greetings. We do not want us to be antagonized by our weekly competitions," Lady Maessi tells you. "It behooves us to spend more time together. We will serve as Jedi together one day."

2015-03-21, 07:28 AM
Bythis considers the world a little longer, but with the nagging sensation gone, he begins to wonder if his instincts had simply failed him this time.

Everyone is dismissed for lunch. Bythis hears this and turns to consider his teammates; the people he'll be breaking bread with for the time being. They seem friendly enough, and he even offers them a smile as he rejoins them.

"You did well," he says to Jeron, Fidon, and Tess. "Should we go to the mess hall?"

Later, while they're eating, he simply watches the three other initiates and waits for one of his teammates to speak.

2015-03-21, 07:30 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess winced at her opponent's detailed and somewhat condescending answer, then shook her head. At least they still won, despite her actually being the reason they didn't manage a clean sweep of the day's events. Somewhat discouraged, she returned to her team to break for lunch.

Edit: As their opponents entered, Tess smiled. It was a good sign that this would not become more than a friendly competition. Eager to make new friends, she gestured to a few empty seats.

"Please sit," she said, smiling.

"My name is Tess," she started, and then followed by introducing the others.

2015-03-21, 07:36 AM
"So what do you think of your time here so far?" asks Maessi politely.

"And what do you think of Ashga and the Stormbringer? I say Nonaver was drinking too much Corellian brew when he took them!" Lila quips.

2015-03-21, 07:38 AM
"I met several Jedi when I was younger. They are... not like them."

2015-03-21, 07:38 AM
Fidon played with the food on his plate, with an unappeased look on his face.

"Truly, I believe the masters may be attempting to poison us."

He let out a short laugh as he regarded the member of team blue.

"Excellent display in the contests today. I was most impressed. Please take a seat!"

He raised from his chair to allow someone to sit as he went to fetch more chairs. Checking everyone was seated he sat back down and recommenced pushing his food around the plate.

"Of the Princess and the small one, I assume they are of a vastly different culture, like myself. They will learn"

2015-03-21, 07:41 AM
Tesserina Paar

"Ahh, I've only just arrived," Tess said, and then blinked in surprise at the frank condemnation of some of their fellow initiates after only one contest.

"Well.. I'm sure we all have our own talents, but they're umm.... different, yes," she said as diplomatically as she could, torn between wanting to agree with Lila and staying positive.

2015-03-21, 07:44 AM
*snip snip snip*

2015-03-21, 08:16 AM
Lana takes as much attention remembering everyone's names as do the blue group padawans; after making sure there's no bad blood among the students, she gets a bit more relaxed and says with a smile, "You think those two are out of place here? Wait until you listen to my story... A month ago, I believed Jedi were something of a children tales... Master Nonaver says I have subconscious control of the Force or something, but... I still have no slightest idea how to begin to try moving the crate with my mind - as far as I'm aware, it should be impossible... and the only time I was inside of spaceship was when Master Nonaver brought me here - and I'm not even that good in a real fight", she chuckles apologetically.

2015-03-21, 08:30 AM
You have a good time in the cantina.

Eventually, you head back to your rooms. It is then, when Fidon finds a charred human skull on his bed.

2015-03-21, 08:35 AM
Fidon turned to Lana

"Moving the crate is fundamentally no different to moving a plate, it just requires greater focus and effort. As one of those selected for training, moving smaller objects should be within your capacity."

Fidon gestured to Lana's plate and it slid across to him with a thought.

DC 10, taking a 10

"All things are connected to the force, and by extension, you are connected to all things. Once you acknowledge that underlying fact, it becomes a matter of focus."

2015-03-21, 08:44 AM
Eventually, you head back to your rooms. It is then, when Fidon finds a charred human skull on his bed.

Fidon looked down at the charred skull, at first uncertain of its authenticity, before shouting loudly in surprise.

"Who even does that! Where do you even get a skull from here!"

He poked his head outside his room to try and get the attention of the others.

2015-03-21, 08:47 AM
Tesserina Paar

"What's going on?" Tess asked as she arrived to see what the shouting was about.

"Oh my-," she said with a gasp, "is that real?"
"We should tell the master," she said.

2015-03-21, 08:48 AM
Bythis watches the display carefully. Privately, he attempts to mimic the feat with his knife, but it barely wobbles when he concentrates on it.

Later, after leaving the mess, he returns to his room to disassemble and clean his hunting rifle. When Fidon starts shouting, he picks up his bow and quiver and follows the sounds to their source.

"What's the matter?"

2015-03-21, 08:50 AM
"Heh, if it was a question of size and weight, I could at least know what to aim for, but... A crate, or a plate -there's no difference, I just don't understand what to do in the first place, and... Hey, you just said you don't like the food, and then you go and steal a second helping! Not fair!" That last part was obviously a joke, though.

2015-03-21, 08:58 AM
"Heh, if it was a question of size and weight, I could at least know what to aim for, but... A crate, or a plate -there's no difference, I just don't understand what to do in the first place, and... Hey, you just said you don't like the food, and then you go and steal a second helping! Not fair!" That last part was obviously a joke, though.

Fidon pushed the plate back to her with a smile "You're most welcome to it. I would be happy to teach you some meditative techniques sometime, they might help you focus your mind?"

With that he went back to his dinner, enjoying the company.

Fidon gestured to the charred skull.

"Somebody is apparently trying to send me a message."

He nodded as Tess' suggestion.

"You are correct. I shall go at once."

Fidon went down the hallway to the Droid, to try and hail the masters.

2015-03-21, 09:02 AM
Bythis seems less concerned with summoning the masters. Rather, he approaches the skull and begins to examine it intensively, before bending down to examine the ground.

I'm trying to locate any signs as to who may have left the skull - tracks, or anything else - as well as determine whether the skull was from someone recently killed.
Force Point

2015-03-21, 09:09 AM
There are no tracks.

The skull is old: centuries perhaps. It hasn't been charred by fire, but by long years of exposure to some kind of energy radiation.

