View Full Version : Crystal Gem-like race in 3.5/PF? (From Steven Universe)

2015-03-22, 05:11 PM
So, my wife just finished watching Steven Universe and wants to roll up a character for my 3.5/PF campaign that is like a Crystal Gem. Before I go through the trouble of stating up a new race, does anyone know of anything similar in any of the 3.5/PF products?

For those unfamiliar, the Gems are well... gems that can create bodies to interact with the world. Different Gems seem to be able to use different magic, so I think that'd be more of a class thing, but they can all shapeshift (some better than others), can recover when their bodies are destroyed (as long as the gem itself isn't damaged), and are all able to create a signature weapon out of thin air.

2015-03-22, 05:13 PM
I'm not massively familiar with the subsystem, but my first bet to emulate Steven Universe would be psionics. A lot of the flavor of the show, including crystals, kinda sciencey magic, called weapons, and so forth, are pretty well represented in the system.

2015-03-22, 05:17 PM
I'm not massively familiar with the subsystem, but my first bet to emulate Steven Universe would be psionics. A lot of the flavor of the show, including crystals, kinda sciencey magic, called weapons, and so forth, are pretty well represented in the system.

Yeah, for the class I was thinking of recommending soulknife, but I was just curious if there were any races that fit.

If not maybe I'll write up some rules for a psicrystal that can cast a variant of astral construct at will to act as its body.

2015-03-22, 06:23 PM
I might suggest a Lifespark (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/lifespark-construct-template) Psicrystal (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-bestiary/psicrystal). As for class, I would actually go with the Aegis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis) Class that way it can literally build its own "body" Of course to emulate the weapon quality you can either a) level up in soulknife (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife) or b) take the unlocked talent (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/unlocked-talent) feat and select Call Weaponry (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/c/call-weaponry).

2015-03-22, 06:48 PM
I might suggest a Lifespark (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/lifespark-construct-template) Psicrystal (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-bestiary/psicrystal). As for class, I would actually go with the Aegis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis) Class that way it can literally build its own "body" Of course to emulate the weapon quality you can either a) level up in soulknife (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife) or b) take the unlocked talent (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/unlocked-talent) feat and select Call Weaponry (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/c/call-weaponry).

That is actually a really great suggestion...

2015-03-22, 11:00 PM
You could port the Shardmind from 4e back to 3.5/PF - they are basically walking crystals.

2015-03-22, 11:06 PM
You could port the Shardmind from 4e back to 3.5/PF - they are basically walking crystals.

Unfortunately doing that would be about as easy as "porting" the Crystal Gems. Plus the Shardminds are pretty different from what I was going for.

2015-03-23, 06:35 AM
Sorry, I know basically nothing about PF, but RoS has the Stonechild on pgs. 93-94. +4LA, 2RHD (Outsider).

Did you get any info from your Wife about what kinda character she'd like to end up being? (Either a unique personal one for later, or a show-character she wants to faithfully rip-off)

I don't want to spoiler anything from the show, and I typed a lot, so I'll try to type-in the spoiler tag, but I'm on my iPhone4.

I would probably go with the Mineral Warrior template to represent their general durability and physical superiority to humans. The mental penalties seem out of place, but they are aliens in a strange land. Each character can be said to have focused on one mental stat mostly, I think (Garnet=Wis, Amethyst=Cha, Pearl=Int). Also, aging effects like a D.W.Kobold would be cheesey, but is reasonable for 6k+ years old.

I would also give them, or suggest taking the Hidden Talent feat with that "Summon Weapon" level1 psionic power, but unlimited use like a Soulknife, and call that the "Gem Race", burrow speed optional/traded for something else. Maybe a bonus to appear to be a human, or Jump. They jump like superheroes, seriously.

I would probably represent them as 20th level, non-fullcaster, classes. Probably gestalt, maybe with Outsider HD. Minor psionics would probably cover a fair bit. Parts of the show have vaguely bardic themes (dancing, favoured instruments, singing), nothing requiring the class except "Summon Instrument". If you want to make a crystal that actually manifests a physical body, then you might be looking at Tristalt and/or Lichlike LA stuff, depending on how much flavour your wife really wants to try to capture.

You might want to consider making something like the Symbiote template from SS as an on/off-feat or class-ability/savage-progression with others who also posses the "ability". Probably not really necessary unless "BigBadEvilGems" show up.

She dual-wields Gauntlets that she can increase several size categories. Punches through stone easily enough. She also seems to have some kinda at-will divination ability (Augery may suffice), but she is able to temporarily share this with others. Spends a whole "major" fight singing. I'd consider a Warblade, or maybe Crusader, for how beefy she is, or an A-Game Paladin if you wanted to emphasize/know about the Sapphire theme. Garnet is a bit about being in a zen-state, "one with the universe", etc. I might suggest stacking Jotunbrud/Powerful Build with either Monkey-Grip or Improvised-Weapon-Fighting.

