View Full Version : Need Help finding a class.

2015-03-19, 08:06 PM
I need help finding a class. A player of mine vaguely remembers it. I can't find anything about it.

I don't know if it is Pathfinder or D&D.x. Or just a player made class.

Some pointers that it is suppose to do. It has something to do with wearing Spiked armor. You can run in close and deal damage.

That is about the only stuff he has given me.

Possible things I found that isn't it. Blood Spiked Charger feat. Ironclad Knight, Spiked Warrior, or the Spiked Juggernaut.

I can't seem to find anything else that fits that criteria.

If you can help me, that would be great.

2015-03-19, 09:03 PM
Dunno if either of these are what you're thinking of, but the first thing I thought of was the Fighter ACF Dungeon Crasher from Dungeonscape. It doesn't actually have anything to do with armor spikes, but involves moving close to people and bull rushing them into stuff for tons of damage. And then there's the Warforged Juggernaut PrC from ECS which grows adamantine spikes and gets some other benefits, including being able to add armor spike + Strength damage to the normal results of a bull rush.

So maybe it's the combination of those two that you're looking for?

2015-03-19, 09:54 PM
Isnt there a PrC from Faerun for Dwarves that involves spiked armor?

2015-03-20, 02:05 AM
The Reaping Mauler (Complete Warrior) specializes (poorly, I'm told) in grappling, and the illustration is a guy in armour covered in spikes.

2015-03-20, 04:24 AM
Sounds like the Battlerager, a dwarven PrC from Races of Faerūn.

2015-03-20, 05:00 AM
Sounds like the Battlerager, a dwarven PrC from Races of Faerūn.

that was my first thought, in the novels at least, its a favorite tactic of battlerager to wear spiked armor and rush in and "hug" thier enemies to death

2015-03-20, 06:55 AM
that was my first thought, in the novels at least, its a favorite tactic of battlerager to wear spiked armor and rush in and "hug" thier enemies to death

"Help! I think hes nuzzling me to death!"