View Full Version : DM Help The Rod of WONDER!!!

2015-03-23, 04:35 PM
Hopefully this will be a fun thread. Everyone, post some random effects a rod of wonder could do!
No need to power balance, make it as epic or mundane as you like!
I'll start:

Target instantly loses the ability to speak.
Target and caster swap bodies.
Average temperature of the world drops by 1 degree.
Caster believes they own a pet flying shark. They do not.

2015-03-23, 04:43 PM
Target can only reach half of the distance to his target every second. All his abilities now require touching his target.

2015-03-23, 04:47 PM
Well, this (http://www.angelfire.com/games/thurbanesdomain/items/wands.htm) was designed for 2E, but many of the effects will still be applicable:

1. Wielder changes sex. A successful dispel magic or remove curse will restore original sex.
2. 10d4 gems of 1 gp base value shoot forth in a 30-foot-long stream, each causing 1 point of damage to any creature in path- roll 5d4 for number of hits.
3. A tall, skeletal figure dressed in a black robe, carrying a scythe appears. It points at either the target (1-4 on a d6) or the wielder (5 or 6 on a d6). The one pointed at must save vs. spell (with any wisdom modifiers) or be affected as if by a fear spell for 6 rounds. The figure then disappears in a puff of sulphurous smoke.
4. 1d6 snowballs fly at target and strike it unerringly (as per magic missile). They inflict 1 point of damage each due to extreme velocity, unless the target is exceptionally vulnerable to cold, in which case they cause 1d4 damage each.
5. The wielder and all of his gear are drained of all color, becoming ghostly white in hue. This effect remains until dispel magic or remove curse is cast on him.
6. A small hourglass full of red sand appears hovering in mid-air 10-60 feet (1d6 times 10) from the wand. When the sand runs out in 1d6 rounds, the hourglass explodes into a 6d6 fireball. If struck before the sand runs out, it will explode prematurely, if it fails a save vs. crushing blow as glass (20). Otherwise no outside force can affect it.
7. Beam of randomly coloured energy shoots at the target to a range of 60 feet. The target gains a save vs. wand to avoid the beam altogether, which may then hit an unintended target. The beam has the effect of a prismatic spray spell. Roll 2d4 to determine the color of the beam- 2: red, 3: orange, 4: yellow, 5: green, 6: blue, 7: indigo or 8: violet.
8. A pack of 2d4 snarling chihuahuas appear and attack the target (treat as giant rats). Any feline target must save vs. spell or flee in fear. The dogs vanish after 7 rounds.
9. A stream of water equivalent to a geyser from a decanter of endless water shoots from the tip of the wand for 1d4 rounds.
10. Wand becomes magnetically charged, immediately flying towards the nearest or largest concentration of metal within 30 feet (if any). It then sticks fast for 2d4 rounds, requiring a bend bars roll to remove it.
11. A head-sized ball of onyx with three holes drilled in it shoots at the target. The wielder rolls a to hit roll with a +2 bonus. If it hits, the ball inflicts 3d4 bludgeoning damage. On a roll of 20 the ball inflicts 6d4 damage and the victim is knocked over and stunned for 1d4 rounds (no save). A booming voice then announces "strike!” The ball has a maximum range of 60 feet, and disappears after it hits or misses.
12. A swarm of angry bees fly toward the target and attack. Treat as a summon swarm spell.
13. All of wielders gold turns into lead, and vice versa.
14. All wands, staves & rods within 30 feet discharge a random effect (wand of wonder is not affected).
15. Brightly colored frogs rain down in a 60 foot radius. They are harmless unless ingested, which calls for a save vs. poison to avoid death in 1d6 rounds.
16. Grass grows in area of 160 square feet before the wand, or grass existing there grows to 10 times normal size.
17. Burst of energy from the positive material plane strikes target if within 60’. If the target is undead, from the negative material plane or the like, it takes 2d8+1 damage. Otherwise it is healed of a like amount.
18. A rust monster appears midway between the wielder and the target. It immediately heads for the largest concentration of metal. It persists until slain.
19. Charm monster spell affects target.
20. Wielder produces foul body odor until next bath. Treat as stinking cloud to those within 5 feet.
21. Clap of thunder issues from wand. All within 60 feet must save vs. paralysis or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
22. Darkness 15-foot radius, centred on the wielder for 6 rounds.
