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2015-03-22, 08:16 PM
The Invasion of Shianna

The city of Stormhaven is a bustling metropolis set on the eastern coast of the world of Aluria. Centuries ago, it was formed by sailors, boatmen, fishermen, and pirates to shelter against the weather of the Unforgiving Ocean. Trade and commerce are as high as crime and murder in Stormhaven.

It is here that we begin our story.

For it is here that a band of unlikely heroes meet for the first time. Banding together for what was to be a quick, simple job... but would end up directing them down a path that would shape the fate of Aluria.

Chapter One

A nearby village called Perlexia receives food, medicine, and supplies from Stormhaven monthly. To ensure that the supplies make it to Perlexia, officials in Stormhaven hire out to mercenaries to escort the caravans to the village. They would send Stormhaven guards, but the crime rate and corruption of the city is too high to spare any of the soldiers that are both still honest and alive, which are rare commodities in Stormhaven.

Darek Vradovar has arrived from Perlexia himself. His family owns a farm in Perlexia, and the war veteran has taken it upon himself to personally ensure the caravan arrives safely to his home.

Caleb Varatra, a cleric of Eadro who grew up in the fishing village of Tamwick to the north, needs the funding from a job like this to get back onto his feet and get his life on track again.

Renae Bellerose, a half-elven woman with a silvered tongue that grew up on the streets of Stormhaven, similarly needs a job like this to help look after her twin sister and only remaining family, Elizabeth.

Varis Liadon, a wood elf ranger from the Starfall Forest of the far western reaches, has been on a secret elven mission for a decade. Such a long-term journey requires small jobs to keep food in the belly.

Caudex Scoria, a scarred ex-military officer with demonic blood is working for her own reasons. In a world poised in aggression against tieflings, atonement is a hard thing to come by.

Zook Carrick, a small gnome with a large mind, is travelling with the caravan as well. After graduating his school several years early, the gnome has been traveling the world in search of more knowledge to place into his head.

The three wagons are packed, the horses are fed and hooved, and provisions for the day-long journey is prepared. All that remains are proper first introductions among the travelers.

Any out of character information or rolls will be placed in Spoiler tags like this.

I took a bit of liberty to introduce why your characters are along for this job, based loosely on your backgrounds. If you would like me to change anything about that, let me know.

2015-03-22, 09:49 PM
Zook Carrick is an introvert. What else would you expect from someone who has kept his nose in his books for years upon years? When he finally graduated years ahead of his time (coincidentally after he blew up the school dormitory with a magic experiment), he was admittedly lost for a while. Unsure of what to do, and yet reluctant to return home to his family without at least acquiring some sort of reputation.

The solution, of course, was to acquire more and more magical knowledge. The sixteen-year old gnome has already grasped the intricacies of the Dwarvish and Elvish languages. His graduation afforded him the free time to delve into the language of the Dragons, which, the young gnome surmised, is one of the oldest written languages in the world, and thus a draconic tome might contain the knowledge that he is looking for.

Now, of course, he is decidedly feeling unknowledgeable and out of his element, but he does need to eat. So years of training in the academy took over. When you are the smallest in the room, seek out the biggest and meanest person around, and befriend them at all costs. That strategy has saved his hide many, many times.

Looking over the latest batch of mercenaries he will be traveling with, the wizard immediately picks out the toughest in the bunch: a mountain of a man twice his height casually carrying a glaive and javelin that weigh almost as much as him. What was his name again.... Darek, he believes. Yes, he should probably befriend the Fighter. He looks kind of relaxed, chewing on a stick of grass like it was a piece of candy, although he seems to be hiding quite a bit of... anxiety?

The gnome timidly approaches the human known as Darek Vradovar, and squeaks out, "Hi! I'm Zook Carrick, evocation wizard by training! Pleased to make your acquaintance!"

2015-03-23, 12:19 AM
Renae takes a moment to "inspect" the supplies they are escorting to Perlexia. In the end she decides that food and medicine aren't worth stealing, especially with the risk of being caught by her fellow compatriots. She could not be certain how observant they were or even what their skills were. Some seemed obvious, with their armor and weapons, but they could always have surprises up their sleeves. One of hers after all was literally up her sleeves; daggers that have slit necks of those who earned her ire.

She watches the gnome with the oddly purple hair immediately announce his profession. Perfect timing. She feels a bit slighted by the fact that he chose to approach Darek rather than her but decides it's not worth trifling over. The rest of the group seems to be of relatively common races, except for the tiefling. Between the two of them, the half-elf was more likely to be able to work her feminine charm. The hair draped over her eye is the perfect tell, Renae thinks inside her locked mind.

The half-elf puts on a smile as she approaches the tiefling; how could she miss the opportunity to meet one of the cursed blood? Plus in her mind they were likely to be good at fighting as so many despise them. "We ought to get introductions out of the way. My name is Renae," she announces, extending her hand in a dainty fashion.

The reasoning for her going is perfect but to be clear she would never mention her sister. So y'all don't know about her.. :3

2015-03-23, 02:21 AM

Whistling softly, with a hat over his head, Darek checks the supplies himself alongside the half elf. She radiated competency and danger like an aura around her. Nevertheless, Darek does not stop his whistling and actually tips his hat at her. There were some extremely proficient people here and ...Renae wasn't it? is one of them. The elf and the tiefling (if that wasn't a military poise, he was very much mistaken) were two others, as was Caleb.

Darek takes his position near the supply cart. His eyes scan the road, as do those of several of the others. Good, they knew what they were doing.

It was good to be on the road again. Brewing is fun, but the weight of the armor and the haft of his glaive are like the handshake of an old friend.

Suddenly, the gnome comes and says hello. Good of him. Darek tips his hat and takes the grass out of his mouth.

"Heya there, Zook. I am Darek, Blacksteel Heavy Infantry, formerly of the Eyrie Guard. An invocation wizard? You guys are good to have on the road. A battle wizard has saved my sorry hide at least twice. How come you are here?

You know what? Perhaps we should meet the others too. I see that Renae and ...what is his name... Caudex are already chatting. Let us go introduce ourselves. Deal?"

If Zook agrees, Darek takes some easy strides, careful not to leave Zook behind, towards the other two.

"Heya there. It seems we are traveling together. I am Darek Vradovar, Blacksteel Heavy Infantry, formerly of the Eyrie Guard. Here is Master Zook Carrick, an invoker of some repute. And you are Renae and Caudex, correct?"

2015-03-23, 04:22 AM
"Evocation actually, it's warlocks who have invocations. Evocation is a school of magic where a mage draws on magical power to produce a physical effect. My specialty is blowing things up," he says proudly. "There are seven other schools: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation."

"My name is Zook Eldon Rond Gerbo Reld Inne Namfoodle Carrick, but call me Zook," he tells the group, "I... am inclined to agree my family has onomatophilia and enjoy names too much." He withholds his nickname of "the Hurler" from his soliloquy. There was no need for the group to know his secret shame.

"Anyway," he continues, "To answer inquiry, Sir Darek, I'm on a quest of knowledge, and welcome the opportunity to learn any spells you are willing to teach me. I don't expect it for free, of course."

Zook takes his breath and his first long apprising look at the audience. After his eyes alighted on the slender half-elf with the luscious long-braided golden hair and big brown eyes, his throat suddenly dries up and a lump seems to have immediately formed. The extremely-intelligent forest gnome has no delusion that a sixteen-year old gnome can ever hope for a dalliance with a fair half-elven noblewoman, but he knows beauty when he sees it.

2015-03-23, 07:22 AM
Varis had been up early, or rather had an early trance and headed out at midnight to scout the trail. He's now back at the caravan gathering point, silently saluting the merchants as he walks along the carts. Quick of step as his kind usually are, the elf moves fast down the line. His keen eyes pick out the other hired guards from the merchants and drivers, and as the others make introductions, he joins in.
"Varis Liadon, of the elves. I'm a hunter of monsters."

2015-03-23, 08:06 AM
As the others had started to go about their introduction, Caleb had been watching, trying to establish the obvious ties the others were already forming. It was good they were making the effort to get along, few these days were willing to put their necks out for a stranger.

He moved towards the assembled grouping, his finely wrought mithril full plate seemingly providing unhindered movement, not even clanking as he paced in it. Clearly it had once shined brightly, but Caleb had gone to efforts to dull it - he was not some prideful paladin. His shoulder length hair was damp, but those who had arrived earlier noticed that each prayer he said ended in him sprinkling water on himself.

"Greetings all, I am Caleb." he left out his full title, he didn't want to risk any having heard of him "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I walk with the divine, should you find yourselves needing faith I shall be happy to provide it. I shall not, however, force my religion upon you - that is not my way"

He smiled warmly, and it seemed genuine, but he was used to fighting and the few visible scars told he was not like the priests in the cities - he had seen battle, he had been blooded.

2015-03-23, 08:09 AM
Caudex remembers how the Abbess had suggested this city for her journeying, and how easy it had been to find a place on the caravan to Perlexia---at least, relatively so. Being a former officer and a current nun affords her a certain respect that somewhat ameliorates the natural stigma of tiefling blood, so long as she deals with those predisposed to regard either profession well.

The half-elf comes over to talk, and Caudex is glad to have her hood up---not only to make her horns less immediately apparent, but to somewhat obscure her expression. The other woman is extremely pretty, and she finds it difficult to remain at ease around such kinds.

"I am Sister Caudex, though you need not include the title if you wish. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The tiefling's voice is quiet and measured, wholly unlike that of the excitable Zook.

The arrival of Caleb merits a quiet bow from the nun, who makes no vocal greeting yet.

2015-03-23, 01:33 PM
The caravan sets off. A pair of humans and a dwarf are at the reigns of the three horses pulling the wagons, and third human is present for manual labor when the caravan arrives at Perlexia to aid in unloading the supplies.

The human that isn't controlling a horse decides to go out of his way to make sure he is as close to the beautiful Renae as possible. He doesn't talk much, but he does go out of his way to flex his large arms whenever a chance presents itself.

The day starts off with beautifully cloudless weather. The grassy and hilly terrain proves for a simple, if not long and tedious, day of travelling.

The crew doesn't mention it, but it isn't difficult to read their minds on the matter; they are slightly scared of the tiefling, Caudex. It doesn't help that she covers much of her face and has a habit of disappearing when one looks away for even a few seconds.

By early afternoon, storm clouds form and the temperature drops enough to force everyone in the caravan to bundle their cloaks a bit tighter.

A few hours later, it begins raining. Within the next passing hour, winds pick up and the rain is fierce and cold enough to sting the face. Cracks of lightning light up the sky in every direction.

Varis Liadon's active scouting helps the caravan maneuver around difficult areas to a degree, but eventually the weather turns bad enough that the horses are having a very difficult time pulling the wagons up a particularly muddy hill.

"My lord!" the human in the front wagon yells at Darek, loud enough to be heard over the shrieking wind, "This weather is too harsh! We must stop before one of the horses get hurt!"

The caravan was originally intended to have arrived at Perlexia by nightfall, but the weather has slowed the caravan's pace significantly. If the caravan presses on tonight at its current pace, it may not arrive until well after midnight. Darek knows that Perlexia always orders its supplies about a week in advance, so it's not absolutely imperative that the caravan arrives on this night.

(Passive Arcana: 18) This storm doesn't seem entirely natural. You believe it could have been crafted by some grand arcane power.

(Tempest Domain) This storm developed too suddenly and quickly. This is not a natural phenomenon.

2015-03-23, 03:37 PM
As everyone else bundled themselves up and looked increasingly disgruntled by the change in weather, Caleb grew elated, a clear sign that the journey was blessed by his lord. His mood changed, however as the weather continued to get steadily worse, and something about it rankled him.

He was helping the push one of the carts out of a muddy rut in the road when the feeling hit him. He stopped and took several steps back, reflexively reaching to make sure his shield and warhammer were close to hand.

"This storm... this is not his work. This is the work of magic, or worse."

He stood transfixed on the skies, trying to intuit where the epicenter of the clouds were, and likely the source of the unnatural manipulation.


2015-03-23, 05:50 PM
Renae observes her compatriots; what are there secrets? All people have secrets, her most of all. A tiefling sister had to have some sort of past, particularly one armed with a sword. The gnome was too cheerful for her to think of it as true eccentricity. Or perhaps he is simply naive to the world's truths. The elven ranger was too quiet. A man of faith that does not push his faith? And the one with the glaive seemed to fancy titles despite seemingly not being royalty.

One of the men tries to impress her during their trip. She feigns slight interest, wanting to keep him enticed and yet not commit her to anything. Besides, from what she could tell, some of the other mercenaries might get jealous. The idea puts a smirk on her face.

When the storm starts, she lets out a soft sigh; she hated being wet. At least magic could dry her off easily afterward. But there seemed to be no stop to it. In fact, it only got worse. Her mood visibly lowers; this was not what she expected at all.She was more akin to working with people, whether with words or stabbing, not harsh weather conditions. When the priest alerts them that this is unnatural, she draws her rapier and hand crossbow. "Someone has to know we are coming here," she announces to the rest of them. "This shipment isn't a secret in the least!"

2015-03-23, 06:27 PM
When the Tempest Cleric says a storm isn't natural, most people would be inclined to immediately agree. But not Zook. Trust, yes. But verify always. This inkling of the storm being of magical origin wouldn't quite leave his mind, and the wizard intends to investigate.

The little gnome sidles over next to the human fighter, which would protect him from two things - melee attacks, and lightning which would strike the metal-clad man before it would hit him. Closing his eyes, he sits in a cross-legged stance, and starts uttering words of arcana. If the storm was indeed artificial in nature, this would confirm his and the cleric's suppositions.

Admittedly, he was putting himself at risk of a surprise attack, but he trusts the magic dagger of warning in his possession. He is quite proud of it - the dagger emits loud music when trouble is afoot, alerting everyone within thirty feet of him and ensuring that nothing will take them by surprise. He had gotten excellent marks for its crafting, and he is quite willing to stake his life and limb on its utility.

* As a ritual, cast DETECT MAGIC. *

2015-03-23, 06:36 PM
Caudex listens to the holy man's warnings about the storm---who better than the priest of a stormy god?

She slides her hand behind her back, into her coat, and pulls out her shortsword. The blade is straight and tanto-pointed, painted with a soot-based mixture to reduce the shine of the blade---all the better for stealth. She listens and watches, on edge for a coming ambush.


2015-03-24, 12:23 AM

Glad that everyone came to introduce themselves, Darek stays to make small talk with anyone who would want to, his eyes straying at the cargo. The next few hours, he rotates between the cargo, the front and the back, though the elf surely knows what he is about. For some time, Darek even tkes turns driving the cart, something he does quite expertly.

The storm elicits some mutterings from him. It is no fun traveling by storm, even if you are as well dressed as Darek is. But then the cleric 's warning makes Darek stand up and take notice. A warning is a warning. He surveys the area to see what happens, while shouting to the caravan drivers to stow securely the carts side by side and tie the tarps well. If an attack comes, they must be well defended.

2015-03-24, 05:46 AM
Varis is old enough not to judge a book by its cover, and so displays an even countenance towards his fellow guards. The attitudes towards the women, the tiefling and the pretty one, does not go unnoticed.
When lightning begins to strike and crackle Varis is at the horses side, whispering soothing words in their ears and urging them on. As the storm increases the elf begins to look at the skies, searching for the signs.
And as the priest issues his warning, Varis is already 10 feet away, bow in hand and alert.

2015-03-24, 10:13 AM
Caleb: You look to the sky and are easily able to pinpoint the center of the storm. Several miles ahead, toward the direction that the party is travelling. Toward Perlexia. The massive, dark storm seems to be rotating around that spot.

The party readies their weapons in preparation for an ambush while Zook mutters a repetitious arcane chant. When his ritual is completed, his eyes glow starry bright with the ability to sense magic essences around him.

Zook: When your ritual is complete, you open your eyes and see magic emanating from every drop of rain, the wind, and the clouds themselves. It took a being of immense magical power to conjure a storm of this magnitude, well beyond that of your own. You detect that a particular surge of magic is several miles ahead, possibly the source and location of the caster responsible for this storm.

Suddenly, at about the location where Perlexia is several miles ahead, a blast of lightning touches down from the sky. The exact ground location is out of view because of the hilly terrain between here and there. Four seconds later, the sonic boom of the bolt rushes past the caravan.

Seconds later, another bolt of lightning hits the same spot, with another wave of thunder. Then is immediately followed by yet another bolt of lightning, followed once again by a wave of thunder.

Then, a domed ball of red light quickly grows from the same distant location, growing to fill the horizon and lights up the darkened sky. After the count of four seconds, the sonic blast is twice as loud as the previous thunder waves and is loud enough to shake the very ground. The red light fades out of sight as quickly as it grew in it.

Over the course of the next several minutes, a total of at least a dozen lightning bolts and two more red domes blast the same area.

