View Full Version : The Sins of Xin (IC)

2015-03-20, 11:03 AM
The Sins of Xin, Chapter I

The revered lord Hazuki has passed on. A lifelong bachelor, Hazuki left no known heir, and his lands are quite fertile. The six other lords of Xin have expressed interest in annexing House Hazuki. However, the memory of the last great war is still strong, and they all wish to avoid similar devastation. Therefore, the lords have signed a non-aggression treaty. All six lords have travelled to House Hazuki to pay their final respects, when rumours are whispered about a lost will. Even more worryingly, an attack has been reported by an unknown force against one of Hazuki's holdings to the south. The lords of Xin have each selected one of their most trusted people to send north to investigate.

Each warrior selected is given much the same task by his master: "House Hazuki is most valuable, and it would be a great honor if it were to join with mine. But we will have this done the proper way. Good sense suggests we eliminate this threat, and honor demands it. Follow the right path, and distinguish yourself on this quest, and there will be great rewards for you."

The six senshi meet outside the southern gate of House Hazuki as the sun hits its zenith. It is only a half-day trek, and they wish to avoid the sun at their left, an ill omen to start a journey. As the group gathers at the gate, introductions are made before they set forth.


2015-03-20, 02:40 PM
A mid-height muscular human with short black hair and brown eyes dressed in dark gray robes with a tan sash awaits at the gate. He holds a 7' quarterstaff in his right hand and wears a backpack full of gear. You can tell by his muscular frame, scarred face and crooked nose that he has trained vigorously in fighting. He bows slightly to each party member "I am Tjai Hitiro of the Order of the Stone Fist. "http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/333/c/4/Monk_Assassin_by_SOLIDToM.jpg[/

2015-03-20, 03:02 PM
Hilar is a robed man, respectably tall, but hunched slightly with age. His black hair is streaked with gray, and the wakizashi at his side is likely nothing more than a formality. He bows in return.
I am Hilar of the Phoenix, of the Order of the Ineffable Mystery. As a disciple of the spirits, I shall aid you in this endeavor, whatever disagreements our houses have had in the past.

2015-03-20, 04:44 PM
To Hilar: "Well said friend Hilar. Just because hostility has existed does not mean it must remain. What are your gifts to the endeavor? Are you a healer? A warrior? A practitioner of the mystic arts? I am myself a wielder of the staff and practitioner of the martial arts."

2015-03-20, 05:12 PM
Hilar spreads his arms.
I am a healer and a councillor, as I am well trained in the mystic arts.

2015-03-20, 06:16 PM
A young man approaches. He is armored in a chain shirt and dastana, and has a jo stick at his side. He is not particularly tall or muscular-looking, but has a certain quickness of body and confidence of gaze.

"Good afternoon. I am Hideo Spamano, envoy of Lord Akhujo. Some call me Hideo the Spider. I hope our mission will profit us all.

I will be honest: I use eldritch blasts in battle, from range. I climb walls. My ways may be strange but you will learn to see their value."

2015-03-20, 08:05 PM
A diminutive, feminine figure joins them shortly. Around her is a visible aura of soft white light.

This Halfling has silver eyes and long silvery, flowing hair. She is a bit shorter than average, but broad of shoulders and rather more robust physically than anything approaching typical. She bears just enough body-fat to give her a soft appearance, though her tightly packed musculature can be seen rippling just beneath the surface with every movement.

She dresses in ornate silver and black silk monk's robes, her sandals are made of expensive materials, yet her belt is a simple hempen rope, as is the band worn around her head, which seems to serve the purpose of keeping her hair out of her way.

Her hands are tucked into opposing sleeves, her stance though humble seems to mock such an attitude. Odd for a Halfling, if Halfling she is.

"I am Noriko Hikari, or Hikari Noriko in barbarian tongues. I am the Light. I greet you, I follow Heaven's Path." She finishes her statement with a slight respectful bow, not more than to an equal, not less. (Hikari meaning Light.)

2015-03-20, 08:15 PM
A handsome young man armored in breastplate walks in. He has a Katana and a Wakizashi strapped to his waist. As well as a longbow on his back. He is not overly durable or forceful, but he has a steady confidence in his abilities.

"Well met. I am Chiba Hatsura. As the agent of Mot Tzu, I hope the fruits of our collaboration will be countless. May the sun be ever at our backs and the wind steadily in our favor."

2015-03-21, 12:38 PM
"I am told this will be but a half days journey to meet the invaders of this house. May i suggest we start our journey?". With that Tjai will turn to the road and begin walking while using his quarterstaff as a walking stick.

2015-03-21, 12:42 PM
The Light follows, silently, sedately, and with a meditative expression. She speaks if spoken to, gives short, bluntly honest answers. And acts, in general, neutrally towards the others. If asked why, her only reply will be 'I do not know you.'

2015-03-23, 08:21 AM
The travelers all fall into step on the dirt road. It is a dry day, and the sun warms them as it lowers on their right. A slight breeze ruffles their clothing, wicking sweat away from their skin. In short, it is an ideal day for travel. As they walk, they pass some small subsistence farms. Workers pause in their labour to gawk at the group. A few younger ones wave as the group passes through. Other than these few encounters, the trip is mostly uneventful.

