View Full Version : 3rd Ed How much HP will you regain if you Wild Shape under Lesser Vigor?

2015-03-18, 10:15 PM
If you wildshape, you restore HP "as if you had rested for a night".
A night is 8 hours = 4800 rounds, thus resting for a full night while having fast healing 1 would restore more than 4800 HP.

Does this mean that druid completely heals himself every time he wildshapes under the effect of Lesser Vigor?

2015-03-18, 10:53 PM
It would be a stretch to say you get the full 10 rounds worth of your lesser vigor that round. Trying to say Lesser Vigor suddenly applies for the full 8 hours is ridiculous.

2015-03-18, 11:28 PM
I don't think this one works, because if you rested for the night under the effects of lesser vigor, then the duration would run out and you'd just gain that normal amount of HP. The real question is how wild shape works with longer duration things. Like, if you just have fast healing 1 permanently, does that increase wild shape HP gain? How about a ring of regeneration? There are a lot of things of this nature that have some real rules juice to them, where lesser vigor doesn't to the same extent.

2015-03-18, 11:44 PM
How about a ring of regeneration?
Come now. There has to be some use for the thing.

2015-03-19, 12:00 AM
Come now. There has to be some use for the thing.
Oh, sure, that definitely wouldn't be broken. Way too expensive. However, if you allow the ring of regeneration+wild shape combo, then the rules interpretation that allows for it also allows for a number of other combos that are far more cost efficient. I guess you could allow that thing but not most other similar things, but that seems like a rather inconsistent application of the rules.

2015-03-19, 12:28 AM
When you rest for the night, you recover 1 HP per level.

With a full night’s rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 hit point per character level. Any significant interruption during your rest prevents you from healing that night.

This is what the clause is referring to.

2015-03-19, 02:16 AM
Exactly. you get the extra HP appropriate for 8h of sleep. You do not count as having spent 8h sleeping.

Each time you use wild shape, you regain lost hit points as if you had rested for a night.

So neither extra HP from lesser vigor nor any other form of fast healing/regeneration.

2015-03-19, 03:40 AM
When you rest for the night, you recover 1 HP per level.
This is what the clause is referring to.
When why didn't they just write "1 HP per character level" instead of "as if you had rested for a night"? It's not like it takes any more space - and not needing to look up an extra reference is always a bonus.

If you only recover 1 hp per character level for a character that would've normally restored much more than that by resting for 8 hours, you are shortchanging him.

2015-03-19, 03:48 AM
What if you have Healthful Rest on. Would that double the healing by wild shape?

2015-03-19, 04:07 AM
Well if you try to look at this from the logical way, if a druid was to shape shift into another form and some of there wounds healed, then I would chalk that up to genetic evolution or something along that lines. The fact that you dont also get all your spells again means that only your body, not your brain changes (hence no mental scores changing and you dont get unlimited wild shapes)

Because of that I feel you cant look at this as a time related issue at all. Shape shift is just speeding the process in witch your cells change and thus cause a mild healing effect.

Looking at it this way, fast healing and regeneration would help as normal, but would not give 8 hours worth of healing.

2015-03-19, 04:43 AM
Because of that I feel you cant look at this as a time related issue at all. Shape shift is just speeding the process in witch your cells change and thus cause a mild healing effect.
...and if you have Fast Healing, the effect of that cell change is that much greater, so no reason Fast Healing shouldn't contribute fully.

2015-03-19, 07:45 AM
When why didn't they just write "1 HP per character level" instead of "as if you had rested for a night"? It's not like it takes any more space - and not needing to look up an extra reference is always a bonus.
Answer - because there are things that modify this value, e.g. the Faster Healing feat from Complete Warrior.

As for creature with Fast Healing or Regeneration or similar they do NOT gain the extra hp for a "8 hour's rest" - they gain them for "8 hours" - so subtract that from what they gain for "8 hour's rest" and you get the 1 hp/hit dice (unless modified) that everyone else gets.