2015-03-24, 10:29 AM
"Sir Caleb's suppositions were correct," Zook tells the group while gazing at the storm with magically-enhanced senses. "Every drop of water, every gust of wind, every wisp of cloud, is suffused to the core with a magical power far greater than anything I have ever seen. I can sense the spell's origin coming from over there." the gnome points towards the locus of the storm's magical origin.

The gnome lets out a yelp as wave after wave of lightning bolts and strange red domes buffet the hapless town of Perlexia. His concentration was shattered, and the spell abruptly broke. For the first time in a long while, the little wizard feels a pang of fear. Being dressed in woolen robes, he is drenched to the core and feels thoroughly miserable.

Zook looks at the human fighter with fearful eyes, shivering and completely lost on what they are to do next.

2015-03-24, 11:45 AM
Caleb looked towards the blasts as a lump formed in his throat, but didn't look away, and barely flinched at the thunder.

"That .... is bad."

He looked around the rest of the party and the caravan, considering their options.

"We should range ahead of the caravan. I hold not doubt we can't threaten what brought this storm, but their may be injured in Perlexia."

2015-03-24, 02:10 PM
Renae looks at the bolts of lightning drop from the sky; again far more than she anticipated. "We're a small group of mercenaries. We should go back to the city and alert the officials there," she interjects after Caleb's suggestion. In truth, she only wanted to save her own skin but she might as well keep up appearances. "Besides, even if there are survivors, it'd take us too long to get to them."

2015-03-24, 02:21 PM
Caudex frowns, tail swishing in uneasiness at the peals of rolling thunder. "I am not fond of this situation. However we proceed, it must be with caution."

2015-03-24, 03:59 PM

Darek watches with pursed lips and an uncharacteristically sober expression on his face magical lighting hit what has been his house for several months. When he speaks, there is a strain in his voice

"This seemed very ... specific. Perlexia is only a village. Someone went to a lot of trouble for this."

He turns to the others, determination all over his features.

"I was sent to deliver these supplies to Perlexia and this I intend to do. If there are casualties, the food will be needed even more. We should not go back, nor go ahead without the carts. For all we know, the lighting could have targeted the granary, and this caravan could be next.

I say we move ahead, with the caravan, at all possible speed. Arriving some hours later will not keep anyone hungry. If the supplies are lost, everyone will.

Let us press on. As fast as possible."

2015-03-24, 04:09 PM
Caleb shrugged. It wasn't his village to worry about, and Darek's plan was as sound as any.

"Agreed." he said, before putting his back back into trying to work the cart out of the rut in the road

2015-03-24, 06:13 PM
1: Self preservation
2: Seek knowledge

Zook, evocation savant, is torn between two courses of action. What the half elf Renae said makes a lot of sense. Clearly whoever conjured up this storm was out of their league, and there was really nothing the group can do to stop him. Their lives may well be forfeit if they confront him or her. Or even it.

But on the other hand, he can't help but admire the magical handiwork: the spell, whatever it is, is perfectly crafted by its caster. He could find absolutely no flaw in its construction. The spell is efficient and ruthless: not an iota of magical power has been wasted. Such a being capable of doing all these is a very good source of knowledge, if the gnome can convince them to part with it.

Eventually, his curiosity and greed outpaced his fear and sense of self preservation, and the gnome agrees to press onward.

2015-03-24, 06:37 PM
Renae feels compelled to still try to convince the party otherwise. She's stuck with them in the end; she doesn't want to risk going back by herself. "This might be the start of something more. The village might not be the only target. We can help more people in the city if a storm starts there," she yells through the winds.

After spinning that story, she legitimately starts to worry about her home being attacked.

2015-03-24, 08:51 PM
Varis turns towards his new companions, a fury burning in his eyes.
That fell over Perlexia! We need to get there now, and help the victims. the elf turns to the caravan leader, speaking loudly over the rain and remaining thunder. What will you do: press on towards Perlexia or turn back? Chances are there is no town left to deliver the goods to, and us getting caught by whoever caused this. On the other hand, should there be survivors they will have precious little left to live on.

2015-03-25, 11:50 AM
One of the humans listens to the split ideas from the party. "If we don't finish this job, I won't get paid. If I don't get paid, my children don't eat. Like it or not, we have to continue." The other humans and the dwarf agree with him, but don't seem to have their hearts in the idea. They seem to be terrified of the unknown ahead, but are even more terrified of the known future if they go back to the city without finishing this job.

And so, reluctantly, the caravan trudges ever onward, slowly but surely. After another fifteen minutes of lightning strikes and red domes over the horizon, the phenomenon suddenly stops. The rain lets up tremendously, and the clouds in the sky begin breaking apart and reveals powerful strands of light from the sun setting over the horizon of the direction of the caravan's travel. The storm is dissipating as quickly as it had formed.

The horses are visibly tired, but the ceased harshness of the weather has given them the vigor to press on. The group should be upon Perlexia within another hour with their newfound pace.

2015-03-25, 11:54 AM
Caudex nods as they continue onward. "Having been tasked thus, and with so many reliant on our aid, it is only right that we proceed, so long as we maintain caution." The quiet tiefling keeps wary as they go on, and is glad of the horses being able to press on now.

2015-03-25, 02:24 PM

Darek loses none of his outward calm, but his replies become more terse and compact as time progresses. He seems to chew on his blade of grass more often, too. For the duration of the trip, he is everywhere, pushing carts along when in danger of getting stuch, taking the reins of the carts when a driver is getting tired and ranging behind and in front to make sure the road is secure.

His eyes keep straining towards the horizon, as if trying to pierce the distance.

2015-03-25, 02:57 PM
Renae lets out a soft sigh; at least the storm had ceased. Perhaps it wouldn't be so dangerous. Perhaps she would get paid more for the job. She casts Prestidigitation as many times as necessary to dry herself and anyone else who asks her to.

2015-03-25, 03:25 PM
Caleb was soaked through, but it didn't seem to sour him in the least - to the contrary, as the storm broke up, his previous vigor started to wane. He still helped where ever he could, often times alongside Darek pushing carts, but he was beginning to look tired.

As they were pushing a cart, he turned his head to Darek.

"Hold hope close to your chest. We do not know yet what came to pass."

He wished he could say something more to comfort him, but the reality was everyone there knew that with the strength of the blasts there was every chance the only task ahead of them would be to bury the dead.

2015-03-25, 03:34 PM

Darek seems startled by Caleb 's generous spirit. It is rare for jaded mercenaries to show empathy. Turning in his backpack, he brings out two small glasses and pours a thumb of his own made whisky, the special batch he saved for special occasions. He salutes Caleb and drinks. As he puts the glasses back, he replies.

"Hope is a fickle mistress. I will trust in luck, skill and worthy companions".

2015-03-25, 04:22 PM
Caleb downed the shot without flinching, back on ship they'd often drank more rum than water. He let out a boisterous laugh as he braced his shoulder back against a cart that had started having trouble in the muddy incline.

"Well, we'd better keep moving and find you some!"

2015-03-25, 04:57 PM
"We should scout ahead, only the gods know what may lay in wait. I can move swiftly and quietly, is there anyone else willing and able?" Varis asks.
"We shouldn't venture too far ahead; within earshot I reckon." the elf continues.

2015-03-25, 05:02 PM
Caleb stuck his head out from behind the cart.

"I can if you need me, but you don't want too many scouts, all the more likely you will be spotted."

2015-03-25, 05:56 PM
Caudex looks up, nodding and stretching. "Moving quietly and keeping aware are things with which I have considerable skill."

2015-03-25, 06:35 PM
Now Renae did have the talent to sneak around but she didn't want to. Why risk her own safety for these villagers she has never met? "I'll stay back and watch over the caravan if we wnat to split up," she states.

2015-03-25, 06:52 PM
Zook pokes his little head out to interject himself into the conversation.

"I fear I am rather too vertically-challenged to scout adequately. If you desire it however, I have just the spell for our scout. It will make you invisible from normal sight for an hour, but you'll still have to be quiet."

Offer thus made, the wizard casts the spell if requested, and sidles over to the beautiful noblewoman and shyly asks Renae if she can possibly dehumidify his sopping-wet robes with her cantrip. After thanking her profusely for the service, the forest gnome approaches some squirrels and attempts to communicate with sounds and gestures whether they know what was happening in that big human place (Speak with Small Beasts racial feature).

2015-03-25, 09:12 PM
Zook: The squirrels convey that they don't know what happened to the nearby human village tonight, but they do know that the dark ones have been spotted nearby recently. What exactly they mean by that is lost in translation, and that is all you can make from what they are trying to communicate to you.

Caudex and Varis move ahead of the caravan to scout. They range out far enough to spot the village of Perlexia in the distance as they come over a large hill a good half mile away from the village.

The village is glowing bright orange and red in an inferno of fire, which cast out clouds blacker than the darkening sky of the rapidly approaching night. The smell of burnt crops mixed with wet soil assault your noses.

A scream, fainted by the distance, from a woman is heard from the village, but is cut off before her cry is finished- as if she was suddenly no longer capable of screaming. Directly after, a wolf's howl, much louder than the woman's scream, fills the sky.

(Favored Enemy) You know that was not a wolf's howl. That howl came from a creature called a worg. They are hyper intelligent monstrous wolves that usually act as mounts for the goblinoid races.

The caravan catches up with Caudex and Varis at the top of the final hill to Perlexia after another half hour, assuming Caudex and Varis are still there.

2015-03-25, 10:56 PM
That's no wolf. Varis whispers as the bone-chilling howling is heard.

Here be monsters. We heard the howling of a worg, which means there could be goblin riders. The village is on fire, and I must advice against the caravan going any further. Let us advance and see what has happened, and if it is safe enough.

The elven ranger doesn't reall wait for an answer before continuing. Arm yourselves, we're going in.

2015-03-26, 12:23 AM

Darek watches the village blaze in the aftermath of the inferno. His face is hard and expresionless. When the elf suggests that they go in, he hefts his glaive and says.

"Yes. Let's go in. We Heavies excel at going in. I can take point, there is no way I can sneak in. I can act as a converging point while you take care of them. Zook, perhaps you should stay behind me."

Rubbing a coin with Tymora 's symbol in it, he kisses it and tugs it. He starts striding into the village, a javelin in one hand, the glaive at the other, he eyes everywhere. If he had time, he would search for tracks but that is meaningless, with the enemies so close.

Perception [roll0] and readying action to throw javelin, if a hostile approaches within range. Otherwise, the glaive

2015-03-26, 12:45 AM
Part of Renae plays the part of being afraid but there is a part of her that is legitimately scared. Dying in an inferno is not what she expected from this trip. What amazes her most is the human fighter showing no reaction to the burning of his home village. What has he been through? she wonders. Any ordinary person would be either wrought with fear or weeping over the loss of their friends and family.

"I excel with my hand crossbow," she tells the group, fumbling with her words as part of her ploy. "Distract them and give me a good shot... please."

2015-03-26, 12:59 AM
The squirrels left him mystified. Dark ones. Do they mean the Drow? Zook has heard about this evil subrace of elves, but it's been a while since he's acquired this knowledge.

History Check about "Dark Ones": [roll0]

For the life of him, he can't seem to remember, but surely he knows where such information can be obtained (Researcher background feature)!

The earsplitting howl that echoed through the night and broke his line of thought was immediately identified by the ranger as a warg. "Wargs? What are Wargs again?" Zook asks himself, thinking for sure he has read about them before. In a textbook maybe? Or was it from one of his instructors?

Nature Check about Wargs: [roll1]

Tagging along with the human fighter as his meat shield, the little gnome touches his robes and utter a spell. Magic washes over his robe, suffusing it with shimmering magic the consistency of reinforced leather.

Move: Go with Darek, but stay directly behind him.
Action: Cast Mage Armor on self. AC is now 15, for 8 hours.

Zook Carrick (Evocation Wizard 5)
HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (12 without mage armor) | Hit Dice: 5/5 | Spell DC: 16
MP: 3/3/2/-/-/-/-/-/- | Arcane Recovery: 5/5

2015-03-26, 05:29 AM
Caleb, in spite of his fullplate, went off on the flank, trying to stay hidden on the approach. Drawing his shield and warhammer, he uttered words of prayer to Eadro.

"Lord I beseech you, guide my hammer and strengthen my shield. Bless this place with your divine waters, and quench this unholy fire."

He glanced across to the others on the main path as he tried to keep pace slightly ahead of them. He could help deal with the fires later, after they had dealt with the raiders. Fighting raiders was somehting more familiar to him than dealing with caravan travel.

2015-03-26, 05:32 AM
In addition, Caleb will be waiting in the wings to charge the side of anything attacking he main grouping of the party.

2015-03-26, 06:03 AM
Stealth: [roll0] wood elves can hide even when lightly obscured by natural phenomenon (leaves, grass, etc). Perception [roll1], Survival (tracking): [roll2], with advantage vs monstrosities: [roll3]

Varis quickly and stealthily takes point in advancing towards the village. His keen senses are alert, and his body seems to blend with the surrounding. I'll try to sniff out the enemy, don't just rush in.

he suggest, seeing the human forge ahead blindly.

2015-03-26, 02:01 PM
Darek [roll0]
Varis [roll1]
Zook [roll2]
Caudex [roll3]
Renae [roll4]
Caleb [roll5]

(Average 15)


(Average 13)

Result: Players take their actions first, in any order

The party advances toward Perlexia.

Zook: You know that worgs are related to wolves, but are much more intelligent- to the point of being rumored to speak the goblin language- and are bred by goblins and hobgoblins as hunters and mounts. They are extremely ferocious, and often have fun causing pain to their prey before killing them for a meal.

Caleb: You are to the side of the group, watching their backs for any potential ambush. However, you spot a worg that is about to ambush you yourself...

Varis: You know that worgs are too intelligent to attack a force head-on, and with that in mind you spot a worg slowly sneaking up on Caleb.

The rest of the group fail to spot the worg, thanks to its dark fur blending in with the dark of the night.

2015-03-26, 03:12 PM
Quickly weighing up his situation, Caleb quickly considered his tactical options.

Can I get a guideline as to the distance between Caleb and the Worg, and Caleb and the party. That will very much affect my reaction

2015-03-26, 03:28 PM
Caudex, her shortsword still not put away from earlier, continues to creep forward, eyes scanning. She hasn't noticed anything just yet, though...

2015-03-26, 03:57 PM

Stalled by the forward scouts, Darek waits as close as possible, his eyes trying to scan for potential dangers.

He has not seen anything, so... This is why I tried to have him in the frontline.

2015-03-26, 03:57 PM
Seeing the Worg crawling towards him with death in it's eye, Caleb decided to bring it out into the open. Turning at the last minute, he raised his shield, beating his hammer against the spiral of Eadro on its surface.

"By Eadro, you will cease your carnage!"

Divine flames licked up around the Worg, as Caleb took the chance to move back towards the party, hopefully pulling it out into the open.

Standard action: Sacred Flame on the Worg (at work at the moment, and don't have the save dc to hand I'm afraid)
Move: Move back towards the center of party

2015-03-26, 04:03 PM
Caleb's damage: [roll0]
Worgs reflex save: [roll1] DC14

The worg erupts in flames, searing the beast with divine energy, causing it to howl in intense pain. The worg's cry in pain echoes throughout the night.

The entire party can see the injured worg and may take their actions now.

2015-03-26, 04:06 PM

Alerted by the shout and the flame strike, Darek at last sees his opponent. With a muttered curse, he realized that he is too far away to reach in time. He moves as close as possible and throws the javelin at the worg with all the momentum of his movement.

Atk with javelin Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Move 30ft closer to the wolf.

EDIT: Damn, I can attack twice, can't I?

2015-03-26, 04:58 PM
Pulling out a dart, Caudex throws the deadly projectile at the flaming worg.
Atk: [roll0] Dmg: [roll1]

2015-03-26, 07:06 PM
Zook Carrick (Evocation Wizard 5)
HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (12 without mage armor) | Hit Dice: 5/5 | Spell DC: 16
MP: 3/3/2/-/-/-/-/-/- | Arcane Recovery: 3/3

The cleric's sacred flames alerts Zook to the skulking worg's presence, and the mage quickly whirls around, points his finger at the animal, and looses an incantation.


Firebolt vs. Worg: [roll0]
Possible Damage: [roll1]
Potential Crit Damage: [roll2]
Worg takes 10 fire damage.

Note for future use: Zook's weapon of warning gives him advantage on initiative rolls. He and everyone within 30 feet of him can't be surprised except when incapacitated by magical sleep.

The wizard watches with satisfaction as more magical flames surround the over-sized wolf and its fur starts to burn.

2015-03-26, 07:25 PM
Renae lets out a sigh as she moves in for a more concealed position. If she could catch the worg blindsided...


