View Full Version : Burning and Wheels (IC Thread)

2015-03-17, 11:26 PM
The Full Council has been called for an urgent meeting. Many of you are gathered in the Council Hall, but the usual chairs and tables are missing, leaving only an empty room (perhaps the servants did not have enough time to set up the hall properly). Every passing minute adds to the members of the council present. None of the Small Council are present yet, nor anyone of much importance, as such nobles were powerful enough to linger after such an urgent summons. The only important noble present is Lord Tyrion Lannister, standing in a corner where a table of refreshments has been placed with a winecup in his hand. While technically a member of the Full Council, Lord Tyrion rarely appeared for the meetings, preferring the whore houses and taverns to the Council Hall.

2015-03-18, 07:39 AM
The Most Devout septa Dorotha enters the council hall, her hands folded humbly as almost always. She watches those who are present, and her eye falls on Tyrion Lannister. She finds him a disgusting little figure, not just from his appearance, but also from his behaviour. He behaves as someone completely without breeding. And that while his sister is such a great queen, far more decent, just like his elder brother. Those have civilization, which the imp clearly lacks.

She maintains her usual look of serenity, but she still doesn't feel entirely at ease in King's Landing yet, she doesn't know everyone yet, and her position isn't as strong yet. But she won't be a follower, that goes against her nature. She is one of the greatest of the clergy, and the clergy, everyone knows, are best suited to governance. BEtter than any worldly authority.

2015-03-19, 11:41 PM
Jeyne Hunter was a youth among giants and fools. She walked amidst those in the Full Council like one might step through a strange, new garden. Her eyes flicked from one face to another, denoting House, age and trying to recall anything interesting about them. It was the beginning of what might be the greatest adventure of her young life, an adventure full of court politics, powerful nobles and maybe even a spot of danger. Who was to say?

Kennet had a say of course. She suspected that if her brother was not one of Lord Arryn's personal guards, she'd be sitting out her twenty-fourth year back at home with her aging mother and grandfather. She'd likely have to suffer yet another season of suitors, old men and idiot boys who her mother felt could afford her. Or I could afford them, she thought with a touch of bitterness. Not one came with hopes of love, or even desire.

She took an offered goblet of wine and swirled it gently, her eyes looking within. It was the color of blood, and the color of Kyra's lips when she painted them. The wine didn't taste half so sweet. The thought made her anxious and she turned to see the Lord Tyrion Lannister. The sight of him was not nearly as bad as everyone said it would be. It distracted her, which was good and she studied him for a brief moment. Was this little man worth getting to know? Did he have any pull? His father had been hand to the old, Mad King. His brother was in the Kingsguard, but he was called Kingslayer. His sister, however, she was Queen. Cersei was someone that Jeyne very much wished to know.

What was it Petyr told her? Patience was a virtue but so was an open eye and open ear. Friends were rungs to a ladder spun through chaos and chaos was handled with gold. She smiled to herself and made note. She wouldn't speak to Tyrion, not yet, but perhaps in the future.

2015-03-20, 08:37 PM
Eventually, the vast majority of the full council has arrived and is mingling. You know most of the council, and many are nobles of various houses, big and small. None of the small council has arrived yet, which is unusual, as is the lack of the normal furnishings. A small gong is sounded, and Lord Tyrion walks to the front of the room. Dozens of servants carrying baskets of parchment enter as well, standing around the outside of the council.

"Fellow members of the Full Council, my thanks to you for accepting my invitation to gather on such short notice. It is by the wishes of my dear sister, Her Majesty Queen Cersei, that I gather you all in for some important announcements. The first, and simplest being, that she, and King Robert and the small council of course, have some instructions for each of you. The servants will be passing these around now." Indeed the servants were handing parchments out with a bow or curtsey to the various council members assembled. "The second is that these instructions are for you alone. Do not share what they say under the utmost penalties. Do not forget that Her Majesty is still a Lannister, and our motto holds true." The Imp now took a seat in a nearby chair, brought in with the servants. "Finally," he said as the last parchment was handed out. "The small council has decided they have no further need for the services of the full council. You are all dismissed with thanks for your service. That is all, please see yourselves out." He took another drink from the winecup that he had never sat down. He seemed displeased with the whole council, or maybe it was with his task. Either way, he sounded irritable. A servant refilled his cup before being shooed away.