2015-03-21, 09:20 AM
Bythis stands again and purses his lips. The foreboding feeling from before has returned, and, in the back of his mind, he feels as though the skull may be connected to that discomforting feeling.

He looks at his fellow trainees. "This is an old kill; very old, and blackened by radiation. But I don't see any indication that anyone has been in this room but us."

2015-03-21, 09:26 AM
Lana, by virtue of being late, for herself a room at the very end, and took some more time to get to Fidon's room; just in time to hear Bythis's statement. "Well, someone could flat it into the room, maybe?" she asked, unsure.

2015-03-21, 09:35 AM
You notice that Team Yellow's droid has been staying in the corridor ever since you got back from the contest. Fidon had briefly been to his room then, and there hadn't been a skull.

2015-03-21, 09:37 AM
Bythis shakes his head. "It is unlikely. Bones this old, this burned, are brittle. This has been placed, like a warning marker." He pauses, then considers the room again. "I don't like this. Something is... wrong." The thought trails off, and Bythis barely notices the droid.

2015-03-21, 10:26 AM
Raiko leans in a sniffs the skull
"Bleh, all over you bed too"

2015-03-21, 11:53 AM
"Of course something is wrong!" Lana exclaimed, "There's a skull in Fidon's bed! It is wrong from the start! Oh, what are you doing, Raiko?"

2015-03-21, 12:30 PM
Raiko looks up
"looking" she replies "it overdone, and head bone not good chew bone anyway... Did Jeron win prize too?"

2015-03-21, 12:33 PM
Now, to that statement, Lana just can't find a fitting answer.

2015-03-21, 01:01 PM
Jeron finally rolls out of bed to the commotion. The post victory celebration had gone quickly for him with him wolfing down a plate of food, quietly thanking everyone for their kind words before begging off early and heading to the infirmary to get looked at. Sleep had been mercifully dreamless yet without any doors the initial yell woke him. He grabbed his lightsaber and stumbled out into the hall barefooted clothed only in a pair of trousers and a few wraps of medtape around his ribs.

Seeing the cluster of people he approaches and assesses the situation quickly.

"Don't touch anything else, there could be some clues you step on before you realize it, and no there wasn't any suprises in my bed... This seems targeted."

Criminology/Forensics: Aid in Searching for Clues, (hair samples, dust from boots, fingerprints, anything that might be out of place but not to the undtrained eye. Roll [roll0].

Also Take 10 UTF: 19: Jeron Force Tranced howevery many hours we got to sleep were for healing.

2015-03-21, 01:08 PM
Raiko attempts to discretely examine the bottom of her feet

2015-03-21, 05:07 PM
Tesserina Paar

Tess finally noticed the droid standing in the hallway. Retreating from the room and the creepy skull, she addressed the droid.

"Did you notice anyone enter or exit this room, anyone who is not here currently?" she asked.

2015-03-21, 08:22 PM
Bythis shakes his head at Lana's outburst. "No. You don't understand."

Bythis looks up at Jeron when he enters and steps aside to let the other trainee have a crack at it.

2015-03-21, 08:26 PM
Tesserina Paar

Tess finally noticed the droid standing in the hallway. Retreating from the room and the creepy skull, she addressed the droid.

"Did you notice anyone enter or exit this room, anyone who is not here currently?" she asked.

"Negative," the droid replies.

Jeron finds no incriminating evidence

2015-03-21, 11:03 PM
Raiko hops out of the room to get out of the way and peers at the little droid, frowning a little at the question and response
"Does you know how head bone got in there?" She asks it

2015-03-22, 02:13 AM
Fidon eyed the droid suspiciously, his intrinsic distrust of them coming to the surface. The other younger initiates may have forgotten the droid rebellion, but they were still a fresh memory for him, even now the scent of burning flesh filled his nostrils. Remembering himself he shook his head to dismiss the ghosts of the past.

"And hail the Masters. We have an issue."

He leaned closer to the droid, eyes narrowing as he did.

"Was it you?"

2015-03-22, 02:45 AM
"Contacting the Masters. Negative." the droid spits out the replies in quick succession.

2015-03-22, 03:02 AM
After a while, Master Nonaver approaches with no hurry in his gait.

"What's the matter?"

2015-03-22, 03:11 AM
Fidon meets Master Nonaver with a brief nod.

"You had best see for yourself master, but someone has placed a burnt skull on my bed. Nobody seems to know anything of how it got there, nor did the droid see anyone enter or exit."

His tone is more level and matter of fact than it was earlier, now the immediate shock has died down. He walked along the corridor to his room, and gestured to show the Master which was his.

"A minor annoyance at best, but it does speak of underlying issues."

2015-03-22, 03:18 AM
"Indeed," Master Nonaver agrees. "I will meditate on this."

2015-03-22, 03:22 AM
Master Nonaver takes the skull away once it is certain no evidence can be found. He lingers for a moment, then says:

"Hellion can be strange this way...it is a planet of both light and darkness...be wary, but do not fear, as fear is the path to the Dark Side."

2015-03-22, 03:41 AM
Fidon walked back to the rest of the team.

"Master Nonaver is is wise. We should not fear, nor should we field recrimination at anyone. Anyone could have put that there - or in fact nobody could have. Who is to say this is not yet another facet of our training - to test our responses and see if we yield darkness in our hearts."

He gestured to the bed.

"No harm was done, I do not even require sleep - the force sustains me. I shall take watch of the corridor whilst you rest in case of further disruption."

Fidon walked back to the common room and sat down cross legged on the floor, making sure to have a view down the corridor. He began taking deep breaths, each deeper than the last till he became entirely still, letting the force flow through himself, reinvigorating him whilst he sat guard.

Entering a force trance, DC 10, taking a 10.

2015-03-22, 04:09 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess followed master Nonaver as he entered the bunkroom and heeded his words, attempting to quash her fear. After he left, she lingered after Fidon exited to the common area.