She manages to pull off a rather stealthy stunt before following up with a crack shot.

Can't edit in rolls! Just check the OOC :)

2015-03-26, 08:44 PM
The worgs howling is cut short with its death.

But is immediately followed by a chorus of howls from nearby worgs. In the distance, the party spots several more worgs advancing on the group at a dead sprint.

On a guard tower inside the walls of Perlexia, a hobgoblin readies a longbow and takes a shot.

There are 3 worgs are 60 feet away and closing. The wall of Perlexia is 200 feet away. The guard in the tower is 210 feet away, and has half cover (+2 AC) due to the defensive build of the tower.

Since Caleb was the closest to the worg that howled and that is where the attention of the hobgoblin was directed, Caleb is the target for the shot.

Attack: [roll0]
Disadvantage (Distance): [roll1]

2015-03-26, 09:46 PM
Varis pulls back on his bow and in a fluid motion sends a cluster of arrows towards the approaching worgs.

attack 1: [roll0], attack 2 [roll1], horde breaker (if enemies are adjacent): [roll2], damage 1: [roll3], damage 2: [roll4], damage 3: [roll5], the first two arrows target one worg, the hordebreaker arrow a second. Not sure what effect attacking from hiding might have, if any.

2015-03-26, 10:01 PM
More worgs! And an arrow that came from the direction of the town was shot at them!

His hairs all standing on end, the gnome seeks out a covered place to hide from projectiles, while remaining close enough to the battlefield. He summons up his magical reserves as he prepares to unleash a torrent of fiery evocative magic at the worgs. If he can catch all three with a single spell, the better.

Move to cover.
Hold Action. Triggers and actions are posted in the OOC.

2015-03-26, 10:19 PM
Caudex notices the distantly-fired arrow; she follows the gnome's example and heads for cover, gripping her shortsword.

2015-03-26, 10:24 PM
Renae watches her crossbow bolt pierce into the dead worg's skull and stares at it until she notices the others approaching. She deftly loads another bolt and waits until she has a good opening. "Make sure to give me a clear shot!" she reminds her companions.

When the time is right, she lets fly a bolt and quickly, just like before, loads another bolt to shoot at the same worg or a different one if the first one seals the deal.

Renae will wait until one of her allies are adjacent to the worg and move accordingly to get sneak attack. If she can't, then... shoot?
First Attack
Bonus Attack
Sneak Attack (if one hits when ally adjacent)

2015-03-27, 05:44 AM
The battle was on them, and Caleb reveled in it. The arrow shot from the wall was aimed true, but the hobgoblin hadn't correctly accounted for distance, Caleb batted it aside with his shield and let out a roar of defiance. He moved towards the approaching worgs, making sure to place himself between them and the lesser armored adventurers.

As he took a stance ready to take the charge of the beasts, he again smashed the warhammer against the spiral of Eadro on his shield.

"For the storm!"

As the sound of the impact peeled out, it was overtaken by a sound like rushing water as fey water spirits surged from the spiral on the shield, flitting around and threatening the worgs.

Move action to place himself between the worgs and the casters. Standard action, casting Spirit Guardians.

Designating party to not be affected.
DC=14 Wisdom save for any creature not designated entering 15ft, or starting their turn in 15ft
Half damage on a success.
Rolling potential damage (radiant) for enemy turn

1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]
3. [roll2]

Additionally enemy movement in the 15ft radius is halved.

2015-03-27, 06:04 AM
Zook's eyes widen as he sees the tempest cleric's spell summon a veritable maelstrom of rushing water that mysteriously bypasses him. Up until this moment, the little wizard had thought that only evocation wizards can produce this kind of effect.

"You have GOT to teach me how to cast that!" he yells at Caleb.

2015-03-27, 07:07 PM
Saliva spills across the burnt grass beneath the worgs as they continue their dead sprint toward the party. As they charge, one worg catches a pair of arrows from Varis' bow and a second worg catches a third. They are injured, but not finished off.

Darek and Caleb move up to protect the front line, forming up to protect the rest of the party behind them. Caleb's water guardians rush out just as the worgs break the plane of his spell, injuring and slowing two worgs while killing the one already injured by two arrows.

The worg injured by one of Varis' arrows moves to engage Caleb, but is interrupted by a sudden:


A blast of fire from Zook explodes in the creature's face, making the last few moments of the beast's life a fiery hell. It whimpers at the experience of having to feel and smell its own cooking fur and flesh.

The third and final worg engages Darek. It lowers its spine and snarls at the warrior. Darek hefts his mighty glaive and rends the creature with a mighty blow that cuts a vicious gouge into the creature's black face.

The worg is greatly angered by this, and growls deeply as it recovers from the blow. It then looks up, and leaps at Darek's head with its mighty, bloodied jaw wide open. Except that the worg's jaw is suddenly forced shut by a crossbow bolt, followed directly by a second crossbow bolt landing in the worg's throat. The creature is dead before it lands on the ground again.

In the distance, a crude goblinoid war horn sounds off from inside Perlexia. An uncountable number of goblin cries, yelps, and war cries follow suit. A small cloud of incoming arrow fire, although badly aimed, directly follows.

Attack: [roll0]
Disadvantage (Distance): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Disadvantage (Distance): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

As well as another half dozen arrows that miss the party by several yards.

2015-03-27, 08:18 PM
Caleb turned and nodded his appreciation to Zook, before turning back to Darek. The kindness in his eyes earlier had completely vanished by this point, replaced by a warriors scowl. Again he peeled his hammer off his shield, in defiance of the goblins shouts.


He raised his shield and prepared to advance alongside Darek, his watery guardians still flitting and dancing around him, prepared to cast Sacred Flame at any enemies that presented themselves.

2015-03-27, 08:50 PM
Renae loads another bolt into her crossbow after basking in the glory of her last two shots. Despite how confident she felt about dispatching the worgs, she could not be sure if the rest of the enemy would be so manageable. "We only fought a small part of the mongrels. We shouldn't engage the full force of them without being sure we can handle them," she suggests to the party.

While she would prefer retreating entirely, she could not see the others listening to her. Instead she continues on, "I have an idea: We split up into two groups, one drawing out the goblins into our terms while the others sneak about and see if there are any civilians to help."

2015-03-28, 01:09 AM

Kicking the worg corpse aside, Darek looks at the incoming hostiles.

"We have the caravan with us, we certainly cannot outrun them. But we should not split, we are outnumbered as it is. Let 's find a chokehold somewhere, get Zook and Velis behind cover to pepper freely and meet them where their greatest number is not an advantage"

Was there somewhere we could do so? Is there time to make the caravans into a barricade?

2015-03-28, 05:26 AM
Zook hurries over to one of the fallen worg, a plan already forming in his brain. "I am so going to regret this," he declares as he rolls over the creature until he, too, begins to smell of worg.

His scent having thus been obscured, the wizard taps Darek on the ankle. "Excuse me sir, but could you possibly help me up that tree over there? I have a plan."

Mumbling his thanks after the fighter gives him a quick heave-ho, the forest gnome conceals himself behind the foliage, taps his robes, and intones the word "Latesco!" The wizard simply vanishes from view - the hobgoblins won't shoot what they can't see, and his own body odor will be obscured from any hunting animal's sense of smell by the scent of worg.

He dips his hand deep into the robes and clutches his precious dagger of warning. Quietly, he alters the enchantment for the next four hours. Instead of magically blaring out a warning song, it will instead just vibrate in his hand in the presence of enemies.

Congratulating himself for covering all the bases, Zook Carrick resolves to wait out the enemy and see what they do. He is quite, quite safe, but also quite, quite alone.

Get helped up a tree and cast Invisibility on self. Shall we say, Athletics check to climb, with advantage for the help?
Athletics Roll 1: [roll0]
Athletics Roll 2: [roll1]

2015-03-28, 10:19 AM
Caudex falls back; she's not a long-range fighter and there are others far better suited to the front lines of this battle. She keeps her shortsword ready, eyes alert.

2015-03-28, 04:00 PM
Caleb looked around, and couldn't see any reasonably defensible point that would merit the intruders coming out to face them.

"They ain't going to come to us."

His look was grim.

"They are torturing survivors. You heard the scream. We all did."

He grinned, this time however it looked more savage than friendly.

"No more innocents die here. Not today. Time to take the fight to them!"

Caleb Dashed towards the gate, trying to keep some cover between himself and the archers where he could, screaming a battle cry as he did.

Don't believe run actions are a thing in 5th ed, so I think fastest Caleb can move is a dash action (60ft). Ideally going towards some cover for the approach, a tree, signpost, anything to make the charge less potentially suicidal :smalltongue:

2015-03-28, 05:02 PM

Darek sees the enemies amassing at the gates. He remembers living in the city. He had neighbors, friends, customers here.

Cgarging a horde. Sure. He had done it before. He is a Heavy. Heavies hold the line!

He smiles at Caleb.

"I think I am going to like you, you know? I am right behind you. And remembers, Heavies hold the line!"

2015-03-28, 06:03 PM
Renae watches her companions charge forward blindly towards them. "That is what they want!" she yells after them, letting out a disgruntled sigh afterward. But she does take advantage of the distraction; she decides to take a roundabout path, hoping that the enemy is too focused on the charging men to notice her.

Stealth: [roll0]

2015-03-29, 09:52 AM

Darek hears Renaw shouting and turns, giving her a disturbingly relaxed smile.

"They will get it, all right. It will be more than they bargained."

Seeing the worg corpses, he shouts at Caleb

"Hey Caleb! Why waste those nice looking corpses here? I am sure they will not mind being dead twice"

He lifts a worg corpse and puts it as a shield in front of him, as he zig zags towards the gate.

I sure hope Zook and Varis have their eyes open..

2015-03-29, 10:12 AM
The party was not retreating and waiting for the enemy to come to them; they were advancing and taking the fight to the enemy. The gnome shakes his head at the sheer recklessness of his fellows. Just because they have a plate of armor and are heavily muscled doesn't mean they're invincible, the wizard rues to himself.

Still, now that his allies are running all over the place, the gnome is confident that the enemy hobgoblins will be too preoccupied with the visible combatants to pay heed to a little invisible gnome wizard who smells like worg.

Climb down and follow party by moving and using the Dash action, taking sure to walk in their footsteps only and not leave Zook's own footprints.

2015-03-29, 10:20 AM
"I'll attempt to scale the wall and attack them from above! Anyone else wanting to join?" Varis asks as Derek and Caleb takes the goblins head on.

2015-03-29, 12:08 PM
Darek hefts the massive dead worg over his shoulder and advances, slowly but surely, toward the gate of Perlexia. Several arrows puncture his makeshift shield as he gets closer, but none hit true.

Caleb advances alongside Darek, using his shield and the aid of Eadro's spirit guardians to deflect the enemy's clumsily placed attacks.

Trailing several paces behind them, Zook manages to stay hidden and safe, except for one stray arrow that nearly hits him by sheer dumb luck, or unluck in Zook's case.

Staying behind Darek and Caleb's cover, Varis waits until the group is close enough to the wall to advance and fling his grappling hook to the top of the wall. The hook lands securely on the top of the wall, and Varis is about to begin climbing when a small goblin starts laughing at him from above. The goblin dislodges the grappling hook and throws it back down at Varis, laughing maniacally the entire time.

Caudex wants a better tactical understanding of the battlefield, and decides to patiently wait before engaging the enemy. She follows stealthily behind Caleb and Darek, biding her time.

Using the charging heavies as a distraction, Renae takes a route leading to the opposite side of the village to find a significantly damaged part of the wall, offering a completely open way in. She is confident that none of the enemy forces have noticed her, thanks to the distraction at the other end of the village from her.

When the group at the front gate and Renae at the other side of Perlexia enter or peer into the village, they witness the result of pure destruction. There are dead everywhere; dozens of human, elven, and dwarven men, women, and children. At a glance, there are no survivors anywhere.

A quick estimate reveal that there are at least a dozen goblins, half a dozen hobgoblins, several worgs, and one larger goblinoid creature called a bugbear.

Near the front gate, a line of four hobgoblin archers are in a small formation ready to fire at an opportune target should one present itself, but they seem to not be willing to waste their ammunition against the heavies that have been absorbing every shot the guard tower archers have fired so far. A fifth hobgoblin in charge of the archers has a raised fist, ready to drop and give the command to fire at a moments notice, and a guard worg sits almost uncontrollably beside him, ready to lunge at an adversary that attempts to approach.

Most of the goblins and a few worgs are busy hastily looting and pillaging the village for valuables. They seem to be looking for anything and everything of value that they can find, and are stuffing the loot in very large bags, then move on to continue looting. They are otherwise paying no attention to the events going on around them.

On the top of the wall, a few hobgoblin archers and several goblins are prepared for the oncoming fight. The goblins here simply serve as peons supplying the warrior hobgoblins with ammo and acting as extra eyes and ears for them.

The bugbear is patiently waiting next to yet another hobgoblin, one that seems a bit more armed and armored than the rest. It seems that the bugbear is acting as some sort of bodyguard to a leader. These two are overseeing the smaller goblins and directing them where and what to and not to loot.

2015-03-29, 02:14 PM
HP 39 AC18

Darek stops almost 10ft before the assembled goblinoid army. He takes a good look at the assembled lines and throws the worg carcass.

"I came to bring your thrash back. Let's see how you fare against those who can fight."

With a twist, the glaive suddenly becomes a thing alive. Darek steps within 10 ft of the goblins and twirls both ends of the glaive at them, dancing along the lines. However, he is rusty after all those years. The glaive almost slips from his fingers. At the end, he retreats a good 15ft ft away.

So it seems that Darek can attack almost four times a round, with his Polearm master feat. In the end, he retreats 15 ft, since anyone entering his reach provokes, according to his Sentinel feat. Here goes. If a goblin is dropped, he goes for the next one,

Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1] reroll if 1 or 2 [roll2]
Atk1b [roll3] dmg [roll4]
Atk2 from extra attack [roll5] dmg [roll6] reroll if 1 or 2 [roll7]
Atk1b [roll8] dmg [roll9]

If anything provokes by entering, the same. He can attack one opponent four times, if he provokes, if I read the rules correctly
Atk1 [roll10] dmg [roll11] reroll if 1 or 2 [roll12]
Atk1b [roll13] dmg [roll14]
Atk2 from extra attack [roll15] dmg [roll16] reroll if 1 or 2 [roll17]
Atk1b [roll18] dmg [roll19]

EDIT: By Gygax names, I rolled two 1s and a 2 and then a critical in the provoking attack! Dice gods have humor.

2015-03-29, 05:14 PM
Caleb looked over the targets presented to him. Charging the mob leaders alone would be stupid, he decided. The Hobgoblins on the wall would be out of his reach in the immediate, and the looting goblins could be dealt with later. That left the archer line in front of him.

Bashing his warhammer against his shield yet again, Caleb called for his lord to smite the waiting worg, before surging forward towards them.

Sacred flame on the Worg in charge of the archer line. DC 14 DEX save

And then moving in to get as many of the archer unit within 15ft radius of him as possible so that they take damage when they start their turn from spirit guardians.(wisdom save DC 14, 3d8 damage, half on a save .... )

Potential damage:
Worg: [roll1]
Archer Leader: [roll2]
Archer 1: [roll3]
Archer 2: [roll4]
Archer 3: [roll5]
Archer 4: [roll6]

2015-03-29, 06:36 PM
Zook warily approaches the pair of reckless but brave walking tanks, and studies the situation. If they can funnel enough foes around them, a well-placed spell could easily turn the tide of battle. Still, he had better look for cover too, because casting a single spell would disrupt his invisibility spell.

Rolling initiative: [roll0]
Any chance of some kind of map? Would love to have it for spell placement.

2015-03-29, 10:38 PM
Renae takes the opportunity to try to put a good lot of the goblin looters to sleep. They don't seem to be the fighting sort but the disorganization might cause morale to drop.

[roll0] - HP

2015-03-30, 01:50 AM
Seeing that the walls are manned, Varis looks to assist Renae instead. Slipping away into the darkness he quietly makes for a quick rush around the wall, catching up with the arcane trickster. Doing so he utters a few elvish words, causing thorns to sprout from his bow.

Taking the Dash action to cover 70'. Bonus action casting of Hail of Thorns. Stealth (to hide from spotters on the wall): [roll0]

2015-03-31, 05:49 PM
Caleb's spirit guardians assault the line of hobgoblins, in which two hobgoblins immediately fall. The worg embraces the flames directed at it from Caleb and remains unscathed, and it decides to attack Caleb in return.

Darek advances with his glaive in a blaze of controlled swings, but not a single blow lands with his opponents. It seems that these foes are as militaristically trained as Darek, and they are using their expertise to adequately avoid his attacks.

One of the remaining archers back away from Darek in order to get some distance before taking a shot at him with its bow. This opens up a split moment long enough for Darek to take advantage of, and cleaves the hobgoblin down, killing it on the spot.

