View Full Version : DM Help Need an exotic weapon

2015-03-20, 12:05 AM
Making a powerful holy boss that is guarding a point in our world that allows its god to bestow its power to its people. I am gearing him out, and I already have a slew of nice options for an epic fight, but I would like to give him one really odd exotic weapon that when he pulls it out it will make players say "the hell is that!!?"

Anyone know of any good exotic weapons to use?
If you know of a good exotic weapon that is not in d&d, toss me a link to the wiki or a picture or something as well :)

2015-03-20, 12:12 AM
a) What is the fighting style of the boss? A caster? Tank? Brawler? Gish? Sneaky? Ranged? Different exotic weapons are good for different play styles, so knowing which one he uses would be quite helpful.

b) Are you going for power or "exoticism"? If it's purely for power, your options are either a spiked chain or gnomish quickblade wielded by a Factotum with Iaijutsu focus.

2015-03-20, 12:27 AM
It's considered a simple weapon, but the aspergillum is fairly exotic. It's like a mace, except the head is hollow and has little holes. You fill it with holy water and shake it or wave it to sprinkle the holy water out. A natural enchantment would be to have produce it's own holy water X times per day or so. It was in a 3.0 defenders of the faith book, not sure if it made it into any 3.5 era books though.

2015-03-20, 12:28 AM
a) What is the fighting style of the boss? A caster? Tank? Brawler? Gish? Sneaky? Ranged? Different exotic weapons are good for different play styles, so knowing which one he uses would be quite helpful.

b) Are you going for power or "exoticism"? If it's purely for power, your options are either a spiked chain or gnomish quickblade wielded by a Factotum with Iaijutsu focus.

Well this boss is made up partly gestalt paladin & monk, but is an Archon angel. He is very up in your face about fighting, but he has to defend a fixed point, so a weapon with crazy reach would be kinda cool.
Right now he has a great sword made to fight evil, a long sword made to fight undead, and natural attacks for a few reasons.

2015-03-20, 12:31 AM
It's considered a simple weapon, but the aspergillum is fairly exotic. It's like a mace, except the head is hollow and has little holes. You fill it with holy water and shake it or wave it to sprinkle the holy water out. A natural enchantment would be to have produce it's own holy water X times per day or so. It was in a 3.0 defenders of the faith book, not sure if it made it into any 3.5 era books though.

Ya see, this is cool. I may have that as one of the more minor rewards for beating him, but it wont be on his main weapon setup.
It does not matter if its not converted, I will convert it myself if its cool or crazy enough :P

Even anime ish type weapons work so long as they are not crazy anime strong lol

2015-03-20, 12:38 AM
Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer, MMIV p101. It's a two-handed bludgeoning weapon that deals 1d12 damage medium size, with a natural 19-20/x4 critical. It also gets a +2 to attempts to sunder a weapon or shield. Improved Critical or the Impact enchant makes that 17-20/x4. If he can get Greater Mighty Wallop cast on it (or a potion/oil of it) then its base damage will be increased as though it were larger.

A Kaorti Resin (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031014a) Falchion or Scimitar or even Kukris have a natural 18-20/x4 critical, and Improved Critical or Keen makes it 15-20/x4.

2015-03-20, 01:09 AM
If you're going purely for the "what the heck is that?" factor, here's things that stood out to me while looking through a list of exotic weapons I found via google.

You could go for the Lajatang (http://lparchive.org/Dungeon-Crawl/Update%2015/2-Axe.jpg) from Complete Warrior.

You could also go with the Nekode (http://api.ning.com/files/5U9UbT6OOSNXyGYUw*aKV8CGHHg8ZVsYcmwNiBDqzcg_/NekodeClaws.jpg?width=400&height=359) from Drow of the Underdark, which are basically a punching dagger that look a lot like Wolverine's claws.

There is apparently stats for Tiger Hook Swords (http://www.warrior-supplies.com/images_products/88_big.jpg) somewhere, but I honestly couldn't tell you where.

The Lynxpaw (http://i56.tinypic.com/2hckevq.jpg) from Races of the Wild is pretty cool.

Thrombash (http://images.wikia.com/thehungergames/images/6/66/Hunga_Munga!.jpg) is probably the weirdest looking one I've seen so far. Its stats are in Sandstorm. It can be used as a one handed melee weapon by anyone, but becomes a throwing weapon with exotic proficiency.

Crescent Scythe (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/114/2/6/_2003__Double_Scythe_by_Eric_3.jpg) is also from Sandstorm. It is a double scythe, which seems totally impractical but can be pretty cool.

Pretty much all of these seem to suck statwise, being weaker than even some martial weapons. But since it's an NPC and you just want something exotic, hopefully one tickles your fancy.

Edit: I just noticed you mentioned crazy reach being a positive. In that case the Rope Dart/Meteor Hammer out of dragon magazine is probably worth considering. It's an exotic reach weapon that can go out to 15ft, but without all the weird annoying limitations that the Whip gets.

2015-03-20, 01:11 AM
Well this boss is made up partly gestalt paladin & monk, but is an Archon angel. He is very up in your face about fighting, but he has to defend a fixed point, so a weapon with crazy reach would be kinda cool.
Right now he has a great sword made to fight evil, a long sword made to fight undead, and natural attacks for a few reasons.

Hmm. Well, maybe you could give it a Liu Xing Chui (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Liu_Xing_Chui_(3.5e_Equipment)), a special two-handed monk weapon with reach 10 (15 if you have Weapon Focus: Meteor Hammer and +11 BAB) but it can be used against anyone within your reach, including adjacent foes. It can trip enemies and if you succeed you have two options; knock them prone, or pull them 5 feet closer (good for using those natural attacks).

