View Full Version : Evil Paladin

2015-03-24, 09:23 PM
I am currently playing a paladin of tyranny and I am curious if there are and good evil paladin prestige classes. All books are available. I am fairly new to playing a paladin or a class with as many restrictions. Any help would be appreciated.

2015-03-24, 09:28 PM
Only PrC I can think of for evil paladin besides blackguard would be the Eye of Gruumsh, which I don't think is a good in either sense of the word. Best bet is just looking for decent classes for martial or divine types.

2015-03-25, 12:54 PM
Bone Knight (5N) is a fun class, and the mount ability stacks with pal levels. Cavalier (CW) also stacks, I think. Fleshwarper (LoM) can be fluffed as pretty evil, and will benefit you if you've made your mount also your familiar. Halfling Outrider (CW) doesn't progress casting, but does progress your mount. Silverwood Outrider (Web) is funky. Vadalis Beatkeeper (Dm) progresses mount, has separate casting. Wild Plains Outrider (CAd) progresses mount, not casting.

What class features are you most focused on or enjoy using the most? Turning, the mount, spells, martial prowess, rooting out evil good...?