View Full Version : HONEST Fantasies about your dream home

2015-03-20, 07:54 AM
Seemed like a good conversation starter really.
What MUST you have in your own home one day?
What do you just REALLY WISH to have in your home one day?

Do you already LIVE in your dream home?

2015-03-20, 09:58 AM
My list includes..

Comfy Den & Media room. Library. Dedicated game room. Pool. Central Air conditioning.

2015-03-20, 11:11 AM
Having taken care of a pool at my cousin's house I know my dream house wouldn't include one, unless it happened to also include someone else to take care of it.

Of course right now there isn't that much I would want different from my current house. A finished yard (we're working on the front, but probably have to replace quite a bit because of the deer. The back still needs about everything done to it.), a hot tub (my girlfriend's wish, and it can't be my dream house unless she is also happy), a place for more fish tanks, and kids that sleep in their own room.

Luckily most of that is pretty easy to do. The biggest problem with the back yard is just time and money. The previous owners poured a concrete pad for an additional room, so if we get that finished we'll have a place for the hot tub and fish tanks. The kids should take care of that on their own, just not fast enough. And if we have one ourselves (two are hers) it will be years before we get to sleep alone with any regularity.

2015-03-20, 11:53 AM
Two-story library. Tropical greenhouse. Private indoor pool. Submarine hangar.

2015-03-20, 12:28 PM
MUST have? Hard requirements are actually pretty low. Basically a minimum of 3 rooms, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a sitting area that is not a bedroom. Scale minimum rooms upward as needed for potential future family. But for the most part I am happy as long as it is not one of those single room lofts. My cousin lives in one, and having seen it I know it would drive me insane.

Things I would like to have? I would love to be able to dedicate a room or two to a library, as my book collection has recently been running up against the hard limit of what I can fit onto the shelves I can fit into a reasonable space in the bedroom. I'd like at least one room on a corner with big windows to allow for lots of natural light, and some comfortable chairs for reading. A back porch with comfortable chairs would be nice too (I haven't had a decent outside reading chair in years, I miss it).

Um... getting away from the reading angle, a computer room with room for at least 2 separate desktops, preferably up to 4 or 5, would be nice. Call me nostalgic for LAN parties, but I'd love to be able to play multiplayer PC games with friends/family right there instead of using vent or some other voip software.

I've always thought one of the doughnut design houses would be really interesting and different if I somehow struck it rich. I have no idea how much of it would end up being annoying and seem like a pointless novelty after a few weeks, but being able to have a "center yard" instead of a backyard sounds interesting. Putting a pool in the middle would be cool too.

Oh and since we're talking about some undefined time in the future post me winning the lottery, I'd like a house that is totally wireless. There have been a lot of advances in wireless electricity transfer, having the whole house lined with emitters so that any item in the house can pick up a charge without having to be plugged in would be fantastic. (I really hope this ends up being standard practice within my lifetime, but I doubt it).

Bulldog Psion
2015-03-20, 12:38 PM
Big windows. This is a must.

Fast Internet connection. Another must.

Furniture. :smallbiggrin:

2015-03-20, 01:00 PM
I would Also Add Ranch Style House. I do not want to live in a two story again. The doughnut idea is a good one.

FAST INTERNET! THANK YOU. would hate to forget that.

2015-03-20, 01:08 PM
A nice study to do work from that's comfortable but doesn't lull you to sleep.

Internet connection perfectly placed so avoid all wi-fi deadzones (signal propagation math plz).

At least one room with high ceilings and some open space for play/dance/kids/whatever.

Bedroom with a King bed and walk-in closets.

2015-03-20, 01:09 PM
My dream house...?

I want a hobbit hole. A nice, comfortable one like Bag End. 'Nuff said!


Brian P.

2015-03-20, 01:09 PM
I'd really love a houseboat. Or a house-spaceship (if a tech breakthrough comes along or I somehow get just... obscenely rich despite not pursuing it and still have several billion left over after a lengthy list of charitable contributions have been separated out).

2015-03-20, 01:22 PM
Seemed like a good conversation starter really.
What MUST you have in your own home one day?
What do you just REALLY WISH to have in your home one day?

Do you already LIVE in your dream home?

Well, I thought about listing all the things I want, and then I realized it was basically a supervillain lair, and figured, better not. Gotta preserve the surprise for the hero.

Already got the basics like game room, library, lab, hedgehog room, server rack, armory. But, there's always room for more, of course. I'm woefully short on aircraft hangars.

2015-03-20, 01:30 PM
I don’t really want much. I mean I could sit here and dream up all sorts of awesome things but really when I think about it I’ve got it narrowed down to this:

1: rural house, plenty of land
2: Independent”off grid” energy, water and sewage
3: Fruit/vegetable garden
4: full shop for various around the house projects

Basically I want to be more independent than I am and not bothered.

realized i came off as a total loner, which isn't the truth, so i've edited to better reflect my feelings.

2015-03-20, 01:32 PM
I don’t really want much. I mean I could sit here and dream up all sorts of awesome things but really when I think about it I’ve got it narrowed down to this:
1: rural house, plenty of land
2: Independent”off grid” energy, water and sewage
3: Fruit/vegetable garden
4: full shop for various around the house projects

Basically I want to be more independent than I am and left alone.

This. Add in 'small dojo' and 'shooting range and we're golden.

If we want to be 100% completely honest about desires though? My dream home will be a normal, everyday house. It will have a lot of land. And that land will contain;
A wizard's tower
A dungeon in some ruins
A hobbit hole
A temple on a makeshift mountainside

Because we all have dreams.

2015-03-20, 01:55 PM
This. Add in 'small dojo' and 'shooting range and we're golden.

what part of "plenty of land" didn't you get?


2015-03-20, 02:18 PM
This. Add in 'small dojo' and 'shooting range and we're golden.

If we want to be 100% completely honest about desires though? My dream home will be a normal, everyday house. It will have a lot of land. And that land will contain;
A wizard's tower
A dungeon in some ruins
A hobbit hole
A temple on a makeshift mountainside

Because we all have dreams.

See, that's why in my dream house, the rooms are in different locations and connected by portals. So I can sleep under a coral reef, have breakfast in the amazon, then go read a book while looking out over the Valles Marineris.