23. Diminish wand wielder to 1/12 height.
24. Double sized color spray (10’x40’x40’ wedge) shoots from tip of wand.
25. A buzzing blade of energy springs from the tip of the wand. For the next 6 rounds it is useable as a longsword of sharpness. The wand cannot produce other effects during this time.
26. A cave bear, wearing a vest and a hat, appears. It has average intelligence, and communicates by mime. It dances around, unless attacked, or offered honey (in which case it obeys the honey bearer as if charmed). It vanishes after a turn in any case.
27. A glowing harp appears in mid-air between the wand and the target, and begins playing. Anyone within 60 feet of the harp must save vs. spell or stand there enthralled by the music. The spell is broken by a successful attack, but otherwise the victims will do nothing but listen for the song's duration. The harp will play for 2d4 rounds, and cannot be harmed by anything other than a dispel magic spell.
28. Duplicate of wand wielder appears and attacks him (as a mirror of opposition).
29. Enlarge target if within 60 feet of wand.
30. A 10’ deep pit appears below target (1d6 falling damage, save vs. wand to leap clear).
31. Fireball as wand.
32. Fireworks (as per the pyrotechnics spell) explode in a 20’ radius centred 60’ from the tip of the wand.
33. Flesh to stone (or reverse if target is stone) if target is within 60 feet.
34. Force shapechange on target (if target is in true form, there is no effect).
35. A random monster is summoned: 1. kobold, 2. troll, 3. goblin, 4. ogre magi.
36. Fumble affects target.
37. Ghoul (16 hp) dressed in jester’s motley appears, and begins to caper and prance about. If attacked or hindered in any way it attacks the offender in a berserk rage (+2 to hit and damage rolls). The ghoul is immune to turning attempts.
38. Leaves grow from target if within 60 feet of wand.
39. Glowing gem of random type, but at least 1000 gp value, appears and remains hovering in midair. If anyone touches the gem, it vanishes in a burst of light, and inflicts 2d8 electrical damage.
40. Ground in a 30’ radius around wand is covered in a thin film of slick ice (all in area are affected as if by the sleet version of an ice storm).
41. Gunther's kaleidoscopic strike shoots from the tip of the wand.
42. Gust of wind, double force of spell.
43. Hats of various types (caps, berets, fezzes, top-hats etc.) appear on the heads of all beings within 30 feet of the wand.
44. Heavy rain falls for one round in a 60-foot radius of the wand wielder.
45. A goat materializes and charges at the target. When it hits, treat as a blow from a ring of the ram, using full charges. The goat then disappears.
46. Invisibility covers wand wielder.
47. Target assumes gaseous form.
48. Target is repulsed for 1d6 rounds.
49. Target suffers the effects of a Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter spell.
50. Target surrounded by an amber field of force, the same as that caused by a sepia snake sigil. It only lasts for 1d6 rounds, however.
51. Iron shackles appear on targets wrists and ankles unless he saves vs. wands. These are normal, locked restraints. (Note: although the shackles are of a size appropriate to the target, they will have little effect on beings such as a green slime or wraith).
52. Knock affects all locks, welds and bonds in a 60’ radius of wand.
53. Large mallet appears above target and strikes at his head. It has a THAC0 of 11, and, if it hits, is treated as a Bigby’s clenched fist.
54. A patch of 2d6 shriekers spring up around the wand wielder, and begin screaming.
55. A portrait of the target appears in front of the wand and hangs in mid-air. Any damage done to the painting is inflicted on the target (no save). The portrait vanishes in 1d6 rounds.
56. A rotund female warrior, clad in chain mail and horned helm appears and attacks target. (F2, 11 hp, THAC0 19, damage 1d8 {longsword}, AC 4 {chain & shield}). While she attacks she sings loudly in an operatic voice.
57. Deludes wielder for one round into believing the wand functions as indicated by a second die roll.
58. Lightning bolt (70’x5’) as wand.
59. Miniature storm cloud appears above target and rains on it. It persists for 2d4 rounds, and each round there is a 1 in 6 chance a tiny lightning bolt (1d8 damage) strikes victim.
60. Minor death appears and begins to attack target (in reality it is merely a normal skeleton in a hooded robe wielding a scythe).
61. Oil sprays from the wand in a cone 30 feet long and 20 feet wide at its base. Anyone in this area is affected as if by a grease spell. The oil is highly flammable, and if brought into contact with flame it will ignite. Anyone in the area suffers 2d6 points of damage the first round, and 1d6 the second. If not burned the oil lasts for 9 rounds.
