View Full Version : Speculation What Playable Races Do You Want To See In Future 5e Supplements?

2015-03-18, 05:33 AM
what the title says, to start with let's limit ourselves to Races/Monsters listed in Monster Manual that are smaller than Huge and reasonably sapient enough to be potentially playable, I've made a list of possible candidates(even if some stretch the sapience definition, and some might be a little too powerful to be playable without bringing in Level Adjustment);

Galeb Duhr
Mind Flayer
Umber Hulk

which ones from this list would you like to see in a future supplement?

2015-03-18, 07:27 AM
Gnoll of the smarter variant Flind. :)

2015-03-18, 07:40 AM
official tiny race would be great as a benchmark for homebrewing...

2015-03-18, 07:41 AM
a single Goblinoid race with subraces of Goblin, Hobgoblin, Bugbear, Blue (sure not listed here and psionics isnt out yet, but i still want them), and importantly for me Bhuka (again not listed here but I love them)

From the list
a single Gith race with the subraces of Yanki and Zerai

Koblods of course

Lizardfolk and Troglodyte as two subraces of a single race

Orc (why aren't they PHB?)




Bullywug and Grippli as two subraces of a single race


Not from the list
4e style Deva

2015-03-18, 07:44 AM

Gith (at least one)

Rogue Modrons

(can you tell I used to be a planescape player?)

and then the ever loved and world appreciated...


No I'm not Trolling. Not really. I honestly love Kender. I will conced that some bad apple players can spoil the bunch for some groups. Proper playing of a Kender should be it's own thread.

2015-03-18, 08:07 AM

No I'm not Trolling. Not really. I honestly love Kender. I will conced that some bad apple players can spoil the bunch for some groups. Proper playing of a Kender should be it's own thread.

...on another board, dedicated to home repair in flood-damaged regions, in the bottom of a filing cabinet in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Grue."

2015-03-18, 08:08 AM
I just really want to communicate to my party via clicking and moving my antennae.

2015-03-18, 08:31 AM
I hope that they keep new races. Every time they publish a set of new races, one of them almost always invalidates the existence of some previously published race.

2015-03-18, 08:56 AM
The three main goblinoids, kobolds... Athas races (Mul, 1/2 Giant, Kreen, Pteran)

Shining Wrath
2015-03-18, 09:17 AM
It's fine for WotC to multiply races, but they should make clear that not every DM has to allow every race at their table; a race should have a place in the campaign setting. If humans and elves have had no contact for centuries for Reasons, half-elves ought not to exist, and so on. I don't ever intend to ban half-elves, mind, just tossing out examples.

I think I'll make Kender a legendary creature out of myth that parents tell their children about - eat your vegetables or you'll turn into a Kender and everyone will hate you.

2015-03-18, 10:15 AM
Killoren was a fantastic race from 3.5, my Killoren Binder had lots of fun and I would like to make an Outlander Killoren Warlock (Fey, Pact of Chain) to revive his legacy.

Thri Keen would be nice, though darksun had its time in the light during 4e (great stuff came from it) and I'm not sure if I want them focusing on Darksun anytime soon.

Kenku and Deva from 4e.

Mind Flayer, because I'm going to make one have heavy armor and eldritch blast (+agonizing blast). Have him go insane (great old one pact?) And have him always mumble about exterminating a doctor.

Joe the Rat
2015-03-18, 10:21 AM
Mind Flayer, because I'm going to make one have heavy armor and eldritch blast (+agonizing blast). Have him go insane (great old one pact?) And have him always mumble about exterminating a doctor.


Reference aside, I can't help but think that a GOO Pact would make a Mind Flayer go sane.

2015-03-18, 10:35 AM

2015-03-18, 11:26 AM

Reference aside, I can't help but think that a GOO Pact would make a Mind Flayer go sane.

Good point, I kinda like that a lot actually.

Mind Flayer (GOO Patron, Chain Pact) talks to their familiar (Imp or some other evil type) about philosophical implications of what they do and such. The familiar gets a catch phrase like "dude, you one WEIIIRRD mind flayer" set to the laughing of a tv audience... Which is in the Mind Flayer's head, he is so insane that he thinks he is sane and that life is a 80's family type sitcom.

