View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Races of Geula: Homebrewing Help For a 5e Campaign Setting

2015-03-20, 06:27 PM
In this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389894-Process-of-Elimination-Collaborative-World-Building) over at the World-Building subforum, we've been working on creating a steampunky post-apocalyptic science fantasy world with cool stuff like airships, robots and angel-riding psionic cowboys. Anyway, we've come up with a bunch of cool races, but they could use critique, bad. As in, they'll probably really suck without critique bad :smallannoyed:

So, we've opened a branch thread in the hopes that we can get that critique. Enjoy!

Based on the Mathuin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389902-Homebrew-Race-The-Mathuin-(PEACH)) by TylertheCreator (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?77290-TylertheCreator).

In a world ravaged by planar energy from a deadly war, only the mysterious bears seem immune to the lingering magical energy that permeates the Wastes. No one is sure how this is possible, but some have taken to worshipping the bears, and cults have sprung up across Geula dedicating themselves to the magical beings. In an effort to become closer to their gods, some cultists have taken the ultimate leap by binding their bodies with that of a bear, becoming Ursans, somewhere between man and beast. This is considered the ultimate honour by most cultists. Ursans are treated as holy, even messianic figures, but they have to pay a steep price for their hubris - they are filled, sometimes overwhelmed, by the rage of the bear, and it can drive them to savagery, even insanity.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2.

Age: Ursans, like their wild cousins, rarely live for long, generally reaching around 50 years of age at most. It depends on the subrace - while Blacks usually live to 40 and rarely exceed 50, Polars can live to be as old as 60.

Alignment: Ursans are driven by the bestial fury of the bear, and they tend towards chaos and evil. Yet the more dedicated and resolute cultists will try to strive to be lawful and good, and this struggle can define a person and help them truly understand what they're made of.

Bear Magicks: Like the bears which they dedicate their lives to, Ursans have mysterious abilities to avoid magical damage, giving them resistance to force damage.

Long Strides: You can choose to walk on all fours instead of on two legs. When using this trait, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet and you gain proficiency on Acrobatics checks to maintain balance. However, you can't hold items or wear armour while using this trait. If you dash while using this trait, you travel at twice your normal speed plus 10 feet and ignore all difficult terrain, but you can't do so again until after a long rest.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Ursan. Ursan is a deep and guttural language predominantly made up of roars and snarls. The Ursan tongue is considered sacred to the Bear Cult and is often used in prayer. It is considered blasphemous for a non-cultist or non-Ursan to speak it.

Subraces: Six subraces of the Ursan are known to exist. These are the Black, the Grizzly, the Polar, the Panda, the Sun and the Cave Ursan.

The most common and well-known variety of Ursan, Blacks are the result of magical binding with a black bear. They are hardy and adaptable, being skilled at eking out a living in a variety of wilderness conditions, even deep within the Wastes. However, they suffer from a lack of racial unity and cultural identity, and in an effort to find themselves, many take up adventuring.

Ability Score Increase; Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Size: You are between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

One With Nature: You are considered proficient in the Nature skill.

Raking Claws: You can choose to deal deal 1d4 slashing damage instead of 1d1 bludgeoning damage when you make an unarmed strike.

Grizzlies are tough and strong, having been created by binding with a brown/grizzly bear. They are feared and renowned for their brute force and destructive power, and many take up careers as mercenaries or warriors. Yet the rage that boils within the blood of an Ursan is strong within them, and many Grizzlies suffer from insanity.
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Size: You are between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

King of Beasts: You were born not just to roam, but to rule, the wild. You gain proficiency in the Intimidate and Survival skills.

Of all the Ursan subraces, perhaps none are more revered than the Polar. These strong, noble descendants of the bears of the north are known for their charisma and their pride. Many live in secretive noble orders, where they try to control their bestial rage and use it as a weapon rather than fear it as a danger to themselves and their comrades.

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Size: You are between 7 and 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Arctic Heritage: Thanks to your polar bear heritage, you have resistance to cold damage and you can ignore difficult terrain if it's ice or snow.

Armoured Bear: You ignore light and medium armour restrictions when using the long strides trait.

