View Full Version : Player Help PF + 3.5 Character Gear

2015-03-24, 07:22 PM
Hey guys, I got the chance to play in a really super duper high power game recently, and I am having some trouble choosing gear for my character.

The game is any Pathfinder + any 3rd edition and-up material, and my guy is an 8th level gestalt half-elf summoner/slayer. I'm looking for stuff to help improve my slayer abilities, specifically sneak attack and such.

Tactics wise, I'm planning on using Greater Invisibility on my Summoner with a Rod of Extend and letting the biped Eidolon do most of the upfront tanking/dps while I hang back and cast buffs/debuffs like Haste, Black Tentacles and the like and then lay into flanked enemies with twf and sneak attacks.

I've got 33,000 gp to spend, thinking about the aforementioned Rod of Extend, as well as Bracers of Murder from Drow of the Underdark (pg. 98) but after that what should I buy? Some snazzy magic weapons? Defensive items?

Any gear or build suggestions are welcome, I have yet to play the character in game so everything can be reshuffled if need be.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated, well, except for suggestions to change my race or classes, I'm really digging those!


2015-03-25, 01:51 AM
I don't know how item costs work in PF, but with a 33k budget, I don't think you'll be able to afford any/enough proper defensive items, just soft defenses like anklets of translocation (MIC). In light of that, I recommend upping your kill potential. It sounds like your spell selection is already well-determined, so the best way to leverage it is with action and initiative advantage. Things like often acting in the surprise round (spot/init/stealth, etc), invisibility, the ability to cast multiple spells per round, and divinations are probably your best bet. In terms of affordable soft defenses, finding a way to fool true seeing, block mundane ranged attacks, re-roll saves (assuming you already have decent ones), and moving at least 5' faster than 30' seem likely to fit within your WBL.

If you know what types of encounters you will most often be facing (melee/ranged bruisers, casters, environments, puzzles), then optimizing for that seems best, with a few scrolls for the other situations (fly, resist energy, safety, wind wall, divine insight, 2x plane shift, etc).

Edit: Does anyone have the link to the necessary magic items thread?

There's also Bunko's Bargain Basement and Shax's Haversack if you want big lists of handy things.

2015-03-25, 03:57 AM
My suggestions is to have a browse at the back of the Spell Compendium, all items are listed by price and by slot so you can read through and then find the ones that have interesting names.

My suggestion is to look for items that may add Evolutions from Pathfinder (so your Eidolon is even more awesome) and maybe even pick up something that works from "Wraith Strike" from the Spell Compendium so that when you do break your invisibility your sneak attack works as a touch attack and have a lower chance of missing.

2015-03-25, 07:24 AM
Necessary magic items. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items)

2015-03-25, 08:45 AM
If you have a decent Wis score, Shapesand. at least one bottle. More is better.

2015-03-25, 09:37 AM
It sounds like your spell selection is already well-determined, so the best way to leverage it is with action and initiative advantage. Things like often acting in the surprise round (spot/init/stealth, etc), invisibility, the ability to cast multiple spells per round, and divinations are probably your best bet.

Yeah, spell-wise I concentrated on things like displacement, greater invisibility, dispel magic, protection from arrows, and others that help me stay hidden or disguised. I'm hoping that between that and the Eidolon drawing the attention away from me that I can whip out some impressive shenanigans while the bad guys are unaware that what they thought was a 1 on 1 fight is actually a 2 on one with a hidden slayer/caster.

nyjastul69: Thanks for the link, that is actually very handy!

Dysart: I've browsed it but I'm having trouble prioritizing items :(

Vizzerdrix: I'll look into it, thanks!

2015-03-25, 10:16 AM
Custom gear using the DMG guidelines will still be the best.

2015-03-25, 10:31 AM
A coupla more links. I'm not 100℅ certain that these are the most updated versions.

Bunko's Bargain Basement (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=ad1j1dr5upecr3c7flv9tb3hd6&topic=1002.0)

Shax's Haversack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-%28Equipment-Handbook%29)