Jeff the Green
2015-03-20, 02:30 PM
I want a dome in a hill, the equivalent of a smallish house but two stories, with a bunch of skylights I can dim at will. It'd be mostly open space, with a central eating area and kitchen, and mostly just bathrooms and living quarters separated off. The kitchen would be thoroughly equipped, and would have a trap door to a wine/root cellar. Decorated in warm earth colors, with lots of natural and ideally local stone. The outside would be covered in wildflowers.

2015-03-20, 02:34 PM
A major factor of a "dream home" for me would be the location, and in this regard I am conflicted.

Part of me wants a dream “urban” home that is:

Walking distance to everything that I visit on a regular basis
- Work
- Schools (for kids)
- Groceries
- etc

In a good community
- Neighbors that are friendly and look out for each other
- Kids play on the street together until the sun goes down

(I’m an introvert and don’t need many friends, but I do want to live around people that are “neighborly” towards each other)

Another part of me wants a dream “rural” home that is:
- on the ocean
- Secluded
- Surrounded by wildlife
- Quiet (except the waves and birds etc)
- Surrounded by lots of trails and places to explore

I’m most at peace when I am away from people and surrounded by nature.

So… I guess I would have a dream “urban” home and a dream “rural” vacation home.

2015-03-20, 02:34 PM
See, that's why in my dream house, the rooms are in different locations and connected by portals. So I can sleep under a coral reef, have breakfast in the amazon, then go read a book while looking out over the Valles Marineris.

See? Houseboat. Anywhere water connects to the ocean, I can journey while remaining in the comfort of my own bedroom.

2015-03-20, 03:33 PM
See? Houseboat. Anywhere water connects to the ocean, I can journey while remaining in the comfort of my own bedroom.

But where will you keep all your extremely fragile crystal glasses and fine china? :smallconfused:

2015-03-20, 03:46 PM
A dusty attic. My grandparents' cottage had a wonderful dusty attic when I was young, but then they renovated it and now it's just another room.

And a porch with a view. Sitting very-nearly-but-not-completely outside is the best.

Mauve Shirt
2015-03-20, 04:24 PM
Finished basement with room for gym things.
A den large enough for a keggerator, a big-azz table and 2 or 3 bookshelves.
A decent-sized yard, at least a third of an acre, so I can own GIANT DOGS and yes, bees.
Within walking distance of at least one bar of which I can become a regular.

Put the yard and the walking distance together, I'm probably looking at the suburbs of something.

2015-03-20, 04:59 PM
Ofuro and steam room.
Spartan barracks style bedrooms.
all hardwood floors
central ac
fast internet
south facing
huge garage
flat yard and level driveways
ranch home
single wide windows but even interior doors are french doors.
east side kitchen for sunrise breakfast
west side living room for sunset evenings.
agree with the off grid energy but not so sure about off grid for the rest of it.
Peach or cherry blossom trees and some aspen or maple trees perhaps. I like my trees not green.
Party deck on the roof.
Agree with a personal dojo/training/exercise room.
Central stereo system with speakers all over the house
The ceilings will not be so high I cant touch them flat footed
The outlets on the walls will be waist high or higher
Plenty and I mean PLENTY of storage. Cabinets and closets galore.
(I'm ok with putting my stuff away as long as you give me a place to put all my stuff away.)

2015-03-20, 05:02 PM
what part of "plenty of land" didn't you get?


I'm just deciding on specific structures to put there is all.

See, that's why in my dream house, the rooms are in different locations and connected by portals. So I can sleep under a coral reef, have breakfast in the amazon, then go read a book while looking out over the Valles Marineris.

Mandor ways, then. Just... Good luck with the Logrus walking, brudda.

See? Houseboat. Anywhere water connects to the ocean, I can journey while remaining in the comfort of my own bedroom.

... Technically?

Spartan barracks style bedrooms.


Bulldog Psion
2015-03-20, 05:02 PM
If we're talking about real fantasies, then a sprawling stone mansion on a floating sky island whose topography is magically designed by myself, magical fixtures that give the same effects as technology but in a more stylish way (e.g. equivalents of electric lighting, central heat/air conditioning, refrigeration), a griffon stable, and portals leading to a dozen different interesting realities, from cosmopolitan cities to pristine wilderness. :smallbiggrin:

(And a minimum 500 year lifespan with health, youth, and strength so that I can actually get the time to kick back and enjoy all that good stuff. :smallwink: )

Mandor ways, then. Just... Good luck with the Logrus walking, brudda.

Hey, a fellow Amber fan (or at least reader). Hail! :smallsmile:

2015-03-20, 05:07 PM
I really like what I have now (1BR in upper Manhattan) but money being what it is and real estate costing what it does, there are of course improvements I would make if I could.

The realistic list:
Having one more bedroom, so guests don't have to sleep on the couch
Bigger kitchen
Slightly bigger bathroom
At least one additional closet
A thermostat to control the heat in winter
A heating system that keeps it above 65F when the heat is on full blast
A queen or king sized bed (and a bedroom it would fit in)

The unrealistic list:
A fabulous view, preferably one side with a water view and one side with a city view
About 50 blocks closer to downtown
A really killer sound system (and soundproofing to match!)

I can't really think of anything else. I kind of like a small home that is a cozy nest, so I don't have big ambitions...

2015-03-20, 05:13 PM
By spartan barracks style bedrooms I kinda mean I'm not a fan of these big bedrooms with lots of room for furniture and lavish decor and bay windows...

For me a bedroom should be centrally located and for sleeping only. No windows to the outside. No decoration. Black walls. Just enough room for a bed and closet. If my house is awesome I should be spending no time in my bedroom unless i'm unconscious. It's like having a really nice expensive lavish hotel room... If i'm on vacation, and my vacation doesnt suck, I shouldn't ever be in this room until i'm ready to pass out. Whats the point of a really big lavish space when I should be out someplace else cooler.

I dont want a bedroom thats a 'decor' or doubles as a reading nook or have a computer or a tv in there... It should be a little place for passing out.

For as little time as I spend in my bedroom now, it sure does take up a lot of square footage thats wasted.

With an ofuro and a steam shower, by all rights my bathroom should be bigger than my bedroom. I totally wish that were true in most of the places i've lived. Instead its always the opposite. The bedroom is huge and wasted and the bathroom is like a walk in closet. IMHO That should be reversed.

2015-03-20, 05:27 PM
I used to live in my dream home, more or less. The only things really lacking were either a private lift ('cause there was NO lift and we lived on the top floor) or if it were a proper individual home in the estate kitty corner to the property we actually owned.