As they get nearer to their destination, the foliage grows thicker, and they catch sight of the trees for which the region is famous. The towering rainbow eucalyptus, otherwise known as the "painted trees" (tushu), catch the waning light, displaying their unique multi-coloured bark. Such trees are quite rare in most lands, but here they grow wild and free. The travelers regard them with a sense of some awe as they pass through.

Their destination, Nikyo, comes into view near sundown. From a distance, the travelers see the gate at the north road into the city. While simple in design, it is constructed of the trunks of tushu, giving it a sense of eclectic importance.

Feel free to do a little RP regarding your trip if desired. If you are not a particularly talkative group, a short paragraph about your personal thoughts or behaviour during the trip would help define your characters.

2015-03-23, 10:54 AM
With such fantastical trees around Tjai will try to notice any possible tree or nature spirits/guardians. These spirits or folk may have information about goings on in the area...even more so than villagers.

Tjai will address Hilar..." Can you sense any tree guardians or spirits among these fantastical trees? I am wondering if they may relay any information about the area and any possible threats from the forest. An ally among them would be helpful if possible is my thought.". Since Noriko seems to want to self reflect Tjai will avoid her.

With Chiba as we walk ..."Honorable Chiba. I am sure the Halfling is capable in physical combat but I know you are. When we approach the village gate may I suggest that you are the one that speaks with the one whom speaks with the guards and one in charge for the village. Your status as a samurai may sit well more so than ours in their eyes."

2015-03-23, 11:10 AM
When the travelers enter the painted forest, Hideo climbs one of the tall trees. He does so easily, as if aided by magic. Upon returning to the ground he remarks "It's a beautiful view from up there. I always like to get an overview when I can."

2015-03-23, 11:21 AM
To Hideo..."What do you see my nimble companion?"

2015-03-23, 12:35 PM
From the branches of the tree, the Spider can get a good view of the lands surrounding their destination. The town itself is not large, and is surrounded on the outskirts with small farms of root crops. Farther south, you can see hills planted with terraced rice paddies. There are people moving about, though at this distance they appear as little more than ants.

2015-03-23, 02:18 PM
Hideo replies to Tjai "Colorful birds, trees, and miles. A small town ahead with farms around it. To the south, rice terraces. I saw also little ants, or perhaps they are people like us, for they are miles away."

2015-03-23, 03:10 PM
Tjai will acknowledge Hideo then proceed to the village in a cautious manner. To the group : It is possible the village has been attacked and overrun and remains under hostile hands. Any suggestions on how we will approach? My suggestion would be a stealthy unexpected approach to glean the status of the town and report back to the group the information before we all come into what may be a bad situation. Hideo seems to be rather stealthy."

2015-03-23, 04:02 PM
Along the journey south Hikari waves back to the children, with a soft motherly smile on her face as they pass by, occasionally sprinting ahead to talk to someone for a bit before the group caught back up before continuing on.

"Well, if we walk in as though everything is normal, and we are your typical wandering band of people... it will most likely disarm them. They should, assuming they are not... disguised monsters of some kind, attempt to act normally. In addition, if we act normally, it may throw them off, and cause them to lower their guard slightly. Allowing us to gain more information." Hikari shrugs softly. "There is also the fact that we do not know who actually has control yet. As we have not seen it."

2015-03-23, 04:44 PM
As they walk, Hilar shakes his head to Tjai's question.
My connection is to the void and the water. I can sense the trees themselves, but not their spirits.

Hilar chuckles at Hikari's comment.
Even if they are disguised monsters, so long as we give them no cause to break their guise, I doubt they would bother us.

2015-03-23, 05:32 PM
As they walk, Hilar shakes his head to Tjai's question.
My connection is to the void and the water. I can sense the trees themselves, but not their spirits.

Hilar chuckles at Hikari's comment.
Even if they are disguised monsters, so long as we give them no cause to break their guise, I doubt they would bother us.

Hikari tilts her head slightly. "You may be right, but. It would depend on a few things, wouldn't it? I could easily be incorrect... but it seems to me, with life continuing apparently as normal in this area..." she glances about as a traveler might, with idle curiosity. "That if they are hostile, they may wait until we appear to be vulnerable."

2015-03-23, 06:59 PM
Hideo says "Not that I'm against sneaking around when need be, but I think a direct approach is best. If they do notice our attempt to scout, they may take us for the enemy, no matter who controls the village.

I think it unlikely that the village has fallen. It may be best if we do not reveal our loyalties or the purpose of our visit right away, though."

2015-03-23, 09:24 PM
Hideo says "Not that I'm against sneaking around when need be, but I think a direct approach is best. If they do notice our attempt to scout, they may take us for the enemy, no matter who controls the village.

I think it unlikely that the village has fallen. It may be best if we do not reveal our loyalties or the purpose of our visit right away, though."

"I grow so weary of others rewording my ideas at times... Hikari sighs loudly. "I'm going now. Make your own decisions, deliberation accomplishes nothing but wasting air."

With that Hikari resumes her trek towards their destination.

2015-03-23, 09:44 PM
"As for myself" Hideo tells Hikari "I see it as a win when others mistake my ideas for their own, for that is an art of persuasion. Thus does my lord's cause advance while I seem to climb above the fray. Or often enough, literally do so."

2015-03-23, 09:48 PM
"I see it as an attack when others attempt to stake claim to my words deeds or actions."