Her lips screwed up, from what she had been told earlier, the pyramid was very old, perhaps there were secret passages, or even someone living in the structure without their knowledge.

She closed her eyes, calmed her breathing, and reached out with the Force to see if she felt anything unusual.
Sense Force, take 10 for DC 16

Careful to keep all emotion out of her words, she opened her eyes and gave voice to her thoughts.
"This pyramid is supposed to be old, right?" she asked, "does anyone want to look for a hidden passage or door into this room? I have a feeling this could be some kind of test."

I don't even know how to roll for that, but if nobody objects, Tess will tap on the floor, walls, and ceiling, looking for a hidden tunnel or door

2015-03-22, 04:33 AM
roll Perception

2015-03-22, 06:58 AM
Tess is sure she sees a faint outline of a square on the ceiling, concealed as it is by the glow of the light stream. Climbing there would be a challenge though.

2015-03-22, 07:13 AM
Tesserina Paar

"Hey guys, I think I see something up there," Tess said, straining her eyes at the faint outline of the square in the ceiling.

"Can someone give me a boost?" she said.

2015-03-22, 07:25 AM
Bythis joins Tess and watches.

"Be careful," he warns her.

2015-03-22, 07:25 AM
At the noise back in his room, Fidon got up and returned.

"You found what ?"

His eyes cast up with hers to the roof, 30 ft up in the air.

"Up there ?" He quizzed "I could probably lift you upto it, if you consented."

Assuming she does, Fidon will use Move Object force power to lift her 30ft into the air - dc 15 for a medium creature, so take a 10 giving me an 18 to steadily lift her up to where she guides.

2015-03-22, 07:35 AM
Tesserina Paar

"Sure," Tess said, smiling at Fidon, "try not to drop me, okay?"

Once up to the ceiling, Tess will try to push open the trapdoor, or find some kind of catch that will allow her to do the same.

2015-03-22, 08:05 AM
"I shall endeavour not too."

Fidon kept his palm raised in Tess' direction, making sure he moved her as smoothly as possible.

"Do tell me if you start to feel too much pressure so I can ease off, I'm not as practised at lifting living creatures."

2015-03-22, 12:43 PM
Raiko looks somewhat starry-eyed at the feat, as if it only just hit her that it could be used for this purpose

"woooooow" she breathes "I can go next?"

2015-03-22, 02:27 PM
Strength Take 20: Catch Tesserina if she falls: 24 Strength.

Jeron was half way to bed when someone talked about levitating others to the ceiling drew him back and he stood close to under Tesserina to catch her lest Fidon lost his concentration.

2015-03-22, 05:53 PM
Efforts combined, the students manage to push the plate. It leads to a narrow, dark corridor. Only a small creature would feel well inside, anyone bigger will have to crawl, and somebody like Hes wouldn't have any chance to enter.

2015-03-22, 06:29 PM
"Can you see anything ?"

Fidon said, as he gazed up at the hole.

"Want me to bring you down again ?"

2015-03-22, 08:01 PM
The small corridor above seems to be made of sterile-looking stone tiles. It continues as far as you can see, which is not very far in the darkness. In one of the directions, it crosses over the main hallway going to the center of the pyramid. You don't know what's in the other direction, but eventually it will reach the outer walls.

2015-03-22, 08:21 PM

Teev woke from a deep meditation just as the shuttle arrived in orbit, and as the ship landed he ran back and forth, rushing around the cabin gathering his belt, tool kit, lightsaber, spirit bag, and ran down the gangplank... only to run back up again and snatch his blue hood from his master's hand before running back down to the door of the temple.

Oh Kvark! Can't believe I forgot my hood! I almost showed up naked! On my first day! Beecha!

"Oh, no one else cares." His master chuckled.

Gundah, Master! I won't care either!

This wasn't strictly true, Teev knew, but...

The Ewok was small, not just among the giants in space, but even for an Ewok! Scrawny, he knew, the sort of furball who got to do things like climb in bug-filled tree cracks for grubs, or hop up and down trying to get their hood back from the larger young ewoks of the village, or scramble to climb up on shoulders or tree branches during a story festival. Because he could use the Force, and because his master Raijin had brought him off world, he wasn't an ordinary Ewok any more.

Now he was going to learn how to fight giants with a laser-blade that could cut through rocks...

"Just use your speed!" Raijin called after him, somehow knowing what Teev was thinking.

I am! It's just my legs are shorter, so it takes more to catch up! He called back, and waved.

Then Teev was at the doorway to the temple. It was big. It was a giant doorway, bigger even than the other giant doorways all these giants liked making. And it was dark.

Oh beecha. What did you get yourself into THIS time, Teev?

Teev wandered in through the doorway, and tried using his scent to smell where people could be. Maybe he could find whoever it was he was supposed to train with. I wonder what other Jedi smell like. They can't all smell like Master Raijin, can they? Is it because he's human, or because he's a Jedi? Will I start smelling like a Jedi? Teev muttered to himself as he wandered into the temple.

2015-03-22, 08:45 PM
A man awaits Teev. He presents himself as Master Nonaver.

"You arrive at interesting times. Your fellow students are investigating a certain mystery. But more has happened..."

Nonaver leads Teev to Team Yellow's quarters. They find most of the students watching while one is investigating a square hole in the ceiling.

"I see you are getting comfortable here. This is good" Nonaver says somewhat absentmindedly, "Just don't go in the main reactor, it will fry you."

"This is Teev, an Ewok from a distant moon." Nonaver presents the students one by one. "There are even more, team Blue, you will meet them later."

"And now, to your award for your victory today!" the Master sounds absentminded no more. "Hellion is a largely agricultural planet, with landlords renting the services of seasonal workers. Currently, a crisis has arisen at one of the plantations. The workers and the landlord there are arguing about payments and things have escalated. The Jedi council here on Hellion has decided for us to discreetly intervene. And by us, they meant me, and I intend to take you on this mission: it should prove a valuble experience.