It was pretty badass and had my essentials: lots of space and minimal crap; stainless steel counter tops, a gas range and an electric oven; a proper washing machine and dryer for those miserable rainy days; private balcony; and the freaking fantastic comfortable deep couch. Everything else was really gravy. My god I do miss that awesome kitchen. Make no mistake, everything cost a pretty penny, but it was worth it as a living space goes. On the other hand, I had a daily commute of 3-4 hours depending on whether the busses, subways and el-trains were working properly, along with nightly "heated negotiations" with the crooked cabbies because the last bus stopped running an hour before I got off work. Eventually I just couldn't take living in that city or country anymore, but the home was perfect.

Every residence since that home has been a very serious disappointment.

2015-03-20, 05:30 PM
I mean... If I'm going pie in the sky I'd say my ideal house would be the enterprise E but you know... If I can't have that...

Scarlet Knight
2015-03-20, 06:02 PM
So many good choices that could serve as a dream home.

For now, I'd like my home to have a library with a fireplace, 2 comfy chairs facing it, with a table between them. Reading and sipping wine in front of a fire? Mmmmmm, oops....almost forgot the bearskin rug!

2015-03-20, 07:30 PM
Mandor ways, then. Just... Good luck with the Logrus walking, brudda.

That works too, though I was thinking more Hyperion than Amber.

2015-03-20, 08:00 PM
I'm not a normal guy, but bear with me

Artificial spherical space station capable of moving through space, with a diameter of over a hundred miles. No thermal exhaust ports or unneeded holes in the main rooms that lead into the main core. EDIT: How could I forget the high power laser/technashenanigans weapon capable of destroying planets!

I feel like this reminds me of something, but I really don't know what...

But I'll settle with a penthouse suite in a city similar to New York, in an incredibly high rising skyscraper.

Or a cardboard box and a candle.

2015-03-20, 10:39 PM
Whatever it is, I want it within warmup distance of my business. My dream includes never having to drive to work again, and the distance being a good distance for a warmup run so I can work out once I get there.

I realize this is most likely in contradiction of my other desire, which is lots of land for the dogs to (theoretically) run around on. Who am I kidding? I know they'll spend all day in the house unless I happen to be doing something outside. They've had a doggy door their entire lives, and they act like they're being let out of prison every time I walk out the take out the trash.

2015-03-20, 11:08 PM
If we're talking about real fantasies, then a sprawling stone mansion on a floating sky island whose topography is magically designed by myself, magical fixtures that give the same effects as technology but in a more stylish way (e.g. equivalents of electric lighting, central heat/air conditioning, refrigeration), a griffon stable, and portals leading to a dozen different interesting realities, from cosmopolitan cities to pristine wilderness.

Are you six-year-old me?

Hey, a fellow Amber fan (or at least reader). Hail! :smallsmile:

Hail, and well met!

By spartan barracks style bedrooms I kinda mean I'm not a fan of these big bedrooms with lots of room for furniture and lavish decor and bay windows...

For me a bedroom should be centrally located and for sleeping only. No windows to the outside. No decoration. Black walls. Just enough room for a bed and closet. If my house is awesome I should be spending no time in my bedroom unless i'm unconscious. It's like having a really nice expensive lavish hotel room... If i'm on vacation, and my vacation doesnt suck, I shouldn't ever be in this room until i'm ready to pass out. Whats the point of a really big lavish space when I should be out someplace else cooler.

I dont want a bedroom thats a 'decor' or doubles as a reading nook or have a computer or a tv in there... It should be a little place for passing out.

For as little time as I spend in my bedroom now, it sure does take up a lot of square footage thats wasted.

With an ofuro and a steam shower, by all rights my bathroom should be bigger than my bedroom. I totally wish that were true in most of the places i've lived. Instead its always the opposite. The bedroom is huge and wasted and the bathroom is like a walk in closet. IMHO That should be reversed.

Oh! Aye. Big bedrooms are only necessary and lives with a romantic focus.

Whatever it is, I want it within warmup distance of my business. My dream includes never having to drive to work again, and the distance being a good distance for a warmup run so I can work out once I get there.

I realize this is most likely in contradiction of my other desire, which is lots of land for the dogs to (theoretically) run around on. Who am I kidding? I know they'll spend all day in the house unless I happen to be doing something outside. They've had a doggy door their entire lives, and they act like they're being let out of prison every time I walk out the take out the trash.

Well, of course! They are in love with you.

2015-03-20, 11:10 PM
A pool table and helicopter.

2015-03-20, 11:25 PM
Dream house... Hmm.. So many things.

I'm not excessively picky about houses, but I do have one single unreasonable demand: plenty of floorspace with comfy carpet. When I say plenty of floor space I mean lots of it- I'm tall and not afraid of using the floor like a kid would, so if a room with bookshelves and furniture is not wide enough in for me to lie down on the carpet and stretch out without hitting anything as I draw in a sketchbook or read books, there is something wrong with the room, it needs to be bigger.

I guess I have two unreasonable demands, but this one isn't as unreasonable: a Japanese style bath designed for people over 6 ft tall is also a must have.

Away from that, I don't have much in the way of requirements other than specific support structures and facilities. I don't really care if a house is one level or two, but I would like a good sized multi-level greenhouse for Aquaponics work, a well equipped and roomy home hackerspace/workshop, a decent kitchen, good fiber internet, and a massive library. A Jean Pain mound based radiant floor heating system would also be nice, if a bit of work. Some kind of off grid power would be nice, since with just my personal goals for feeding myself and being able to make things rather than buy them I'm already leaning towards "off grid survivalist", I suppose.

I've always liked the idea of an inner courtyard like Japanese mansions and old spanish mission buildings seem to have, but any number of different yards or courtyard shapes would work. (H shaped building, C shaped building, etc.)

This would all take up a reasonable amount of space, and when I was still in primary school I always thought having a small observatory would be cool, so rural would probably be the way to go.

2015-03-20, 11:56 PM
You know that dial on Howl's front door? I need that. One house on a remote mountaintop overlooking a pine forest; that's where I'd live. One underground bunker in an undisclosed location in case it's necessary to get there quickly. One apartment in the city so I can avoid the trains when I have to go there for specialist doctors and stuff. And one clinic to work out of and where I can park my car.

