View Full Version : DM Help Need Help Finding a Spell

2015-03-24, 03:11 PM
Cutting straight to it:

A couple of PC blew up(literally) a warforged spy handler, and I need a spell that the spy agency would have/could have placed on the handler to 'mark' the PC's as the perps.

I know it sounds weird, but it is what it is. He was out doing routine 'pick ups' from his contacts, but his bosses were simultaneously using him as bait to draw out the PCs without him knowing.

Any thoughts?

2015-03-24, 03:17 PM
The only thing I can really think of are some Prying Eyes (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Prying_Eyes), that witness the event thus giving the boss visual confirmation of who blew up the Spy.

2015-03-24, 03:32 PM
Did they loot the Warforged? Taking any of his components? An arm, or a head, or something?

You could argue that they could Scry the Warforged, and that it would track his arm/head/whatever.

2015-03-24, 03:41 PM
Maybe some Magic Ja (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicJar.htm)r shenanigans? But then again - also, do Warforged have souls? etc etc.

Here's an idea that may require some DM okay. The PF item Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/last-leaves-of-the-autumn-dryad) provides an 8 hour scrying spell.

The only problem is that the leaves take the statistics of an Ant Swarm (Meaning they take up a 10X10 space). Maybe if the blanket of Leaves were kept in a backpack the Warforged was using or something, it would be possible.

The leaves, however, are sort of like taking a long way around a lake instead of using a bridge to cross it - unfortunately.

Failing all these, there's the good ole Arcane Eye (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/arcaneEye.htm). But the casting time 1 one minute per level - but being a fourth level spell, you could have a wizard spam casting Extended arcane eye for close to 20-30 minutes per cast at mid level ranges.

2015-03-24, 04:29 PM
Hmm. Maybe glyph of warding + dragoneye rune (Dragon Magic). Or maybe Craft Contingent Spell.

Dragoneye rune works somewhat like arcane mark, so you could make it invisible, but it would show up with detect magic. If you want to paint multiple targets... probably add Chain Spell? Creatures marked by the dragoneye rune are treated as "familiar" for any scrying/divination purposes, and the caster can get a direction/distance reading 3/day.

Or maybe greater glyph of warding + mark of justice. Curse = 1/day the caster knows your direction/distance.

2015-03-24, 07:01 PM
Not bad suggestions, I've been looking into them as ya'll have been posting.

The Glyph of Warding + Dragoneye Rune would require them to touch the rune would it not?

2015-03-25, 06:46 AM
The Glyph of Warding + Dragoneye Rune would require them to touch the rune would it not?

Probably. I was assuming that killing the warforged would involve touching him at some point, but there are such things known as ranged attacks. Maybe add Reach Spell + Chain Spell? But I think that gets it up above even greater glyph of warding without Arcane Thesis shenanigans.

2015-03-25, 07:19 AM
Can you describe how the PCs blew up the Warforged?

2015-03-25, 07:54 AM
Craft contingency spell.
Applicate a contingency on the warforged, when he die, he set a...oh god. I'm italian i don't know the english name of the spell, but is the one that alter the scrying attempt with a set image. For example, the moment of her death, with the killer being...i don't know, highlighted. So when he die, the mage can scry him and see his killer. You have the istantaneous of his dead. Then is just divination spell to know who (or what) he his.

2015-03-25, 08:01 AM
If this is just a matter of the agency determining who killed their agent they could simply cast Speak With Dead on the warforged. Or Divination. Or use the psionic clairsentience power Object Reading on the residue of the explosive.

Hiro Quester
2015-03-25, 10:01 AM
Craft contingency spell.
Applicate a contingency on the warforged, when he die, he set a...oh god. I'm italian i don't know the english name of the spell, but is the one that alter the scrying attempt with a set image. For example, the moment of her death, with the killer being...i don't know, highlighted. So when he die, the mage can scry him and see his killer. You have the istantaneous of his dead. Then is just divination spell to know who (or what) he his.

That's good. You are thinking of False vision (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/falseVision.htm).

Contingent spell to set off an extended False vision. When the spell goes of at the moment of the construct's death, it takes an image of the scene around it when the spell goes off, and makes that the image that someone scrying the target (the construct) would see.

The false image lasts twice caster level hours. So the caster (as long as they are over 12th level) can scry the construct every day at the same time. The first time scried after his death it would show the caster who killed him.

2015-03-25, 11:21 AM
I'm not sure I understand the False Image tactic. Does the spell allow you to set the "image", for scrying purposes, to what is happening when the spell is triggered?

For those that asked how they killed the warforged, they detonated a 'anti-construct personnel' bomb, but one of them was in close range when they did so.

Speak with Dead won't work because the spy handler didn't/doesn't have any idea who the PC's are, and could probably only provide a rudimentary physical description of one of them. His bosses, however, would probably recognize a picture of one or both of them...

2015-03-25, 11:34 AM
Cutting straight to it:

A couple of PC blew up(literally) a warforged spy handler, and I need a spell that the spy agency would have/could have placed on the handler to 'mark' the PC's as the perps.

Any thoughts?

You could make it so that the floor (or something on the floor like a rug, etc.) was secretly (hidden with 'Magic Aura', a level 1 spell) an item of 'Arcane Mark' (cantrip), that your spy handler could activate when he was dealing with people. It could be created with a very high caster level so that it would be unlikely to fail, and the mark could be set to invisible so that the PCs would be unlikely to see it.

Or, the spy handler could have been in mental contact with someone via a spell.

Or, perhaps he was in command of a Persistent Image spell, and he formed their likenesses in a secret room...

Hiro Quester
2015-03-25, 12:48 PM
I'm not sure I understand the False Image tactic. Does the spell allow you to set the "image", for scrying purposes, to what is happening when the spell is triggered?

For those that asked how they killed the warforged, they detonated a 'anti-construct personnel' bomb, but one of them was in close range when they did so.

Speak with Dead won't work because the spy handler didn't/doesn't have any idea who the PC's are, and could probably only provide a rudimentary physical description of one of them. His bosses, however, would probably recognize a picture of one or both of them...

Any divination (scrying) spell used to view anything withinthe area of this spell instead receives a false image (as the major image spell), as defined by you at the time of casting.

So at the time of casting you set the false image to be "an image of whatever is happening in close range when the spell is activated".