If you really want to freak your players out, take an existing weapon and tweak it a bit. They think they know what they're in for when suddenly the archon pulls some crazy trick with it. For example, make the arcon duel wield flails, but describe the flails as "connected to the handle by a beam of pure light". Make it so that the light beams can be stretched up to 30 feet, effectively giving it a reach of 30 feet. Then laugh at the look on your player's faces. If you don't want them to get their grubby hands on it you could make it a holy weapon bound to the archon that disappears when it dies.

2015-03-20, 01:18 AM
Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer, MMIV p101. It's a two-handed bludgeoning weapon that deals 1d12 damage medium size, with a natural 19-20/x4 critical. It also gets a +2 to attempts to sunder a weapon or shield. Improved Critical or the Impact enchant makes that 17-20/x4. If he can get Greater Mighty Wallop cast on it (or a potion/oil of it) then its base damage will be increased as though it were larger.

A Kaorti Resin (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031014a) Falchion or Scimitar or even Kukris have a natural 18-20/x4 critical, and Improved Critical or Keen makes it 15-20/x4.

Thats not what I was looking for, but thanks to googling that I did find what I was looking for.

I am going to go with a custom pole arm whose blade can reach 5 ft further as a standard action at the cost of only getting 1 attack. Its got a very Asian look to it and I think ive seen this in Dynasty Warriors before lol

2015-03-20, 01:32 AM
Hmm. Well, maybe you could give it a Liu Xing Chui (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Liu_Xing_Chui_(3.5e_Equipment)), a special two-handed monk weapon with reach 10 (15 if you have Weapon Focus: Meteor Hammer and +11 BAB) but it can be used against anyone within your reach, including adjacent foes. It can trip enemies and if you succeed you have two options; knock them prone, or pull them 5 feet closer (good for using those natural attacks).

If you really want to freak your players out, take an existing weapon and tweak it a bit. They think they know what they're in for when suddenly the archon pulls some crazy trick with it. For example, make the arcon duel wield flails, but describe the flails as "connected to the handle by a beam of pure light". Make it so that the light beams can be stretched up to 30 feet, effectively giving it a reach of 30 feet. Then laugh at the look on your player's faces. If you don't want them to get their grubby hands on it you could make it a holy weapon bound to the archon that disappears when it dies.

Woah! As someone who has been using glowsticks for a very long time, I understand how they are doing every one of there moves. I had no idea there was a martial arts style from it!
I am def making this a weapon too, just not for this boss. :)

Googling that weapon also has shown me even more exotic weapons (some so very not feasible IRL, but in a game world its great!) to play with.

2015-03-20, 07:06 AM
It's considered a simple weapon, but the aspergillum is fairly exotic. It's like a mace, except the head is hollow and has little holes. You fill it with holy water and shake it or wave it to sprinkle the holy water out. A natural enchantment would be to have produce it's own holy water X times per day or so. It was in a 3.0 defenders of the faith book, not sure if it made it into any 3.5 era books though.

So... The power of Bahamut compels you? Is that how you do it?

2015-03-20, 10:36 AM
There's a weapon in Dragon Compendium: The Vulcanian Thunder Club. It's a Greatclub, but in the top is a cavity packed with Alchemist's Fire, iron pellets, and other alchemical ingredients. A string runs down to near where you grip it. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

Yup, you can pull the string as a standard action and deal 2d4 damage to everything in a 20ft cone. DC15 Reflex for half. It's a shotgun stick.

I recommend supercharging this. And making it self reloading.

2015-03-20, 04:27 PM
Might I interest you in an urumi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urumi)? Easily the most visually flashy weapon available, especially if you're duel-wielding one of the variants with 32 blades. Seriously. Imagine the possibilities with 64 16-foot blades writhing around like snakes.

How about a nice kusarigama (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusarigama)? They're great, unless you're fighting in a forest. Long reach, brutal finish. Makes you look like a badass.

Perhaps I can tempt you with a nice zhua? I don't have a link hand-y (ha) but it's basically a huge iron rod with an enormous, massively heavy hand-shaped iron claw at the end for pulling riders off horses, ripping away shields, and generally crushing heads.

Or, for the truly exotic, why not go with a macuahuitl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macuahuitl)? Part sword, part greatclub. Part wood, part sharpened obsidian. All flesh-tearing, horse-decapitating horror.

2015-03-20, 04:38 PM
Might I interest you in an urumi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urumi)? Easily the most visually flash weapon available, especially if you're duel-wielding one of the variants with 32 blades. Seriously. Imagine the possibilities with 64 16-foot blades writhing around like snakes.

How about a nice kusarigama (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusarigama)? They're great, unless you're fighting in a forest. Long reach, brutal finish. Makes you look like a badass.

Perhaps I can tempt you with a nice zhua? I don't have a link hand-y (ha) but it's basically a huge iron rod with an enormous, massively heavy hand-shaped iron claw at the end for pulling riders off horses, ripping away shields, and generally crushing heads.

Or, for the truly exotic, why not go with a macuahuitl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macuahuitl)? Part sword, part greatclub. Part wood, part sharpened obsidian. All flesh-tearing, horse-decapitating horror.

Ok... the Urumi just may be one of the most scary weapons ive ever seen! lol

The insanity behind the training of it aside, if I saw someone flailing one of those things around, no way in hell would I go near it. Id grab an archer instead :P