So this kind of requires a. magic and b. enough money to build and maintain three specialised structures (and like, pay for school so I can actually be a vet in the first place). I think getting one of these magic doors is the more likely of the two to actually happen.

2015-03-21, 12:00 AM
A tower. Seriously just a tower. At least 5 single room stories. Bottom floor would be your standard entryway dealie. Probably about half storage. Second floor: Standard living room. Television, couch, coffee table, recliner, ottoman, etc. Third floor would be the Kitchen/Dining room. Fourth floor would be the "study" I guess. Books, computer desk(s), etc. Top Floor would naturally be the master bedroom. I'm currently torn between have a functional roof or just glass ceilings for the bedroom. Either would be pretty bitchin'. And balconies, of course. Definitely on the fourth and fifth floors, possibly others. The staircase would spiral around the outside of the rooms and most of the rest of the walls would be floor to ceiling windows. And, since this dream house isn't quite ridiculous enough, a fireman pole with remote controlled latches on every floor so you'll have solid ground at whichever floor you want to go down to. Also, everything that's not windowed must be faced in stone.

I'm sure I could find a use for a basement if I needed to, but that's currently outside the scope of my dream home.

2015-03-21, 01:50 AM
Dream house? Lounge, study, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom will do me for facilities, ideally in the middle of a nice dense wood that I can walk through *but* also with a decent Internet connection and not too far from shops and the like.

2015-03-21, 02:01 AM
I always wanted to take the houseboat approach one step forward and live on this (http://aboardtheworld.com/)beast. It's too damn expensive though.

2015-03-21, 04:25 AM
Oh! Aye. Big bedrooms are only necessary and lives with a romantic focus.
Even with romantic focus you dont need a big bedroom. Thats what the gym is for ^_^

2015-03-21, 03:00 PM
I always wanted to take the houseboat approach one step forward and live on this (http://aboardtheworld.com/)beast. It's too damn expensive though.

Actually, now I think about it, that would be super cool and would be my absolute dream if money were no object--being able to live with all the comforts of home, but the home itself moves around and can be anywhere you like.

2015-03-21, 03:31 PM
If my house is awesome I should be spending no time in my bedroom unless i'm unconscious.

Well I dunno about that,

2015-03-21, 09:23 PM
My dream home would include 1. finished basement with model train and game room. 2. Office/library 3. deck with outdoor pool :smallsmile:

2015-03-22, 12:04 PM
Well I dunno about that,

Thats what the gym is for ^_^

Ninja'd, heheheheh.

2015-03-23, 09:19 AM
I just want a decently sized apartment or small house, with reasonably thick and well insulated walls and at least one big window and skylights. Not having a yard is also a plus, I want absolutely no grass to deal with, though I quite like trees. Balconies also generally sound nice, and I do have some fondness for temperature control through water columns in giant transparent pipes.

2015-03-23, 09:35 AM
One can just let a yard and/or garden grow on it's own, you know. No problems. Done it for years.

2015-03-23, 09:42 AM
One can just let a yard and/or garden grow on it's own, you know. No problems. Done it for years.

Mandated grass height maximums and such are everywhere in the U.S., which means frequent mowing. I'm not fond of mowing, and I much prefer long "overgrown" grass. As such, not having a yard is a very big plus.

2015-03-23, 10:11 AM
City dream house (probably in Montreal): Top floor and roof of a very tall building near a public market and a subway station, big kitchen (like, really big, with a propane stovetop ), integrated sound system, large living room with lots of light and a bar with space for my scotch collection, medium-sized bedroom with a lot of closet space (not so much for clothing as storage), a library/reading room with lots of shelves and comfortable couches long enough for me to lie down, and a guest bedroom. There would be a dial in each room to control the windows, going from clear to completely opaque. The roof has a big hot tub, 2 BBQs (1 propane, 1 charcoal), grass to lie down in, and a big table.
Finally, somebody to come in twice a week when I'm at work to restock the fridge with essentials (I like shopping to prepare a specific meal, but being out of milk pisses me off), clean, do the laundry/pressing and the dishes.

Lake dream house: Less high tech, more guest rooms, a pool (don't like swimming in lakes), a motor boat, a canoe,

2015-03-23, 11:55 AM
Mandated grass height maximums and such are everywhere in the U.S., which means frequent mowing. I'm not fond of mowing, and I much prefer long "overgrown" grass. As such, not having a yard is a very big plus.

And there's some reason you can't just solve that by planting grass alternatives? A moss maybe? Silver carpet? Clover?

With the right ground cover, you'd hardly know the difference from real grass, and it wouldn't need cutting:


That's as tall as silver carpet gets, apparently. One of the reasons I want my own place is to get to experiment and learn stuff like this. :smallbiggrin:

... Well, also to try experiments like building my own robot lawnmower.

2015-03-23, 12:26 PM
And there's some reason you can't just solve that by planting grass alternatives? A moss maybe? Silver carpet? Clover?

With the right ground cover, you'd hardly know the difference from real grass, and it wouldn't need cutting:


That's as tall as silver carpet gets, apparently. One of the reasons I want my own place is to get to experiment and learn stuff like this. :smallbiggrin:

... Well, also to try experiments like building my own robot lawnmower.

Yes actually there is, Homeowner Associations. Both a boon and a bane to people living in suburbs or certain communities. They say what you can or can not do with your house, lawn, or general environment. Don't comply and they can do everything from fine you to even taking away your house!

Many of them require "REAL" grass and lawns for reasons.

2015-03-23, 12:48 PM
Yes actually there is, Homeowner Associations. Both a boon and a bane to people living in suburbs or certain communities. They say what you can or can not do with your house, lawn, or general environment. Don't comply and they can do everything from fine you to even taking away your house!

Many of them require "REAL" grass and lawns for reasons.

It's because it is far easier to specify than to give broad definitions that dirtbag owners can try to rules-lawyer their way out of while their property slowly deteriorates into a dump. It is actually a bit more complicated than that, but my SO is the president of our homeowners' association so I get to deal with this stuff first hand. Basically the minority of owners ruin it for the majority.

2015-03-23, 01:15 PM
It's because it is far easier to specify than to give broad definitions that dirtbag owners can try to rules-lawyer their way out of while their property slowly deteriorates into a dump. It is actually a bit more complicated than that, but my SO is the president of our homeowners' association so I get to deal with this stuff first hand. Basically the minority of owners ruin it for the majority.

HA! I was recently at a friends house and was thinking "Wow, you are the reason we have Homeowner Associations."