The notes:


Dearest Jeyne,

Forgive my part in dissolving the full council, but there is too much dispersal of power in King's Landing, and the small council and the monarchs must have as much influence as possible in the coming days.

I am worried about Lord Jon Arryn. He has been asking many questions lately that could pose grave danger to him. He is a competent Hand and King Robert looks to him for many things. Should Arryn be killed, the kingdom will become shambles.

I always think fondly of you,


High Septa Dortha,

I am asking you for a personal favor. I will be in your debt should you complete this task for me, and as you know, a Lannister always pays her debts. Jeyne Hunter is being recruited by Littlefinger for one of his plots. He has her watching Jon Arryn, but for what purposes I do not know. Approach her and inform her you have been asked by a mutual friend to assist her on her mission. I must know what plots that whoremongerer is up to.

-Queen Cersei

2015-03-21, 11:16 AM
Dorotha feels slighted when she hears this news, she arrived only recently, and now this. And then the note. She has to force herself to not smile. From such an esteemed person. She quickly puts it away, it will be burned once she has returned to her abode. And she looks around, estimating the reactions of as many others as possible, and of course, to look for lady Hunter. She will have to make contact with her, but preferably not under the eye of so many spies. Especially not those belonging to the filth.

Her mind works hard while the septa appears to be in prayer. She has to make contact somehow, without being noticed. But how? If only she knew where Jeyne prayed, that would make things so much easier. And then she has a plan. She starts to walk through the crowd, heading towards one of the many exits, but this path crosses that of the young lady, and appearing absent-minded Dorotha brushes against her. Immediately she lowers her eyes and says: "Let us pray for salvation in these hard times."

2015-03-22, 11:55 AM
Jeyne stood, confused at what transpired. What did it mean? Why would they disband the full council and what did it mean that Tyrion Lannister was delivering the news? She made a mental note to look into that further, if the opportunity presented itself. When she obtained her letter, she waited until she had a moment of privacy to read it.

What? she thought as she read. Why would Petyr help dissolve the council? Wasn't her being on this council part of why she was brought out here? What was she going to do now? Would she have to go back home? Then, of course, she read on.

A danger to Jon Arryn? The thought was terrifying! He was her father's liegelord and if something happened to him, what might come of the Hunters? Of her? She thought of her brother, who was one of Lord Arryn's guardsmen. She had to tell him, had to warn him. But how could she do that without simply showing him this letter? She daren't do that. He didn't know about her involvement with the Master of Coin. And what was Lord Arryn looking into?

A woman brushed against her, jarring her out of her momentary panic. It was the Septa. She'd seen Dortha on the Council before. She was a powerful woman within the Sept. She bowed her head to her. Dark times? Does she know something? It all felt like it was coming at her so fast!

"Yes, my lady," she said. "May the Mother guide us to wisdom."

2015-03-23, 10:53 AM
"She watches over us all. The Seven Who Are One always watch, and always judge our justice. But they have given their signs to guide us even through the darkest hours. When doubt surrounds us and we are beset by a thousand questions. There are answers to every question. The life of a young lady such as you must be complicated, away from your family in this wretched hive of scum and villainy. So please, do visit me for prayer and meditation.", Dortha answers. She knows that it's not very subtle, but they must speak in a more private place. There are great things about to happen.

2015-03-23, 10:50 PM
She listened to the Septa speak, finding it odd that this woman would choose her of all people to talk to. She was no one. Which made her instantly suspicious and curious as well.

"I was thinking of praying at the Sept tomorrow morning, for the health of our King and Queen," she said, offering her most innocent smile.

2015-03-24, 10:13 AM
"It will be most gladdening to see that, prayer is important for the soul, and also for the temporal life.", Dortha answers, before turning around and leaving the hall behind her. She needed time to think about all this, the queen, the whoremonger, and this girl. So many things, usually things are so much more slowly. This city truly is a different place.

2015-03-24, 11:27 PM
Jeyne watched the Septa go and then turned her eyes back on the letter in her hands. She had to get rid of it, burning it perhaps. She took her leave of the audience chamber and swiftly went to her rooms to do just that. With the letter safely taken care of (should that happen without issue), she sat and quickly wrote a letter to her brother, asking him to come have a drink with her at his earliest convenience. The Full Council was disbanded and she was suddenly full of time and she'd like to see him.

