View Full Version : DM Help How would you stat this picture?

Tarlek Flamehai
2015-03-22, 09:12 AM
I love this picture and was trying to figure out what kind of encounter it would be.

I am leaning towards a Wispling Warlock and his Unseelie Stongheart Halfling Summoner girlfriend. I am open to better suggestions though, and I have no idea what the background critters are....


http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/0DSXLNibvwCADuSndPpMTibq8yfGcOCtfjKMkSAMicoZYbnaj3 jL9Mhia1tqKm3D5YaaH4DUfibQ28NtIKwBibubPfWw/0

Other thoughts I've had for the male: Unholy Scion Human Child Warlock, Possessed Human Child Warlock.

Ideas I've had for the beasts (which don't appear to all be exactly the same critter to me): Corrupted Creature Elven Hound/Faerie Dragon/Moor Cat, Elder Eidolon Elven Hound/Faerie Dragon/Moor Cat, Shadow Creature Elven Hound/Faerie Dragon/Moor Cat, Fiendish Elven Hound/Faerie Dragon/Moor Cat, Steel Predator, Magma Drake, Smoke Drake.

Still looking for more (better) suggestions.

2015-03-22, 10:03 AM
I love this picture and was trying to figure out what kind of encounter it would be.

I am leaning towards a Wispling Warlock and his Unseelie Stongheart Halfling Summoner girlfriend. I am open to better suggestions though, and I have no idea what the background critters are....


http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/0DSXLNibvwCADuSndPpMTibq8yfGcOCtfjKMkSAMicoZYbnaj3 jL9Mhia1tqKm3D5YaaH4DUfibQ28NtIKwBibubPfWw/0

Drakes, those are Drakes. They are in Draconomicon and theres a lot of them, id say Rage would be most fitting off the top of my head