I complain about them, and i can see why they can be a good thing in the city. It's why the wife wants to move out to our own property where we have more control. Some HA's are just draconian or little better than mob run extortion rackets. NOT ALL OF THEM. Just the minority to give the majority a bad name in both directions.

2015-03-23, 01:19 PM
I'm firmly in the camp that HOA's are more trouble than they're worth. The bad far outweighs the good in my personal experience. If the price I have to pay for not allowing my neighbors to have a say in what I do with my own property is that i'm not able to tell them what to do with their property... well... smells like freedom.

I'll happily add 'No HOA' to the list of things I want in my dream home.

2015-03-23, 01:39 PM
HA! I was recently at a friends house and was thinking "Wow, you are the reason we have Homeowner Associations."

I complain about them, and i can see why they can be a good thing in the city. It's why the wife wants to move out to our own property where we have more control. Some HA's are just draconian or little better than mob run extortion rackets. NOT ALL OF THEM. Just the minority to give the majority a bad name in both directions.

While you're right about the Draconian HoAs, the nice thing about boards is you can usually bring sensible proposals to them. Bring enough photos, possibly a plastic growing pan full of plant in question, and a cost-benefits analysis, and see if they'll sign off on it. Best case, they approve it. Worst case, they either say no or make it the new rule.

They'll probably be especially glad to sign off on it if your city has watering restrictions in place or often sets them. The ones here are kind of hit and miss, but most have approved Xeriscaping.

2015-03-23, 02:17 PM
I'm firmly in the camp that HOA's are more trouble than they're worth. The bad far outweighs the good in my personal experience. If the price I have to pay for not allowing my neighbors to have a say in what I do with my own property is that i'm not able to tell them what to do with their property... well... smells like freedom.

I don't necessarily mind HOAs in principle. In practice, they all seem to get ridiculous. There's a reason there are jokes about HOAs measuring people's grass with a ruler and complaining about it being 1/8 in. too long. This is before getting into the intense hatred so many seem to have for houses that might have something vaguely reminiscent of color in their painting.

2015-03-23, 03:56 PM
vaguely reminiscent of color

Don't be silly, drab gray, whitish tan, and bluish-white are perfectly good colors.

2015-03-23, 04:12 PM
I'm firmly in the camp that HOA's are more trouble than they're worth. The bad far outweighs the good in my personal experience. If the price I have to pay for not allowing my neighbors to have a say in what I do with my own property is that i'm not able to tell them what to do with their property... well... smells like freedom.

I'll happily add 'No HOA' to the list of things I want in my dream home.

Yeah I agree. I don’t want strangers telling me what to do with my own house. Like I said, I just don’t want to be bothered. Having someone else tell me what I can and can’t do with this piece of property and house that I paid for is exactly the sort of thing that I don’t want.

I would never move into a place that had a HOA attached to it.

2015-03-23, 05:00 PM
The places that have HOA's are generally those with several properties very close to one another. Our HOA isn't draconian by any means, and our fee is a pittance. I have seen HOA's where all of the fees people were paying had basically disappeared when the money was actually needed, and it happens alarmingly often. This is why if you are saddled with an HOA it behooves you to be an active participant so that you can have a say in what your fees are going towards (and keep an eye out for corruption). Sadly, only about 4-5% of our membership actually attend any HOA meetings at all.

I'm leery of HOA's because they can go bad really quickly if they aren't kept in check. I also see the need for them though. When you live in a place where the houses can range from 300k to 500k, having a neighbor who has let their house decay into a dump with a yard that looks like the central Congo can take 10-15 thousand dollars out of your pocket when you decide to sell.

2015-03-23, 05:16 PM
A big personal library. A nice bathroom. No leaks (current and my last place is leaking like crazy).

That's about it really. Maybe a nice garden as well.

2015-03-24, 02:28 AM
Concrete pillars, skylights, a mix of metal and wood trim, brutalist exterior design, cool lighting with warm accents, plants and interior waterworks that somehow tied into a computer and meditation area without causing electrical problems, and view of a large, misty valley.

2015-03-24, 02:30 AM
Concrete pillars, skylights, a mix of metal and wood trim, brutalist exterior design, cool lighting with warm accents, plants and interior waterworks that somehow tied into a computer and meditation area without causing electrical problems, and view of a large, misty valley.

Your aesthetic is awesome! I love how this sort of flowed from hard industrial to a post-singularity technorganic spiritual thing.

2015-03-24, 02:48 AM
Your aesthetic is awesome! I love how this sort of flowed from hard industrial to a post-singularity technorganic spiritual thing.

That sums my aesthetic and dream states / hopeful future homes up pretty well, yeah. Like, perfectly, actually.

2015-03-24, 02:59 AM
Well, that's beautiful, and it makes me wish I was capable of not being annoying long enough to trick convince you to game with me @.@

I don't think I would bring anything to the table though >_>

2015-03-24, 08:42 AM
Yes actually there is, Homeowner Associations. Both a boon and a bane to people living in suburbs or certain communities. They say what you can or can not do with your house, lawn, or general environment. Don't comply and they can do everything from fine you to even taking away your house!

Many of them require "REAL" grass and lawns for reasons.

That sounds like a terribly stupid thing. Who are these people? How do they have these rights? Are they, like, elected? What powers do they have to punish people?

Honestly, this sounds terribly confusing. My garden's my garden. The law says I can't grow things over the border into my neighbor's garden, that's about it. :smallconfused:

2015-03-24, 11:05 AM
That sounds like a terribly stupid thing. Who are these people? How do they have these rights? Are they, like, elected? What powers do they have to punish people?

Honestly, this sounds terribly confusing. My garden's my garden. The law says I can't grow things over the border into my neighbor's garden, that's about it. :smallconfused:
They have the rights because you give it to them. When you buy a property in an area with an HOA you have to sign off saying you will follow the rules or deal with the consequences, and if you don't want to sign that then you don't buy that house.

There are some cities with ordnances too but usually they are a lot less strict, they generally have to have some health and safety reason behind them.

Most HOAs are part of "planned communities" where generally one or two home builders buy up a huge piece of land, lay out the streets and some community features, and build all of the houses there. I'm not positive, but I think it is rare/impossible for a HOA
to take control over an area after houses are built unless the residents sign on and they wouldn't have to if they didn't want to. So you'll know before you ever buy a place whether or not you'll have to deal with an HOA and what their rules are (at least at that point in time) when you do. I know I rented a room from someone in on when I was in Arizona, and while it meant everything looks very similar, there was also a community pool and fitness center that was free to residents and part of the HOA fees. The HOA was also responsible for all of the green space and parks around the community too, rather than the city itself.