She turns her head to look at him blankly as she continues walking.

2015-03-23, 11:41 PM

With Chiba as we walk ..."Honorable Chiba. I am sure the Halfling is capable in physical combat but I know you are. When we approach the village gate may I suggest that you are the one that speaks with the one whom speaks with the guards and one in charge for the village. Your status as a samurai may sit well more so than ours in their eyes."

Way long ago, Chiba responds I think you are correct my agile friend. While I am not better than others of this company, some place too high a value on titles.

As Chiba travels, he attempts to master the art of poetry.

2015-03-24, 08:21 AM
Hikari pushes forward, the others following closely with little hesitation. Approaching closer to the rainbow gate, they can make out a lone sentry standing between the beams. The sentry wears simple clothing topped by a wide-brimmed hat, but stands as one accustomed to combat. He holds a wide, stable stance, both hands resting on the haft of a two-bladed axe. His eyes, somewhat disarmingly, are two different colours - blue and orange. They stare, hard and unblinking, as the party draws near.

2015-03-24, 09:07 AM
In step with the group Tjai will proceed to the gate. As he approaches he will try to ascertain the moods or anything out of place with the people encountered or in the immediate area.

2015-03-24, 01:03 PM
Sense motive [roll0]

2015-03-24, 01:05 PM
As you pass a scattered few fields, the farmers stop to watch you pass. Contrary to the earlier farms, you see no children here, and no one waves or hails you.

The sentry regards you steadily as you approach, but other than his oddly-coloured eyes, nothing seems amiss.

2015-03-24, 02:40 PM
Hideo lets Chiba (or another) take the lead in dealing with the sentry, but he observes the man carefully, trying to guess how things stand here.

edit: added spoiler tag

sense motive [roll0]

2015-03-24, 03:13 PM
Hideo takes a good long look at the sentry. Something about him just looks or feels unnatural. It could be the eyes, or the way he stares... or how still he stands. In fact, to Hideo's sharp vision, the man does not even appear to breathe!

2015-03-24, 05:12 PM
Hideo waves the others over for a huddle and whispers to them "Hold, friends. There is something unnatural about that sentry. He doesn't even seem to breathe!"

Hideo will also use detect magic on the sentry & surrounding area, though he doubts it'll turn up anything.

2015-03-24, 06:38 PM
In a similarly hushed tone she replies, "See? Monsters, like I told you." She sighs, "Why is it always monsters? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClwIj3x24Q4)"

Hikari resumes walking toward the town, and unless interfered with, through the gates.

2015-03-24, 07:14 PM
Tjai will watch the guards reactions to her from 35 feet back

2015-03-24, 07:34 PM
Chiba will follow and match Hikari's steps.

2015-03-25, 06:56 AM
Hideo waves his hand to detect any magical auras. The sentry's axe appears to be faintly magical, but nothing else about the man stands out.

Tjai and Hilar hold for a moment, trying to determine the best course of action. They watch Hikari and Chiba intently.

Hikari boldly steps toward the gate, followed closely by Chiba. As she steps up to the gate's boundary, the sentry moves suddenly to block her path. When he speaks, it sounds as if two voices talk in unison.

The way is closed to trespassers.

2015-03-25, 12:15 PM
Tjai says loudly..."it appears that they have enough help here."

2015-03-25, 01:53 PM
Hideo addresses the strange sentry. "Who do you work for? Perhaps we can be of assistance."

ooc: He looks for a good wall or the like to climb if need be, presumably the city wall.

2015-03-25, 03:56 PM
Hikari continues walking, right between it's legs (if they are spread), "I am not a trespasser. Stand Aside."

2015-03-25, 05:53 PM
Tjai..."ahhhh...she will be our negotiator I presume." He says with a smile.

Spoiler: ready action with staff

2015-03-25, 11:12 PM
Stand aside, by the order of the Lords of Xin, Chiba states firmly. I hope I did it right

Intimidate check


2015-03-25, 11:17 PM
Nope. Next try.

2015-03-26, 07:17 AM
The sentry responds to Hideo and Chiba. I serve no master and recognize no lords. The voices are distinct; the latter is notably harsher than the former.

Hideo looks for a good place to climb. I should have described a little more detail. The town is small, and has no city walls. It has low-rising fences and chargebreaking obstacles scattered around, but no solid barrier. The Rainbow Gate is just three trunks of trees - two upright, and one across the top of them to form a gateway shape. It is more ornamental than functional. You could try climbing the gate, or a nearby tree (closest is only about 15' away, but would put you out of PBS range).

Hikari attempts to walk past the guard, but he moves to block her path each time she turns. The harsher of the two voices states Your tongue belies your origin. You are not of this land.

The sentry is blocking Hikari's movement past him, but she could try to overrun or tumble past, or any other method that you can concoct.

2015-03-26, 02:32 PM
The sentry responds to Hideo and Chiba. I serve no master and recognize no lords. The voices are distinct; the latter is notably harsher than the former.

Hideo looks for a good place to climb. I should have described a little more detail. The town is small, and has no city walls. It has low-rising fences and chargebreaking obstacles scattered around, but no solid barrier. The Rainbow Gate is just three trunks of trees - two upright, and one across the top of them to form a gateway shape. It is more ornamental than functional. You could try climbing the gate, or a nearby tree (closest is only about 15' away, but would put you out of PBS range).

