View Full Version : DM Help Public Ideas

2015-03-26, 02:45 PM
As a Dungeon Master I have come across many people who sometimes have really good ideas and then get total writer's block other times. Even worse, sometimes i have an idea that doesn't really work with a situation and it's all i can think of so i end up finagling to the point where it makes little to no sense just because i couldn't think of anything. To help others with this, I've decided to make this thread into a kind of idea pool. Essentially you post an adventure idea that you have that you really like or went really well in your campaign and it becomes a kind of public domain adventure so DM's can come here if they need an idea or help with this or that. I'll go first:

I recently had the idea to set up a small town as my party's home base, but I needed a reason for them to keep coming back to this town. The solution: The town's noble is a reclusive vampire who is giving the party quests so they can get more and more powerful until they can defeat him. (This may or may not sound very Ravenloft-esque. I haven't read that setting in-depth. In case it is see if you can add a twist to set it apart.)

2015-03-26, 07:09 PM
My party in the game I'm running is composed entirely of "monstrous" races--ones that people might not like having around because they look scary or have connections to monsters. Two tieflings, a half-orc, a dragonborn, and a drow. I created a village for other monsters and members of monstrous races that aren't evil and want to be a part of society, but are turned away because of the racism rampant in the world. The town is hidden away in secluded mountains, has powerful anti-scrying enchantments around it, and also magically prevents people within city limits from fighting with each other. It's a peaceful place for people who might not otherwise have it. I intend for it to be a hub of sorts.

Obviously if your campaign world doesn't have prejudice or racism, this would be less useful as a safe place for the players, but it could still be interesting for the characters to happen across.

2015-03-26, 09:06 PM
Currently I'm running a solo game for my wife. She was the torchbearer for the pc party. They got messed up and she picked up a sword. After she killed one of the monsters they turned to her, sized her up and she had to run. She made it to town and long story short she is the sidekick to a cleric she is trying to get off the hookers and booze.

2015-03-26, 09:58 PM
I'm running a few campaigns at the moment but the one I favor right now started in a small town in a forest that houses various monstrous races as refugees, and any other non "acceptable" npcs.

Essentially, a large overthrow of the monarchy that started 25 years ago caused a king to be killed and his usurper to take power. This new king reformed an old paladin order loyal to him, into a new order(some members left) that has been annihilating any non acceptable humanoids(anything that has beast like features of any kind such as orcs, half-orcs, any monstrous races(Centaurs have been murdered as well), etc.) under the guise that these races are banding together under some great evil no matter what acts they have committed.

So... these soldiers are paladins, noble warriors, and generally people loyal to the king murdering innocent people as to cleanse the land of this "disease."

Almost half of the continent has been cleansed and races normally not at ease with each others presence are clinging to each other like glue to survive, people have been corrupted by demons, trying to gain dark power to fight back the holy order(which isn't the smartest idea), necromancy is openly practiced in the "un-clean" lands, necromancy is not considered evil in the un-clean lands due to the need of warriors,workers or general necessity.

Next, introduce a character to the party who cannot remember much of who he was other than he wants to die and that he sold his wife and son to a demon 40 years ago. Party finds out character's name and that he sold them to Mephistopheles(A lord of the nine hells) and that he has a small list of lecherous abilities(able to seduce any woman, summon a table that always has a romantic setting at least what he has remembered/realized at the moment), and unbeknownst to the party the redeemed succubus they met in the first town who runs a sanctuary was actually this character's wife(Corrupted by Mephistopheles), who saved by an Angel with the sacrifice of a hell-bred army, and redeemed with a helmet of that changed her alignment back to what it was originally).

This character's son is the corrupted evil king(raised from a baby by Mephistopheles)leading the cleansing.

Last but not least, a half giant in the forest(Who is generally helpful to the party and nice) is raising an army of rapidly reproducing anthropomorphic/giant rabbit people with their aging to adulthood augmented by magic through their food, to take on the paladin order, overthrow the king, and plant himself as the new ruler and murder all non-monstrous humanoids as blame for the death of his first wife and child.

That's just a small summary of the things going on :smallsmile:, not including all the other sub-plots with individual pcs. A quest to slay a bronze dragon(wait what?), minotaur wrestling matches and luchadors(one of the players is a custom class luchador), and a group of medusa/gorgon(whichever term you wish to use for the snake haired person) as book keepers for an underground warehouse.

But that's a tale for another day, needless to say my player's have their hands full and are rather happy with the vast amount of things they have their hands in.