View Full Version : Help me make a broken dragon

2015-03-18, 02:19 PM
So I made a thread a little bit ago but it didn't get very clear answers,

So my dm is holding a new campaign where we must start as ECL 1. So he is removing LA from all races, RHD applies normally to stats but does not effect my ECL.
Seems like everyone kept saying dragons were the best way to go but where vague on what exactly I should do.

I will be fighting the other players off and on, and I know one of them is playing a concordant Dragon and taking Dragon ascendant. Someone mentioned that I should take a great wyrm time Dragon and just use epic spells. Is this really the best way I should go at this?

2015-03-18, 02:21 PM
Someone mentioned that I should take a great wyrm time Dragon and just use epic spells. Is this really the best way I should go at this?

This was most likely sarcasm, i would suggest you do not unless the game is intentionally made to be MEGA-HIGH-POWER-DEATH Mode

2015-03-18, 02:25 PM
If you find a chaotic dragon you like, you could go Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker into a Bloodscaled Fury (Draconomicon). Not much could stop you after that.

This was most likely sarcasm, i would suggest you do not unless the game is intentionally made to be MEGA-HIGH-POWER-DEATH Mode
Yeah... we've mentioned that before. You can check out the original (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?403191-In-a-world-without-LA).

2015-03-18, 02:35 PM
When I saw the thread title and the ECL1 thing, I was going to suggest Dragonwraught Kobolds, but you're the guy who started that other thread aren't you?

Every single Template you can fit onto a Dragon without conflicting with anything or sacrificing much... Slap it all on a Great Wyrm Force Dragon, or Time Dragon if you have access to Dragon Magazine.

Feats and Spells are up to you. Good luck making anything less than broken.

2015-03-19, 02:48 PM
When I saw the thread title and the ECL1 thing, I was going to suggest Dragonwraught Kobolds, but you're the guy who started that other thread aren't you?

Every single Template you can fit onto a Dragon without conflicting with anything or sacrificing much... Slap it all on a Great Wyrm Force Dragon, or Time Dragon if you have access to Dragon Magazine.

Feats and Spells are up to you. Good luck making anything less than broken.
I do have access to the magazine's, any ideas on particular templates, feats, future classes, etc

2015-03-19, 08:19 PM
I do have access to the magazine's, any ideas on particular templates, feats, future classes, etc

Paragon, Half-Minotaur, Half-Ogre, Multi Headed x7 (Lernaean Variant) and Phrenic Great Wyrm Time Dragon.

If your DM isn't enforcing Type restrictions on Templates Symbiotic, with the Guest being a Phrenic Warforged Saint with Artificer or Psion levels.
Might as well stack on any Template that doesn't give you any non-abilities, or remove your Breath Weapon too.

As for your own Class, the actual build. When I said.

Good luck making anything less than broken.

I meant it, the real challenge here is building something that isn't broken. Because these rules of your DM's are completely broken.

2015-03-19, 08:26 PM
Honestly, I would stay away from this game, it sounds like it's going to fall apart super quickly.

2015-03-19, 08:33 PM
Someone mentioned that I should take a great wyrm time Dragon and just use epic spells. Is this really the best way I should go at this?
This would mean you:

Have Epic Spells
Are a dragon

Adding the templates is just overkill.

2015-03-19, 08:34 PM
So, you get to ignore LA and racial HD don't increase your ECL? Silly.

Make an advanced Great Wyrm Prismatic Dragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/dragonEpic.htm#prismaticDragon), advanced to one hundred billion hit dice. Take a single level of any class you want, it won't matter.

Platymus Pus
2015-03-19, 08:41 PM
Make a wyrmling, now don't add anything to it, I mean nothing at all.

2015-03-19, 08:46 PM
So I made a thread a little bit ago but it didn't get very clear answers,

So my dm is holding a new campaign where we must start as ECL 1. So he is removing LA from all races, RHD applies normally to stats but does not effect my ECL.
Seems like everyone kept saying dragons were the best way to go but where vague on what exactly I should do.

I will be fighting the other players off and on, and I know one of them is playing a concordant Dragon and taking Dragon ascendant. Someone mentioned that I should take a great wyrm time Dragon and just use epic spells. Is this really the best way I should go at this?
In a game with no real-life stakes, "Best" is "Whatever you will have the most fun with which does not interfere with the fun of anyone else involved"

D&D is almost always a game with no real-life stakes.

A Great Wyrm Prismatic Dragon is a very powerful option. They have an LA of "-", however, so may not be an option. There's a great many very strong options that do not have that bit of uncertainty.

The big questions, though, are "Do you really think you'll have fun mowing over everything and outclassing everyone else at the table 99% of the time?" and "Do you expect everyone else to still have fun while you are doing so?"

If the answer to both is "Yes", then by all means, go for a Great Wyrm maximally advanced Prismatic Dragon with the Paragon, Psuedonatural, Half-Celestial, Half-Fiendish, Half-Dragon, Half-Fey, and Phrenic templates, or whichever other bit of high-end advice strikes your fancy.

If the answer to either of those question is "No", then you probably don't want to be getting blank-check optimization advise of that calibre from this forum. In fact, you're probably well advised to chat a bit with the other players about what sort of power level they're after in this campaign, agree with them on a particular CR, and then go through the monster manuals you have available for critters of that CR that look like fun.