The last two living hobgoblins of this formation draw their melee weapons and attack Darek, at the same time that archers on the walls take aim at Caleb.

Meanwhile, Renae's spell successfully puts three goblins to sleep, greatly angering the hobgoblin captain in charge of them. The captain begins executing hasty orders to the goblins in its native language, and they comply by tightening the nooses on their bags, calling over the nearest worgs to them, and mounting the beasts two at a time.

Varis, with his elven swiftness and stealthiness, catches up with Renae just after her spell goes off. Their enemies still show no signs of realizing the two are in hiding.

Hobgoblin longsword vs. Darek: [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + Martial Advantage Damage [roll2]

Hobgoblin longsword vs. Darek: [roll3]
Damage [roll4] + Martial Advantage Damage [roll5]

Worg bite vs. Caleb: [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Hobgoblin longbow vs. Caleb: [roll8]
Damage [roll9] + Martial Advantage Damage [roll10]

Hobgoblin longbow vs. Caleb: [roll11]
Damage [roll12] + Martial Advantage Damage [roll13]

2015-03-31, 07:02 PM
As distracted as he is, Darek didn't notice anything as his backpack mysteriously became heavier by 35 pounds as the little gnome climbs on it. He suddenly feels footsteps around his back as the gnome wizard whispers into his ear, "Act nonchalantly and don't be disconcerted. It's me, Zook."

Ensconced in his "tower" of living flesh, the wizard imperiously surveys the battle ground, and starts gathering the energies for an arcane spell.

Move: Climb on Darek's back
Action: Hold Action to trigger when enemies attempt to attack the meatshields (i.e. beginning of enemy turn).


> Number of enemies around Zook, Darek, and Caleb within fireball range > 3 (because Spirit Guardians or Darek/Caleb got them)

> Fireball (Incantation: INCENDIO) around the area to fry three or more enemies, while using Sculpt Spell to exempt Zook, Darek, Caleb, and Caudex from the effects.

> Number of archers on the wall that can be caught by fireball's blast radius > 3

> Fireball (Incantation: INCENDIO) at the wall of archers, catching as many as possible within the blast radius.

> Firebolt (Incantation: DEFLAGRO) at the most-hurt enemy within melee range.

Fireball: [roll0] fire damage (DEX save vs DC 16; Half damage on save)
Firebolt: [roll1] vs. AC for potential [roll2] fire damage and additional [roll3] crit damage.

Zook Carrick (Evocation Wizard 5)
HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (12 without mage armor) | Hit Dice: 5/5 | Spell DC: 16
MP: 3/3/1/-/-/-/-/-/- | Arcane Recovery: 3/3

2015-04-01, 01:00 AM
Renae watches the goblins fall asleep, just as planned. Their commander appears to be dealing with a lot at the moment. Seeing how the awake goblins are mounting the worgs, the half-elf takes the opportunity to try to slay one of the beasts as they are mounted. She fires a single bolt and waits to see if it lands and slays it...

[roll0] - Attack
[roll1] - Advantage from Stealth?
[roll2] - Damage
[roll3] - Sneak Attack Damage

Then I want to see if it did enough damage before either taking another bonus action shot to finish the job or hiding.

2015-04-01, 02:12 AM

As the Worg sank it's teeth into Caleb, Calebs eyes opened widely, as he channeled the full wrath of the storm into the creature, electricity arcing out into it, punishing it for striking a servant of Eadro.

Wrath of the storm class feature, and channeling divinity into destructive wrath, maximising damage.
Dex save DC 14, half damage on a success
Damage : 16 Electric.


As blood dribbled down his arms from the two heavy wounds he had taken, the spirits of Eadro dispersed with a wail,his concentration lost. Caleb backed off slightly to try and gather himself. He uttered a prayer to Eadro, begging for the strength to continue the fight.

If worg is still alive, 5ft step back and cast AID on Caleb, Darek and Zook, increasing their max and current HP by 5.

If Worg is down and hence unthreatened, move back towards some cover then cast.

2015-04-01, 02:56 PM

Somehow escaping from harm from the various projectiles aimed at him, Darek again marches towards the amassed line, his glaive darting and slashing. He then backs up again, daring the goblins to come at him.

If the worg is alive, directed at it until it dies. If not, to the goblins. He then darts back at 15ft.

Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1] and [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Atk2 [roll4] dmg [roll5] and [roll6] dmg [roll7]

2015-04-02, 02:09 AM
Varis sneers at the sight of the goblin raiders. Taking careful aim at their sergeant he releases a number of arrows in quick succession, while also releasing the magic stored in the bow. The thorns and brambles shoot forth and rain over the cluster of goblins and worgs. He then moves towards the gates under cover, ready to fire another volley.

Aim two arrows at the hobgoblin sergeant: [roll0], advantage roll [roll1], second attack [roll2], possible horde breaker attack vs adjacent worg (1st) or goblin (2nd) [roll3], Damage rolls: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6]. Hail of Thorns: ref save DC 14 or take [roll7] for every creature within 5' of hobgoblin sergeant. Half as much on a save. Finally Hide check: [roll8],

2015-04-02, 02:11 AM
OOC: Alright! Looks like a critical hit! Here's the crit damage: [roll0]. If the sergeant goes down from the crit arrow + Hail of Thorn damage my second arrow aims a worg (and the horde breaker arrow its rider). Never mind, that arrow is a miss (rolled a 1).

2015-04-02, 01:24 PM
Zook's fireball makes very short work of a vast majority of archers and their goblins assistants on the wall. Their instantly charred corpses and large chunks of the wall they their owners were just standing on are flung several dozen feet.

Renae fires a shot at a worg with a pair of goblins on it, realizes the beast is still alive, then fires a second shot at it. Even though the bolts were well placed, the beast is still alive.

As Caleb prepared himself for the worg's mighty jaws, the servant of Eadro called upon his powers to summon static electricity to the hound, causing its fur to stand up erratically in every direction just before it connected the attack. The blast shocked the wolf and caused it to whimper in pain, but it was still combat ready.

Darek engages the worg with a pair of attacks and finally slays the foe. He then turns and further injures one of the two hobgoblins.

A pair of arrows streak in to hit the hobgoblin captain and immediately explodes in thorny chaos.

With a scream and an attempt to ignore the pain, the hobgoblin captain realizes that his forces are quickly losing this battle, and issues commands to his goblin raiders, his bugbear bodyguard, and the few remaining hobgoblin soldiers.

Three worgs (one extremely wounded to Renae's sniping) carrying two goblins each, attempt to flee the village, retreating toward the gate that Renae and Varis are at.

The captain and the bugbear draw their weapons and move to reinforce the hobgoblins against Darek and Caleb.

Darek raises his weapon in a defensive action and cleaves one of the attacking hobgoblins moving at him, slaying another foe.

Worgs with mounted goblins: Move + Dash = 100 feet movement toward the gate. They don't pass close enough for attacks of opportunity from Renae or Varis, and their speed puts them just inside the gate yet. They will not be inside the village limits next round.

Bugbear: Moves closer to throws a at Darek:
Plus [roll1] Leadership bonus to attack.

Captain: Moves closer to and also throws a javelin at Darek:

Hobgoblins attack Darek with longswords:
H1: [roll5] Plus [roll]1d4 Leadership bonus to attack.
Damage: Plus [roll7] Martial Advantage

H2: (Disregard, this hobgoblin was killed by Darek's reaction before it could attack) [roll8] Plus [roll]1d4 Leadership bonus to attack.
Damage: [roll9] Plus [roll10] Martial Advantage

2015-04-02, 08:13 PM
"Wretched beast," Renae mutters as she loads one more bolt. She takes the shot, hoping it will take it down this time. Regardless, she deftly loads another bolt to shoot it again if it still lives (which would annoy her greatly) or to shoot one of the dismounted goblins.

[roll0] - Attack
[roll1] - Damage
[roll2] - Attack
[roll3] - Damage

2015-04-04, 10:27 AM
Caleb moved behind cover and called Sacred Fire on the remaining hobgoblin warrior.

As per usual save dc 14

2015-04-04, 02:24 PM
HP31 AC18

Seeing the captain approach, Darek rushes to meet him. He sweeps his glaive in a powerful arc, especially meant to inflict maximum pain. he then sweeps again and again, hitting his opponent as many times as possible. He then steps back, to make the captain come to him.

His teeth still bloody from the recent hit, Darek smiles at the captain and says

"Welcome to the front line. You will not be leaving it"

Action surge for an extra attack. Menacing attack maneuver: If the first glaive attack hits, Will save or be frightened.

Atk plus man.
Glaive [roll0] dmg [roll1] + [roll2] if hit and Will save, reroll of 1 or 2 [roll3]
Bludgeon [roll4] dmg [roll5] reroll of 1 or 2

Extra attack
Glaive [roll6] dmg [roll7], reroll if 1 or 2 [roll8]

Action Surge
Glaive [roll9] dmg [roll10], reroll if 1 or 2 [roll11]

EDIT: Probably two attacks hit and the dmg rerolls add up to serious damage.

2015-04-04, 07:36 PM
His eyes pulsing with arcane energies, the little gnome, still perched on Darek's shoulder unleashes yet another spell.

Action: Cast either Thunderwave (lv 1 spell) or Firebolt (cantrip)


If: Both the Bugbear and Leader are within 15-feet of Darek/Zook
AND: Leader is still standing

> Thunderwave (Incantation: FLUCTUS TONITRUUM). Use Scupt Spell to exempt two allies from the spell.

> Firebolt (Incantation: DEFLAGRO).
> Targeting priority: Leader, Hobgoblin, Bugbear.

Mechanics: Thunderwave is a 15-foot AOE cube emanating from Zook. On a failed constitution save, creature takes full damage and is also pushed 10 feet away. All unsecured objects are auto-pushed, and a thunderous boom is audible for 300 feet.

Thunderwave: [roll0] thunder damage; half damage on save
Firebolt: [roll1] vs. AC for potential [roll2] fire damage and additional [roll3] crit damage.

Zook Carrick (Evocation Wizard 5)
HP: 24/24 | Temp: 5/5 | AC: 15 (12 without mage armor) | Hit Dice: 5/5 | Spell DC: 16
MP: 2/3/1/-/-/-/-/-/- | Arcane Recovery: 3/3

2015-04-07, 01:15 AM
Seeing the worgs retreating, Varis focuses his fire to try and stop them. Renae, focus on the worgs: once they drop we can mop up the goblins. he says while drawing his bow. Once more the weapon sings its tune, sending arrows streaking towards the beasts. The elf moves to keep up with the fleeing beasts, intent on continuing to harass them with arrows until they all drop.

Bow attacks: [roll0], [roll1]. Damage: [roll2], [roll3]. Bonus action Horde breaker attack: [roll4]. Damage: [roll5]. Attacking whatever Worg is still alive with first two attacks, and with horde breaker targeting either an adjacent worg (1st) or a goblin rider (2nd).

2015-04-07, 03:35 PM
Renae and Varis launch another volley of arrows and bolts at the fleeing worgs and goblins, and manage to slay two more worgs between their combined firing.

The one surviving worg carrying two goblins escapes through the threshold of Perlexia and is now free sprinting outside the gate. The group of goblins that were riding the now slain worgs are in complete panicked disarray. It turns out that one goblin was hit by one of Varis' arrows, but it wasn't a clean kill. The goblin is gurgling loud, echoing pained wails while the other three goblins around him rush to seal the wound of their dying comrade.

Meanwhile, at the main gate, Caleb annihilates the last hobgoblin warrior with an intense blast of fire. The hobgoblin captain screams a warcry in defiance against their attackers. He wasn't going to go down without a true fight.

Or so he thought. Darek advanced with his glaive, waving and swinging the weapon in circles around him in a menacing manner. The blade carves the captain several times, leaving the soldier's victim terrified of the man.

The captain loses all hope within his eyes and posture, and is about to step back to begin an all out retreat, but is forcibly launched away anyway by Zook's magical sonic burst. The captain's head splits open on a rock that it lands on, and the opponent is now dead.

At the same time, the bugbear is launched back, but between the death of its master and the sudden pain it is feeling, the creature goes into an all-out frenzy. With bloodshot and blood-soaked eyes, the large goblinoid charges to attack Darek.

Bugbear Morningstar vs. Darek: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-04-07, 04:46 PM
HP31 AC18

Seeing the frenzied hobgoblin come, Darek tries to use his superior reach to stop it before it comes.

If I read this correctly, the hobgoblin triggers a reaction. Here goes [roll0] dmg [roll1]. If it his the enemy stops.

2015-04-07, 05:09 PM
Darek fails to halt the bugbear's advance, and the creature successfully completes its attack.

It is still the player's turns.

2015-04-07, 05:26 PM
Renae decides that she cannot pursue the retreating worg and keep the gobilns in the town in check. She casts a sleep spell on the gathered goblins. Regardless, of how many fall, she runs up to the group and keeps her hand crossbow pointed at the lot. If any of them are still awake, she tells them, "Surrender, there's no more need for bloodshed. You're outmatched."

[roll0] - Sleep HP
Using Dash via Cunning Action
[roll1] - Persuasion? Lemme know if I should change it.

2015-04-07, 06:46 PM
The evocation wizard eyes the bugbear with a mixture of pity and calumny. He was most probably going to suffer, but that fate is well-deserved. Pushing any thoughts of empathy out of his mind, the little gnome simply points his staff at the bugbear.

"Deflagro,"he says, almost in a whisper.

Action: Firebolt vs. Bugbear. [roll0] vs. AC. On a hit, [roll1] fire damage, and possible [roll2] critical damage.

Zook Carrick (Evocation Wizard 5)
HP: 24/24 | Temp: 5/5 | AC: 15 (12 without mage armor) | Hit Dice: 5/5 | Spell DC: 16
MP: 2/3/1/-/-/-/-/-/- | Arcane Recovery: 3/3

2015-04-08, 01:20 AM
That's right Renae, spare those that surrender. We'll want to question them later! Varis says, before sprinting away after the fleeing worg. Eyes narrowing, the elf tries to close the gap somewhat. Once more speaking a few elven words of power, the bow sprouts thorns. Moments later the ranger pulls back on the string and unleashes another barrage of projectiles.

Bonus action casting Hail of Arrows in 2nd level slot. 2 attacks with bow: [roll0], [roll1]. Damage: [roll2], [roll3], Hail of Thorn damage (to all creatures in the AoE): [roll4], Dex save DC14 for half

2015-04-08, 02:53 AM
Turning to face the Bugbear, Caleb again peeled off his shield, calling upon Eadro's wrath.

"Eadro, end this beast's suffering."

Sacred Flame
Dex DC 14

2015-04-09, 09:52 AM
Renae sprints to the group of goblins with her crossbow in hand, ready to fight. When she gets there, she realizes that all the goblins are unconscious, save for the heavily wounded one that couldn't hold his wounds shut in his sleep and quickly bled out.

Caleb and Zook launch their respective blasts of fire at the bugbear, which is quickly able to avoid a significant amount (but not all) of Caleb's blast. The evade turned out to be the bugbears downfall, because that placed him squarely into Zook's blast, which cooked the creature to death. The immediate area around the body now smells of burnt, unwashed goblin hair.

Varis sprints after the retreating worg and sinks a pair of arrows into it. The explosion of thorns kills the goblin riders and heavily injures the worg. All Varis needs to do now is finish the wounded creature off. The worg knows that it has been defeated, and will not resist its fate.

With all hostiles eliminated or subdued and the battle won, Darek announces that he will double back to check on the caravan, its leaders, and their horses to make sure they are safe.

Now that the group has a chance to look around the area without the threat of danger distracting them, they see a wasteland of death and carnage. Charred corpses of men, women, and children of human, elven, and dwarven races are scattered in every direction. There are no immediate signs of any survivors in the village.

Only a small portion of the village's buildings have the structural integrity remaining to stand. The buildings that are still standing are a church of Helm, a well-built town hall in the center of the town, and three out of the four total guard towers, located at the north-east, south-east, and south-west corners of the village, respectively. The north-west guard tower is toppled into pieces. There are also several dozen buildings that are razed to the ground and are less easily identifiable.

2015-04-09, 10:10 AM
Caleb looked around at the devastation, knowing there was little he could do for these people in the immediate.

"They attacked from the North West. We should check for any survivors hiding in the remaining buildings. I shall start at the church, where the pious would first turn to."

He made his way towards the church, checking they state of the door, are trying to gain access to the Church.

2015-04-09, 10:26 AM
1: Zook can't handle this destruction
2: Zook has nerves of steel

It was over in an instant. The party made short work of the invaders, but it was an empty victory at best. Yes, vengeance has been exacted, but that wasn't going to bring back the dead.