I convinced Master Nolak to allow you to carry not only Bondar crystal lightsabers for this mission, but also Kathracite - they are not as powerful as normal lightsabers, but they are deadly weapons. Do not tell the other Masters, especially Vrabo! Get them from your team's armory in the training hall. Move it!"

DC 25 Survival check or DC 15 Astrophysics check

2015-03-22, 08:51 PM
Nonaver leads you to a large pink speeder with pieces of paint missing just outside of the Academy. It is obvious this speeder was once an expensive luxury for the upper class on Coruscant or similar planet, but its days of glory have passed. Padawan Aleko stands nearby and introduces himself to Teev.

"Jump in. Anyone carrying something bigger can leave it in the trunk."

2015-03-22, 08:56 PM
"Well met," Bythis greets Teev. Then, he listens to Master Nonaver, bowing his head deferentially when the older Jedi tells them to gather lightsabers for the mission.

Bythis looks at his other companions, particularly Tess and Fidon. "We can finish investigating later."

Bythis does as instructed and collects a lightsaber from the armory, although he picks one at random rather than deliberating on the choice. Afterwards, he reports to the speeder with both his lightsaber and hunting weapons.

2015-03-22, 09:41 PM
Aleko points at the trunk, "Long weapons go in there, this is a diplomatic mission on a peaceful planet."

2015-03-22, 09:47 PM
Jeron looks longingly at his bed one last time as he quickly gets changed and takes the time to throw his cloak on his shoulders and stuff an extra ration pack in his pocket. He stops by the armory to swap crystals and slips the Bondar one back in his belt pouch.

He ends up climbing into the back of the speeder and leaning his head against the back wall a tired expression on his face.

2015-03-22, 09:57 PM
"Well met," Bythis greets Teev.

Goopa! Er, hello! I'm Teev. What's team Yellow?

Teev listens to the Jedi master, and follows along with the others. Should I bring my own lightsaber, Master? I've been training with it for a while now with Master Raijin.

OOC: Survival: (no ranks, though if I ever get some I'll get a free feat for being an Ewok!)

2015-03-22, 10:12 PM
"Officially, no. The Masters advise younglings not to use lightsabers as powerful as yours." Then, Nonaver winks at Teev.

2015-03-22, 11:00 PM
Bythis opens the trunk to stow his rifle and bow.


2015-03-22, 11:22 PM

*no movement required, actually

whatever it is, even the Togurta's powerful abilities don't notice it

2015-03-22, 11:35 PM
Teev squints one eye, trying to understand the master's intention... then nods. Oooh... Yeesh, Master. and Teev winks, then stows his lightsaber under his hood. He follows the others to the armory (using it as a chance for a tour) and grabs one of the training sabers to put onto his belt.

So! I miss anything exciting?

2015-03-23, 12:12 AM
unless I'm too late

Raiko eeps in delight when she sees Teev
"hello! hi! I'm Raiko, nice to meet you. you missed lots of exciting things. Umm" she thinks for a moment "There was the shuttle down, and view! such view, wow. And then we got to look while Jeron fought with woolly man, and then Fidon got to float a box! and then we had food and then Fidon found a bone! and now he's making Tess float and then YOU arrived!... oh, but I think you not miss that"

She's practivally wagging by this point, or she would be if she had a tail.

2015-03-23, 02:30 AM
You traverse the endless plains of Hellion. Eventually, the tall grass gives way to well-tended plantations. Hovering over a gravel road you see a large mansion in the distance.

Suddenly, Master Nonaver hits the breaks. The speeder abruptly stops and even Aleko appears confused.

Nonaver's face darkens as he seems engulfed in deep thought.



"Aleko, I felt something...a darkness I've never felt before. I must attend to this matter immediately."

"Very well, Master, let's leave the younglings at the Mansion and go"

"No. We cannot leave them unattended. Go with them...and approach the mansion with care. I will take the bike and ride alone."

Nonaver goes to pull his hoverbike from the trunk. He freezes for a moment when he opens the trunk, then pulls out a two-feet high, anthracite black, furred Stormbringer out of it.

"What?" Fal the Stormbringer rolls eyes. "I couldn't leave a mission of such importance to these Yellow dilettantes."

2015-03-23, 02:32 AM
For some reason, Bythis has a revelation what has been nagging him for a while: Master Nonaver has talked about seasons and seasonal workers, but Hellion didn't have an axial tilt. There shouldn't be any seasons on this planet.

2015-03-23, 02:56 AM
"A strange world," Bythis muses, as the realization strikes him. Still, something seems off about Hellion; quite likely something to do with the darkness Nonaver had mentioned earlier in the temple, and now here.

When the Stormbringer leaps from the boot, Bythis regards him coolly. "How underhanded you are," he remarks; then he looks to Tess, who presumably reported her findings earlier. "Would he fit in the corridor you described, do you think?"

2015-03-23, 07:16 AM
Fidon had took one of the lightsabers as recommended, and took his time securing it in his concealed holster before they set off.

Taking a 20 on putting the lightsaber into his concealed holster.

Later, when they stop and the Stormbringer is removed from the trunk, Fidon quirked an eyebrow.

"He is exceptionally eager to be on the yellow team, it seems."

2015-03-23, 08:04 AM
Tesserina Paar

I suppose investigating the hidden passageway was not possible for some reason?

"Yes, he would easily fit in the passage, but he only just arrived, right?" Tess replied.

2015-03-23, 09:19 AM
Teev hops slightly when he sees the Stormbringer. Beecha! I don't have to ride in the trunk, do I?

2015-03-23, 09:36 AM
"He arrived on the same ship Fidon and the rest of us did." Bythis shifts his attention to Teev and answers with a curt "no."

2015-03-23, 10:01 AM
Fidon walked towards where the Stormbringer was.

"If you wish to join us, I believe you would be more comfortable riding with the rest of us rather than hiding back here. There seems little point in someone dragging you back to the halls for discipline now we are already here."

He shrugged and regarded the other initiates.