Her fingers gripped the pen tightly, almost writing that he should bring Kyra. She left it out.

Once the letter was written, she found a maid to deliver it. She made sure to try and find Dacey, a girl who usually carried notes for her from Petyr. She'd be trustworthy after all.

((Circles test perhaps?))

2015-04-07, 08:45 PM
Jeyne manages to find Dacey, but the maid is in deep conversation with a dark haired boy of probably ten. When she notices you, she shoos the boy away, and curtseys deeply. "Good day to you, m'lady. What can Dacey do for your ladyship?"


Dortha wanders away in contemplation. Few bother the Septa, but ahead of her a scuffle breaks out. Two brigands are quickly pummelled nearly to death by a pair of city guardsmen.

2015-04-12, 10:53 PM
"Hello Dacey," Jeyne said, smiling at her. "I have a message that I need delivered to my brother, Kennet Hunter. It must reach his hands and his only. Can you do that for me?"

She held out a rolled parchment, something she'd sealed in plain wax. In it, the message was simple. Brother, I fear that our Lord Arryn may be in danger. I can not say more, but be watchful, won't you? -J"

2015-04-13, 05:23 AM
The most devout septa sees the fight break out, and she knows her duty. She walks over to the scene: "What is the cause of this disturbance of the peace?"

2015-04-15, 08:56 PM
"Of course, m'lady, I live to serve." She curtseyed again, but her eyes flit to the doorway the boy exited from. "Is there anything else, or shall I take this straight away?"


"Forgive the disturbance, High Septa, these two were demeaning the name of her Majesty. We just need to soften them up so they don't give us any trouble on the way to the gaol."

2015-04-16, 07:22 AM
"What sort of foul man would speak ill of our queen? She is one of the very pillars of our realm. By which words did these ruffians turn to infamy?"

2015-04-16, 06:51 PM
"Terrible things, Lady. I dare not repeat them verbatim, but suffice to say they called into question the lineage of the royal children, if I need to be more plain than that, I can, but I believe you have my understanding."

2015-04-17, 04:51 AM
"From men who are that horrible I withdraw the protection of the faith. To speak ill of her grace, and the heir to the throne is truly a great crime. Please, do not be merciful on them. They do not deserve it.", Dortha answers before she continues on her way. Such claims as these men made are true crimes and sins. They destabilize the realm, and that is simply unacceptable.

2015-04-19, 10:22 PM
"Take it to him straight away," she said with a look. "I will know if you delay. And speak of this to no one! Do you understand? I'm trusting you, Dacey."

2015-04-20, 05:33 PM
"Yes, M'lady" Dacey says before running off. You feel fairly sure she will take care of her task. She has been a reliable servant.


"We will be sure to punish them thoroughly, Septa, they will likely not see the light of day ever again, if they live through the King's judgement."

2015-04-23, 11:19 AM
"Excellent. They deserve nothing more.", Dortha answers before she continues on her way, wondering about these allegations. What sort of madman would voice such things?

2015-04-26, 11:00 PM
With Dacey off on her task, Jeyne returned to her rooms, her mind reeling with implications. What could she do? Who should she talk to? Surely her brother was a good check first. But what of the other voices among the Council? And there was the Septa... what had she meant by all that? A septa had power among those in Westeros, she should befriend this woman.

She smiled to herself, feeling as though she were making some progress. Still, she was far from certain of her path. There were other minor ladies in the Council, she should speak to them and find out what they think of the event. Perhaps even see if they got notes.

Quickly she went to her writing table again and scribbled out a letter of invitation to the young Lady Corbray, cousin to Lyn Corbray and niece to Lyonel Corbray of Heart's Home. Surely she might have a pleasant early dinner with a fellow Lady of the Vale? With the letter sealed and waxed, she had it sent via messenger. Anyone would do, for she had no fear of anyone knowing of such a plan. It was common for those of the Vale to stick together after all...

This is likely another Circles roll, though I don't know if we'd call this a test as very little is as stake. The only thing that could compromise it is if Lady Corbray turns out to be adversarial and Jeyne has no idea.