62. One of target's magic items randomly discharges. If the target carries no such items roll gain.
63. One of the following creatures appears and begins to harass all creatures in the area: 1. imp, 2. leprechaun, 3. quasit, 4. pixie.
64. Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40’x30’ area in front of the wand- creatures therein blinded for 1d6 rounds.
65. Simulacrum of target appears and begins to attack it.
66. Slow creature pointed at for one turn.
67. Stinking cloud at 30 foot range.
68. Stream of 600 large butterflies pour forth and flutter around for two rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder).
69. Summon animal: 01-25 rhino, 26-50 elephant, 51-00 mouse.
70. Summon bovine: 1. normal cow, 2. bull, 3. minotaur, 4. gorgon.
71. Wielder’s footwear becomes affixed to the ground with sovereign glue. If wearer is barefoot, he suffers 1d6 damage if he must tear free.
72. Target affected as if by a chime of hunger.
73. Target affected by random emotion, as per the spell emotion, with the precise emotion being determined randomly.
74. Target blinks for 2d4 rounds.
75. Target confused (as per a confusion spell) for 8 rounds.
76. A one eyed, one horned, winged purple beast (similar, except as noted, to a wyvern) appears. It growls menacingly and advances on the target. If the target attacks it shrieks and disappears. Otherwise it exists for 2d6 rounds.
77. A large tapestry or rug (50% chance of either) drops on target, which must spend 1d2 rounds disentangling himself. The covering has a value of 5d10 times 10 gold pieces, but has a 50% chance of being torn and ruined when the target struggles free.
78. A human skull appears in mid-air before the wand and begins to recite poetry. The skull has no attack, and may be turned as a skeleton by a priest. The skull is AC 6 and takes 6 points of damage before being destroyed. Otherwise the skull lasts for 1 turn.
79. The target grows thick, luxuriant fur all over, which lasts until shaved. Naturally hairy creatures instead lose all of their body hair, which eventually grows back as normal.
80. The target is polymorphed unless a save vs. polymorph is made. Roll 1d4 to determine what form he is changed to- 1: a normal chicken, 2: a halfling, 3: an ogre or 4: a chimera. Treat as a polymorph other spell.
81. The wand begins yelling insults at all hostile creatures within a 30-foot radius. They must save vs. spell or be affected by a taunt spell.
82. The wand buzzes and sends a tingling sensation into the wielders hand for 1 round.
83. The wand produces an effect identical to a wand of misplaced objects.
84. The wielder is affected by a reverse gravity effect for 1d3 rounds (no save).
85. Wielder suffers the effects of an Otto's irresistible dance spell for 2d4 rounds (no save).
86. The wielder suddenly grows to one and a half times normal height, and his muscles swell and bulge to inhuman proportions. This is an illusion, and the wielder actually suffers the effects of a ray of enfeeblement. This lasts for 2d6 rounds.
87. The wielder suffers the effect of a forget spell, no save.
88. Vanish any non living object of up to 1,000 pounds mass and up to 30 cubic feet in size (object is ethereal).
89. Wand animates and attacks wielder for 1d4 rounds (THAC0 11, damage 1d3).
90. Wand emits a brilliant flash, causing all within 60 feet (including the wielder) to save vs. paralysis or be blinded for 2d4 rounds.
91. Wand exudes sovereign glue from itself, thus sticking to the wielders hand.
92. Wand jolts wielder for 1d8+6 points of damage, unless he is wearing insulating handwear.
93. Wand shoots forth a cone of cold (as a wand of frost).
94. Wand transforms into a small snake and bites wielder for 1 point of damage. There is a 20% chance the snake is of a random poisonous variety. The wand reverts to normal at the end of the round.
95. Wielder dimension doors 3d6 times 10 feet in a random direction. The wielder will not appear in a solid object, but may appear in mid air.
96. Wielder is hasted for 6 rounds, and ages 1 year.
97. Wielder is outlined in faerie fire until dispelled.
98. Wielder is struck mute for 1d4 turns. This prevents any spellcasting or use of magic items requiring command words.
99. An ogre dressed in a tuxedo appears, and will serve the wielder for one turn. (It will not fight however, and only perform normal butler duties). It is called Jeeves, and speaks in a nasal voice.
100. Target suffers imprisonment.