Basically has a (spiked, three lashes) whip (spiked-chain?) that cut through a car easily enough. I would give her the "Native Outsider" type, if not for the lack of needing food or sleep and being effectively immortal. Probably best represented as some kinda no-Animal Companion variant-Druid/Master of Many Forms/etc build. I believe she can become Large or Tiny, and at least able to assume the form of a Human, Animal, or other Gems. She can, but doesn't usually, dual-wield her "whips", which did have an explosive shock-wave effect at one point. Amethyst is also the most spontaneous/chaotic "It works cause I need it to." type.

This one is the most OCDish, and tech savvy/capable, I think. She uses a spear two-handed for the most part, can dual-wield them, and can apparently shoot bolts of energy from one. Was able to summon/create a solid energy/light version of herself to teach another character how to sword-fight, which persisted even when it's creator was unconscious and was pretty destructive, I think. Definitely a combat capable summon. Also built a rocket ship out of junk, and built other things too. I'd guess some kinda Finesse focused build that's the, relative, weakest physically.

Additionally, the Gem characters in the show had a promise/rule/principle to not use their powers on humans, with one exception occurring in the show, so that's a little Paladin-y. Amethyst might have made a couple more exceptions that weren't so reasonable.

Also, this link has a number of the "enemies" that come up, I like the idea of using what animated Frybo.

2015-03-23, 07:38 AM
Refluff Psiforged?

Milo v3
2015-03-23, 07:41 AM
Oreads from Pathfinders Advanced Race guide has an option for being part crystal.

2015-03-23, 03:54 PM
Guys, the gem's body isn't made of crystal, it's a projection or something built around the crystal. As the crystal alone without the body they can't do very much, so a living Psicrystal doesn't fit terribly well.

I'd actually go with a refluffed Elan. Their bodies are dependent on, and reinforced by, their psionic power: they can use psionics to negate damage, and to avoid having to eat or drink. You can think of the source of psionic power as the gem, and the Elan's body (artificial both for Elans and for gems) as a projection. While Elans don't shapeshift natively, gems seem to only shapeshift frequently if it's something they've intentionally practiced, which goes well with it being gained by later class features. An Elan Psion or Psychic Warrior (or DSP class if you want something more exotic) would work well for this.

2015-04-18, 04:02 AM
For the fusion you could keep in mind that it is literally (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fusion.htm) a psionic power. Maybe you could give it to the character, depending on which level you're playing at?

Maybe with some appropriate restrictions like longer casting times or both parties needing to pass a check (i suggest perform (dance))?

2015-04-18, 07:29 AM
Oread Druid?

2015-04-22, 03:12 PM
So, my wife just finished watching Steven Universe and wants to roll up a character for my 3.5/PF campaign that is like a Crystal Gem. Before I go through the trouble of stating up a new race, does anyone know of anything similar in any of the 3.5/PF products?

For those unfamiliar, the Gems are well... gems that can create bodies to interact with the world. Different Gems seem to be able to use different magic, so I think that'd be more of a class thing, but they can all shapeshift (some better than others), can recover when their bodies are destroyed (as long as the gem itself isn't damaged), and are all able to create a signature weapon out of thin air.

I've actually recently discovered the show and am I huge fan (Go Garnet!), I too loved the idea of playing a Gem and I've been attempting to make my own Gem Monster Race. I'm starting with a monster race to create a faithful adaptation, and perhaps later a player race. Here's the link to the Google Drive Doc, I'd appreciate any input. At the moment I'm working on the flavor features, and the skills.


2015-04-22, 04:33 PM
I've actually recently discovered the show and am I huge fan (Go Garnet!), I too loved the idea of playing a Gem and I've been attempting to make my own Gem Monster Race. I'm starting with a monster race to create a faithful adaptation, and perhaps later a player race. Here's the link to the Google Drive Doc, I'd appreciate any input. At the moment I'm working on the flavor features, and the skills.


My wife ended up changing her mind, but I ended up rolling up a character for a PF eberron game that works pretty well.
All characters in the game are hybrids (simultaneously level up in two classes), so the character is currently a lifespark psicrystal synthesist 3 | egoist 3. Synthesist's eidolon acts as the body for the gem, and I refluffed its slam natural attack as it's conjured weapon (a gada, in this case). If just the body is destroyed, the crystal survives and can create a new one later.
Egoist powers give the crystal self healing, buffing, and shape shifting.

To make "her" fit in Eberron, the story is that she was one of the quori rebels that oppose the Dreaming Dark that came to Eberron. Most of the rebels merged with humans to create the Kalashtar, but some were incompatible and bound with psi crystals instead and created their own bodies to help fight the evil quori.