"I assume nobody takes issue with that ? If we want to be jedi we should probably learn to adapt to situations as they are presented to us."

2015-03-23, 11:37 AM
Raiko leans over and sniffs at Stormbringer
"You blue team yes?" she frowns "this no mean trick is it?"

2015-03-23, 06:02 PM
Tesserina Paar

Tess folded her arms waited quietly for master Nonaver to make a decision as to what to do with Stormbringer. While this was going on, she glanced about the plantation, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Ugh, for some reason I keep missing stuff in posts, I will try to slow down and read more carefully.

perception dc 17, 27 if we have 2 minutes before we start moving again.

2015-03-23, 08:05 PM
Nonaver shrugs. You are far away from the Academy, obviously Fal the Stormbringer is staying with you. Meanwhile, the Stormbringer approaches the seats oblivious to the Master behind him.

"Blue Team? What, no. Why would I want to be associated with those losers..."

Nonaver says "May the Force be with you," and speeds down the gravel road, away from the mansion.

With Fal onboard, you drive a couple of minutes. The mansion is quite grand indeed, a five-storey building in white and orange with yellow glass panels, surrounded by gardens.

This time, it's Aleko who hits the breaks. He hides the speeder behind a strawberrypine bush.

"I feel something is not right. I need a couple of you to scout the mansion grounds. Do you have commlinks?"

Content with your stop, Fal grabs a strawberrypine as big as him and cuts it from the bush with the help of a flash of lightning between his small sharp nails.

2015-03-23, 10:10 PM
"I am not the best at clandestine work, but I am a pretty good lookout - I'd likely be best here. I do have a comm if someone else wants to go forwards and doesn't own one though?"

He looked at the rest of team yellow.

"I'd recommend at least Raiko and Blythis, they seem to have a better handle on the outdoors."

He considered how to control the Stormbringer, knowing his temper may be a curse on a scouting mission, and decided flattery was perhaps the best choice.

"Fal, I'd recommend you stay back with me, then if they encounter trouble we have some heavy support to go in and help."

2015-03-23, 10:26 PM
Fal nods while gorging on the strawberrypine.

Checking your commlink, you hear an unusually high amount of static noise.

2015-03-23, 11:21 PM
"I will not be seen," Bythis promises, and then he circles around to the back of the speeder. He pops the trunk and quickly retrieves his hunting gear; he dons his camouflage poncho and wraps a similar piece of cloth around the length of his rifle. The colors on the fabric shift, adjusting to better match the farmlands of Hellion. Finally, to disguise his own vibrant red-and-white coloring, Bythis quickly applies some paint to his face and raises his hood. Once he's in the fields, he'll be practically invisible.

"Who else will come?"

Bythis tries his comlink; the static it produces doesn't seem to bother him. "There are other ways for us to communicate. And it will be good to practice our Jedi powers."

2015-03-24, 12:01 AM
Yet Aleko seems concerned about the static. "The end of the season must be months, at least weeks, away..." he mutters to himself.

2015-03-24, 05:40 AM
Raiko nods "Raiko scout. Less good at not seen though so take far grounds yes?"

2015-03-24, 06:44 AM
Tess Paar

"I think I will stay here and let others do the scouting," Tess said.

It was then she noticed Aleko mumbling to himself.
"Aleko, do you have any idea why our comlinks are not working well?" she asked.

2015-03-24, 07:52 AM
"Yeah...changes in the upper...nevermind! Everything is fine. Just scout the mansion."

2015-03-24, 08:30 AM
"We'll return shortly." Bythis beckons for Raiko to follow and then proceeds towards the mansion.

Re-rolls are in the OOC. I got a 19.

2015-03-24, 08:33 AM
Tesserina Paar

perception: [roll0]

"I don't have any real experience being stealthy, I'll leave it to those two," she said, nodding in the direction of the pair already heading towards the mansion.

"So Padawan Aleko, how did you meet Master Nonaver?" she asked, changing the subject from the static, "do you have any advice for someone like myself?"

2015-03-24, 08:43 AM
"As with most of the students, he found me. He has a gift for that.

My advice: train hard. Listen to your elders."

2015-03-24, 08:59 AM
Tesserina Paar

"Do you count as my elder too?" Tess replied with a smirk.

2015-03-24, 09:06 AM
"What do you think?"

2015-03-24, 09:20 AM
Tesserina Paar

"Of course," Tess replied, "though not as elder as the masters. Would it be alright if I came to you for advice from time to time?"

2015-03-24, 09:27 AM
"With age comes wisdom, but with youth comes progress. So it is said by my people. When you are young you have a hunger from growth, but once you hit 4-5 hundred, you start to lose the urge for progress, and get a growing desire for things to stay the same."

He rested his weight against the speeder.

"That is not to say we don't value their wisdom greatly - but if we learnt all from our elders, nothing new would come."

He turned his head towards Tess.

"What brought you to the attention of the order ?"

2015-03-24, 10:54 AM
"Certainly, although I don't match the masters in any way, except perhaps in Makashi."

2015-03-24, 07:07 PM
Tesserina Paar

"I'm not sure," Tess replied.

"Strange things used to happen to me when I was younger, like I would fall down a steep ravine and be mostly unhurt at the bottom, or I would know exactly where a lost earring of friend's was without even looking for it," Tess replied, "I guess word got around, and that's when Aleko and Master Nonaver found me, told me I had potential for something greater. I figured I owed it to myself to try my best."

"What about you?" she asked, looking intently at Fidon.

2015-03-24, 07:15 PM
Raiko nods and follows

2015-03-24, 08:06 PM
He broke her gaze when she asked the question, casting his eyes to the floor.

"My parents were killed in the Droid uprising when it hit our planet. They served alongside a member of the order, saved his life so I'm told, I was raised mostly by the order after that. I'm not as strong or fast as you all - my connection with the force isn't as evident as all of you. It enhances those around me. Guides them. Jacon told me he had suspects my father could as well."