2015-03-23, 04:50 PM
Target gains rod of wonder powers
The next three people the target touches will be subject to a random effect from the rod of wonders table

Target Changes Gender

Target starts to crave a very specific type of food that they have eaten before and the craving will only increase in time until the target acquires said meal. Upon eating the meal the subject heals as if one full day of rest has happened (this does not allow the subject to prepare spells or refresh any supernatural abilities)

Target can talk only in rhymes for an hour

2015-03-23, 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Thurbane
Well, this was designed for 2E, but many of the effects will still be applicable….

There are some absolute gems in here. Ogre Jeeves is by far my favorite.


2015-03-23, 08:02 PM
Worth a perusal:

Greater Rod of Wonder (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20060807a).

Mr. Bitter
2015-03-23, 10:14 PM
Target no longer derives sustenance from anything except partially decomposed plant matter such as fallen leaves and loam.
An elaborate, crenellated 30-foot tower of stained glass rises underneath your target. Though visually impressive, a single blow will cause the entire tower to shatter.
A giant (huge-sized) tick appears and attacks first your foe, then anything else with blood. It is not entirely stable on the prime material plane. It loses 1 hp per round until it is dead. If your foe doesn't have blood, the giant tick comes after you.

2015-03-24, 10:08 AM
Well, this (http://www.angelfire.com/games/thurbanesdomain/items/wands.htm) was designed for 2E, but many of the effects will still be applicable:

1. Wielder changes sex. A successful dispel magic or remove curse will restore original sex.
2. 10d4 gems of 1 gp base value shoot forth in a 30-foot-long stream, each causing 1 point of damage to any creature in path- roll 5d4 for number of hits.
3. A tall, skeletal figure dressed in a black robe, carrying a scythe appears. It points at either the target (1-4 on a d6) or the wielder (5 or 6 on a d6). The one pointed at must save vs. spell (with any wisdom modifiers) or be affected as if by a fear spell for 6 rounds. The figure then disappears in a puff of sulphurous smoke.
4. 1d6 snowballs fly at target and strike it unerringly (as per magic missile). They inflict 1 point of damage each due to extreme velocity, unless the target is exceptionally vulnerable to cold, in which case they cause 1d4 damage each.
5. The wielder and all of his gear are drained of all color, becoming ghostly white in hue. This effect remains until dispel magic or remove curse is cast on him.
6. A small hourglass full of red sand appears hovering in mid-air 10-60 feet (1d6 times 10) from the wand. When the sand runs out in 1d6 rounds, the hourglass explodes into a 6d6 fireball. If struck before the sand runs out, it will explode prematurely, if it fails a save vs. crushing blow as glass (20). Otherwise no outside force can affect it.
7. Beam of randomly coloured energy shoots at the target to a range of 60 feet. The target gains a save vs. wand to avoid the beam altogether, which may then hit an unintended target. The beam has the effect of a prismatic spray spell. Roll 2d4 to determine the color of the beam- 2: red, 3: orange, 4: yellow, 5: green, 6: blue, 7: indigo or 8: violet.
8. A pack of 2d4 snarling chihuahuas appear and attack the target (treat as giant rats). Any feline target must save vs. spell or flee in fear. The dogs vanish after 7 rounds.
9. A stream of water equivalent to a geyser from a decanter of endless water shoots from the tip of the wand for 1d4 rounds.
10. Wand becomes magnetically charged, immediately flying towards the nearest or largest concentration of metal within 30 feet (if any). It then sticks fast for 2d4 rounds, requiring a bend bars roll to remove it.
11. A head-sized ball of onyx with three holes drilled in it shoots at the target. The wielder rolls a to hit roll with a +2 bonus. If it hits, the ball inflicts 3d4 bludgeoning damage. On a roll of 20 the ball inflicts 6d4 damage and the victim is knocked over and stunned for 1d4 rounds (no save). A booming voice then announces "strike!” The ball has a maximum range of 60 feet, and disappears after it hits or misses.
12. A swarm of angry bees fly toward the target and attack. Treat as a summon swarm spell.
13. All of wielders gold turns into lead, and vice versa.
14. All wands, staves & rods within 30 feet discharge a random effect (wand of wonder is not affected).
15. Brightly colored frogs rain down in a 60 foot radius. They are harmless unless ingested, which calls for a save vs. poison to avoid death in 1d6 rounds.
16. Grass grows in area of 160 square feet before the wand, or grass existing there grows to 10 times normal size.
17. Burst of energy from the positive material plane strikes target if within 60’. If the target is undead, from the negative material plane or the like, it takes 2d8+1 damage. Otherwise it is healed of a like amount.
18. A rust monster appears midway between the wielder and the target. It immediately heads for the largest concentration of metal. It persists until slain.
19. Charm monster spell affects target.
20. Wielder produces foul body odor until next bath. Treat as stinking cloud to those within 5 feet.
21. Clap of thunder issues from wand. All within 60 feet must save vs. paralysis or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
22. Darkness 15-foot radius, centred on the wielder for 6 rounds.
23. Diminish wand wielder to 1/12 height.
24. Double sized color spray (10’x40’x40’ wedge) shoots from tip of wand.
25. A buzzing blade of energy springs from the tip of the wand. For the next 6 rounds it is useable as a longsword of sharpness. The wand cannot produce other effects during this time.
26. A cave bear, wearing a vest and a hat, appears. It has average intelligence, and communicates by mime. It dances around, unless attacked, or offered honey (in which case it obeys the honey bearer as if charmed). It vanishes after a turn in any case.
27. A glowing harp appears in mid-air between the wand and the target, and begins playing. Anyone within 60 feet of the harp must save vs. spell or stand there enthralled by the music. The spell is broken by a successful attack, but otherwise the victims will do nothing but listen for the song's duration. The harp will play for 2d4 rounds, and cannot be harmed by anything other than a dispel magic spell.
28. Duplicate of wand wielder appears and attacks him (as a mirror of opposition).
29. Enlarge target if within 60 feet of wand.
30. A 10’ deep pit appears below target (1d6 falling damage, save vs. wand to leap clear).
31. Fireball as wand.
32. Fireworks (as per the pyrotechnics spell) explode in a 20’ radius centred 60’ from the tip of the wand.
33. Flesh to stone (or reverse if target is stone) if target is within 60 feet.
34. Force shapechange on target (if target is in true form, there is no effect).
35. A random monster is summoned: 1. kobold, 2. troll, 3. goblin, 4. ogre magi.
36. Fumble affects target.
37. Ghoul (16 hp) dressed in jester’s motley appears, and begins to caper and prance about. If attacked or hindered in any way it attacks the offender in a berserk rage (+2 to hit and damage rolls). The ghoul is immune to turning attempts.
38. Leaves grow from target if within 60 feet of wand.
39. Glowing gem of random type, but at least 1000 gp value, appears and remains hovering in midair. If anyone touches the gem, it vanishes in a burst of light, and inflicts 2d8 electrical damage.
40. Ground in a 30’ radius around wand is covered in a thin film of slick ice (all in area are affected as if by the sleet version of an ice storm).
41. Gunther's kaleidoscopic strike shoots from the tip of the wand.
42. Gust of wind, double force of spell.
43. Hats of various types (caps, berets, fezzes, top-hats etc.) appear on the heads of all beings within 30 feet of the wand.
44. Heavy rain falls for one round in a 60-foot radius of the wand wielder.
45. A goat materializes and charges at the target. When it hits, treat as a blow from a ring of the ram, using full charges. The goat then disappears.