The monk Caudex, who had frozen in the midst of combat, was now in a catatonic state; her mind was clearly shattered by the inhumanity that transpired this day. Zook almost understands why, but his rational mind urges him to be strong. In truth, he was still shaking a bit from the battle. Perhaps some of the adrenaline has yet to drain from his system, and perhaps he has not yet realized the enormity of what he had done. It was well and good to practice tossing fireballs and firebolts in a controlled environment; it is another thing entirely to knowingly subject sapient creatures to what was tantamount to a fiery death.

Shoving all of his concerns to the back of his mind for the meantime, the gnome dismounted from the relative safety of Darek's shoulders. One thing still troubles him: of the raiders they fought off, none was a spellcaster. And yet, the magical display that completely obliterated the city required arcanic powers that were far beyond his own. As far as he could tell, the goblinoid races could not muster the necessary intelligence and finesse to achieve such lofty levels of magic. If so, the danger is not over, not by any stretch of the imagination.

Zook heads towards the town hall as his eyes pulse with bright green magical energy. Again, the gnome starts the same ritualistic chanting he performed earlier that day.

Arcanus testor vires iter dirigunt. Aperi oculos meos, et revelabit in magica, inde populatus civitatem. Magia deprehendere. Vestigium augurium. Probe fluxu et ultimum principium, unde esset, et miserere mei! Perlego!

As a Ritual, Cast Detect Magic. After which, attempt to trace the source of any detected magic.

2015-04-09, 01:59 PM
Renae shrugs when she realizes that the goblins are already out of commission. She sheaths her weapons and starts to gather up the slumbering goblins. As she does this, she gazes upon the scattered corpses of the civilians. She had to get answers.

When she has round them all up, she decides to question one of them. She shakes him awake if necessary and says, "My name is Renae Bellerose. Do you understand me?"

2015-04-11, 07:59 PM
From a distance, Caleb sees that the only damage the Church of Helm received was that the main doors in the front, tall and sturdy as they were, were blasted off their hinges with tremendous force, leaving them lying inside the church in many pieces. Inside the church, hovering a mere foot above the ground, is a gaseous green mist. Among it, scattered all throughout the inside of the church, are corpses of dozens of women and children. Many of them have their hands crossed over their necks and their mouths gaping wide, as if they had chocked to death.

Renae has to kick one of the goblins to wake it. When it does wake up, it does with a panicked startle. It is shaking in fear when it answers her question. "Yes, me understand. You no kill me! Me is just following orders!"

Outside the village, Varis draws a small blade and puts the final worg out of its painful misery. After retrieving the arrows he had fired, the ranger sets out to check the surrounding area of Perlexia for possible additional goblin presence. He does not find any threat of goblinoid or worg enemies in the area.

When Darek returns to the caravan, he finds the leaders are packing medical herbs and bandages into bags, preparing to bring them to Perlexia to aid any wounded survivors that may be found.

Zook takes a seat to begin his long ritual to detect strands of magic in the area. Chanting to himself, the wizard clears his mind and begins focusing on the traces of magic around him. When the spell is complete, he detects an abundance of magical energies in the area. The fires on the buildings, puddles of water that developed from the storm earlier in the night, and- something that perks interest in Zook- something very small in a pouch on the corpse of the hobgoblin captain.

Some character's actions caused some time to pass (Zook, Varis), while other actions were significantly shorter (Darek, Caleb, and especially Renae). Because of this, the timeline between characters may be slightly skewed with this scene.

I will work individually with characters and their bubbles of time for this scene, but I may call a 'timeout', so to speak, for a particular character should two characters begin an interaction, just to allow IC time to catch up with itself.

2015-04-11, 09:01 PM
Renae lifts her arms up when the goblin trembles before her. "I'm not going to hurt you," she tells the goblin. An utter lie; she has a dagger up her sleeve with his name on it. She fully intended on slitting all of their throats after she was done with them. If anything would give it away, it would be the sinister thoughts leaking in her body language. "All I want is a bit of information. Who gave you the order?"

[roll0] - Deception (I most certainly don't want to stab you!)

Also, bonus points if you can guess what I'm reminded of for, "Who gave you the order?"

2015-04-11, 09:14 PM
Zook follows his magically-augmented senses to the horribly-singed corpse of the hobgoblin captain. Holding in his breath, he mutters "MANUS MENTEQUE!" which conjures up a ghostly hand that takes out the pouch's contents for the wizard to examine.

Cast Mage Hand and manipulate it to examine pouch.

2015-04-12, 03:02 AM
Darek helps the caravan gather supplies and leads them as fast as possible to the village. His face is grim as he follows them into the mayhem.

He then goes on to search for survivors.

Still out of town, please bot Darek. He will track after searching for survivors.

2015-04-12, 05:04 AM
"A killing gas." he muttered.

"Hail! If there are any survivors make yourselves known, but do NOT come out. The horde is gone but their spell lingers."

He waits a few moments before repeating the shout.

If there is no response, he will continue on to the town hall.

If there is a response, he will react before anyone runs out into the gas by casting Gust of Wind. to disperse it.

2015-04-13, 02:53 AM
Satisfied that they were not under immediate threat of being attacked by more goblins Varis returns to the dead worg. He picks up the sack of loot, then carefully examines the bodies for treasure, or anything else noteworthy. He also tries to determine tribal markings or other similar details (are all goblins from the same tribe, for example?).

Finally, he piles the bodies and returns to the village to help out with clearing it.

Investigation: [roll0], perception [roll1], survival (tracking) [roll2]

2015-04-13, 01:45 PM
The goblin panics at Renae's question. "Me don't know! Me just following captain's orders! He get orders from someone else! Me don't know who that is!" The pathetic creature is visibly terrified and is shaking beyond control.

Zook empties out the hobgoblin captain's pouch to reveal several items of interest.

-(Magical) A small dagger. It is too well crafted to possibly be a crude goblin-built weapon.
-(Magical) A vial of grayish green liquid.
-10 platinum coins.
-A picture of a young elven girl.
-The captain also has a greatsword and halfplate, but little else worth noting.

Caleb yells into the church several times and awaits an answer that never comes. The cleric then continues on through the village toward the town hall. Along the way, he hears a faint, muffled voice of a woman crying for help. It sounds as if the woman is underneath rubble somewhere, and the cleric isn't able to pinpoint the exact location of the voice immediately.

The crying voice is that of Kirsche Clearwater / Smeggedoff's Character.

Searching through the goblin corpses, Varis deduces that they are all among the same tribe. He finds nothing of particular interest among them besides their mundane weapons (daggers, swords, and crossbows) and the loot they stole from the village. They seem to have been looting anything and everything they could get their hands on and as fast as possible. Among the bags of stolen goods, he finds broken bottles, silverware, rocks, a chandelier, a dead cat, a small box with a set of earrings, and other random baubles and knickknacks.

Darek moves throughout the village, turning stones and debris over in place searching for survivors. After noting that nothing was to be found at one ruined house, he moved to cross the street to another one. Along the way, he nearly falls into a several-foot deep pit. After moving around it, the warrior realizes that it isn't a pit at all- it is a giant, reptilian footprint. It is over half a foot deep, and is well over three feet in length and just over half that in width. Among closer inspection, Darek also spots the other three prints to complete a set of four footprints.

2015-04-13, 02:10 PM
Caleb shouts up when he hears the muffled voice.

"I hear you but I can't see you! Where are you! Shout!"

He moved among the ruins, trying to move towards where he heard the sounds.

"Eadro, help me."

Casting Guidance.

Perception [roll0]
Plus Guidance [roll1]

2015-04-13, 03:19 PM
Renae keeps her false smile on, though she is disappointed by the answer. She looks over to the deceased captain and shakes her head. At this rate, she feels as if questioning this goblin will be useless. "What were you looting? Why did you kill all these people?" she asks the goblin. The answers may be of little help but it is mainly to distract the poor fellow. She slips a dagger into her hand and attempts to stab her captive straight in the neck.

[roll0] - Sleight of Hand
[roll1] - Attack
[roll2] - Advantage if she wins SoH
[roll3] - Dagger Damage
[roll4] - Sneak Attack Damage if applicable

2015-04-13, 07:24 PM
Zook instructs the mage hand to return all the trinkets into the pouch, and bring the pouch to him. He attaches the pouch to his belt, but takes out the two clearly-magical items. Focusing on the pair, he tried to use his magically-augmented senses to detect the school of magic each item belongs to.

Afterwards, the little gnome continues walking towards the Town Hall, in search of any signs of life.

2015-04-14, 01:30 AM
Varis returns to the village in time to hear the faint calls for help, joining Caleb the elf uses his sharp senses to locate the cries.

No signs of more goblins surrounding the village, but the display of magic could attract looters or monsters. We should be relatively safe the next few hours though. Lets find survivors first, then take care of the dead.

2015-04-14, 04:04 AM
Hearing the voice, Kirsche yells back
The punctuate her point she kicks the door as hard as she can

2015-04-14, 10:06 AM
Caleb followed the shout, echoing her with his own as he pinned down where the inn was.

Looking towards the ruins of what he assumed was the inn he started digging through debris to try and get her out

"Here! Help me, we have a survivor!"

Athletics check?

2015-04-14, 10:42 AM
Varis joins Caleb and they work together to uncover a cellar under the ruins of the village's inn. After a few minutes of moving away the debris, they manage to open the cellar door.

Inside the cellar, Kirsche Clearwater is finally able to take a breath of (relatively) fresh air, as opposed to the burnt, stale enclosed air mixed with the smell of wines and vegetables in the cellar.


Zook detects the school of Necromancy from both the dagger and the potion.

On his way to the town hall, Zook spots Caleb and Varis a few minutes after they had uncovered and opened the cellar door, and sees a young elven girl with them. The gnome's exceedingly brilliant mind immediately identifies the girl's face as the one from the picture obtained from the hobgoblin captain.


Renae asked her question as a distraction to slice the goblin's throat. The goblin is taken by complete surprise, and is killed before it has a chance to react.

2015-04-14, 11:10 AM
1: Zook likes what he sees
2: Meh.

The gnome wizard does a double take as he sees his comrades find a survivor in what remains of the city's inn. He fingers the pouch he looted from the hobgoblin captain. There was no doubt the picture was of her.

However, many nagging thoughts immediately leapt to his mind. Of all the villagers, why did she survive? Did she in fact live due to sheer luck, or was she actually working together with her hobgoblin lover?

Not quite trusting himself to speak lest he says something he would regret, the gnome instead give her a careful look through his magically-enhanced senses. Did she have something to do with the spells that have been cast on this village, or was she a mere victim?

Taking Darek aside, the gnome shows him the contents of the Hobgoblin's pouch and discusses with him in a low voice. "I found this on the hobgoblin leader we defeated. Since you live here and all, does she look familiar? I admit I am a little concerned why a hobgoblin would keep her simulacrum with him. As well as why she happened to survive when just about everyone else didn't."

2015-04-14, 01:03 PM
Renae stares into the goblin's eyes as it gurgles on its own blood. "Shh, shh, just let go," she whispers to her victim as the life fades from his eyes. After he slumps to the ground, she wipes the blood off the captive's rags and casts Prestidigitation to clean herself off. She then wakes up another one of the goblins, with the same fake smile on her face. "I don't want to hurt you. My friends have been getting rather... impatient, as you can see with that one over there." She points back to the one she just murdered. "Do you know who gave the captain the orders? Why were you executing all of the civilians?"

[roll0] - Deception

2015-04-14, 02:56 PM
Kirsche climbs out of the cellar

"Thanks, I-" she stops and stares in horror at the desolated village "What happened? I..."
Her expression shifts from horror to anger and she punches a section of standing doorframe hard enough to splinter it "Damn it! Damn them I should have fought"
She turns and slumps to the floor, dropping her head into her hands "Why would he do this..." she mumbles, to no-one in particular

2015-04-14, 03:53 PM
Caleb took a step back, aware now that the girl was somehow involved in the attack.

"Why would who do this ? And I suggest you are very clear about how this involves you."

His hand instinctively went to his hammer's handle on his waist now, just in case of reprisal.

2015-04-15, 12:28 AM

Having organized the caravan to come into town and having scouted into the town, Darek was about to meet the others to inform them of the giant footprint. But then Zook stopped him. He looks at the picture puzzled and then his eyes widen.

"I do know her. She is the elven lady, a newcomer, like me. She is called Kirche, I believe. I think her house is that way.

There is a huge set of footprints, quadruped, right over there. Something huge was involved in the attack. Let 's meet the others and search for survivors. Then we have to search the bodies'

2015-04-15, 12:44 AM
Zook deposits the pouch contents with the human fighter. "I found these items in a pouch the hobgoblin captain was carrying. I find it most curious that he would be holding on to her image. By the way, there are two magic items inside: the dagger, and the vial of liquid. Both appear to be from the necromancy school - a branch of magic that manipulates the energies of life and death. Can you hold on to them? To be quite honest, I am quite uncomfortable with this particular branch of magic."

The gnome looks awhile at the gigantic crater in the shape of an animal paw. He gazes at it intently with his magically-augmented senses, and attempts to recall what kind of creature is likely to leave such tracks. His gut would perhaps go with "DRAGON", given the magical energies he felt earlier. But, what color is it, how old is it, and how much magical trace did it leave in the environment?

After his Detect Magic spell wears off, the gnome then proceeds on his own to the Town Hall. He is quite sure the rest can handle this shadowy "Kirche" elf-woman, should she turn out to be a plant.

En route to the Hall, he chances on the noblewoman who looks strangely clean despite sitting around a pile of goblin corpses with freshly-stabbed throats. The gnome watches her as she interrogates her latest quarry. Leaning in close and conspiratorically whispering in her ear, the wizard makes his request: "Your ladyship, I would like to request that you leave one or two alive. I hear that goblins, once properly broken, can make excellent servants."

Having made his request, he quickly strolls away. He has no qualms in killing creatures who attacked helpless towns, but he'd rather not witness the taking of life in so intimate a fashion.

Knowledge Check:
About the creature: [roll0] Nature check
About the creature's magical trace: [roll1] Arcana/Investigation check

2015-04-15, 02:00 AM
Varis notices Caleb's hand grabbing the hilt, and steps forward. Greetings. I'm Varis Liadon. The goblin raiders have been defeated, but as you can see we arrived too late, delayed by the unnatural storm that broke out during the attack. We have yet to find out what truly happened, since the goblins were not equipped to cause this kind of destruction. You say you were prepared to fight them, but someone stopped you. Who was that, and what can you tell us about the attacking force?
Varis speaks in elven, offering the girl water.

2015-04-15, 04:49 AM
Kirsche takes the water thankfully
"I don't know anything about the attack. As soon as it started the innkeeper locked me in the cellar when I could have helped fight them. People could be dead because I wasn't out there fighting" she replies glumly

2015-04-15, 10:29 AM
Switching back to common Varis replies And would likely have been killed doing so. We have yet to find a survivor but you. Speaking of which, has anyone checked the few buildings still standing?

2015-04-15, 10:40 AM
After killing most of the line of goblins, Renae was on the last one alive when she finally heard some answers she was looking for. The last goblin looked to its right and saw several of its dead brethren with cuts in their necks. While stupid, this goblin wasn't that stupid. He knew what was going to happen to him if he didn't tell Renae what he knew.

"Alright! Me tell you about when me over listended to captain when he took mission! It was a Shianna that told us tribe to come here! Us mission was to kill one elf girl person that live here! Us take belongings of village because that is us only payment us get for killing her!"

The goblin is so terrified that it releases certain bodily fluids so that it loses body weight, and thus is capable of running faster, the standard fight or flight response of a goblin. The smell is incredibly horrid, and the last goblin stands to make a run for its life.

A sneak attack of opportunity can make short work of the goblin.


Zook has read about them before, and so he knew this was the footprint of one fully mature dragon. He wasn't able to identify the color of the dragon based on the footprint, though.

Some time later, Zook arrives at the town hall. The doors and windows are barricaded sturdily, but a massive hole in the roof suggests that something made its own entrance.

Upon inspection through a window, dozens of corpses are seen among a green, hazy gaseous substance floating just above the ground. The corpses are positioned with their hands covering their mouths and throats as if they were choked to death. It seems that the town hall's fortifications led to its downfall, seeing as it prevented the gas from escaping anywhere.

Through the window, Zook catches movement out of the corner of his eye. The dark of night and the gas inside makes it hard to spot exactly what it was, but the gnome definitely saw some shadows moving around inside the town hall.

2015-04-15, 12:28 PM
Renae gags from the odor emitted from the goblin. She slides out the hidden dagger and tries to stab it in the neck, just like the others.

[roll0] - Attack
[roll1] - Advantage?
[roll2] - Damage
[roll3] - Sneak Attack

Ah hell, can we just say I dids it?

