View Full Version : Optimization Picking items

2015-03-24, 01:18 PM
So our L7 party killed the dragon and discovered the hoard, and the DM said "This dragon has been gathering loot for 300 years. If you want a non-rare item, there's a good chance you can find it. But the higher level an item it is, the more likely it is to be cursed. Send me an email with what you want to look for." He mentioned a few things that were available, and the list included a L22 robe.

Our DM is not a jerk; I expect one curse would be more "interesting" than "debilitating". On the other hand, I suspect that if I'm greedy and grab half a dozen high level items, then I'll get four or five curses to go along with them. On the other other hand, if I stick to L6-11 stuff, I can round out my capabilities with little chance of getting cursed, but I'll be missing some opportunities.

What would you pick?

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Aedhan, level 7
Pixie, Wizard (Mage)
School: Pyromancy School
School: Illusion School
Expert Mage Option: Illusion School Expert
Eldritch Harlequin (Eldritch Harlequin Benefit)
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden

STR 13, CON 18, DEX 16, INT 22, WIS 16, CHA 21

AC: 21 Fort: 18 Ref: 20 Will: 21
HP: 52 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 13

Arcana +14, Bluff +16, History +14, Nature +15

Sarifal Feywarden Utility: Sarifal's Blessing
Pixie Utility: Pixie Dust
Pixie Utility: Shrink
Wizard Utility: Ghost Sound
Wizard Utility: Prestidigitation
Wizard Utility: Light
Wizard Attack 1: Flaming Sphere
Wizard Attack 1: Horrid Whispers
Wizard Attack 1: Burning Hands
Wizard Attack 1: Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation
Wizard Attack 1: Winged Horde
Wizard Attack 1: Thunderwave
Wizard Attack 1: Magic Missile
Wizard Utility 2: Moonstride
History Utility 2: Root Understanding
Wizard Attack 3: Color Spray
Wizard Attack 3: Fire Shroud
Wizard Attack 5: Visions of Avarice
Wizard Attack 5: Summon Magma Beast
Pixie Utility 6: Pixie Invisibility
Bluff Utility 6: Fast Talk
Wizard Attack 7: Phantom Foes
Wizard Attack 7: Corrosive Mist

Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Level 2: Staff Expertise
Level 4: Enlarge Spell
Level 6: Destructive Wizardry

Accurate staff of Ruin +2
Siberys Shard of the Mage (heroic tier)

Cape of the Mountebank +1
Summoned Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +2
Viper Belt

====== End ======

My initial wishlist includes:
Skull Bracers (heroic tier)
Burning Gauntlets (paragon tier)
Circlet of Mental Onslaught
Belt of the Witch King
Battle Harness Armor +3
Circlet of Arkhosia (paragon tier) or Crest of Vigilance Eternal
Rhythm Blade Dagger +3
Torc of Power Preservation +3

2015-03-26, 09:08 AM
For the sake of game balance in the future (and also to keep your curse chances low) I would stick to stuff of 7-11 item level. Your DM is giving you a pretty cool opportunity here, and I just think that him having to change his math for combat constantly because one person walked away with a Level 17 item that wasn't cursed isn't cool.

Now, a lot of these items (Like Torc of Power Preservation), only get great in Epic Tier, but even the chance to get an epic or paragon cursed object, bluff it into a shop for a high amount of gold, and then have wayyyyy too much gold per level also throws off your DM's math.

2015-03-27, 01:31 PM
For the sake of game balance in the future (and also to keep your curse chances low) I would stick to stuff of 7-11 item level. Your DM is giving you a pretty cool opportunity here, and I just think that him having to change his math for combat constantly because one person walked away with a Level 17 item that wasn't cursed isn't cool.

Now, a lot of these items (Like Torc of Power Preservation), only get great in Epic Tier, but even the chance to get an epic or paragon cursed object, bluff it into a shop for a high amount of gold, and then have wayyyyy too much gold per level also throws off your DM's math.

He's come up with a specific list rather than "whatever you want", and most of it is in the 7-12 range. One guy is taking Translocation Armor, which I think is L17, and he knows its curse: when you use the power, roll a Save; fail and you're teleported to another plane until you make a Save. And there's a Circlet of Portals, but that one pretty clearly has "You Will Need This" all over it.

As for gold, well, most of us aren't really gold-oriented. We've also been in wilderness for pretty much the whole campaign (leaving aside one quick sneak-in-and-grab-a-McGuffin trip into a Humans-Only city, which devolved into hundreds of Lolth-cult soldiers pouring after us--not exactly the ideal opportunity for a leisurely shopping excursion), so while yes, we have 30,000gp already and have carrying capacity for at least 75,000gp more, we don't have anywhere to spend it.