Hikari attempts to walk past the guard, but he moves to block her path each time she turns. The harsher of the two voices states Your tongue belies your origin. You are not of this land.

The sentry is blocking Hikari's movement past him, but she could try to overrun or tumble past, or any other method that you can concoct.

"I am actually. Not this specific area, but a merely few hours journey. I was born not far you see?" She stops and regards the sentry, "You however, are not what you pretend to be. There are no things that live in this world that speak as you do, with more than one voice. So tell me, what are you? A demon perhaps?"

2015-03-26, 07:45 PM
No demon am I. I am the guardian of this land. And you are trespassers. I will not fail again.

2015-03-27, 05:28 PM
"Then you failed before" Hideo tells the sentry. "It was recently, wasn't it? Who came here?"

2015-03-27, 08:28 PM
"You do realize, don't you? That if we were hostile we would either have attacked, or just gone around and climbed over the fence that seems to act as a wall?"

2015-03-29, 10:25 AM
The sentry looks toward Hideo. The softer voice speaks. The raiders in black came in the night. They were many, and I but one. My vigilance had lapsed in the age of peace. I will not make that mistake again.

He regards Hikari stubbornly. You claim to be peaceful. That is what an enemy would say. Deceptions are manifold. What assurance can you make?

Bluff and Diplomacy checks are fair game here if you'd like to try and convince him that you are on the level. You could still try to make a break for it. If you can lose him, getting into the town would be a cinch.

2015-03-29, 09:49 PM
(Her aura is always on, any good aligned creatures, as per description will automatically recognize it. Assuming the Guardian is Good Aligned...)

Hikari blinks for a moment. "I am the Light. What assurance do you desire?"

2015-03-30, 09:43 AM
The sentry is not swayed by your aura. You can surmise that it is not good-aligned.

Greetings, Light. I am the Land and the land is me. Causing injury to these grounds is a hostile act that I will not tolerate.

If you can offer me no assurance that you mean these lands no harm, might I suggest...

At this point the sentry holds his hand over the ground next to him and draws the dirt, grass, and rocks upwards, forming a man-shaped creature of earth.

...trial by combat.

2015-03-30, 12:02 PM
initiative: [roll0]

Hideo says "So you only let strong foes enter? I see no need for this. Let the halfling and myself pass, and we will leave our weapons here. We will then discuss the matter with the people of the town, and upon our return to the gate, they will vouch for us or not."

2015-03-30, 05:01 PM
"Oh thank the gods, I thought someone was going to harm the little creature before I could say anything." She sighs, with eyes closed, in relief.

"So, let me get this straight. As proof that we are peaceful, you want me to kill something? I refuse. I would however, like it if you could tell me what direction the hostiles left in? The ones you failed to keep out, you know."

2015-03-30, 07:36 PM
Hilar finally steps forward.
This has gone far enough. Spirit, we are peaceful emissaries, sent to investigate the trouble of these lands. If you truly failed in your duty, then do not bar our attempt to find those who committed the crime.

Initiative: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2015-03-31, 02:16 PM
Tjai will watch for a reaction from the guardian to Hilar's statement. One aggressive move from the guardian or elemental and he will move to strike the aggressor.

flurry of blows [roll0] [roll1]

2015-03-31, 02:19 PM

2015-03-31, 06:47 PM
Chiba calmly states, I will fight if I must. However, I would prefer to keep our entrance peaceful.


2015-04-01, 07:22 AM
The sentry regards you all for a tense moment, waiting for your move. When no move comes, he nods. The elemental buries itself back beneath the earth. A true enemy would not have hesitated to attack. Either you are trustworthy or you are not dangerous enough to worry me.

The sentry splits down the middle, each half stepping out of your way in opposite directions. The two half-sentries stand at the posts of the Rainbow Gate, making room for you to pass between them.

The half-sentry with the blue eye states You have shown you intent to be true. You may pass. The half-sentry with the orange eye adds But be warned: show this faith to be misplaced and I will come for you.

2015-04-01, 07:28 AM
Hikari passes by without further comment. Aside from a sigh. :smallsigh:

2015-04-01, 04:52 PM
Hideo follows her. The strange sentry may yet prove useful he thinks.

2015-04-01, 04:59 PM
Tjai proceeds in line with his companions to seek out some leader of this village.

2015-04-01, 07:08 PM
As Chiba passes by, he mutters to himself: Strange times call for strange measures, it seems.

2015-04-02, 08:51 AM
The sentry allows the group to pass unhindered. As you walk into town, the distinct scent of sawdust prevalent in the air, you become aware of telltale signs of recent struggle that were not apparent from a distance. You note damaged fences, trampled gardens, toppled carts, snapped clotheslines, and charred buildings. The townfolk are hard at work making repairs; thatching the roofs of their simple homes, fixing shutters and fences, and cleaning up broken dishes and other refuse. There is some chatter among the people, but it has the hushed tones of those still in shock. A few of the men and women sport bandaged injuries, and they all pause in their work to give you a tense, blank stare as you pass.

2015-04-02, 09:08 AM
"I wonder where they are getting their supplies from. I didn't see anyone passing through the gates with carts, or even armloads or pack saddles..." She continues walking, and waves at anyone that stares. "Must be magic." She shrugs at the obvious plothole, they must keep conveniently stocked warehouses with grass for thatching.

