View Full Version : 3rd Ed Spelljammer Style Space Fantasy Races in Trailblazer

2015-03-23, 10:35 PM
So, after running a 5E adventure, my players want to go back to 3rd for a bit, so I am looking to run a game for them at some point. I had the idea of a multi-Planar adventure, assuming a cosmology where there are simply 9,001+ Material Planes alongside the rest, where the players would be members of a Gith-run Planar Trade Company (The Company, for short). They would be sent on missions by the company but allowed to pursue their own agendas (a very accommodating employment plan) so long as they do not conflict with company policy.

Now, considering there are tons of Material Planes floating around the Astral Plane/Sea, what would be fun/unusual races I can include as PC races? I don't want to just go with the standard, afterall. Between my entire group we can get ahold of any if not most splatbooks, so that's not an impediment.

We will be running standard 3.5 with the Trailblazer Rules overlaid. I don't know if that will matter, but there you go.

2015-03-24, 10:07 AM
D20 future has interesting alien races.