He clenched his fist tightly as painful memories played through his mind, before releasing it as he casted them away.

"Still, my life with the order wasn't half bad. We lived underground, seeing the sun was a rare privilege."

He raised his head up towards the sun, and allowed the warmth to play across his exposed skin.

"I belong with the order, I dream too large for a Pau'an anyway."

He turned back to Aleko.

"What are we actually expecting here at the mansion?"

2015-03-24, 10:14 PM
Aleko tilts his head "A warm welcome and negotiations between the landlord and the representatives of the workers. I cannot imagine any other development so close to one of the greatest strongholds of the Jedi Order..." Aleko's voice trails. "But then why is the Force making me so wary?"

2015-03-25, 12:26 AM
Jeron snores from the back of the speeder apparently his attempt at Force Tranecing during the ride and slid into a deep slumber instead.

2015-03-25, 06:54 AM
Tesserina Paar

"I'm sorry," Tess said, "I... I won't ask about that again."

Aleko mentioned the Force making him wary, and Tess closed her eyes, reached out with her feelings, and tried to sense if anything was amiss.

UTF take 10 for DC17

2015-03-25, 11:33 PM
Bythis is aware he and Raiko have been a bit too noisy in their approach, so he is staying a safe distance from the mansion. Looking over a row of thorny beautiful flowers, Bythis and Raiko notice no less than four armed guards: two Humans and two humanoid droids, patrolling the grounds.

Armed guards were not expected.

The comlinks are effectively down by this point due to the static.

Risking a closer approach will give you a detailed view of the situation - but you might get spotted.

Meanwhile, Tess concentrates

In one word, Tess feels dread.

There's more to it, but the emotions and glimpses are too intertwined for her.

2015-03-26, 12:03 AM
Raika eyes the guards warily swallows and tries to use the teachigns that have been drilled into her over the past few days

Use the force - observe (dc15) take 10 - result 16

And since the radios are out, she follows up with

Use the force - Telepathy - same planet (dc 15) - take 10 - result 16

"Padawan Aleko, can you hear me?"

2015-03-26, 12:33 AM
While Raiko communicates telepathically with their comrades, Bythis lifts his rifle's scope to his eye, examining the magnified image of the armed guards.

"I could move closer and incapacitate the humans with my knife or baton," Bythis mutters. "Warn them that we may have to fight."


Looking for any important details - snipers, hostages, etc - and for any guards patrolling alone.

2015-03-26, 03:22 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess shuddered and instinctively drew her cloak closer about her frame. She opened her eyes, and the landscape of the planet seemed somehow less colourful.

"Do you guys feel that?" she asked.

"What could cause that kind of disturbance in the Force?" she asked Aleko.

2015-03-26, 05:38 AM
Fidon closed his eyes an sense the pathways of the force too

taking 10 = 18 Assuming I feel the same

Fidon opened his eyes and shuddered, but awaited an answer from Aleko

2015-03-26, 06:08 AM

10 chars

2015-03-26, 06:14 AM
Communicating will full sentences via Telepathy is too difficult, but Raiko feels contact with Aleko is established.

2015-03-26, 06:26 AM
Ok, Raiko will try to send the impression of Danger, and if possible the words "Armed Guards"

2015-03-26, 07:36 AM
In return, Aleko sends "Come back."

2015-03-26, 07:45 AM

Raiko taps Bythis on the shoulder and makes a "fall back" gesture with two of her hands

2015-03-26, 07:51 AM
Bythis nods and gets up to follow Raiko.

2015-03-26, 08:07 AM
Tesserina Paar

"Err, Padawan Aleko, are you alright?" Tess asked, a concerned look on her face.

2015-03-26, 08:26 AM
As Raiko and Bythis return, Aleko says:

"These news of armed guards are most worrisome. Unfortunately, we are in a bind. The speeder is almost out of fuel, we were counting on refilling midway. Without communication, only master Nonaver knows we are here and staying outside for long is not an option...It seems we will have to see what is going on in this mansion."

You are feeling increasingly alive and exhilarated for some reason. You receive +1 morale bonus on all skill checks, ability checks, and attack rolls.

2015-03-26, 10:47 PM
"Bythis, lead a stealth attack with Raiko and the Stormbringer. Try to incapacitate as many of the guards as possible without harming anyone. Remember, bondar crystal lightsabers won't affect droids.

The rest of us will follow led by me."

2015-03-26, 11:36 PM
"Raiko's talents may lend her better to an attack with your group." Bythis looks at Fal and frowns. He can't deny that he'd be well-suited to the job. "In either case, I may be able to disable the humans without being spotted, but the droids are another matter."

2015-03-27, 12:09 AM
Fal licks the fruit juice off his thin claws.

"Uhhh, OK. I will deal with the droids."

The Stormbringer stealths ahead.

2015-03-27, 12:13 AM
Bythis sighs and stalks off towards the mansion.


2015-03-27, 12:14 AM

10 chars

2015-03-27, 12:21 AM
Bythis notices that, while Fal isn't that skilled in stealth, he completely disappears to sight in the thick shadows of the garden plants.

You make it to a bush right next to an alley the guards patrol. They suspect nothing.

2015-03-27, 12:23 AM
Tesserina Paar

"Wait," Tess said, "shouldn't we try talking to the guards first before we open fire? Someone might have attacked the plantation and that's why they posted guards."

2015-03-27, 12:24 AM
"That would be my suggestion," Aleko explains, "if it wasn't for the Force warning me not to."

2015-03-27, 02:34 AM
Raiko looks slightly nervous but heads after Bythis, hoping to improve on her performance

Spending a force point

2015-03-27, 02:48 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess reached out with the Force in an attempt to feel the same thing Aleko felt, whether it would be a bad thing to approach the guards openly.

UTF, take 10, DC17

"I trust in your judgement," Tess said, place one hand on the hilt of her lightsaber.

2015-03-27, 04:07 AM
As stealthy as a Corellian owl, Raiko joins Bythis in the ambush.

