View Full Version : Optimization looking for an armor enchancement

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-03-17, 02:55 PM
a while back I was gaming with someone and she had an armor enchancement that made light armor weightless. I am fairly certain that was homebrew, but is there an actual in game armor enchancement that does that.

This was however a DM who disregarded things like the official rules and game balance. Her house rules made wild shape impossile to use.

Karl Aegis
2015-03-17, 03:09 PM
That sounds like the armor would be made of a new state of matter. Not sure science has gone that far yet. At least, not high school science. Maybe there is state of the art research on it, but it's new enough to not be in a classroom setting.

2015-03-17, 03:55 PM
...Not sure science has gone that far yet. At least, not high school science....
Or it could be magical. Enchantments often are.

For the OP: Why do you actually need the armor to be weightless? If there isn't an enchantment that gives the armor that specific property, there is likely another way to accomplish the same effect in terms of game mechanics.

2015-03-17, 04:05 PM
Well, The Halfweight Enhancement lets you treat the armor as light armor for every purpose and reduces the wight of it by half.

I do recall the existance of a Weightless enhancement though, but I think the source was rather obscure. Probabl Dragon Mag, but may be 3.0 as well

2015-03-17, 04:45 PM
Well, The Halfweight Enhancement lets you treat the armor as light armor for every purpose and reduces the wight of it by half.

I do recall the existance of a Weightless enhancement though, but I think the source was rather obscure. Probabl Dragon Mag, but may be 3.0 as well

GeeZ. Source?

Agent 451
2015-03-17, 06:39 PM
Arms and Armor by Bastion Press has a weightless enhancement.

2015-03-18, 02:46 AM
Well Agent451 beat me to it. Bastion Press Arms and Armor...except it works on any armor.