"Do any of you have any ideas where we should be heading now that we're in town, or should we stop to ask for directions? I wonder if everyone here is evil or something... None of them recognize the Light... I don't like this."

(Couldn't resist the temptation. I shall most likely be doing a Deadpool. Though not actually aware of the 4th wall, merely reacting to it subconsciously on occasion.)

2015-04-02, 09:16 AM
Tjai will stop at some of the townsfolk that he is passing and helps them momentarily with something they may be doing (picking up something, moving something heavy, holding something for them etc...). While doing so or after Tjai will state "We are sent by the Lords of these lands .What happened here? Where might we find the leader of this community?"

Gather information [roll0]

2015-04-03, 01:56 PM
Hideo wonders What delusions does Hikari have, to think that anyone would recognize something about her 'Light'? And if there is evil here, perhaps it can be turned to our profit.

He looks around, trying to guess how many attackers came, and why. One thing seems clear: They were trying to harass the town, not rule it. Though that could be a piece of a larger scheme.

He waits for the villager to reply to Tjai, so that the investigation might soon begin in earnest.

2015-04-05, 11:59 AM
Tjai collects some broken fence slats and helps the man pile them into a woodbox. The man regards Tjai for a moment, attempting to judge his trustworthiness. Steward Chu was hurt in the attack. He's at home, recuperating. He gestures toward a building near the centre of town. I'm not sure how severe his injuries are, but he survived.

2015-04-05, 10:07 PM
Tjai will finish helping the villager then walk back to his companions and relay the information he has gleaned. He will then proceed to walk to Steward Chu's home and announce himself and his comrades at the door of his home and request permission to enter.

2015-04-06, 12:17 AM
Hikari walks along. Silently, and watching their surroundings in a surreptitious manner.

2015-04-06, 01:09 PM
Chiba will stand back and watch what is happening in the village.

2015-04-06, 02:47 PM
Hilar follows not too far behind Tjal, simply keeping an eye out. Observing the state of the village.

2015-04-06, 09:12 PM
Hideo follows Tjai to Steward Chu's house as well. As he observes the village, he tries to look beyond the damage to roughly appraise how valuable the village might be to the lords.

2015-04-06, 09:28 PM
The village folk appear to have nearly returned to life as usual, though they maintain a suspicious and wary air about them. While the damage to the town is extensive, it certainly could have been worse.

The steward's home is noticeably larger than any other in town, and more ornate. Unlike other buildings in town, which use a plain dark wood, this building makes use of the multicoloured wood in accents. The walkway up to the door is flanked by lines of bright flowers, though the garden looks as if it has been recently trampled. The door itself has sustained some damage, and has been hastily repaired. A single guardsman stands to the right of the door.

2015-04-07, 10:59 AM
Tjai to guard "Greetings friend. We have been sent by our Lords to meet with the Steward or anyone in charge and help with the problem it seems that has befallen this village".

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-04-07, 12:14 PM
The guard responds, furrowing his brow. You have a strange accent visitor. Who is your lord?

2015-04-07, 01:38 PM
"I am a representative of the Emerald Lord Hyrui Tanaka from the providence of Laochan. Forgive my awkward dialect for I have not ventured to this region before."...Tjai bows slightly then continues. " We wish to speak to someone in charge so that we might ascertain a way we might help."

2015-04-09, 08:27 AM
The guard visibly relaxes. The agents of Lord Tanaka are welcome here. Please go in, the servants will attend you.

He raps the haft of his spear on the door, two short, one long, two short. Shortly thereafter, the door is opened by a middle-aged woman in white kimono stitched with falling leaves in orange, red, and yellow. Her makeup is immaculate, and she is quite attractive for her years. She bows silently, and gestures the party inside.

The interior of the house is well-kept, with only touches of ostentatiousness. The wood surfaces are polished to a shine, and the decor, while mostly simple, is well-crafted from quality materials. As you step inside, she speaks quietly, I am afraid Steward Chu is resting at the moment. If you would like to wait until he wakes, please be seated and we will serve some tea and pastries.

She points the party into a sitting room with a low table and colourful cushions on the floor. The table is already set with fine teacups, plates, silverware, and white cloth napkins. She exits to retrieve the serving trays.

2015-04-09, 09:39 AM
"This is a bad omen." She never the less, takes a seat on a cushion in lotus position. Though she touches none of the refreshments.

2015-04-09, 07:10 PM
"Perhaps so" Hideo says "but in my view a bit of snack and refreshment is always welcome luck after a long journey." He will partake of what is offered.

2015-04-10, 09:29 PM
Tjai will bow to her in respect and take a seat to enjoy their hospitality while he waits. He will note any pictures or anything of note to the family heritage of the Steward.

2015-04-13, 05:09 PM
Gather information [roll0]

Spot check [roll1]

2015-04-13, 07:06 PM
Hilar also sits, not touching the food. Upon Hikari's comment, he nods, and begins to meditate, letting his senses flow out from him, searching the nearby area for bodies of water. He had specifically chosen his sitting location further into the building to allow for such surveillance.

Using my Sense Elements ability (text included below) to search for water. Being level 3, I can scan out to 25 feet (takes 3 more rounds to extend the sense, though). He'll get the full range up before he starts investigating with it.