I now want my mind flayer to talk like Bill Cosby...

2015-03-18, 12:15 PM

While variant human is perfectly viable all these weird races end up clashing for attention. I'd like to see some more attention paid to humans so you end up playing anything else because you like the flavour, and not because it's the easiest way to get that 17 starting strength alongside some other nice bonuses.

2015-03-18, 12:23 PM
Just off the list in the first post I'd want:


though as many have said, there are plenty of races from previous editions I'd want as well- Killoren, Bhuka, Azurin, Aventi, Uldra, etc. I also want a non-palytest/non-unearthed-arcana version of the eberron races.

2015-03-18, 12:24 PM
Just hoping for some gnolls. Orcs also, but I want gnolls more.

2015-03-18, 01:57 PM
No mention of Slaadi. Am I the only one who has a confusing love for them?

M Placeholder
2015-03-18, 02:07 PM
No mention of Slaadi. Am I the only one who has a confusing love for them?

So you want to play a race that would talk about slapping gerbils, eat barstools dunked in gibbering mouther and knaw the legs of their fellow party members?

Slaadi would be like Kender x1000 in terms of disruption.

2015-03-18, 02:12 PM
So you want to play a race that would talk about slapping gerbils, eat barstools dunked in gibbering mouther and knaw the legs of their fellow party members?

Slaadi would be like Kender x1000 in terms of disruption.

Sorry, but chaotic stupid still isn't comparable to canon license to deliberately compulsively steal from fellow characters and blame everyone else for getting mad...

M Placeholder
2015-03-18, 02:18 PM
Sorry, but chaotic stupid still isn't comparable to canon license to deliberately compulsively steal from fellow characters and blame everyone else for getting mad...

I agree. Slaadi are a million times worse than Kender. Just read the section on how they reproduce. All of the fluff basically states that Slaadi are the embodiment of Chaotic Neutral, and playing one of them as written would be too distruptive, way more than Kender. Slaadi have canon license to infest fellow PCs with parasitic young or turn them into Slaadi, which would be much more distruptive than a handling Kender.

I would tell my players that if they want to play a frog play a Grippli, and an extraplanar from Limbo to play a Githzerai.

2015-03-18, 02:39 PM
Well I guess we better erase the paladin from D&D too, you know if we are getting rid of things that have, in the past, caused players to act like total jerks to their party based on a selection they can make within the game.

Yeah cause the paladin hasn't been made into a better version of itself at all.

2015-03-18, 02:42 PM
...on another board, dedicated to home repair in flood-damaged regions, in the bottom of a filing cabinet in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Grue."


And as for myself: I expect to see goblinoids, kobolds, and orcs. I hope to (but will probably never) get the chance to play a Yuan-Ti, modron, or myconid.

2015-03-18, 02:43 PM
Ooze, Cube or some sort of Pudding looking to make a fresh start in the outside world.

2015-03-18, 03:09 PM
Ooze, Cube or some sort of Pudding looking to make a fresh start in the outside world.

Monk Ooze makes a return to D&D!

2015-03-18, 03:50 PM
Need more bullywug!

Fable Wright
2015-03-18, 03:54 PM
I really want to see Troll, Medusa, Harpy, Ogre, Minotaur, and Gnoll getting statted out as playable races.
(I want to run an all-Droaamite campaign in 5e. Not likely to happen, though. :smallfrown:)

2015-03-18, 03:59 PM
personally I'm in favor of almost any race getting added in(there's a reason Fantasycraft is one of my favorite versions of D&D), indeed the only ones I'm somewhat against are things like full-blooded Demons & Devils, due to both balancing them would be a pain in the ass, and the fact that Alignment is often more fully baked into them than for most other races, although if we move beyond the list I put in the first post, I'd say pretty much every playable 4e race that's not already available or on the initial list, as well as the Draconians from Dragonlance(one of the Kang Regiment books was my first D&D novel), also if we go into possible 3rd party stuff, I'd love to see a 5e version of Races of Alluria, as that was one of my favorite 4e supplements

M Placeholder
2015-03-18, 04:32 PM

Lupins - There would be something for everyone, with three sizes and lots of different abilities depending on the breed.
Rakasta/Catfolk - With small, medium and large sizes.
Shad - From the planescape setting, a race from the elemental plane of earth who are druids and bards, and have incredible contortion skills.
Child of Neth - Constructs of the Demiplane that lives, seeking out what lies beyond Neth.
Khaasta - Planar Lizardfolk for whom backstabbing is an art form.
Bhuka - Basically Pueblo dwelling, Southwest goblins.
Half Giants - For Dark Sun, the 1200 pound, 10 foot tall version, and the one detailled in the XPH for 3.5.