The Panda is an anomaly among the Ursans - unlike their savage kin, they are almost totally unaffected by the rage of the bear, thanks to discipline, self-control and dedication to order. They congregate in Bear Cult monasteries, where they live a simple life of worship and prayer. There are a rebellious few, however, who follow the path of their gods on a life of adventure and seek a deeper understanding of life that they can't find in a cloister.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Size: You are between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed: You have a base walking speed of 35 feet.

Calm Mind; You are skilled at maintaining peace and serenity, even when chaos rages around you. You have resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Meditation: Pandas don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day.

Denizens of the jungle who were born from binding with a sun bear, Sun Ursans are perhaps one of the most unusual and mysterious Ursan subraces. They live in savage, acid-flooded rainforests where they form warrior tribes, embracing their inner rage rather than fighting it.

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Size: You are around 3 feet in height. Your size is Small.

Speed: You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.

Aboreal: When making a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to climb or descend an object, you are considered proficient in the Acrobatics skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, mist and other natural phenomena.

Perhaps the rarest and the most savage of the Ursan subraces, Cave Ursans were born from binding with one of the last of the ancient and mighty cave bears, giant bears which roamed the north in ancient days. Cave Bears are so rare that to bind with one is to become a god in the eyes of the cult, yet Cave Ursans face the greatest challenge of all the subraces. They are born of the most terrible and savage type of bear, and though many have tried, none have yet overcome it's ferocity with mind, body and/or soul intact.

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Size: You are between 8 and 9 feet tall. Your size is Large.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 40 feet.

Darkvision: Thanks to your cave-dwelling forebears, you have superior vision in dim and dark conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.

Juggernaut: When dashing while using the long strides trait, you have advantage on saving throws against melee attacks.

2015-03-20, 06:29 PM
Here are the Risen, originally created for Pathfinder by our very own Almarck (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?98152-Almarck).

Last survivors of an ancient Geulan empire which fell during the war, the Risen were able to survive thanks to the foresight of a group of artificers, who augmented them with technology designed to protect them from battle and the ravages of time. In this way, they hoped the legacy of the empire would live on forever.

Those Risen which survived the war and the intervening years since have settled near the edges of the Wastes. Their survival has ensured the survival of their empire's culture, but as their numbers dwindle, that culture may be threatened. Many Risen seek ruins of their once-glorious past in order to regain some of what has been lost, including artificer's lore which may help them create a new generation of Risen and so pass on the torch they all carry.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 2.

Age: Most Risen are roughly the same age, having all been created in a narrow timespan towards the end of the war. None are younger than how long ago was the war anyway? years of age. Risen age at an extremely slow pace.

Alignment: Having lived in the Wastes for so many millennia, the Risen have had to adapt by becoming as chaotic and unpredictable as Geula itself has become. However, a few stubbornly cling to now-meaningless codes of honour and laws now forgotten, and these tend to be of a lawful bent. The passing of time and their part-mechanical nature has made them cold and distant, and many Risen are of the neutral alignment. A rare few have lost their respect for sapient life and become evil.

Size: You gain the size of whatever race you were before you became a Risen.

Speed: You have the base speed of whatever race you were before you became a Risen.

Living Construct: Even though you are considered a construct, you are also considered a living creature. You are immune to disease and do not need to eat, drink or breathe. You still need to sleep, though only for 4 hours per day.

Reconstruction: You gain proficiency with tinker's tools. Using these tools and 50 gp worth of metal materials, you can spend 30 minutes to repair any damage you have taken. You regain a number of hit points equal to half your bloodied level, though you do not exceed your current max.

Past Life: Before the war occurred, members of many races and cultures called the empire home. As a result, in addition to being a Risen, you can choose to be a member of any race, and you gain any proficiencies, spells or languages a member of that race would have access to.

Built to Last: Having been made to survive the bloodiest war ever fought, you have been designed to survive the crossfire. You gain resistance to psychic and radiant damage.

Languages: You can speak Common, Risen and any language granted by the past life feature. Risen is a harsher, more mechanical variant of the ancient language of the empire, and if you have an Intelligence score of 13 or higher, you can learn to speak Old Imperial as well.

2015-03-20, 06:30 PM
Again, created for Pathfinder by Almarck. Please note they're unfinished and need to be updated a lot.

