View Full Version : Player Help Tome of magic - Dark Lantern

2015-03-24, 01:04 AM
Its on page 156 I was curious about its phrasing in what it can affect.

Effect: A dark lantern sheds a mystic light that creates
shadowy illumination, modifying the brightness of ambient
light as well as spells of equal or lower level with the light or
darkness descriptor.

SO the way its worded any spells with the light or darkness descriptor would be modified to shadowy illumination. IF the spell used is lower level then the lantern... but it only gives the lanterns caster level of 9th on the item. does that mean we go by that or we have to dig for the spell that made it to find out its a 1st level spell? Just curious on that.

2015-03-24, 01:35 AM
Well, it's crafted using Dusk and Dawn, a 1st-level mystery. So you'd probably use that. But it's not very clear.

2015-03-24, 01:40 AM
I know its not. I might have ways of making it work better. o-o Like heighten spell if it means the spell slot used to cast it. If I made it LV6-9 whatever the highest level dark/light spell is. I could make it keep the shadowy illumination no matter what. pretty powerful when combined with the COLLAR OF UMBRAL METAMORPHOSIS that lets you hide in plain sight in anything but daylight natural or spell.

But that also would mean it would go from 2k to between 12k-18k in cost to buy it.

2015-03-24, 09:53 AM
I know its not. I might have ways of making it work better. o-o Like heighten spell if it means the spell slot used to cast it. If I made it LV6-9 whatever the highest level dark/light spell is. I could make it keep the shadowy illumination no matter what. pretty powerful when combined with the COLLAR OF UMBRAL METAMORPHOSIS that lets you hide in plain sight in anything but daylight natural or spell.

But that also would mean it would go from 2k to between 12k-18k in cost to buy it.

So, basically not worth it.

2015-03-24, 09:31 PM
How is spending 12k not worth being able to hide in plain sight in the middle of a crowded room? also helps races with sunlight blindness all in one item. freeing up the slot for goggles.

EDIT: actually 6k for most games. as the only spell that can counter it is level 8. If you want complete immunity or just don't want a heightened spell to counter it. heighten it higher later. I mean its only 2k each level of spell to make it stronger. its not that bad if you are high level.

EDIT2:okay I misspoke the lantern starts immune to natural daylight. The spell only if you up the price to 6k or more if dealing with a **** DM that heightens daylight spells a few levels. so raising it to 6th(12k) or 7th(14k) would make it reasonably powerful to have for sneaking and helping minions that are weakned by sunlight.

Edit3: it may or maynot deny many affects from light based spells to daze, blind, and other things as it seems to say within those 60ft it forces the light to shadowy illumination. not sure if that stops Fairy fire, flare, sunburst, sunbeam and the like. because then its light fails to do anything at all.

Effect: A dark lantern sheds a mystic light that creates
shadowy illumination, modifying the brightness of ambient
light as well as spells of equal or lower level with the light or
darkness descriptor.

PS I know its function is up to the DM with how it works. but I thought I would point this out.