I would love for those to be playable races.

2015-03-18, 04:41 PM

2015-03-18, 04:48 PM
Minority opinion here- I think there are too many now. The new ones for the EE download pushed me over the line. I would ditch them, Tiefling and dragon borne if I were to DM 5e.

M Placeholder
2015-03-18, 04:59 PM
Minority opinion here- I think there are too many now. The new ones for the EE download pushed me over the line. I would ditch them, Tiefling and dragon borne if I were to DM 5e.

So basically the Five races plus Gnomes. You don't have to have the others in your game as playable races.

Out of all the worlds listed in the players handbook, only one, Aebrynis (Birthright), has just the five races as major races - Humans, Elves, Halflings, Dwarfs and Orcs/Goblins (Orogs and Cerillian Goblins). All of the other settings have populations of races other than the five plus gnomes, and in some settings, there are entire nations of non-demihuman races (The nation of Renardie in Mystara, the Kreen empire in Dark Sun, the Minotaur Nation in Dragonlance). Having just the standard six just does not work for all the other settings.

I would like to see updates for setting specific versions for Elves for Birthright, Dark Sun and Dragonlance, since the Elves for Birthright are more like the fair folk in fairy tales, and the Kargonesti Elves in dragonlance dont really fit the wood elf mold. Also, stats for the warrior Elves of Valenar and the Drow for Eberron.

As for setting specific races, I would love to see these statted, as I dont really feel comfortable setting out a campaign and not having these races statted and available for PC use -


Goblin (L,M and S)





Dark Sun

Half Giant



Forgotten Realms/Kara Tur

Spirit Folk

2015-03-18, 06:23 PM
Minority opinion here- I think there are too many now. The new ones for the EE download pushed me over the line. I would ditch them, Tiefling and dragon borne if I were to DM 5e.

if I had to ditch any races for a setting, I'd be more likely to dump one of the four main breeds of Demi-Human(Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, and Halflings) than I would one of the more exotic races, but then the more exotic D&D races have always been one of the more appealing concepts in the franchise for me

2015-03-18, 11:16 PM
None. Anything that isn't made yet can be easily crafted by players. There's already dozens of balanced home-brew races. The more exotic the printed races get, the more abusable they get, and the more worthless the base races become, introducing official power creep.

I don't want 3.5's 75930 races that only exist to cherry pick stats and abilities.

2015-03-18, 11:39 PM
Though I would like a few more, like different human types and maybe few other subraced elves/dwarves/etc. I also agree with mephnick that we don't need to many more. The real problem is you can make some crazy million page book with everything from every monster manual and source book as a playable race and players will still ask to be something not in said book.

2015-03-18, 11:43 PM
I'd like to see the official Centaur stats, just to see how they vary from the Centaur race I implemented in my game. At least in terms of things like if they keep the full movement speed, size and how they interact with armor pricing. The actual stats & abilities would probably be very different since my interpretation was so setting specific.

2015-03-19, 06:46 AM

This :smallbiggrin:

I have always had an unhealthy thing with the Flumph. Their mere existance makes me happy.
Being a playable race (how?) is even better.

2015-03-19, 08:47 AM
Illumians too, too bad humans aren't designed along the lines of Race:Subrace, because Illumians would have been easy to add as a human subrace. But they should still be added as a race.

2015-03-19, 11:09 AM
Asimar are a race I'd like to see. Perhaps even Deva (interesting idea of playing an angel in human form).

Fiends as well. I'd love to play as some sort of Imp and progress to stronger forms as I level up.

Also, Kobolds need to be playable. They MUST!!!!!

2015-03-19, 11:18 AM
Also, Kobolds need to be playable. They MUST!!!!!
Dragonborn don't have a subrace yet...