Just like with the others, the dagger slips into his neck. But instead of sending him off in a cleaner fashion, she pulls out the knife and stabs him in the throat again during his death throes. The blood spurts out onto her clothes, but no matter; she could easily clean it off. "Why did you try to run?" she mutters to the dying creature. "I was going to let you live." Under the wizard's command at least. Better alive than dead for a goblin though, right? She pulls out the dagger to stab once more to finally finish the job.

With her work done, Renae casts another Prestidigitation to clean herself off before going to find the gnome. If anyone knew something about a Shianna it would be him. She tells him, "I'm sorry, I couldn't let any of them live. The last one was trying to get the drop on me but I got him." Fudging the truth, as always. "Do you know anything about a Shianna? The last goblin mentioned that it was gave the captain the orders to attack the town."

2015-04-15, 03:50 PM
"The majority died from noxious gas, unless you are a talented spellcaster I do not believe there was much you could have done to stem the tides."

He eased his hand off the handle of his hammer, and looked for a place to seat. Raising his voice he shouted.

"If any of you require healing, please attend me now, and I shall commence."

He began the preparation for a Prayer of Healing on any who gathered near to him.

2015-04-15, 04:02 PM

Quite a bit puzzled by the willingness of his newfound companions to kill captives, Darek nevertheless keeps to himself. Perhaps he judged too quickly. He arrives just in time to hear the storm priest talk about healing, with Kirsche in tow.

This brought back memories, the magical healing.

His wounds still painful and only roughly bandaged, Darek calls

"Wait a minute there. I could use some healing.

Kirsche, isn't it? We meet under bad circumstances. There was a hobgoblin captain with a picture of you. And what seems to be a dragon rampaging around"

2015-04-15, 06:19 PM
"Hi" replies Kirsche sullenly "I don't know why a hobgoblin would have my picture, are you sure it's not someone else?"

2015-04-15, 06:49 PM
A huge hole in the roof. Green poisonous gas. Adult dragon foorprints. The gnome struggles to remember the colors of each dragon, and the nature of their breath weapons. Zook remembers there are ten possible variants: five chromatic dragons (Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White) and five metallic dragons (brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver).

The gnome can't quite remember which race of dragon has a green noxious breath weapon, but he knows where to find out. He also easily surmises that the noble metallic dragons will never participate in such an atrocity, targeting women and children alike. So it has to be the work of an adult chromatic dragon. Still, if he can investigate the nature of the gas, that might give him a clue towards deciphering the exact nature of the attacker.


"I'm sorry, I couldn't let any of them live. The last one was trying to get the drop on me but I got him."

The gnome is somewhat downcast at his dashed hopes of being served by goblin servants, but Renae was definitely telling him the truth. If there was something the gnome prided himself on, it was his mastery of detecting lies. It was quite easy, really. Liars have tells, small twitches and micro-expressions that belie their true feelings. As far as he could tell, Renae had no tell. It was unlikely anyway that she could deceive someone as educated as he is.

"Well, it can't be helped. He didn't hurt you or anything, did he? Better he try that now, than get the drop on us when we are sleeping," he replies.

"Do you know anything about a Shianna? The last goblin mentioned that it was gave the captain the orders to attack the town."

"Why yes, that name is quite familiar to me. But we should probably talk later when everyone's present. I think I see something moving inside. We should probably investigate." After which, the gnome picks up a rock and tries to smash in a window.

[roll0] Nature Check (to peek at Monster Manual)

DC 10 - recall various dragon colors
DC 15 - recall their alignment
DC 20 - recall nature of their breath weapons
DC 25 - recall all of their attacks
DC 30 - recall their Monster Manual stat block

[roll1] Arcana Check (nature of gas)
[roll2] History Check (what is a Brianna)
[roll3] Insight Check vs. Renae's Passive Deception (20)

Note: Zook may know everything there is to know about who or what a Shianna is, but I don't. Gotta wait for the DM :)

2015-04-16, 01:56 AM
Varis tries to remember anything useful about dragons, but comes up short. He draws his bow as the gnome attempts to smash a window and tries to see what may be moving inside.

Careful! he cautions.


2015-04-16, 03:26 AM
After a minute of pounding without success, Zook gives up. "I'm not strong enough to do this - it's barricaded too strongly," he lamented. "And I dare not use any of my damage spells, lest it ignites any of the dragon's breath still extant within. Do any of you have glasscutters? Or if you've got the brute force, a crowbar, axe, mining pick, sledgehammer, or a portable ram?"

2015-04-16, 04:01 AM

"I am pretty sure they were after you, Kirsche. I think one of the goblins said so. Something strange is happening here."

When Darek gets nearer Zook again, he smiles despite the horror around him.

"Wait a minute there, oh Ravager of Things Inanimate. I have a crowbar with me and I think I might be better suited for the task."

Strength check with crowbar. Does Prof bonus apply? [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
We will probably have to wait for the DM now and RP

2015-04-16, 04:21 AM
While the fighter is engaged with his crowbar, the gnome borrows back the pouch he gave him earlier, and shows the elf-lady its contents. "My name is Zook Eldon Rond Gerbo Reld Inne Namfoodle Carrick, Evocation Wizard. You can call me "Zook" for short. I got this pouch off the leader of the raiders," he tells her while watching her reaction very closely. "Do you recognize any of the contents?"

The pouch contains:

A small magic dagger, belonging to the Necromancy school
A vial of magical grayish-green liquid, belonging to the Necromancy school
10 platinum coins
Her own picture

Active Insight check: [roll0]

@ProudGrognard: No proficiency bonus, but if you have leverage, then you get advantage on that check. Not sure if advantage is a +5 or a second roll, take the higher.

2015-04-16, 05:25 AM
Kirsche shakes her head
"Never seen that knife before, or the potion. Seen plat often enough, and I still don't know why a goblin would have my picture, maybe it's mistaken identity or something?"

2015-04-16, 10:01 AM
Hobgoblins hate elves above all, and usually don't need much convincing to go after a member of our people. This picture was given to make sure she was not to escape the carnage. Looks like we made it in time, but I wonder where the dragon went?

2015-04-16, 10:50 AM
Caleb continued making the preparations for his healing spell as the others talked, rinsing his hands with water. He decided to use the time to gives rites to the dead.

"Eadro brings both life and death in equal measure. From that which is dead will life come anew, and the cycle will continue on it's ever turning yoke. Lord Eadro, watch over these souls and wash away their pain. Cleanse them and their loved ones of their loss, and watch over them as they return to the cycle anew."

He rinsed some water over his head.

"I stand here as their helmsman, Lord. Guiding the departed into your embrace. In turn I ask you guide my hand in preparing these lost souls for their journey, give me the tools to find their killers, and strengthen my nerve as I cast them down to meet your judgement."

He looked across to the two locals.

"Do you have a well? I will need a great deal more water for what is to come."

2015-04-16, 02:56 PM
"He didn't hurt me but he did give me quite a fright," she tells the gnome. "I don't believe we could have kept any of them alive without endangering ourselves."

Renae watches the gnome try to bash open the window. His attempts are better than anything she could do; she doesn't carry around gear to break into places unless they're locks. Too heavy and they leave an obvious trace. When the fighter comes over to break it open, she asks, "How are you feeling? Being on the front line can't be easy."

After listening to what he has to say, she follows Zook; if the gas is still noxious, she does not want to be around it when the building is opened up. When she sees the girl, she's a bit confused; why would anyone go through so much trouble to murder her? A goblin invasion is one thing but a whole storm seemed a bit much. Regardless, she did not trust her; how could she have no idea why someone would be after her?

"I'm glad to see you're safe at least," she greets the girl as normal. She could pilfer her pockets later for information; no need for interrogation. "I am Renae Bellerose, much simpler than our gnome friend here." She gives Zook a slight ruffle on the head. "Do you have anywhere to go?"

2015-04-17, 01:29 AM
Varis keeps an eye upward, wary of a sudden, large, winged shadow appearing, and intent on not be victim to an airborn ambush.

2015-04-18, 12:05 PM
Kirsche shakes her head "No, I don't remember where the well is. I might be able to help though, how much water do you need?"

2015-04-19, 08:58 AM
Normally, Zook, evocative wizard extraordinaire, has issues with being treated as a child. Yes, he is small. Yes, he has been called cute. And yes, he's still a young sixteen. Having his hair ruffled like he was a child, or worse, a pet, should offend the little proud gnome.

But now was not normal times. Not when the ruffler of said hair was so pulchritudinous, and her hands were so very dainty. And especially not when Zook, as introverted and socially inept as he is, is very much a teenager with raging hormones.

Stifling the urge to let out a contented sigh, the gnome instead shows the vial to the noble half-elf.

"Milady," he asks Renae, "I have ascertained the contents of this vial to contain a necromancy-based spell, which most likely means it is poison. I have read that the nobility are well-versed with this substance. Might you perchance be able to identify its purpose?"

1: Zook doesn't like the ruffle and brushes it off.
2: Zook doesn't like the ruffle and gently removes her hand.
3: Zook doesn't like the ruffle but ignores it.
4: Zook doesn't care about the ruffle.
5 and 6: Zook likes the ruffle.
7: Zook really, really enjoys the ruffle.

2015-04-19, 10:56 AM

Darek, still at work with his crowbar and with his eyes open, cannot help but smile at the gnome 's flowery speech. Beauty can have that effect.

"I think there is a well right around this street, though I am not sure. My house is... was not far from here. "

He pauses a bit.

"I hope it still stands"

2015-04-19, 10:22 PM
Renae gives off a small smirk as she watches the gnome content from her action. She planned on winning them all over, and his infatuation with her had proven to be useful so far. When she is offered the vial, she makes sure to brush her fingers against his before taking it. "Let me see," she muses, looking it over. "Lady" Bellerose had never actually worked with poison, however; she preferred a swift dagger to the throat if she needed to kill somebody in secret. It wasn't too late to start, though. "I may have seen this once or twice at home but never have I actually used it." She pockets the vial without any doubt in her movements, though her gnome companion could easily ask her for it back.

2015-04-19, 10:32 PM
The gnome is quite relieved to divest himself of that vial. He never did like the necromancy school, deciding instead that the best way to deal with a problem was to throw magic at it until it blows up. Trying furiously to hide the blush that popped up on his cheek after her velvety hands brushed up against it, he asks her, "Can you hold on to it? Poison's not my style. I prefer the judicious application of evocative force as an unguent for all problems, myself."

2015-04-19, 10:33 PM
"I need enough to daub the heads of each of the departed. I can't offer them their own funerary rites ... but they deserve something before they are buried. If there is any peace to be had in the afterlife, these folks deserve it."

2015-04-19, 10:38 PM
"I need enough to daub the heads of each of the departed. I can't offer them their own funerary rites ... but they deserve something before they are buried. If there is any peace to be had in the afterlife, these folks deserve it."

"There are so many," the gnome speaks in a whisper. "We'll never be able to bury them all."

Looking over at the cleric, he dares breach a question, "Might a funeral pyre not be a better course of action for the departed, than to allow their bodies to rot?"

2015-04-19, 10:51 PM
Caleb shrugged heavily.

"Darek, what is the local custom?" he asked of the fighter, hoping as a warrior he would maybe have a better idea of the local death rites "Truthfully, I am more accustomed to giving the dead to the sea."

2015-04-19, 11:49 PM
"Of course. I'm not sure if I'll ever use it but I can keep a hold of it," she replies, keeping the pocket on her person. At the mention of burials, she makes an even bolder suggestion. "We should let the caravan take care of it or report the invasion first. I'd hate to leave them out there but we don't even know if these attacks will continue."

2015-04-19, 11:53 PM

Darek looks around with a tired sigh.

"It does not matter anymore Caleb. Whatever it is for everyone of those, they are too many.

When we are done, I say we open a great pit, you perform your rites on all of them and then we burn them. Perhaps the drivers will help. I will pay them extra."

2015-04-20, 06:01 AM
Varis sets his jaw. We should do right by them, and Caleb is the priest we have. Stormhaven is close enough. We have to get a message through anyway, so can get assistance from them to bury the dead. The goblins we burn, the sooner the better.

2015-04-20, 09:21 AM
Kirsche listens to the discussion quietly
"Well. If you still need it, I have fresh or salt water with me"
She sloshes the jug she's carrying to demonstrate

2015-04-20, 02:03 PM
At first, the words seems like a bit of a mystery, but shortly after your mind races to a time that you read about Shianna. The title is a surname, one that belongs to a royal dark elven family.

The group is busy discussing their plans for burying the dead when Darek finally manages to pry open the door to the town hall. Because of the pressure created by Darek and his crowbar, the door quickly spins on its hinges and slams onto the wall adjacent to it. The newly created exit allows the green gas to begin creeping forward ever so slowly.

From inside the building, a whining hiss of some creature is heard briefly, then stops. Something inhuman is inside.

2015-04-20, 07:00 PM
1: Zook is scared
2: Zook is curious

At the sound of the hiss and the realization that the gas that killed the villagers was slowly seeping out of the Town Hall, Zook takes several steps backwards, trembling slightly in fear.

2015-04-20, 07:57 PM
Her suspicions were right; the gas would leak out after the building was opened. Perhaps the better course of action would have been to leave it closed. At least it was certainly better for her. "Regardless of what we do with the deceased, we have a bigger problem on our hands," she states, pulling out her hand crossbow and loading in a bolt. Then, noticing the gnome backing away, she puts her hand on his shoulder and gives him a smile. "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

2015-04-20, 08:34 PM
CHA save vs. being Frightened. DC 15.
Roll: [roll0]
Advantage from Renae: [roll1]

The wizard seems to draw some measure of courage from Renae's bravery. Not to mention, she put her hand. On his shoulder. And that extraordinarily dazzling smile. Truly, the teenaged gnome savant is but putty in her hands.

The gnome then decides on a course of action. Clearly, the hiss indicates that whatever is in there is decidedly not human. If anything, the sibilant sounds suspiciously similar to the language of the dragons he had studied after his graduation.

"Hello! Issssss anybody there?" the newly-emboldened gnome hisses out in Draconic.

2015-04-21, 01:18 AM
Varis knocks an arrow to his bow and is ready.

2015-04-21, 01:26 AM

Darek leaves a small cry of success when the door finally relents. But it caught short at the first sniff of gas. So, that is why the door was boarded. Taking some steps back, he readies his glaive.

"Leave it to come to us. Fighting in gas filled chamber is not a good idea"

2015-04-21, 07:04 AM
"wait a minute he said. I need to talk he said." Caleb grumbled, having his preparations for sending off the dead disrupted.

Caleb readied his shield, still looking weary from the earlier fight.

"In future, can we prepare first THEN start more fights. "

2015-04-21, 10:24 AM
At the mention of fighting Kirsche stows the jug and stands up, freeing her quarterstaff
"w-wait what? why are you starting fights? with what?" she asks, following Caleb

2015-04-21, 10:57 AM
1: Zook is impatient
2: Zook waits

Raising his staff, he intones: CONGELATIO!

Frost starts forming on the window he had tried to bash open. The gnome waits until the frost spreads to cover the entire window.

"Get ready. I am about to shatter the window," he announces.

After all his compatriots prepare themselves, the little gnome mutters his favorite spell: DEFLAGRO!

[spoiler]Shatter the window by freezing it and then burning it. Mechanically, it uses two cantrips: Frostbite and Fire Bolt.
Fire Bolt is only cast once the group is ready.

2015-04-21, 04:25 PM
At the mention of fighting Kirsche stows the jug and stands up, freeing her quarterstaff
"w-wait what? why are you starting fights? with what?" she asks, following Caleb

"Only Eadro knows. A dragon? A swarm of angry beasts? A diregoblin? Apparently patience and scouting is not our strong suit."

He unhooked his hammer and held it pointed towards the ground. He casually lifted his shield at the Gnomes attempt to shatter the window.

"Is that necessary? The door is wide open."

2015-04-21, 11:20 PM
"Ah, but I deem it necessary so the gas can be defenestrated," the little gnome replies.

2015-04-22, 02:32 AM
Whatever it is, or they are, won't last long. Varis comments grimly.

YIELD OR DIE! he cries out in various languages.

OOC: Using my favored enemy ability of knowing the languages of Monstrosities (they use various languages)

2015-04-22, 03:05 AM
Suddenly afraid again, the little gnome retreats all the way where he can find a place to hide behind.

Stealth: [roll0]

2015-04-22, 10:25 AM
"You do realize if it was locked inside a building that it is highly unlikely to be an ally of the creatures that raided this place?"

He decided to try a different tact.

"Ignore them, their blood runs hot from battle. Please show yourself peacefully, and you will not be hurt, you have my word." Caleb beckoned to whatever lay within.

2015-04-22, 11:04 AM
Zook's attempt at communication through Draconic wields no results. The hissing from inside is almost ethereal, as opposed to reptilian. Similarly, Varis does not recognize the hissing language, either.

When beckoned by Caleb's words, a small, young human boy steps out of the shadows. His skin is surrounded and embedded with darkness, making it hard to depict where the darkness ends and his flesh begins. He moves with absolute silence, not even his footsteps are heard. His expression is calm, almost vacant, and his stride through the green gas directly beneath him is perfectly even. Something in the dark, shadowy corners of the building hisses at him, as if to warn him against approaching While moving toward Caleb, the child stretches his hands out as if asking to be picked up and carried, and he mouths the words "Help me!"

2015-04-22, 11:19 AM
Been fluent at lip reading, Caleb immediately understood the boys words, but even he was loath to immediately trust a specter and pick it up.

He dropped to one knee to take himself down to the boy's level.

"How can I help you, child? Do you need my aid in passing on to the next world?"

2015-04-22, 11:19 AM
A multitude of questions cycle through Zook's head, and his mind works at full speed to think of a logical explanation.

What is the magical nature of the boy's shadowy clothing? Arcana: [roll0]
Does Zook have any inkling about the child's motivation? Insight:[roll1]
Does Zook see anything else in the room? Perception: [roll2]

Sorry, copy-pasted code and forgot to change. Insight roll result should be 23 and Perception is a natural 20 result of 21.

2015-04-22, 09:18 PM
Renae had never seen anything like this before. Her usual tools seemed to be rather unsuited at the moment. She doubted she could just shoot the voiceless child nor could she see herself using her silver tongue on him. She decides to let the boy focus on Caleb as she watches him, trying to figure out if anything seems off, or rather, more off about him.

[roll0] - Insight

2015-04-23, 12:46 AM

Darek takes a surprised step back. He was expecting giant lizards and goblins, not a scary child. Looking around, unsure whether to prepare for combat or not, he tries to get his bearings.

Perception [roll0]
Insight [roll1]

2015-04-23, 01:21 AM
The boy appears to be no immediate threat, and in any case the priest would likely be the one best equipped should the encounter turn sinister. The hissing from inside however tells Varis not to let down his guard, and he repositions himself to try and see what might be the origin of the noise.
Careful! There is still something inside.

Move to get a clearer view of what lies inside the building, bow still drawn. Perception roll: [roll0]

2015-04-23, 01:27 AM
Whilst not showing the general level of distrust as the others, Caleb's mind went back to his learnings, but still he tried not to show signs of hostility.

Knowledge Religion is the one for more info on undead creatures, right ?


2015-04-23, 11:36 AM
The boy's skin and clothing are both shadowy. It's as if the boy and everything on him is directly tied to the shadow plane. You also know, without a doubt, that he intends to harm Caleb, should he be allowed to get close enough. You also spot several more clouds of shadows that are moving on their own within the building. The boy that has showed himself is not alone.

Something isn't right. This boy is too focused on asking for help, but yet he isn't speaking. As an expert on running cons and social traps, you suspect- no, you know something is wrong. This is a trap.

You recognize this boy. He lived on the far side of the village and was under tutelage of a dwarven blacksmith. You have seen the corpse of his tutor and his house completely destroyed earlier while you were searching the ruins.

He once sparred against you with a training sword that he created. He aspired to be a soldier just like you, looked up to you, and thought highly of you. Whatever has happened to him, he is in a great deal of trouble and needs help.

It is difficult to tell which of the flickering shadows in the building are real and which are not. Also, it does not help that the green gas is preventing you from obtaining a decent vantage point. However, your instincts and elven senses tell you that there is something dangerous inside.

The boy is an undead Shadow, a twisted exaggeration of what used to be a little boy. You know that this creature's touch is capable of draining the life force out of its victim and can disappear among real shadows with ease. Its biggest weakness a very bright light source, preferably something that rivals the light generated by the sun.

Whatever being that is capable and willing to create an abomination out of a child like this has access to very powerful magic and must have no moral compass to speak of.

2015-04-23, 12:12 PM
Caleb stood and took a step back

"It's an Undead - a Shadow abomination of what was once probably alive. It now lives to drain life with it's touch. Strong light can hurt it - preferably sunlight ...."

He glanced upwards to the heavens, checking the weather coverage, and hoping for an ounce of luck.

2015-04-23, 06:09 PM
"Nothing good can come from this. We should leave now and prepare to deal with this later," Renae states to the rest of the group, keeping her eyes open for other presences as her finger flutters by her crossbow's trigger. Truth be told, she didn't necessarily want to come back to deal with this abomination but the others likely would, especially the locals. But retreating for now seemed to be the best plan to her.

[roll0] - Perception

2015-04-23, 06:44 PM
"Watch out! This is a creature from the shadow plane, and I sense more of them in there! Don't let it get close to you! CONGELATIO!" the gnome wizard shouts out.

Frostbite: Shadow makes a CON save [roll0] vs. DC 16. On a failed save, [roll1] cold damage, and it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before its next turn ends.

2015-04-23, 07:53 PM
Hearing the group yell about shadows makes Kirsche's eyes widen slightly. Knowing her luck this is going to result in even more distrust.
Kirsche moves to flank the entrance, hand dipping into a pouch to pull out a handful of darts

2015-04-23, 11:06 PM

Darek looks at the others, confused.

"But I know this boy! He uses to live just two streets from here. He wanted to be a soldier... He needs help. Are you sure?"

Darek continues to stand ready.

2015-04-23, 11:09 PM
"You heard Caleb! It is undead, and is but a shade of the boy you knew. Get away from there before you join it!" the little wizard hollers.

He then prepares to fling another Firebolt.

2015-04-24, 01:28 AM
"Yes, a powerful force has twisted the boy's soul into a monster."

He bit his lip, annoyed that he was running low on divine energy, and couldn't try to disperse the spirit.

"The child is gone - this is but a cruel trick to pull you in."

Caleb continued backing away. He had promised not to harm the shade for good or ill, and he was a man of his word. He looked across to Renae.

"Renae might have a point. Our resources are low at the moment to deal with a full scale haunt."

Prepared action
Sacred fire (Reflex 14, 2D8 damage on first OTHER shade to come outside)

2015-04-24, 08:55 AM
Caleb, we need to deal with these; the undead are relentless! Show them the light and lead their souls to rest! I'll help you.
Varis says with urgency. He had very limited dealings with the undead himself, but had lived long enough to have heard many tales of elves fighting desperately to deliver the world from the undead scourge. Without deliberation he sends two arrows towards the child-shadow, praying for Corellon and the magic craft of his bow to guide his hand and slay the enemy.

Move enough to get a clear line of fire, attacks (with magic weapon): [roll0], [roll1], damage: [roll2],[roll3]

2015-04-24, 09:56 AM
(Surprise Action):

A pair of arrows from Varis and a blast of frost from Zook make quick work of the shadow creature, causing it to lose its form and dissipate into the real shadows around it.

Shadows: [roll0]

Avg: 11

Party wins Initiative and goes first

Not Applicable: No shadows moved to trigger held action.

Shadow Reflex: [roll7]
Spell Damage: [roll8]

A series of hisses and wails echo throughout the building as the shadows inside stir restlessly. They are not going to fall without a fight.

2015-04-24, 11:31 AM
The shadows think to assail them, but the sharp-eyed wizard is smarter than them. With barely disguised glee at the prospect of testing the potency of his spells in an actual building, Zook points his magic staff at the biggest group of shadows he can hit with a Fire Ball spell.


Fireball vs biggest clump of Shadows. Dex Save vs DC 16. On fail, [roll0] fire damage. Half damage on save. Anything not held worn catches fire.

Zook Carrick (Evocation Wizard 5)
HP: 24/24 | Temp: 5/5 | AC: 15 (12 without mage armor) | Hit Dice: 5/5 | Spell DC: 16
MP: 2/3/0/-/-/-/-/-/- | Arcane Recovery: 3/3

2015-04-24, 02:25 PM
Good news and bad news. The good news is that Renae knew that these shadows could be killed, or at least destroyed, via material means. But she also did not know where any of them were.

Renae looks around frantically, believing that she could be flanked at any moment from anywhere. She resists the urge to flee, however, instead choosing to stand her ground behind the meaty meat shields. It was her best bet that these abominations go for then instead of her.

I believe there are ready actions. Forgive me if there are not. I'll use both her attack and bonus action to shoot two bolts if one of the shadows comes out into the open. Also I'm on mobile so I would appreciate someone else rolling. Not sure if I get sneak attack (adjacency) but there's that.

I got home, I can do the action rolls myself. Will do so in the OOC.

2015-04-25, 12:27 AM
HP 39 AC18

The actions of his allies decided the issue for Darek. The only thing left now was to hold the line,as he always did.

Moving so as to cover the entrance. Attack anything that comes out. Also reaction attack and stop if anything moves inside his range, as per usual.

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll]1d10+3[roll]
Atk with butt of glaive [roll1] dmg [roll]1d10+3[roll]

Reaction [roll2] dmg [roll]1d10+3[roll]

EDIT: Damage in the OOC.

2015-04-25, 04:46 AM
Caleb took position beside Darek to protect the others should the shadows surge forwards.

He picked out a Shadow on the fringes and called forth Eadro's wrath

Sacred Fire, Ref DC 14 Damage [roll0]

2015-04-28, 04:00 AM
Varis once more shifts position to get a clear line of fire. Holding the bow steady he is ready to fire on any shadow attempting to exit the building.

2015-04-29, 11:29 AM
Kirsche prepares a dart to throw at the most damaged looking shadow, hoping to finish it off


2015-04-30, 11:18 AM
Four shadows immediately melt due to Zook's fireball striking them, while two more resist the magical effects to a degree.

Likewise, the shadow targeted by Caleb's divine energy knows better than to let itself get hit by the holy light, and slips into the shadows that causes the cleric's attack to miss.

Darek steps into the door, and with a pair of swings he executes one shadow and injures another. Shadowy energy is leaking away from the creature where the soldier's weapon stuck it.

Then Kirsche finishes the wounded creature with an extremely well-placed dart. The tip of the dart pierces deeper into the already open wound on the shadow which causes it to burst apart, leaving the creature destroyed.

With a trio of arrows, Varis slays another shadow and finishes off another that was wounded by Zook's blast.

The shadows move to engage the team, starting with the closest member, Darek. Before the shadows manage to engage, though, Darek injures yet another shadow.

Vs Darek: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Necrotic
Plus [roll2] Strength Drain

Vs Darek: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] Necrotic
Plus [roll5] Strength Drain

Vs Darek: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] Necrotic
Plus [roll8] Strength Drain
(This shadow was hit by Darek's Opportunity Attack 10 feet away, thus the shadow was not able to complete its attack).

Once the enemies are in sight, Renae engages with a well-placed crossbow bolt that destroys one more shadow that is currently engaged with Darek.

Only two shadows remain now, and both are losing shadow energy to wounds in their bodies.

2015-04-30, 04:26 PM
Renae leaves no room for hesitation as she loads in another bolt and aims to take out another of the shadows assailing Darek. "How're you holding up?!" she shouts to the fighter before firing the bolt. The half-elf may be selfish but that does not mean she wants him to die. Better he stand in the way than her getting attacked and he can't do that if he's dead.

[roll0] - Attack
[roll1] - Damage
[roll2] - Sneak Attack

2015-04-30, 07:57 PM
Zook shivers involuntarily as a couple of shadows drain the strength right out of his human tank. Still, these things burn real good, and the mage has fire magic in plenitude.


Fire Bolt: [roll0]. Hit: [roll1] fire damage. Crit: [roll2] extra damage.
His shivering apparently threw off his aim, causing the wizard to cuss.

Zook Carrick (Evocation Wizard 5)
HP: 24/24 | Temp: 5/5 | AC: 15 (12 without mage armor) | Hit Dice: 5/5 | Spell DC: 16
MP: 2/3/0/-/-/-/-/-/- | Arcane Recovery: 3/3

2015-05-01, 12:00 AM
AC 17 HP33 Str:12

Darek feels the creatures touch more that the pain. They were pure pain, the blood almost a byproduct. He can also feel his Strength ebbing as he shivers uncontrollably.

'Lady Luck, they are draining me! We must put them down, I don't know how much of this I can take."

Putting words to action, he takes careful aim and spins the glaive like a toy at the nearest shadow. Again and again.

Atk at the nearest with Precision Attack maneuver [roll0] dmg [roll1] and precision addition to attack [roll2]
Attack with the other end [roll3] dmg [roll4]
Extra attack, at the first if it is not down, at the second if it is [roll5] dmg [roll6]

Moving a bit back to force them to come, Reaction if they enter [roll7] dmg [roll8]

EDIT: Hay, possible Critical! If needed, I will roll it in the OOC

2015-05-01, 10:50 AM
Stepping forward to be in line with Darek, Caleb grimaced as he looked in at the arrayed shadows. Every part of him told him that this was a terrible idea, but he couldn't let Darek face their full attack alone.

Again he banged his hammer against the sigil of Eadro.

"Eadro, strike down these abominations!"

He then raised his shield and readied his hammer in preparation for what was to come.

As is the usual, especially with these been undead: Sacred Flame Ref 14 [roll0]

2015-05-02, 01:08 AM
Kirsche moves swiftly to Darek, striking one of the swarming creatures with the butt of her staff before whirling and lashing out with a kick


Bonus Action: Attack
Divide movement as necessary.

2015-05-04, 02:42 AM
Moving once more to get a clear line of fire, Varis unleashes a barrage of arrows in an attempt to end the fight. They drain by touch; stand back! he calls out to those apparantly oblivious to Darek's warning.

Attacks vs shadow (targetting whichever is the most hurt first if possible): [roll0], [roll1], horde breaker attack if shadows are adjacent [roll2]. Damage rolls: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

2015-05-04, 07:55 AM
Between the combined attacks of Caleb, Darek, Kirsche, and Varis, the last two shadows are dissipated with ease.

A humanoid figure in the distance watches the group. Distinct features on the figure are indistinguishable due to distance and a dark cloak. The person is standing on the wall on the other side of the village. A moment after you notice him, however, he disappears without a trace as if he simply vanished from existence.

2015-05-04, 07:58 AM
Zook cranes his eyes and ears to see if there are any errant slow-moving shadows... or any other creature for that matter still inside the building.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-05-04, 08:18 PM
[roll0] - Perception

Renae does not relent after seeing the two shades dissipate. She loads in another bolt and keeps her eyes peeled, seeing a figure in the distance. Before she can even consider aiming and taking a shot her target is gone. "We are being watched, or were being watched," she states to the rest of the group. She could only assume that the figure was responsible for the storm beforehand. Why disappear then instead of finish the job? Too many questions to be pondered on in the open. "We can't be certain what his or her plan is now. I think we need to get moving."

2015-05-04, 09:16 PM
"Moving where precisely? We haven't dealt with the bodies - all the more urgent in the presence of necromancy. We've routed what forces they left here - and whatever they came here to destroy they have already succeeded. Either way its night time, we will need to rest before we can set off away from town in any meaningful capacity."

2015-05-04, 09:18 PM
Maybe we can rest up in the caravan? Bring it inside the town, and circle the wagons while we rest in the middle? I can take first watch.

2015-05-04, 11:28 PM

Darek stands and takes a breath. His armor is heavier than he remembered it. From the corner of his eyes, he also spots the watcher.

"Yes, we were being watched. There. And then the b@stard vanished.

We should look inside the house of the shadows in the morning. Perhaps there was something there worth noticing. Other than that, let 's finish with the bodies and camp outside. Perhaps a house would have been better - my house perhaps- but I cannot deal with another enemy right now. Tomorrow. I can take second watch.

Does anyone of you clever men know how long I will feel this weakness?"

2015-05-05, 12:21 AM
Zook pauses to consider whether he has read about such strength-stealing shadows before, and if so, how long do the effects last.

I don't know what check is warranted here. I'm guessing medicine, but I'll just throw a D20 and let the DM decide.

Knowledge Check on Duration/Negation of Effect: [roll0]

2015-05-05, 06:05 AM
Kirsche looks around when alerted but does not see the watcher.

2015-05-05, 07:26 AM

Satisfied over their victory, Varis ventures forth and takes a look inside the building. If there is no immediate threat, he steps inside and sweeps it for hidden threats and items of interest.

Stealth [roll1], perception [roll2], Insight [roll3]

2015-05-05, 08:00 PM
Renae lets out an annoyed sigh. "You really want to clean up the bodies in your weakened state? Surely we can get more done in the morning after some rest. We also need to rest in case we get attacked... again," she states, with an emphasis on again. Truly, this day had exhausted her, with the winds and the fighting. She just wanted to relax. In a ploy to get the fighter to agree with her, she wraps her arm around him and whispers, "I can make sure you rest comfortably."

2015-05-05, 11:30 PM

Darek looks at Renae likes she is from an alien species as he slowly and gently unwraps her arm.

"These corpses will start to stink in a while. Very badly. We were already half way done before the shadows. Let's get this over with, so we can rest."