Meanwhile, Tess realizes that Aleko is right: any peaceful contact with the guards is doomed. Of course, that is even stranger behaviour for a landlord's guard less than a day away from a Jedi Academy...

2015-03-27, 05:56 AM
Fidon went to the speeder tapped Jeron to try and awaken him from his slumber.

"Come Jeron, we need your assistance, and potentially your skills."

Before taking position with Aleko and Tess.

2015-03-27, 06:40 AM
Bythis might otherwise be invisible to Raiko, save that he shifts slightly for her to see him as she arrives. He's already aiming down his rifle's sights, towards the guard standing on the porch.

"Shhh," he warns her. "Stay down."

Surprise round attack. Two swift actions: aim. Standard action: fire. Shooting at the guy on the porch.
Stealth (note: -10 due to Snipe action)

2015-03-27, 05:16 PM
Gonna say Jeron has moved back up the condition track and healed 5 HP?

Jeron awakes as Fidon taps on his shoulder, "Badgers and Gizka!"

After a brief update he sits up and grabs his saber to follow Fidon."

2015-03-27, 11:56 PM
Jeron has recovered.

Bythis: there is only a single action in a surprise round in SAGA. Bythis could have aimed prior to the attack, make the attack in the surprise round, and hide after sniping as a move action in the beginning of his next turn. It's best to win initiative if so.

2015-03-28, 12:41 AM
The guard's eyes catch a glare a split moment before Bythis shoots...


the other three guards are some distance away on their patrol paths

2015-03-28, 12:43 AM
The guard reacts instinctively...and takes cover behind the low wall of the ramp leading to the mansion.

rolling for fight or flight

Bythis' turn

2015-03-28, 01:16 AM
Bythis simply continues to line up his shot on the guard. He reaches out with his tentative grip on the Force to contact the others with a simple message.


Not attacking this turn. I'll take the following actions:
Swift Action - Aim (rifle bipod attachment allows this to be done as a single swift action)
Move Action - Use the Force (telepathy) (taking ten for 17)
Move Action - Stealth (if necessary) [roll0]

2015-03-28, 07:26 AM
Bythis shifts target, as the guy he was going to shoot at moves into cover. Instead, he changes his focus to the other organic guard, trusting that between Raiko and the Stormbringer - wherever he's gone - the droids won't be an outstanding issue.

Swift Action - Aim
Standard Action - Fire
Move Action - Snipe

2015-03-28, 07:28 AM
The guard falls down, unmoving.

2015-03-28, 07:35 AM
Raiko nods when she recieves the message.
From her place of concealment she draws her pistol at snaps of a shot at the nearest droid, trusting Bythis to take down the guard.

((Rolls are here, sorry)) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19026679&postcount=160)

2015-03-28, 07:45 AM
Raiko already attacked the droid successfully last turn, it is a new turn.

2015-03-28, 07:50 AM
Raiko already attacked the droid successfully last turn, it is a new turn.

((I'm sorry, I missed your response. I'm going to put this down to having to be up at 5am for work and move on))

Raiko will continue to press the droid in an attempt to destroy it


2015-03-28, 07:52 AM
Raiko misses and the droid returns fire with red blaster bolts, but it is just as inaccurate.


dmg [roll1]

2015-03-28, 07:53 AM
rolling for Tess [roll0]

Tess' total is high enough to go first at 21, followed by
Guard #1
Droid #1

The rest have just reached Bythis/Raiko's position.

2015-03-28, 09:26 AM
Fidon drew his bondar crystal lightsaber, and charged in towards the guard. As he got close he span into the blow, aiming high and hoping for the best. His style wasn't as refined as Jeron's had been, sloppy around the edges, movements not as efficient, but he had clearly been trained in it's use.

moving 6 squares forward, then charge action
Damage [roll1] halved for stun.

2015-03-28, 10:53 AM
Tesserina Paar

I had already rolled for initiative, but it's all good.

As she crouched, waiting for the signal to attack, Tess realized her heart was racing, and a bead of sweat crawled uncomfortably down the back of her neck. All of her lessons of peace and serenity flew out of her mind as her body instinctively tensed up in preparation for the fight, one where deadly red blaster bolts were already flying. Then the thought came through her mind, and she was charging headlong at opponents. Part of her wondered what in the world she was doing, and part of her was just glad to be able to release all of that pent up energy. She ignited her lightsaber as she sprinted, swinging with reckless abandon at a droid, a blue afterglow trailing behind the blade.

2015-03-28, 04:30 PM
Jeron observing the opening actions of the battle can't help but feel Padawan Aleko has lead them down an overly aggressive path, "Aleko! Why are we attacking again? This course of action seems overly hostile."

Even as he says the words he ignites his lightsaber with the new crystal inside it the beam sprang to life with a green glow. He covers Tesserina's approach and delivers a quick slash to the droid that she attacked to ensure it was finished.

Initiative: [roll0]
Full Round Action Charge:
Attack Tess' target[roll1]
Hit: [roll2] Energy and Slashing Damage
Free Action: Speaking (No Mechanical Affect)

2015-03-28, 10:25 PM
The guard behind the low wall finally shows himself with a hail of fire in Bythis and Raiko's general direction...

Autofire [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

2015-03-28, 10:38 PM
Things move fast after that. Fidon reaches the base of the ramp and incapacitates the guard there. Tess does the same to the already damaged droid. Aleko jumps high on the ramp and surprises the other droid which is just exiting the building.

Jeron can't fail but notice the blood gushing from the guard who Bythis shot. Your aggression has already taken a life.

Aleko beckons you to the top of the ramp. The mansion's heavy ceramsteel door is opened. The light of the day makes it look like a dark portal awaiting you.

Bythis and Raiko take 7 damage each from the autofire.

Teev is guarding the speeder, for now.

Fal is sneaking away to the garage, disregarding Aleko.

2015-03-28, 10:44 PM
Jeron stops next to the dying guard and looks up at Aleeko at the top of the ramp.

"This is wrong Aleeko, I doubt Master Nonaver wanted us to engage in combat, nothing is worth ending a life like this it goes against the Jedi Code!"

Jeron attempts to get Aleeko to pause in her assault on the mansion and discuss the situation. Persuasion: [roll0]

2015-03-28, 10:47 PM
Did you add your morale bonus to this roll?

"You don't understand! We can discuss once inside, we cannot risk being locked out. Take positions in the entrance hall."

2015-03-28, 11:35 PM
Bythis stands up cautiously and then jogs to rejoin Aleko and Jeron.

"He can explain once we are inside."

So saying, Bythis does as Aleko instructs, raising his rifle and stepping into the entrance hall.

2015-03-28, 11:47 PM
It's a deserted, dark and luxurious hall. Most of the furniture is stylish in an old-fashioned sense, and perhaps a little worn-down.

Who goes in there, other than Bythis and Aleko?

Who stays in front?

Who goes to the side and down with the Stormbringer, into the garage?

Who is at your speeder other than Teev?

2015-03-29, 12:38 AM
Tesserina Paar

Tess downed the droid with a two-handed diagonal stroke, exposing wiring and hydraulic fluid as it folded to the ground. The fight was over almost as quickly as it began. Then she spied the downed guard lying in a growing pool of his own blood. Almost of their own accord, her legs took her to his side, and she was pressing her hands against the wound in an almost certainly vain attempt to staunch the flow.

"Somebody! Help!" she yelled as blood stained her knees and hands.

treat injury untrained: [roll0]

2015-03-29, 12:48 AM
Bythis and Raiko take 7 damage each from the autofire.

Hooray Evasion, Raiko takes no damage.

Raiko performs a quick pat down after the hail of blaster bolts calms down, poking her finger through the holes singed around the edges of her outfit.

Shrugging she bounds up the ramp to join the others heading inside

2015-03-29, 06:02 AM
Fidon was divided in his options. He knew there was little he could do to heal the dying/dead guard - he wasn't trained and he didn't even have a medkit. He knew that the group stood the best chance if they stuck together, but that Tess would be locked out, and Fal was heading towards the garage alone.

He looked over to the others who had made towards the corridor.

"Go, and for Charr's sake, make it count. I'll help Tess and make sure Fal doesn't get overwhelmed."

He ran across to Tess and checked the guard for lifesigns, before starting to treat any wounds he thought would count.


2015-03-29, 02:11 PM
Jeron shook his head and walked slowly up the ramp to the entrance following Padawan Aleeko. He looked down at Tess trying to stop the guard from dying but he was just as unskilled as anyone else in the subject, a seemingly notable lack in their training.

"He's dead Tess, Fidon, take care of the living."

Turning from the scene he tops the ramp and heads through the entrance following Bythis and Aleeko lest they face whatever dangers ahead alone. I am sending a report to the Temple on Coruscant, this is not how things are supposed to be done. As he entered the dark hallway he raised his saber higher to illuminate the way ahead. He took the lead being the most suited to dealing with any immediate threat.

"Let's see where this takes us."

: Sense Surroundings: [roll0]

2015-03-29, 05:38 PM
Bythis nods and shifts his footing, ready to following Jeron into the building.

"I am with you."

2015-03-29, 11:17 PM
All Tess and Fidon accomplish is to realize the guard is already dead, mercilessly brought down by a single shot. When they get up, blood dripping from their hands, Fidon heads to the side of the mansion. And what of Tess?

Inside the building, Aleko says to those who followed, "Search your feelings. Can't you recognize something is very wrong here? That the Force itself warns us that the guards are hostile? I did tell Bythis to incapacitate the guards without permanent harm! But what is done is done. Now focus!"

Jeron can't ponpoint the exact location, but he feels a knot of fear on the floor above.

Bythis' species senses reveal to him there are two non-deserted rooms on the upper floor. He senses nothing on the lower floor.

2015-03-29, 11:20 PM
The source of your morale bonus is the exhilaration you are feeling from the oxygen-rich air. It is probably past the safe long-term exposure norms for most species.

2015-03-29, 11:34 PM
"The guards were too far for a stun shot." Bythis gestures towards the ceiling. "One... no, two rooms upstairs are occupied. I sense nothing down here, but that means little. Stay wary."

2015-03-29, 11:42 PM
Tesserina Paar

Blood no longer gushed from the guard's wound, and it took a moment for Tess' brain to catch on to the fact that meant his heart had stopped beating. He was well and truly dead. She sat in shock for a moment, then, as if someone turned on a switch, she blinked her eyes and snapped back to the present. Rising quickly to her feet, she wiped her hands as best she could on the guard's clothing, then trotted towards the garage. The full impact of what had happened hadn't hit her yet, but she did her best to put it out of her mind and focus on the task at hand.

2015-03-29, 11:56 PM
Fidon and Tess reach the garage door. It is similar to the one above, made of thick ceramsteel. Come to think of it, this mansion is a bunker. All windows are made of orange-tinted ultraglass. You both feel slightly dizzy yet even more alive.You get +1 morale bonus to Defenses now too.

The door mysteriously opens. There are no speeders in the dim garage. Instead, there is an acrid smell, disturbing writings and paintings on the walls, and, in the center, the glowing embers of a bonfire that has charred the ceiling.

Further inside, you see stairs going up and a door leading sideways.

2015-03-30, 01:47 AM
Jeron pressed his lips together forming a thin line, he could not bring himself to approve of Aleeko's aggressive actions even if the Force was felt wrong here.

"I sense fear above, we should be able to get them to negotiate."

He then lead the team forward searching for the stairs or lift up to the next level.


2015-03-30, 03:07 AM
Bythis trails closely behind Jeron, looking over the other initiate's shoulder anxiously. "Don't presume. A cornered beast can be the most dangerous." He switches his rifle to the close-range stun mode, given the close quarters of indoor fighting. "Besides which, we may be dealing with hostages. In which case that would account for the sense of fear."