I'm happy to not be part of an HOA right now, I don't even think any exist in the small town I live in now. There are definitely some houses in the area that could use a lot more work than is being put into them, but there are also a lot of interesting things being done that wouldn't be allowed in an HOA neighborhood.

2015-03-24, 02:26 PM
That sounds like a terribly stupid thing. Who are these people? How do they have these rights? Are they, like, elected? What powers do they have to punish people?

Often it comes from suburban housing developments, where a single developer builds all the houses in a neighborhood, then parcels them off and sells them. When you buy them, you buy into a contract to participate in what is similar to a very small, local government. Their powers include whatever the agreement you agree to says they have. They're normally sufficient penalties to compel you to comply with the rules. Homeowners vote on the officers from among their neighbors and have to all vote to approve any changes to their agreements.

Some people like them because it makes sure that the other homes on the block are all pretty and not abandoned or falling apart. Others hate them, for obvious reasons. Many are ambivalent, but don't care enough to not buy into a neighborhood because of the HOA.

If you don't want an HOA, you don't buy a house that has one. It's that simple. You have to read the rules and agree to them before you buy the house, so it's not a surprise what you're getting into. Some people do refuse on principle. But in reality, most of them are pretty benign and not hard to follow if you were planning on maintaining your home's exterior anyway, so most people will not be put off from buying a house that they otherwise like just because it happens to have an HOA.

HOA's do apply to detached houses, but they are also particularly relevant for condos and other attached housing. When you live in a building that contains multiple households and you share walls with other owners, then it's basically impossible to be completely independent from those neighbors. You all need some rules for coexisting in a shared building and how to handle the parts of the building that you collectively own.

Personally, I currently live in a neighborhood with an HOA, where we own our own detached houses, but most of the land between them is owned and maintained by the HOA. It's not a perfect situation, but if you're not a billionaire, real estate is always going to involve some compromises.

2015-03-24, 02:49 PM
I've always wanted a tower.

Ground floor: entryway, some storage, a nice reception room for greeting guests. Possibly a garage.

First floor: entertainment space. Large dining area, games/music room, kitchen.

Second floor: for guests staying overnight. Guest rooms, bathrooms, small library/living room with bar.

Third floor: this is where the real library goes. Also another bar.

Fourth floor: living space for family. Bedrooms and bathrooms.

Fifth floor (top): pool, observatory. Maybe another bar for good measure.

Obviously there needs to be a lift, and at least a toilet on every floor. There may also be subterranean levels, but I don't currently have specific plans for those.

My tower is octagonal. (Square is ugly, round is just phallic.) It's probably about 14, 15 metres across, which means the whole thing will fit in the footprint of a decent-sized townhouse. It should go without saying that it has large windows, state-of-the-art insulation and triple-glazing, reflective blinds and solar panelling, and robotic staff to do the cleaning.

2015-03-24, 02:55 PM
I recently bought a pretty nice home. The interior was boring and outdated, but it had good architecture, a good location, and is structurally sound, so there is tons of potential for making it very nice over time through renovation and decoration. So far I've put in some nice hardwood floors, painted and furnished the great room, and done some simple renovations to make it livable and look reasonably nice in the public rooms so I can enjoy having guests over. But I have a lot more renovations that I'm saving up for. It's expensive in coastal California, so it was a big commitment just buying any house, and it will be 5 years at least before I can do everything that I'd like.

Desired improvements:
* High end, total makeover of master bathroom, with a large, heated soaking tub (not jetted for hygeine reasons), a walk-in shower with multiple shower heads and precise, immediate, digital temperate control, and tile floors with radiant heating.
* Add a traditional, cedar, Finnish sauna room, this involves removing a non-structural wall and taking some space from an unused walk-in closet in a guest room, and removing a bathtub and second sink from guest bathroom.
* Full home gym makeover. Rubber gym flooring, high end equipment, knock down a wall for a little more floor space, pull up bar, mirror, paint, change windows. Currently this room is basically just a carpeted bedroom with an elliptical machine, some weights, and a TV, but it could be a lot nicer.
* Automated window shades. I've got a lot of windows and am too lazy to pull all the drapes up or down every time I enter or exit a room, so I end up just leaving them and being brighter/darker than I'd like. They can automate them so all your windows go up and down at the flip of a switch, as easily as turning the lights on or off, which would make a big difference since I'd actually open or close them rather than just leaving them. That way I could also hook up an alarm clock to gently wake me up by gradually letting in the morning sunlight, with the buzzer going off 10 minutes later if that fails to wake me. I'd also like to replace all single pane with dual pane windows, laminated for sound proofing, and reconfigure one segmented window with a great view into a picture window for a slightly better view.
* Deck makeover. It's got a weird loose stone surface that's hard to walk barefoot on or keep clean, which I'd like to replace with tile. It's got some cheap, upholstered outdoor furniture, which gets too wet from the humidity of the ocean, and which the birds have recently started attacking for nesting material, so I'd like to get better, more appropriate furniture. There is a gas hookup for a grill. And I'd also like to put in a hot tub.
* Artwork. My walls are pretty bare, and I don't want to clutter them up with meaningless junk just for the sake of having something there. I've found some kinetic sculptors who do work that would be perfect for me, but I need to set aside a budget for it.
* Central air conditioning. You don't usually need it along the coast, except occasionally you do, and then it's miserable. Dual zone control for furnace. Radiant heating under floors for bedrooms.
* Kitchen/pantry/laundry room update. This stuff clearly hasn't been touched since the 70's, but I don't cook that much so it's my lowest priority.
* Finishing touches. I've got a long list of small improvements that I'd like to implement, which collectively add up to a serious investment.

2015-03-24, 05:08 PM
I just really, really want to live in a hobbit hole. And sleep in my food cupboards.

2015-03-24, 05:12 PM
I just really, really want to live in a hobbit hole. And sleep in my food cupboards.

Hehe yes. :smallbiggrin:

Giggling Ghast
2015-03-24, 05:12 PM
I don't have a dream home, honestly. So long as there's no issues like mold or rats and it's reasonably clean, I guess I'm OK.