No problem either way, but we should make a decision.

2015-05-05, 11:48 PM
Renae stares at him as she turns her down. She hated rejection, even if she was only trying to be manipulative. Was there something wrong with her appearance after fighting? She bites her lip, her hand fingers her dagger, the thought of driving a knife into his weakened neck passed her mind more than once. But she resists the urge; there was little point in such vengeance. Besides, the rest of the group could easily kill her in retaliation. But perhaps when they slept? No, pointless, she still needed him.

The half-elf loosens up and shrugs. "Very well, let us clean up the bodies and then rest outside. Don't want to awaken more of those shades by entering any buildings," she replies before going up to the gnome. She desired at least some form of attention at the moment. "I think you've got the right idea with the caravan, Zook."

2015-05-06, 12:01 AM
Zook beams at the half-elf noblewoman.

"You know," he suggests shyly, reasoning that he has nothing to lose except his pride, "I can make sure you rest comfortably."

2015-05-06, 12:04 AM
Caleb inclined his head towards Renae.

"She's not wrong, Darek. From the look of you, you can barely stand. The living take precedence over the dead - take some rest and hopefully your strength will return to you by morning, if not you can finish what I start."

2015-05-06, 01:23 AM
OOC: Hopefully Varis does not encounter any further resistance inside the building.

Stepping outside Varis agrees. Yes, we should stick with the living. The caravan made it this far and we should make sure it doesn't fall under attack during the night. I'm worried about all the dead though, they will attract all manner of predators. I need only a little rest and can work through the night since darkness doesn't bother me much. I've started to pile up the goblins and worgs, and could do with a little help here in the village. We'll burn them as soon as we're done. As for the villagers, let's pick a building to lay them in for the night. It doesn't feel right letting them lie where they fell.

2015-05-07, 07:15 AM
The only shadows found inside the building now are entirely natural. There are several corpses that once belonged to the shadowed undead versions of them that you fought.

After a short rest, a couple of hours spent to move corpses of villagers and monsters, finding a suitable location to rest, and finally resting for the remainder of the night, the group awakens the next morning.

-Watch guard duties go uneventful.
-Short Rest (This cures Darek's Strength loss)
-If you want to take a Long Rest, this will cause the group to remain in Perlexia until nearly noon.

2015-05-07, 07:30 AM
Zook stretches his little arms, and readies himself for a mass cremation. The respite was not nearly long enough for him to fully recharge, but he will get by.

If no extended rest, use Arcane Recovery to retain 1x level 3 spell slot.

2015-05-07, 05:23 PM
Renae wakes up without much problem. Though she enjoyed luxury, she was also used to sleeping in little more than hay. If the gnome wanted to make good of his offer, he would not get much more than the privilege of giving her a massage. The "noblewoman" would have been appreciative, however, after that bout with the invaders and the shadows.

"If we waste too much time they'll start wondering where we went," she announces to the rest of the group. "Though if they sent someone, then they'd find out what happened."

Despite how little she cared for the villagers, she still felt uncomfortable seeing them dead. Any one of them could remind her too much of her dear sister back at home. "Let's get this done quickly nonetheless."

2015-05-07, 07:05 PM
How good Zook was in massaging the noblewoman.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]
0: Ugh
5: Meh
10: Passable
15: Great
20: Best massage ever

2015-05-08, 01:31 AM
Being an elf, Varis simply rises as he ends his trance, fully rested and refreshed.

2015-05-08, 02:05 AM

Darek gets up early on, putting tea over at the kettle. He eats and drinks absent-mindedly, his eyes straying about. This used to be his home. When all the others are up, he goes over, stalk in mouth, and says.

"We must make some decisions. The caravan should probably go back. There is nothing they can do here. I have a mind to see if my house still stands and to get my things in order. With the dead buried, we must make some decisions.

What are we going to do? There is something powerful going on here. Kirche here is wanted. The rest of us... we took sides. I for one would like to pay my...respects to the one responsible here. Plus, I am not sure we are done with whatever dangers this village may hold. There could be more shadows about."

I am a bit at loss actually. I do not know what to suggest. We have no leads to investigate and we can only go back and report. After Darek goes to see if his house still stands!

2015-05-08, 02:32 AM
Renae pats Zook on the shoulder, telling him, "Those little hands do wonders when massaging. Who would have known?" She giggles to herself, not really paying attention to him afterward as she turns her attention to Darek. "Would anyone else be coming through here while we go back to report this? Surely they could send soldiers to deal with the security of the city. Plus we might be able to find out more; one of the goblins told me about something, a Shianna. There'd be more resources back in the city."

The half-elf lets out a soft sigh; she couldn't blame him for wanting to see his house. She couldn't recall if he mentioned any family. It was a strange sense of empathy for her, brought on because she worried so dearly for her sister who lived so close by. "Come on, let's go see your... place."

2015-05-08, 12:11 PM
Upon finding the flat, smoking remains of his house, Darek is assaulted with a scene of death and destruction. Much like the rest of the village, there are no survivors.

I don't know if Darek had any family or friends living with him. If he dead, they are either missing or found dead.

2015-05-08, 02:14 PM

Darek looks at the ruins of his place with a bitter, sad smile. Well, it had been good living while it lasted. He retrieves from his one good chest the remnants of an old, old flag and takes it with extra care. He looks at the melted copper still he used to use to distill his whisky. He turns to the others.

"These last few months were a nice good living. But it is over now. Yes, let's go the city. We looked for tracks and they lead nowhere. Perhaps they higher ups would know.

Although they rarely do."

2015-05-08, 06:01 PM
Renae crosses her arms at the sight; it's not a surprising one, but not particularly pleasant. "We do appear to be completely in the dark," she notes before giving a shrug. "Let's hope we don't run into anymore goblins on the way back."

2015-05-08, 06:38 PM
Caleb woke up and ritually washed himself before going about the task of finishing the preparations for the pyre. He knelt before in contemplative silence, offering silent prayers to Eadro to watch over the souls of the dead.

2015-05-08, 11:57 PM
Barely able to disguise his gleeful enthusiasm, the little gnome starts incinerating the corpses.

By the time he is done, he is pooped, and everyone around him was tired of "that DEFLAGRO thing."

2015-05-09, 03:22 PM
Renae stands by the group, continually casting Prestidigitation to try to dampen the smell of burning corpses. Or perhaps it could at least smell like burning corpses and pretty flowers.

2015-05-09, 03:58 PM
"Then it is done. Let us leave this forsaken place."

Caleb rose to his feet.

"Has anyone else got further business to attend to before we move out?"

2015-05-10, 06:30 PM
Chapter Two

The journey back to Stormhaven goes uneventfully. The weather on the return trip is a lot better than it was on the way out, with only a few clouds in the sky that occasionally block the sun's rays to the ground for a few minutes at a time throughout the day. The caravan finds itself moving through the city's gates only a few hours after dark.

The half asleep guards welcome you back from your journey. One of them notices the supplies that were suppose to have been delivered to Perlexia are still in the wagons, but doesn't say anything about it. He just eyes the supplies wearily, closes the gate behind the caravan, then returns to lazily leaning on the wall on the inner side of the gate.

The familiar sensations of cool, salty, oceanic air on your skin and in your noses, silent screams of the innocent citizens that you don't hear getting killed in your ears, and the darkness of alleys that cover the people that may or may be in them in your eyes return to you.

Several familiar sensations return to you. The cool, salty, oceanic air presses onto your skin. Various smells from the fish markets, blacksmith shops, and general industry fill your noses. The silent screams of innocent citizens that you don't hear getting killed in the dark alleys enter your ears. Several guards that are paid to keep the peace, but could very well be as corrupt as the criminals that they either capture or are paid even more not to.

-There are a few representatives on duty throughout the night at the Stormhaven Embassy (The organization that hired the group to resupply Perlexia several days before)

-There are several inns in Stormhaven to choose from, ranging from lowlife hideout inns to fancy, royal inns and everything in between.

-It is also conceivable, of course, that some PC's may have a house (or know a friend with a place to stay) within Stormhaven.

2015-05-10, 06:50 PM
Renae keeps a smile on her face as she walks through town. People who knew her likely thought she was a pleasant noblewoman, at least the alive ones. The dead know she is a liar with a dagger up her sleeve. And that's what she does; she analyzes everyone they pass, wondering if they're going to try to rob her. A couple times, when times were really boring, she'd go out alone at night and bait muggers to jump out at her. Kept her senses keen, helped her learn where best to stab a man. And nobody would miss them or blame her.

"Let's go see our employers. We ought to tell them what happened," she announces to the rest of group. Ordinarily she felt this would be the last time she saw them. However, this threat loomed too close to home. She needed to find answers.

2015-05-10, 08:14 PM
Zook fondles his empty pockets. He hadn't counted on returning to Stormhaven so early! He was absolutely penniless, without a single copper piece to his name. Maybe he shouldn't have blown everything on those ounces of ink - the little gnome had hoped to find a few spells to transcribe into his spellbook.

He resigns himself to pitching a tent somewhere in the alleys with his donkey and cart, and rely on his weapon of warning to see the night through.

Naturally, when the beautiful noblewoman suggests that they visit their employers, the wizard enthusiastically agrees. Maybe he can get an advance. Or at the least, a place to sleep for the night.

"A capital suggestion milady! They should be made aware of the occurences in Perlaxia!"

2015-05-11, 12:48 AM

Darek remains silent during the trip back, unless there is something that needs to be said. His face is relaxed as ever, the stalk in his mouth, but the cloud of heaviness around his is unmistakeable . When they get to the town, he nods at the guards and he agrees with Renae 's suggestion.

"We should go inform them and at once. They may know better."

After that, he thinks, he will probably be able to find temporary shelter in the barracks. The guard captain is an old acquaintance, ex-military himself.

Using the rank trait from the background here. I figure that it should provide him with some days lodging, until he clears things up. If not, he will find a cheap place to stay.

2015-05-11, 03:00 AM
I would assume that the complete destruction of a village by a large dragon, and a necromancer, would be of interest to anyone with an ounce of self-preservation. A dragon would fly that distance in no time. Varis says bitterly, still brooding over the lack of clues as to who was behind the attack, and why.
Uneasy inside the city walls, the elf nevertheless is glad to return the caravan unharmed.
What are the local authorities here? They should also be informed about the danger at their doorstep. We'll seek audience once we've informed our employer. Finally, we should ask around; maybe there are rumors we haven't heard yet. I know I haven't but that's because I rarely leave the woods.

2015-05-12, 09:57 AM
Kirsche follows Caleb, unsure of where to go
"Do you all do this often?" she asks when they have a moment, after being quiet for the trip

2015-05-12, 11:10 AM

Darek turns to Kirsche, a playful but sad smile in his face.

"Some of it, yes. In another life. But this is the first time I have to report the wholesale slaughter of non-combatants. Lady Luck, I hope it is the last."

2015-05-12, 12:48 PM
Each step into the port town increased the spring in Caleb's step. The smell and sounds of the port town were something all the more familiar to him, and he made a mental note that he had to go tend to the small outdoor shrine to Eadro he had helped build near the docks - and following that he would have to tend to the ministrations of the sailors - bless voyages, marry lonely sailors to their latest beau, and lead memorials for those lost at sea.

At least here he could always have a roof over his head - few captains would deny him a cabin overnight, a cheap bribe for Eadro's favor.

Still, the others were right, they should report the massacre.

"Bury the dead? It is a frequent calling for a priest." Caleb answered "We should start with the embassy. They hired us, and they likely have contacts higher up the chain of command than we'd be able to get hold of."

2015-05-12, 01:39 PM
The woman on duty for the night at the embassy, whom Darek identifies as Sergeant Sharin, stands and approaches to shake Darek's hand as he enters. "Ahh, greetings friend!" She exclaims in a friendly, yet professional manner. "It is still Sergeant Darek, is it not? How did the mission to Perlexia go?"

2015-05-12, 05:02 PM
Renae decides to let the fighter deal with delivering the news. The village was his home, after all, and he was already being addressed by the woman on duty. She leans against the wall and dips her head, pondering about how her sister has been. It would be unlikely but did she know anything about this madness? Had she seen anything strange lately? And most importantly, was she safe?

2015-05-12, 06:02 PM
Zook notices the belle's introspective mood, and shyly sidles next to her.

"So, what's on your mind?"

2015-05-12, 06:42 PM
Renae puts on a false smile for the gnome; she loathed being bothered when she wanted to be alone with her thoughts. Still, appearances are appearances. "I'm trying to figure out what a Shianna is," she tosses out, a lie at the time but it did get her thinking on the subject.

2015-05-12, 07:23 PM
This one, the gnome knows, a fact that makes him grin a little.

"Milady, what do you know about the Drow?"

2015-05-12, 11:28 PM

Darek salutes smartly and then shakes hands with the guard.

"Greetings, Sergeant Sharin. The mission went in such a manner, that it is necessary I report as soon as possible to the higher ups."

He looks her in the eye, having delivered the widely recognized phrase of soldiers all over the world for 'major trouble ahead'.

"Please, allow us in. News cannot wait."

2015-05-13, 12:20 AM
Sensing the urgency of your report, sergeant Sharin retrieves the embassy's commander, Captain Talin, a small but war-torn half-orc.

"This better be worth it." He says, bitter about being awoken from his sleep. "Report, soldier!"

2015-05-13, 01:49 AM
Renae shakes her head, still waiting for the report to be told. "I recall what everyone else could recall; they're the dark elves and they don't tend to like sunlight," she replies. That's all her parents ever told her.

2015-05-13, 02:03 AM
"Well, you told me the goblin mentioned a 'Shianna.' That happens to be the surname of a royal Drow family... I recognize it from a history book I read somewhere. I don't know any more beyond that though."

2015-05-13, 02:47 AM
"I see. If a drow was behind this, then I still don't understand why he or she would want to attack that village. There are easier ways to find someone," she replies, shooting Kirsche a quick glance. "I can only assume that the figure in the distance was the drow."

2015-05-13, 05:52 AM

Mindful of the conversation raging behind him, Darek takes a wary step somewhere outside of earshot and says

"The mission was a disaster, sir. The town... is no more. It was razed to the ground by a large force of goblins, with the probable assistance of a dragon, before we got there. Yes, sir, a dragon. They seemed to be looking for something and we have the suspicion that a Drow Noble house is involved. I am not sure what that means.

The force was routed. The town is now empty. And the sole survivors... are us. Me and Kirsche over there."

2015-05-13, 06:27 AM
Without turning his head, Caleb started to speak to Renae and Zook

"You assume far too much. A power capable of the spell work we witnessed, of the necromancy and binding a dragon to their will ... with that sort of power you do not reveal yourself. You act through catspaws - the figure was likely nothing more than another, smarter, minion."

Caleb sighed heavily. If the Drow were involved, then this would likely take him far away from the sea.

"It appears Darek has the report covered. When we finished here I shall be taking confession in the Sailors Wife tavern down by the docks, should any of you wish to join me. Hopefully a force such as we have seen ... well a force doesn't march on hopes and dreams - they would have had to hit some other towns for supplies. Some say bards are the greatest loremen, but for my money a wench has heard twice as many stories and is all the more eager to share them."

2015-05-13, 09:43 AM
"I see. Sergeant Sharin, double the guard in the city, we could have drow, goblins, or dragons upon us. And send a team of scouts to investigate Perlexia, I want to have our own eyes on what happened." His commands are quick and crisp. His attitude of being upset about losing sleep is completely gone.

Several guards wake and begin executing the orders. Some move outside and begin unloading the caravan just outside.

"As for you soldier, we appreciate your efforts." he says to Darek, "Although the mission was a bust, I'll still give half the appropriate pay as if those villagers were alive, well, and fully supplied."

He tosses a bag of gold at Darek, then moves on to deal with the busy hustle of working troops around him. The bag contains 150 gold pieces which, sure enough, is only half the pay that the job originally offered.

2015-05-13, 06:03 PM
Renae ponders the cleric's words. True, the figure in the distance could have been a mere pawn. She never understood making minions do the important work; she much preferred to do things herself. Unless this attack on the village was a mere trifle in comparison to what was to come.

The fighter tells the story as a complete disaster, resulting in them getting paid half of what they signed up for. This was nothing more than a scam from the captain in her eyes. "With all due respect sir, we did drive off the invading force when we got there. We could have gone back and reported the incident rather than taking the initiative. I believe that entails at least the sum we enlisted for." She says all this while trying to keep her anger on the down low. If rejected, she would have to devise a plan of how to make the half-orc pay his dues.

[roll0] - Persuasion

2015-05-13, 09:23 PM

Focusing on the task of organizing troops, Captain Talin completely ignores Renae, to the point of nearly knocking her over when she gets in his way to confront him. The half-orc has a mindset, and he won't let some non-military half-elven whelp interfere with the task at hand.