View Full Version : 3rd Ed Changing Small size to Medium

2015-03-18, 05:59 PM
I ran into a roadblock build my recent creation and I need ways to change a small sized creature to medium size - permanently.

While permanency enlarge person would work in theory, if that was ever dispelled, It would cause one hell of a mathematical headache.

So what ways are there of changing my size?

edit: I found what I was looking for in another thread. I will post the link to it for anyone hunting the same thing as me.


2015-03-18, 11:55 PM
add the half Minotaur template to its race. LA+0 increases to large and keeps you humanoid so that if you wanted you could permanency enlarge person to large.

2015-03-19, 02:11 AM
add the half Minotaur template to its race. LA+0 increases to large and keeps you humanoid so that if you wanted you could permanency enlarge person to large.

Its only LA0 if your size does not change. Since it will change for me, its a +1LA

While the stat bonuses are fun and all, its best used for going med to large.