Jay R
2015-03-25, 05:22 PM
A single room as a dedicated library (We have that now, but not big enough. It holds about 2,500 books; the rest are scattered on shelves throughout the house. Other people have living rooms.)
A single room dedicated to comic book storage. (We have that now. Other people have a spare bedroom.)
A single room dedicated to my wife's crafts. (We have that now, though it's not big enough. Other people have another spare bedroom.)
A dedicated game room big enough for a big table to play on and room to store all games and miniatures so that I can find them quickly. (We do not have that now. They are crammed into the comics room.)
A dedicated theater room with a big screen taking up most of a wall, and seating for about a dozen friends, including one couch that my wife and I both find comfortable. (We do not have that now.)
Room in the yard for at least six fencers to practice, with good lighting. (We do not have that now.)
Storage room for all SCA gear. (We sort have have almost enough.)

Servants to clean it all.

2015-04-02, 01:13 PM
It's an underground fortress accessed by a trap door, expertly hidden (assuming my pursuer is blind) behind a large obvious gravel driveway leading up to it. There's a ladder going from the trapdoor to a set of stairs, the stairs go down to an elevator, which descends to another set of stairs. The main room is at the bottom of these stairs, which has a chair or something in it. There's a room with a bed in it (a 'bedroom' to some), a portal to the semi-elemental plane of ranch dressing, a device that materializes any food except for horseradish, a teleporter to transport my friends to my place in case they wanna play some DnD (which they don't, my friends are lame) and an armory that holds every weapon, armor, and musical instrument in the universe (My IRL class is Bard.) The WiFi is flawless in every part of the house, save the room I will use if the Internet becomes sentient and kills off the human race. The whole deal is in the middle of a swamp. I think swamps are just dandy. Picture the Everglades, but more temperate.

...Come to think of it, I still need to decide on most of the interior furnishings.

2015-04-04, 04:59 AM
My dream home would be very luminous, I'm talking about huge windows everywhere, including in the roof. Lots of plants and fishtanks. As for the location, somewhere next to some unspoiled or otherwise beautiful beach but also unrealistically close to a major urban center. Probably an island of some kind.
And a garden, big, green garden where I could keep a small pond with turtles.

Gopher Wizard
2015-04-09, 07:31 PM
All I know is I want a life size replica of the Iron Throne in my living room.

2015-04-15, 08:18 PM
Well, I MUST have the essentials, ya know.

I should probably say I really want this, but for it to be my dream home, it'd be a necessity. I want... a secret underground room! So, the wife and I have a walk-in closet, there's a hidden door in the closet, hidden door leads to a spiral staircase. At the bottom of the staircase is another door which leads to... the black room.

The black room is entirely black. Black shag carpet (or maybe stone). Doesn't have to be too big, maybe 12'x16' or something. Big couch on one side, TV hanging up on the wall on the other side. Beneath the TV you have my collection of video games. Oh, have to have a fridge and microwave of course. And there's another hidden door in the back of the black room, which leads to my weapons and safe.

But... people would suspect it's back there. Adds to the mystery. We would have the entire basement finished, just the black room is not accessible from the rest of the basement.

2015-04-16, 01:46 AM
I have on occasion posited the idea that one might have an entire house built underneath an otherwise normal looking house specifically with the idea that one might have a secret underground place where one does one's actual living and where your important possessions and daily activity take place, with a complete sort of 'immaculate stepford house' sitting above it at street level...
Everyone thinks you simply have a one story house with no basement that you somehow manage to keep impeccably clean every time they come to visit, meanwhile the place you actually live is not just concealed from view, but assumed not to exist.
This way I could live in the organized but chaotic shambles that I'm accustomed to, while still pleasing the aesthetic of those people who are stuck in the perception that a tidy person is a better person.
I've also had the idea that a married couple should buy a duplex so they still have like 'his and hers' sections to maintain their individual aesthetics... When their kid would normally move out, instead you could move in together and give them the other half of the duplex to teach them what its like to pay rent in a safe and controlled way until they're ready to truly go out on their own. Prepare them for reality by properly modeling it.
Another one of my ideas is a whole community built in its normal fasion, but with a secret home built entirely underground in say, the community's local park with secret access of some sort (like a non descript tiny utility building or some such) that bleeds utilities in secret in equal measure from the surrounding 'actual residents'.

2015-04-16, 06:04 AM
I have on occasion posited the idea that one might have an entire house built underneath an otherwise normal looking house specifically with the idea that one might have a secret underground place where one does one's actual living and where your important possessions and daily activity take place, with a complete sort of 'immaculate stepford house' sitting above it at street level...
Everyone thinks you simply have a one story house with no basement that you somehow manage to keep impeccably clean every time they come to visit, meanwhile the place you actually live is not just concealed from view, but assumed not to exist.
This way I could live in the organized but chaotic shambles that I'm accustomed to, while still pleasing the aesthetic of those people who are stuck in the perception that a tidy person is a better person.
I've also had the idea that a married couple should buy a duplex so they still have like 'his and hers' sections to maintain their individual aesthetics... When their kid would normally move out, instead you could move in together and give them the other half of the duplex to teach them what its like to pay rent in a safe and controlled way until they're ready to truly go out on their own. Prepare them for reality by properly modeling it.
Another one of my ideas is a whole community built in its normal fasion, but with a secret home built entirely underground in say, the community's local park with secret access of some sort (like a non descript tiny utility building or some such) that bleeds utilities in secret in equal measure from the surrounding 'actual residents'.
Ha, I really like your ideas. The duplex one wouldn't work for my wife and me, though.

2015-04-16, 01:48 PM
So interesting question:
Why do people want to live in a hobbit hole?

A hobbit hole is just like a regular house, only underground and with round doors. so what’s the deal?

Gopher Wizard
2015-04-16, 03:56 PM
Well, I MUST have the essentials, ya know.

I should probably say I really want this, but for it to be my dream home, it'd be a necessity. I want... a secret underground room!

Please tell me the entrance to this is behind a bookshelf?:smallwink:

2015-04-16, 04:31 PM
"Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts". :smallredface:

2015-04-16, 05:06 PM
So interesting question:
Why do people want to live in a hobbit hole?

A hobbit hole is just like a regular house, only underground and with round doors. so what’s the deal?