46. Invisibility covers wand wielder.
47. Target assumes gaseous form.
48. Target is repulsed for 1d6 rounds.
49. Target suffers the effects of a Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter spell.
50. Target surrounded by an amber field of force, the same as that caused by a sepia snake sigil. It only lasts for 1d6 rounds, however.
51. Iron shackles appear on targets wrists and ankles unless he saves vs. wands. These are normal, locked restraints. (Note: although the shackles are of a size appropriate to the target, they will have little effect on beings such as a green slime or wraith).
52. Knock affects all locks, welds and bonds in a 60’ radius of wand.
53. Large mallet appears above target and strikes at his head. It has a THAC0 of 11, and, if it hits, is treated as a Bigby’s clenched fist.
54. A patch of 2d6 shriekers spring up around the wand wielder, and begin screaming.
55. A portrait of the target appears in front of the wand and hangs in mid-air. Any damage done to the painting is inflicted on the target (no save). The portrait vanishes in 1d6 rounds.
56. A rotund female warrior, clad in chain mail and horned helm appears and attacks target. (F2, 11 hp, THAC0 19, damage 1d8 {longsword}, AC 4 {chain & shield}). While she attacks she sings loudly in an operatic voice.
57. Deludes wielder for one round into believing the wand functions as indicated by a second die roll.
58. Lightning bolt (70’x5’) as wand.
59. Miniature storm cloud appears above target and rains on it. It persists for 2d4 rounds, and each round there is a 1 in 6 chance a tiny lightning bolt (1d8 damage) strikes victim.
60. Minor death appears and begins to attack target (in reality it is merely a normal skeleton in a hooded robe wielding a scythe).
61. Oil sprays from the wand in a cone 30 feet long and 20 feet wide at its base. Anyone in this area is affected as if by a grease spell. The oil is highly flammable, and if brought into contact with flame it will ignite. Anyone in the area suffers 2d6 points of damage the first round, and 1d6 the second. If not burned the oil lasts for 9 rounds.
62. One of target's magic items randomly discharges. If the target carries no such items roll gain.
63. One of the following creatures appears and begins to harass all creatures in the area: 1. imp, 2. leprechaun, 3. quasit, 4. pixie.
64. Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40’x30’ area in front of the wand- creatures therein blinded for 1d6 rounds.
65. Simulacrum of target appears and begins to attack it.
66. Slow creature pointed at for one turn.
67. Stinking cloud at 30 foot range.
68. Stream of 600 large butterflies pour forth and flutter around for two rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder).
69. Summon animal: 01-25 rhino, 26-50 elephant, 51-00 mouse.
70. Summon bovine: 1. normal cow, 2. bull, 3. minotaur, 4. gorgon.
71. Wielder’s footwear becomes affixed to the ground with sovereign glue. If wearer is barefoot, he suffers 1d6 damage if he must tear free.
72. Target affected as if by a chime of hunger.
73. Target affected by random emotion, as per the spell emotion, with the precise emotion being determined randomly.
74. Target blinks for 2d4 rounds.
75. Target confused (as per a confusion spell) for 8 rounds.
76. A one eyed, one horned, winged purple beast (similar, except as noted, to a wyvern) appears. It growls menacingly and advances on the target. If the target attacks it shrieks and disappears. Otherwise it exists for 2d6 rounds.
77. A large tapestry or rug (50% chance of either) drops on target, which must spend 1d2 rounds disentangling himself. The covering has a value of 5d10 times 10 gold pieces, but has a 50% chance of being torn and ruined when the target struggles free.
78. A human skull appears in mid-air before the wand and begins to recite poetry. The skull has no attack, and may be turned as a skeleton by a priest. The skull is AC 6 and takes 6 points of damage before being destroyed. Otherwise the skull lasts for 1 turn.
79. The target grows thick, luxuriant fur all over, which lasts until shaved. Naturally hairy creatures instead lose all of their body hair, which eventually grows back as normal.
80. The target is polymorphed unless a save vs. polymorph is made. Roll 1d4 to determine what form he is changed to- 1: a normal chicken, 2: a halfling, 3: an ogre or 4: a chimera. Treat as a polymorph other spell.
81. The wand begins yelling insults at all hostile creatures within a 30-foot radius. They must save vs. spell or be affected by a taunt spell.
82. The wand buzzes and sends a tingling sensation into the wielders hand for 1 round.
83. The wand produces an effect identical to a wand of misplaced objects.
84. The wielder is affected by a reverse gravity effect for 1d3 rounds (no save).
85. Wielder suffers the effects of an Otto's irresistible dance spell for 2d4 rounds (no save).
86. The wielder suddenly grows to one and a half times normal height, and his muscles swell and bulge to inhuman proportions. This is an illusion, and the wielder actually suffers the effects of a ray of enfeeblement. This lasts for 2d6 rounds.
87. The wielder suffers the effect of a forget spell, no save.
88. Vanish any non living object of up to 1,000 pounds mass and up to 30 cubic feet in size (object is ethereal).
89. Wand animates and attacks wielder for 1d4 rounds (THAC0 11, damage 1d3).
90. Wand emits a brilliant flash, causing all within 60 feet (including the wielder) to save vs. paralysis or be blinded for 2d4 rounds.
91. Wand exudes sovereign glue from itself, thus sticking to the wielders hand.
92. Wand jolts wielder for 1d8+6 points of damage, unless he is wearing insulating handwear.
93. Wand shoots forth a cone of cold (as a wand of frost).
94. Wand transforms into a small snake and bites wielder for 1 point of damage. There is a 20% chance the snake is of a random poisonous variety. The wand reverts to normal at the end of the round.
95. Wielder dimension doors 3d6 times 10 feet in a random direction. The wielder will not appear in a solid object, but may appear in mid air.
96. Wielder is hasted for 6 rounds, and ages 1 year.
97. Wielder is outlined in faerie fire until dispelled.
98. Wielder is struck mute for 1d4 turns. This prevents any spellcasting or use of magic items requiring command words.
99. An ogre dressed in a tuxedo appears, and will serve the wielder for one turn. (It will not fight however, and only perform normal butler duties). It is called Jeeves, and speaks in a nasal voice.
100. Target suffers imprisonment.

