View Full Version : 3rd Ed Custom staff cost for spells using more than two charges

2015-03-19, 06:55 PM
Currently I'm in an interesting game that will allow me to take advantage of the Eilservs School feat. I'm a Gestalt Crusader/Wizard into a watered down version of Jade Phoenix Mage (because it's a "Dual Class.") Also I'm evil so we are using the adaption to make it the Ebon Phoenix Mages. I'm Insectile, Transition Template Class Drow, essentially trading the normal +2 LA of a Drow for the template. It has been quite fun and interesting.

Anyways I will multi-weapon fight with 3 Spell staves and have been looking at having some custom staves made. Mostly I won't cast from them, except in dire situations, and will be using them for their damage bonus but me and the DM have run into a snag. It says in the SRD: "If desired, a spell can be placed into the staff at only half the normal cost, but then activating that particular spell costs 2 charges from the staff." We both know that there are staves that use as many as 5 charges per casting, so we know that they can be made. What we can't figure out however is how much they reduce the cost by when they start using more than 2 charges. We can't find a formula and attempts to reverse engineer the math out of premade staffs has not been successful.

So my question is essentially does anyone know, or is able to figure out, how this works? If it turns out it was something basic we missed I'll only be slightly embarrassed as we tried for over an hour dedicatedly and most of the rest of the down time in our game yesterday and are at a loss. It will take several in game days for work to be completed so right now they are just "being worked on" until we come up with something. There is the possibility that since there isn't anything in that rule talking about using more than 2 charges you can't do it (as illogical as that would be), but both of us agree there has to be a way for this to work and while we would like a RAW solution first, a logical Rule 0 stamp of approval is also very acceptable.