One of the fi rst “spells” a shugenja learns—a magical effect so basic that it becomes a spell-like ability—is the ability to sense elements. As a full-round action, a shugenja can become aware of all sources of one chosen element (air, earth, fi re, or water) within 10 feet of him. The shugenja learns the size of the objects but not their precise location or actual nature.
By concentrating longer, a shugenja can either extend her magical senses or gather more information about the elements he has detected. Each additional round spent in concentration allows the shugenja to add 5 feet to the radius of his sense ability, to a maximum of 5 additional feet per shugenja level. Thus, at 4th level, Kitsu Mari can sense elements to a maximum range of 30 feet by concentrating for fi ve full rounds. Alternatively, the shugenja can focus on one source of the sensed element per round, attempting a Spellcraft check to determine more about that single item. The amount of information he learns depends on his Spellcraft check result:[not posting the table]
In subsequent rounds, a shugenja can retry his Spellcraft check on the same item, shift his attention to a different item, or extend the range of his senses.
A 1st-level shugenja can use this ability three times per day. Every fi ve levels he advances as a shugenja allows him to use the ability an additional time per day (four times at 5th level, fi ve times at 10th level, and so one). Like many divination spells, a shugenja’s sense elements ability is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

2015-04-14, 06:34 AM
The party sits waiting for the steward to wake. The servant returns, gracefully placing trays of sweet pastries and dainty teacups in front of the visitors. As she pours tea, she remarks Apologies for the delay. Steward Chu was injured quite seriously, and we do not like to wake him from his rest. Is there anything else you require while you wait? The serving woman squints momentarily at the light now clearly visible around Hikari, then smiles uncertainly.

Hideo, helping himself to the food, finds the pastries to be superbly sweet and refreshing. The tea is hot, fresh, and of good quality.

Tjai takes note of a portrait of Lord Hazuki on the wall, strung with a garland of leaves around the frame. Below that is a smaller portrait of a middle-aged man with a long moustache, presumably the steward.

Hilar extends his senses to detect sources of water within the house. He picks up the obvious teapots and cups, as well as some small, pot- and bucket-sized sources in the adjoining room. Searching some of the water for any abnormalities, he finds nothing out of the ordinary.


2015-04-14, 09:29 AM
Hikari smiles gently in return, a small kindly expression mostly in the eyes, as though unused to being anything other than stoic. Her tone is soft, and her voice rather quiet, as though to prevent herself from being a disturbance to others in the household. "Some plain rice, perhaps, would be appreciated? If it is no trouble." She bows slightly from her seated position. "May I inquire as to the severity of his injuries, and their extent? Where, if it is not rude, might he be injured?"

2015-04-14, 12:27 PM
Of course, lady she says in response to your request for rice. Before she leaves the room, she notes The good steward was severely beaten in his brave attempt to protect his household. His bruises are many, and the healer says he has a broken collarbone. She believes it will be weeks before he is back to his old self. She pads away, returning a minute later with some rice and places it before Hikari.

2015-04-14, 12:50 PM
Of course, lady she says in response to your request for rice. Before she leaves the room, she notes The good steward was severely beaten in his brave attempt to protect his household. His bruises are many, and the healer says he has a broken collarbone. She believes it will be weeks before he is back to his old self. She pads away, returning a minute later with some rice and places it before Hikari.

Hikari thanks her and eats the rice slowly. Apparently savoring it, odd that.

2015-04-16, 10:55 PM
Hideo says "Good food. Naturally I wonder, is there a shukenja in town, who can tend to the wounded?"

2015-04-17, 08:49 AM
Hilar shakes himself from his trance.
My apologies, I think I dozed off for a few moments there. I am not as young as I once was. What is this about someone in need of healing?

2015-04-19, 06:33 PM
"Maybe our healer can help him?"

2015-04-20, 07:03 AM
If you have knowledge of medicine, I am sure our healer would appreciate the assistance. Hilar groans as he stands, and follows the woman down a short hallway to the steward's bedroom. There is one woman with her back turned, preparing some kind of poultice. She glances around as Hilar enters. May I help you?

2015-04-20, 01:09 PM
Tjai will inquire with the guard for any details of the attack on the village. "You are a warrior. I would like to know what details you noticed about the attack on the village?"

2015-04-20, 03:55 PM
I was told that the steward could use the aid of a healer. I am such a man.
He walks over by the bed.
Have you been his caretaker since the attack? What can you tell me of his condition?

Heal to diagnose the patient: [roll0]

2015-04-21, 07:55 PM
Tjai extracts himself momentarily from the tea service to question the guard. They came dressed in black at night, wearing masks that made them look like oni. Some in town still believe that they really were oni, but I saw some of them bleed. They moved quickly and quiet as the night. They seemed to prefer hit and run tactics, never standing to fight, but striking and moving, switching places, hiding and throwing shuriken. I believe most served as mere distraction, though, as the steward's house was their main target.

Meanwhile, Hilar examines the steward. His external injuries are as the serving woman described - bruises about the head and neck and bruised ribs. However, Hilar notices something the serving woman had not described. In his neck, there is a small red dot, as if stabbed with a fine point, such as a needle.