The last survivors of an alien race which inhabited a demiplane destroyed by the war, the Blighters escaped death at enormous cost - they are diseased and weak, and the very air is poisonous for them to breathe. They must wear bodysuits to survive the harsh conditions of Geula, and they rarely live long. Though most Blighters are only concerned with surviving as long as possible, a few have realized their race's existence is short-lived, and they have decided to seek ways to preserve their species. Others, disillusioned by survival without living, seek to make their brief lives matter by dedicating themselves to a higher cause, though few higher causes are to be found in Geula.

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Age: Blighters rarely live long, on average reaching about 30.

Alignment: Being dedicated to survival at any cost, most Blighters refuse to adopt the risks of siding with either good or evil, falling in the neutral camp. However, the more adventurous Blighters, who seek to make their brief existences matter or to save their race from it's ultimate doom, are often good and tend towards law or neutrality, avoiding chaos at all costs.

Size: Blighters are, on average, about 3 feet tall. Your size is Small.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Bodysuit: Due to their vulnerability, all Blighters must constantly wear a bodysuit to protect them from oxygen in the air. As a result, you are treated as constantly wearing medium armour, for which you use the stats for a chain shirt. If this armour is taken off or a hole is punched in it, you are poisoned and gain one level of exhaustion each turn, starting with the one directly after you are initially exposed to normal air. You only stop gaining exhaustion levels if you seal or put your suit back on, at which point you immediately lose all exhaustion levels gained as a result of losing use of the bodysuit.

Augmentation: This involves somehow adding items onto your bodysuit that, I dunno, augment it somehow. I'm not sure how this should work. Thoughts?

Poisonous Gas: You can vent some of the gas which keeps you alive from your suit in order to poison your enemies. All creatures which aren't constructs or undead within 20 feet of your position are poisoned and take 1d4 ongoing poison damage until you stop using this trait. You can only use this trait for three rounds plus your Constitution modifier or you fall unconscious due to lack of air.

Languages: You know Common and Blighter.


Insert fluff

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Tech Savvy: You gain proficiency with tinker's tools.


Insert fluff

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Darkvision: Thanks to living underground, you have superior darkvision in dim and dark conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.

2015-03-20, 06:32 PM
(Reserved for the Sparks)

2015-03-20, 06:33 PM
(Reserved for the Teddies)

2015-03-21, 06:50 PM
(Reserved for the Cyber Gnomes)

2015-03-21, 06:52 PM
(Yeah, one or two more after this, can't hurt to be prepared :smallwink:)

2015-03-21, 06:53 PM
(One more should do the trick.)

2015-03-21, 06:54 PM
('K, you can post now :smallsmile:)

M Placeholder
2015-03-22, 08:40 AM
Perhaps a Grolar Bear subrace of the Ursans, what with the current Artic Icepack melting and Polar-Grizzly hybrids becoming ever more common would be a better fit for the setting you are doing. Also, a small Red Panda Ursan race would cater to those who want to play an Ursan, but smaller.

2015-03-22, 08:16 PM
Perhaps a Grolar Bear subrace of the Ursans, what with the current Artic Icepack melting and Polar-Grizzly hybrids becoming ever more common would be a better fit for the setting you are doing. Also, a small Red Panda Ursan race would cater to those who want to play an Ursan, but smaller.

Grolar sounds like a cool idea, but I dunno, I don't feel like it works. All the Grolar Ursan would really add is an opportunity to play a Polar and a Grizzly at the same time, and lore-wise, I don't see anywhere to put them. I mean, Blacks are the commoners, Grizzlies are the tough-guy Canadians, Polars are the mystic warriors, Pandas are the monks, Suns are the Ewoks and Caves are the badass prehistoric superbears, so what do Grolars really add to the table?

Red Panda could be fun, and I might consider it, but technically, they're closer to raccoons than bears, not to mention we already have an "Ursan, but smaller" in the form of the Suns (which are technically an amalgamation of all the smaller tropical bears, namely sloth bears, sun bears, spectacled bears, etc., so maybe red pandas already fall in there somewhere?). There's also the Teddies (coming soon), which I was going to make an Ursan subrace but decided to turn into a separate race, so if you want to play a small Ursan, you're pretty much covered.

Thanks for the suggestions, though, I'll consider them :smallbiggrin:

2015-03-22, 08:23 PM
Risen are up :smallsmile:

2015-03-28, 12:23 PM
Blighters up, and boy, do they need critique!

Help me, Playgrounders, you're my only hope :smalltongue: