View Full Version : what is your gaming schedule/regularity?

2015-03-20, 06:33 PM
How often, and for how long are your gaming sessions?
Our group meets every other Saturday for 12 hours. If people aren't able to make it we do something besides d&d. If enough people can't make it well just cancel the session. Usually only have to cancel 4 or so sessions per year.

2015-03-20, 06:39 PM
How often, and for how long are your gaming sessions?
Our group meets every other Saturday for 12 hours. If people aren't able to make it we do something besides d&d. If enough people can't make it well just cancel the session. Usually only have to cancel 4 or so sessions per year.

This is more or less my schedule as well, except the last few years sessions have been shorter than 12 hours. Generally we meet up around 2pm and finish up somewhere between 10 and midnight.

We also end up canceling a little more often, especially as the group has shrunk from 8 at its biggest down to 4 now. So if any one person can't make it, it makes it not worth playing. Like last session we missed because one player was out of town for a sea food festival. We tried recruiting new players to help avoid this issue, but that backfired spectacularly in the "holy crap this is why you don't meet people off craigslist" sort of way.

2015-03-20, 07:10 PM
This is more or less my schedule as well, except the last few years sessions have been shorter than 12 hours. Generally we meet up around 2pm and finish up somewhere between 10 and midnight.

We also end up canceling a little more often, especially as the group has shrunk from 8 at its biggest down to 4 now. So if any one person can't make it, it makes it not worth playing. Like last session we missed because one player was out of town for a sea food festival. We tried recruiting new players to help avoid this issue, but that backfired spectacularly in the "holy crap this is why you don't meet people off craigslist" sort of way.

We have the same problem a lot of times. In the interest of playing d&d as much as much as possible, we put our characters (DM included) into a sort of pocket plane/dimension and each session is a groundhogs day/edge of tomorrow type situation where your group (whoever makes it that session) is faced with a challenge to overcome. It could be hacking up baddies, a maze, puzzle, etc. Death has no consequence, and after each session you gain xp and loot as usual. Each member of our group has a PC and makes challenges and maps and we randomly determine who'll DM that session. If our group ever gets to where we can all be there regularly, well build some kind of endgame for our situation.

2015-03-20, 07:11 PM
I have two groups. The one in which I DM meets up every other Sunday at my place around noon. We typically take an hour to eat lunch and socialize before starting. Then we game for 5 hours or so and take a break for dinner. Afterwards we continue playing until 7 or 8. I also make sure we take two or three 15 minute breaks. This type of schedule has helped the gaming environment start positive and keeps everyone fresh and invigorated. I find that people are much less likely to lose focus on gaming this way.

In my second group it is much less organized. We typically meet around 2:30 on the Sunday in which my game does not take place at the DMs house. The time is not a hard and fast rule however. People are usually late. I seem to be the only one bothered by this however. We play till around 7:30 or 8p with no breaks. Usually we coordinate how dinner will be handled before meeting up. Sometimes we order take out and other times someone cooks. We do not stop playing however. Many times the other players will excuse themselves from the table without an explanation. One time a guy left to go take a nap. This behavior upsets me.

Doctor Awkward
2015-03-20, 07:16 PM
Our group doesn't have a set night any more.

For nigh on 8 years we tried that, and were unable to meet for a consistent singular day out of every month, let alone once a week/bi-weekly, for more than 2 consecutive months.

Now Game Night is either Friday or Saturday every week. Both if enough people show up. Whoever can show up, shows up, and we generally decide what we are going to do when everyone is there. Mostly it's table-top RPG's but we also do other board games.

2015-03-20, 07:21 PM
Every Wednesday, alternating playing an Age of Worms Gestalt 3.5 game and a Pathfinder Skull and Shackles game. I also run a game one Sunday a month that is a post successful defense of the land in Red Hand of Doom using a custom gladiatorial system I've been writing for fun.

2015-03-20, 07:24 PM
Every Sunday at 2, for about three hours, or four if the party is in a good mood.

2015-03-20, 07:50 PM
Every Sunday at 2, for about three hours, or four if the party is in a good mood.

Dear god we'd never get anything done in that amount of time. At best most of us are just finishing up rants or reference off's by then.

2015-03-20, 07:52 PM
Dear god we'd never get anything done in that amount of time. At best most of us are just finishing up rants or reference off's by then.

Yeah, I'm with ya. We bs and socialize too much. Having a good ole time talking about football, music, and the mandatory 2 hour tangent about a random topic.

2015-03-20, 07:56 PM
Once a week, for about 5-7 hours. Depending on if we loose track of time.

2015-03-20, 08:01 PM
Yeah, I'm with ya. We bs and socialize too much. Having a good ole time talking about football, music, and the mandatory 2 hour tangent about a random topic.

For my Sunday group, it's kinda important since it's the only time all month we even see each other. But for the Wednesday people you'd figure we'd have run out of things to talk about by now. Instead my wife and friend have a 2 hour conversation about creating a youtube video parodying female super heroes called "Action Boobs." :amused:

2015-03-20, 08:38 PM
I mostly play online over irc or Roll20 with friends lately, and we generally meet on a consistent day each week for 3-4 hours. Right now, I DM two different games like this and play in two (Mon, Wed, Sat, Sun). Surprisingly, it's fairly easy to keep on-topic; probably because the socializing happens all the time, given that we hang out and talk through chat anyway.