These are hilarious.

2015-03-28, 06:02 PM
Thanks guys! These are all awesome. And thanks for the links!

Grand Poobah
2015-03-29, 07:02 AM
Weilder's body hair becomes immune to any and all forms of damage. Body hair grows a foot per day.

2015-03-29, 08:59 AM
I use this for wild magic effects.


Toilet Cobra
2015-03-29, 11:03 AM
Ooh, fun! Let's see...

*Target becomes highly magnetized for 1 hour. Any iron or steel item within 10' of him and weighing less than 1/10th of his weight will fly towards him, dealing 1d6 damage on impact. Anyone holding an iron or steel weapon in this radius must make a strength check to prevent it from flying out of their hand and striking the target (normal weapon damage).

*The target gains the properties of a random creature type for 1 day, including vulnerabilities. Non-mindless creatures of that type find the target to be either horribly repulsive or totally infatuating, at DM's discretion.

*Target's clothing or armor becomes an animated object (size equal to the target) that acts immediately and automatically grapples the target on its first turn. The animated garments do not do damage to the wearer but attempts to continue grappling them for 1d10 rounds, proceeding to pin them if successful. The clothes do not accept orders from you, but continue trying to grapple and pin the opponent each round. Targets wearing particularly little clothing may be unaffected by its attempts at grappling (DM discretion).

*Choose an item at random in the target's inventory (this includes items worn and held). The target makes a DC 18 Will save; failure means the chosen item crumbles into a pile of golden dust with gp value equal to the market price of the item.

*If the target has eaten within the last hour, they are struck by a wave of nausea and gain the sickened condition for 1 hour. If they have not eaten within the last hour, they instead are considered starving- they immediately take 3d6 nonlethal damage and are fatigued until they eat at least one full meal.

*The target is engulfed in a flash of smoke, and must make a dc 18 Fort save. If they fail, the smoke clears to reveal they now have the lower body of a quadruped in the manner of a centaur. This body does not necessarily have to be a horse's body. If they were already a centaur, they instead become a normal humanoid. Either way, they are disoriented and their speed is reduced to 10 ft until they have time to get used to their new legs out of combat.

I may keep going after lunch. Love this sort of thread.