M Placeholder
2015-03-19, 11:18 AM
Asimar are a race I'd like to see. Perhaps even Deva (interesting idea of playing an angel in human form).

Fiends as well. I'd love to play as some sort of Imp and progress to stronger forms as I level up.

Also, Kobolds need to be playable. They MUST!!!!!

Aasimar are in the DMG as an example of how to create your own race, and statted. I agree on Kobolds being a playable race, especially if they include everything in the Races of the Dragon that made them so good as sorcerers.

Shining Wrath
2015-03-19, 11:21 AM
I'd like to see the official Centaur stats, just to see how they vary from the Centaur race I implemented in my game. At least in terms of things like if they keep the full movement speed, size and how they interact with armor pricing. The actual stats & abilities would probably be very different since my interpretation was so setting specific.

Yeah, I like Centaurs. I was thinking they'd be able to buy armor for the human portion at regular prices, but it would be expensive to get barding for the horse portion, and magic armor would have to be crafted (meaning: quest to find person who can craft it, quest to prove self worthy to said person, quest to get necessary materials, ...).

Also, would any inn allow centaurs to spend the night? If not, you just Split The Party - every night in town.

2015-03-19, 11:22 AM
Aasimar are in the DMG as an example of how to create your own race, and statted. I agree on Kobolds being a playable race, especially if they include everything in the Races of the Dragon that made them so good as sorcerers.

Sorcerers? Phooey! They must be bards! They will dance and sing for the party's amusement!

And I don't think the aasimar in the DMG is "official"

2015-03-19, 11:54 AM
Yeah, I like Centaurs. I was thinking they'd be able to buy armor for the human portion at regular prices, but it would be expensive to get barding for the horse portion, and magic armor would have to be crafted (meaning: quest to find person who can craft it, quest to prove self worthy to said person, quest to get necessary materials, ...).

Also, would any inn allow centaurs to spend the night? If not, you just Split The Party - every night in town.

In my game at least I worked it like this:

Human Armor is usable by Centaurs at -1 AC, purchasing "Barding" of the same type brings the AC bonus up to full. "Barding" of this type is relatively common, though still expensive due to the materials cost.

Magic Armor functions normally and doesn't require barding to power up. The -1 AC stipulation applies but even mundane barding can match to complete magic armor.

Most Inns/Shops in my setting are equipped to handle Centaurs and other larger-than-human creatures, since they're a common part the population. If there is a building really just too small for them (say a tiny tavern), there is generally at minimum a service window with an awning or the like but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Though in my setting Centuars are fairly common up to about 15% population in some regions. Some of these assumptions might not hold with more typical D&D demographics.

2015-03-19, 11:59 AM
Satyr, Minotaur and Centaur.

2015-03-19, 01:02 PM
None. Anything that isn't made yet can be easily crafted by players. There's already dozens of balanced home-brew races. The more exotic the printed races get, the more abusable they get, and the more worthless the base races become, introducing official power creep.

I don't want 3.5's 75930 races that only exist to cherry pick stats and abilities.

A couple problems. Home brewing in official play is a bad idea and is more likely to introduce a high level of power creep.

We could easily get rid of the 3e issue of races made for the sake of cherry picking stats. Drop racial ASI and make races a combo action of fluff and abilities. Then no matter what race you pick you can have whatever combo of +2/+1 you want (or even +1/+1/+1).

But saying that officially only 10 races exist with a fantasy game that has an unlimited number of realms and planes is just way too restrictive to take seriously.

I love homebrew as much as the next guy or gal, maybe more so, but that doesn't mean official races shouldn't be made to support the official settings.

Besides, as another poster said, if I was dropping any races it would be most of the core races, I like the design of the EE races more so than those of core.

2015-03-20, 01:15 PM
I want the Pixies :c

2015-03-20, 02:57 PM
Hackmaster made then work, don't see why D&D can't.

2015-03-20, 03:59 PM
Hackmaster made then work, don't see why D&D can't.
They *kind of* worked in Hackmaster. We ran a full party of Pixie Faeries through all the published adventures it was fun.

2015-03-20, 04:40 PM
I would love to have the Goliath race be available in 5th!

2015-03-20, 05:37 PM
I would love to have the Goliath race be available in 5th!

They just got added in the new supplement (they are like boring half orcs so don't get too excited).