Two reasons. :smallbiggrin:
1) Geek factor ("Dude, I live in a hobbit hole.")
2) Insulation (Underground houses don't go below 55 F)

2015-05-04, 01:34 AM
2-story plus a basement
good wifi
lots of windows
a DIY forge/art studio/woodshop
and a computer room

That's about it

Almost as good as an aircraft carrier. Wait, nevermind. Can't get wifi on those things.

2015-05-08, 12:04 AM
I'll settle for a library half as grandiose as the one in Beauty and the Beast. My books need space to live in.

2015-05-13, 07:58 AM
For me, it's all about the bathroom. Either tile or stone slab. Heated floor of course, and a big, semi in floor tub that could hold at least six people at once.
The shower would need to have multiple heads in a surrounding manner. Programmable for everything from a light misting to a downpour.
The sinks wouldn't be connected to the wall, but rest on pillars, and the toilet would need to be one of those deals that could suck a bus through it. I'd also want it in it's own smaller room connected to the bathroom, so the steam from the shower couldn't damage the shelves of books I'd have next to it.
Finally, off of the bathroom would be a sunroom. It would have the same stone or tile heated floor and benches. One wall would be a large window that curved up and made part of the ceiling. It would be a nice place to sit and let the sun dry me on days I wasn't in a hurry.

2015-05-16, 06:42 PM
So talking about house construction in the Science and tech section got me thinking a bit more about my fantasy house.

On top of it being a rural off grid mostly sustainable homestead. I think I’d want it to be a log cabin. It’d have a big porch, so when I’m old and grey I can sit in my rocking chair and saw on my fiddle with my hound dog (that came with the cabin) by my feet. I’m torn between a wood stove and a big rock fireplace. The stove is more efficient but there’s something magical about a proper fireplace. Plus I’d have a mantle to hang a Kentucky rifle, powder horn and a brace of pistols on (the modern guns would be in a proper safe, obviously).

The land would have some woods out back and a meadow probably with a bubbling brook (gold bearing obviously) and situated far enough back that I don’t hear road noise. I’ve grown to hate the sound of the internal combustion engine in the past year or so; it just drives me bonkers. It’d have a nice view of a snow peaked mountain and be far enough away from civilization to have clear skies.

I'll probably think of some more stuff later.

yeah it needs a breeze blowing through to keep the bugs and heat down. not too much, just the perfect amount of breeze.

2015-05-20, 12:56 AM
I'm dull in a way.But I've always kinda known.

A non-modernized neo-colonial, I mean running water and such but rooms in tact and all that. Rooms for all kinds of things. That way if we do end up having kids they can have a play room, I have a reading room etc. Rich wood in rose colors. Colored walls, despise white walls.

For some reason I've always loved old homes. The new open designs don't hold charm for me. Sadly they also hold 90% of the market.

2015-05-21, 12:56 AM
Been thinking about my dream home some more and I think I’ve figured out what I’d want to grow. I’m not looking to be a farm, so I don’t need acres upon acres of land dedicated to growing food. But I do want to dedicate some to do just that.

Let’s see for fruit I’d have strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, peaches, apples (the green ones), oranges, cherries, watermelons, maybe pumpkin, plums and lemons. I’m probably missing a few that I’m sure I’ll think of later.

For vegetables I’d grow potatoes, carrots, onions, bell peppers, some form of peppers, squash, tomatoes, celery, asparagus, spinach, some form of lettuce, cucumbers, possibly cabbage, and radishes. I’ll probably think of some more later as well.

I’d try to grow some nuts, pistachios, cashews, peanuts, pecans, maybe walnuts and almonds. I’d also grow some legumes of some sort, haven’t put much thought into it.

This should be a good baseline. As i could cook just about anything with this. There are a few things that I don’t think I could or would try to grow, like rice and grains. I’d have to buy them (or trade them after the apocalypse).

It sounds like a lot, which it sort of is. But really I don’t need more than I would need for me and my household. Anything extra can be canned or sold locally or traded as the case may be.

It's a lot of work I know, but it's sort of the point. I think it's worth it. You're in control of what goes into your food and you don't have to pay someone else for it.

2015-05-21, 05:21 AM
Need: a properly insulated place with enough room for all our books and stuff, with a heated floor in the bathroom and proper plumbing and electricity.

Want (realistic): a nice place out in the west coast near the fjords, with great internet, large open landscape, no neighbors who care about the state of my yard and plenty of space for all the cats we want.
but which also is near Oslo and all the shops and restaurants I like and all my friends, so not doable. I can work with a nice house in the Oslo area that's big enough for all the books I want and has a proper gaming room.

Want (unrealistic): an actual magic house that magically cleans itself, a magical portal that opens to whereever I want to go and is immune to harm, is just the size I want it to be whenever I want it to be, with magical everything imaginable. Harem of hot babes is optional (and unlikely if I want to keep my girlfriend).

2015-05-21, 12:16 PM
Realized I forgot the corn and the avocado, I’d totally grow fresh herbs and spices for the kitchen. Totally grow some Chamomile and other medicinal herbs too for around the house first aid.

I'm starting to think I'm over thinking my dream home.

Harem of hot babes is optional (and unlikely if I want to keep my girlfriend).


Your harem would naturally include your girlfriend, who is suddenly totally ok with the idea. :smallbiggrin:

2015-05-21, 07:19 PM
My goals and desires have become more reasonable in recent years, but ever since I was a little kid, I've wanted to have a big kitchen, a big TV, a big indoor pool, and a loyal pet tiger. The last one may be the least likely to occur, but if I had to choose between gettingthe first three and getting the last one, it's not really a contest: I'd choose the tiger.

Hiro Protagonest
2015-05-21, 07:21 PM
Need: a properly insulated place with enough room for all our books and stuff, with a heated floor in the bathroom and proper plumbing and electricity.

Now that's just crazy talk.

2015-05-21, 07:26 PM
My dream home would be built in a modern to postmodern style, with lots of curves and lines, metal and wood fused together to give a very smooth appearance. The inside would be light and airy, with lots of little nooks and crannies. I would have one or more lofts to take advantage of all the extra ceiling space and also because I enjoy them. The house would be lined nearly wall to wall with bookcases and packed with books. The kitchen would be full stocked with dozens and dozens of spice bottles and fine wine and so forth. Outside I wouldn't have a standard garden because I have a brown thumb but would instead have a forested area, and a pond, possibly with a small river. I would also have a pool. And of course the house would be solar-powered or otherwise use sustainable energy if possible.