His injuries are serious, I suspect internal bleeding. He has slept quite a lot since the attack, and has had some difficulty keeping food and water down. I am grateful for any help you can offer.

2015-04-24, 07:38 AM
Hilar motions her over.
Did you notice this upon your initial examination? Needles are rarely effective weapons. A wound such as this implies poison, in my experience.
He begins to examine the needle wound more closely.
Also, could you please bring me a basin of water?

If possible, another Heal check to look for poison: [roll0]

2015-04-24, 12:37 PM
Tjai will re-join the group and as subtly as he can relay the information from the guard. After relaying the information, Tjai will say "Maybe we should try to track the villains back to their hideout to identify or eradicate them? Ideas?"

2015-04-27, 08:58 AM
Hilar recognizes the symptoms from similar cases he has seen. Black adder venom is not usually fatal, but can be quite disabling. The healer fetches a bowl of water.I did not notice this mark. Your eyes are keen.

As Tjai returns to the sitting room, so does the serving woman. At mention of the "villains", she becomes noticeably agitated. Her eyes dart nervously around the room, settling on Tjai. If your aim is to track down those who attacked the town, there is something perhaps you should know... She trails off, hesitating a moment. I don't suppose the steward would mind. She checks that the outer door is shut and pulls the wooden curtain across the room entrance. This was no random attack. The raiders were after one thing in particular. I am not supposed to know this. She coughs and lowers her voice further.

I overheard the steward one day, talking about Lord Hazuki's estate. The good lord had left his written will secured here to be revealed upon his death. It was kept in a secret compartment that I accidentally discovered during my service. After the attack I noticed that it was left open and empty.

She glances up quickly toward the door to ensure no one had overheard, and falls to crying.

Lord Hazuki was a great man, kind and gentle, even to the lowliest of servants. He visited often. His loss is felt deeply here. Forgive me.

She takes a deep gasp and attempts to compose herself, opening the curtain and leaving the room.

2015-04-27, 11:03 AM
Hilar sighs.
Black adder venom. Sadly, my magic is not strong enough to purge the venom from his system. His recovery will be slow, but I think he has already survived the worst of it. I will do what I can, and repair what superficial damage my power will allow. We can only hope that it will be enough.
After explaining what he intends to do, he begins to scoop water out of the basin with his hands and slowly pour it upon the steward's wounds, speaking softly in Aquan as he does so.
<Aquan> Spirits of the Water, hear my plea. This man has suffered great injury in the pursuit of his rightful duty. As your humble servant, I beseech thee. Make his battered body once again whole.
After he finishes, he looks over the man for signs of the poison still being active. If he finds none, he returns his attention to the healer.
Simply ensure that he remains abed for several days. The venom of the black adder is a terrible poison, and it can take an extensive period of time to fully recover from.

Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]
Heal if needed to try and treat the poison (it should have fully run its course): Take 10 for 18

2015-04-28, 01:11 PM
As Tjai returns to the sitting room, so does the serving woman. At mention of the "villains", she becomes noticeably agitated. Her eyes dart nervously around the room, settling on Tjai. If your aim is to track down those who attacked the town, there is something perhaps you should know... She trails off, hesitating a moment. I don't suppose the steward would mind. She checks that the outer door is shut and pulls the wooden curtain across the room entrance. This was no random attack. The raiders were after one thing in particular. I am not supposed to know this. She coughs and lowers her voice further.

I overheard the steward one day, talking about Lord Hazuki's estate. The good lord had left his written will secured here to be revealed upon his death. It was kept in a secret compartment that I accidentally discovered during my service. After the attack I noticed that it was left open and empty.

She glances up quickly toward the door to ensure no one had overheard, and falls to crying.

Lord Hazuki was a great man, kind and gentle, even to the lowliest of servants. He visited often. His loss is felt deeply here. Forgive me.

She takes a deep gasp and attempts to compose herself, opening the curtain and leaving the room.

"And so... It would seem, a clue. This was not random, and considering we have been sent here... who else is looking to take over this domain that has not sent someone with us?" She glances about at the others in the room. "If we are to find those thieves... The trail is growing ever colder."

2015-04-28, 01:57 PM
"This may sound like a crazy idea" Hideo notes "and if so that's probably because it is one. But the thieves likely have spies in or around town. Perhaps if we announce that we have another copy of the will, which we will read publicly in a few days, the thieves will come to us."

2015-04-28, 08:27 PM
"This may sound like a crazy idea" Hideo notes "and if so that's probably because it is one. But the thieves likely have spies in or around town. Perhaps if we announce that we have another copy of the will, which we will read publicly in a few days, the thieves will come to us."

"A good idea, if we could count on them attacking, and not merely poisoning us all..." She looks about, determining time of day by the light level outside. "They may attempt to poison us regardless."

2015-05-04, 10:50 AM
Tjai: "I recommend we find out if anyone knows which direction they went and go to them and gather intelligence at least".

2015-05-04, 08:58 PM
Tjai: "I recommend we find out if anyone knows which direction they went and go to them and gather intelligence at least".
Hikari looks about and sighs, "Someone other than the unhelpful Guardian... I asked him earlier... He either does not know the answer, or does not wish to answer. In any case, we should rest before we go. Here would be good, if they attempt a second attack on the Steward we should be here. Alternatively, rather than discussing what to do, we aught to go now. While the trail has hopefully not yet gone entirely cold."

2015-05-05, 11:53 AM
"I think we should speak with the Steward first. Then, maybe get a local escort to help us make inquiries at the outlying farms. Perhaps the people there know where the ninjas came from" Hideo suggests.

2015-05-06, 12:00 AM
Hikari stands and begins performing a number of mundane, exotic and esoteric stretches. Jumps a few times, squats oddly, and then turns and begins to walk out the door. "Done talking about it, off to actually get something done." She waves as she leaves the immediate area, seeking exit from the premises.

2015-05-07, 01:49 PM
Hilar returns to the tea room just in time to be passed by Hikari, who has a determined, if impatient, air about her. Hilar is accompanied by the healer woman, who speaks. Steward Chu is awake, though still weak. If you have questions, he will see you now.

2015-05-07, 11:05 PM
Hikari stops, foot midair, in a seemingly easy, if awkward position. She turns and walks back into the room. "Answers first then."

2015-05-08, 09:01 AM
Hideo goes in to see the Steward.

"Greetings, Steward Chu. I hope you feel well enough. We are emissaries from the lords; I am Hideo Spamano and represent Lord Akhujo.

What do you know about the attack, who did it, why, and where they might have gone?"

2015-05-08, 12:52 PM
Tjai will proceed to the Steward's room. Tjai to the Steward:

"Most honorable Steward...we are representatives of our Lords that have been sent to assist you in any way we can. What can you tell us of the attack or attacks?"

2015-05-08, 09:06 PM
"Let us all ask him the same questions. A most efficient use of our time." She jokes. Or does she? It's difficult to tell.

2015-05-20, 07:27 AM
The steward shifts in his bed. Forgive the informality. I should prefer to meet you properly, however this will have to do.

We know precious little about these attackers. They came cloaked in black, with demonic masks and strange weapons. We managed to kill less than a handful of them; we recognized none.

However... he nods to the healer, who goes to a chest at the side of the room and brings out a coin-like metal token. One of them dropped this. It appears to be a coin, but we've never seen its like.

The healer passes the coin around the room. As you examine it in turn, you note that the colours shift as the light catches it from different angles. It is very shiny, so reflective that you can see your faces clearly, though in different colours and distorted by the embossing. The center of one side displays a strange-looking dragon, and on the reverse is a tree. Around the edge are symbols that don't seem to make sense in your language, but could be pronounce phonetically as fu lu uu xu. As you turn the coin, its shape seems to alter slightly to more oblong dimensions, then back to circular. A strange trick of the light.

Do any of you know what it is?

Anyone can attempt a knowledge (history) here. Use any means you have at your disposal.

Secondly, they seemed to have a purpose in mind. It is not common knowledge, but Lord Hazuki kept his will here, hidden and under lock and key. He visited here often, and we were well acquainted; he trusted me. His will was set to be read in a few days. I'm not sure of their motive, but someone wants to keep that information hidden.

2015-05-20, 08:29 AM
Hikari takes the coin, "It is a disk of an unknown material. Possibly Currency. Possibly a token of rank, possibly a token which acts as a marker of membership... possibly something intended to be used as a signal in some manner. Is it magical?"

Knowledge History: [roll0]
Yeah, that roll won't do it.

2015-05-20, 05:45 PM
"Let me check ..."

Hideo casts detect magic.

2015-06-24, 06:25 AM
The coin is faintly magical. By concentrating, you can determine the school of magic to be divination. The steward speaks: If you believe it will help you track down the fiends, feel free to take that with you.

2015-06-24, 03:35 PM
"We might as well take it. It bears a faint divination magic" Hideo says "though I'm not sure what it does.

Can we get a local escort to question those outside town more easily?"

2015-06-24, 03:56 PM
"We might as well take it. It bears a faint divination magic" Hideo says "though I'm not sure what it does.

Can we get a local escort to question those outside town more easily?"

Hikari raises an eyebrow quietly. "So, a small magical coin of some sort radiating divination... and there your curiosity ends? Can you not attempt to identify the spell?"

2015-06-24, 11:45 PM
ooc: Spellcraft [roll0]

Hideo says "Alas, I cannot identify it. I follow the mysterious path of the warlock, not the academic path of the wu jen. Though I have some understanding of spellcraft, my main skills are of a more practical nature. Perhaps a spellcaster would care to try?

If I had to guess - and this is not based on my study of the object, but on my study of people - it may be that they left it behind on purpose, in order to make it easy for them to spy on whoever comes to help the steward. If that is so, then I say, let them come!"

2015-06-26, 10:22 AM
My serving woman, Suki, will help you with your questioning. She is well-liked among those in town. I will have one of my guards, Horshu, accompany you as well - that will give you an official appearance. I'm told the attackers came from the south, so you may be best served to start there.

2015-06-27, 06:00 PM
Hilar of the Phoenix, the Voice of the Spirits

Hilar takes the coin, and mutters a few quiet words
<Aquan> Spirits of water,let me see that which has been placed here by your kin.

Detect Magic and Sepllcraft: 1d20+

2015-06-29, 10:20 AM
Hilar learns much the same as Hideo. The object contains some faint divination magic, but it's unclear what exactly. As he you holds it in his hands, it continues to shift, as if slowly spinning like a wheel, and Hilar nearly drops it.