View Full Version : Custom weapon of legacy

2015-03-26, 04:53 PM
Hello again playground. I was thinking of making a custom weapon of legacy for one of my players for his backstory. I've seen that weapons of legacy aren't liked much and I am unsure how to stat the weapon I want to make.

Basic info about the weapon:
It should be a longsword or maybe a bastard sword that was favoured weapon of demon long time ago (so since it is Eberron game, it belonged to some rakshasa rajah) . The demon tried to escape it's destruction/imprisonment by divinding his soul and giving a part of it in the sword so that it can drink energy/eat souls of those it kills to grow strong and resurect/free himself once again. So the sword should be something deadly with ability to weaken enemy and give bonuses to the wielder or the item at same time. It should aslo be inteligent and evil. Ability to cut through everything is optional but it gives a reason why the demon would use the item in first place.

Info about backstory of character it is itended for:

The character in question is warforged binder. He has lost his soul somehow and he has troubles remembering everything. Because of his soulless yet consciouness he became a target for vestiges, who were fighting for control over him until he learned how to ward them off and how to call them to him when needed.
Now I had to make the rest of the backstory as this was only thing my player gave me, so I got this idea: The character in question was part of unit that served under Cyre in last war. The unit was made of similar warforged, all in adamantine plating with similar appearance, and were fighting during the last few years against goblinoids that on borders with Darguun. During their service there they once encountered a very well hidden ruins that went underground. After exploring it and trying to not trigger and die at many traps that were there and after fighting an ancient golem that looked like a dragond, they found a black sword on a runed pedestal. The leader of the warforged group took the sword and they all left.
After that the leader slowly grew more and more detached, started mumbling and praying, especialy after battle. Then the Mourning came and the group of warforged didn't know what to do. The leader wanted to continue their mission but the rest outvoted him and finaly left him there with the PC as their new leader. Thing were weird for some time and after the Treaty of Thronehold they each went their own way.
Some time after this, the leader appeared before the PC again. He seemed much more battered and scrached then before and wanted to talk to the PC after what happened during the war etc. He tried to apologize and when the PC was relaxed, he attacked him with the black sword from the ruins. With just few swings he mortaly wounded the PC and when he was dying he tried to invoke some sort of ritual to steal his soul and feed it to the sword. It didn't work correctly, but the former leader and sword found out few hours later, when the sword wasn't able to eat the soul of PC. The PC was in meanwhile possessed by bunch of vestiges that tried to heal him and prevent him from dying so that they could use him. When the vestiges realized that the former leader is coming back to finish his work, they hid him in ethereal plane for a while and tried to repair him as best as they could. Without his soul, the PC started to forget who he was and what happened to him and started to understand the nature of vestiges. When the vestiges started fighting over him he regained his control and now is adventuring again, binding the vestiges to himself to help him in his search for his memories and soul. The vestiges know what happened to him of course, but choose not to tell him so that they can use him.

This sword will be used by the personal enemy of the PC (the former leader of his squad), until level 12 or so, when I plan a final confrontation and the PC should get the sword (and his soul) back. The enemy will be warforged duskblade, who is influenced by the sword, and the PC who will be using it is warforged binder.

So, can you help me put it all together? I'm not sure where to start with the penalities and what bonuses would be appropriate for the sword.

Thank you.

2015-03-26, 04:57 PM
A lot of the WoL gain enhancement bonuses and enchantments over time. You might look into giving it wounding (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Wounding).

A lot of people don't like WoL because the penalties are just too high.

2015-03-26, 06:13 PM
Do you want to follow the WoL rules, or are you willing to deviate and create your own "grows in power with the character" rules?

If the latter then consider this:
Cost: 1-3 feats (3rd, 9th, 15th)
1) The item can be further enhanced by the PC with no increase in price from the benefits of this feat
2) This feat enhances the weapon with a scaling amount of abilities. The feats at 9 and 15 increases this by +100%.

So how to determine the scaling? Tie it to a percentage of WBL. As a random guess 10%.

2015-03-26, 07:26 PM
A lot of the WoL gain enhancement bonuses and enchantments over time. You might look into giving it wounding (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Wounding).

A lot of people don't like WoL because the penalties are just too high.

Yep, they aren't worth it.

2015-03-27, 02:56 PM
Hmm, I guess sticking to inteligent sword might be better idea then. Giving it some enhancements as the character levels up and spends gold/rare substances on rituals to unlock more power in the weapon. Do you think it is good idea to lower the cost of upgrades because the player will not be able to pick the enhancements?
As for enhancements, I found out shadowstriking (+3 from ToM) which is really great for ignoring DR. Vampiric (+2) for some life-stealing and maybe Enervating (+3). Giving negative level at each hit seem a lot to me and I'm not sure if I am comfortable with it in players hands. Wounding sounds good though and might be better then Enervating. Any other ideas what I could use? I glanced at bodyfeeding and I'm not sure if it would be worth it.

2015-03-27, 04:17 PM
Yep, they aren't worth it.

I agree with that, except if you allow the player to basically tailor the weapon to his character. There are some pretty nifty abilities for WoL that are hard to get otherwise (the immunity to flat-footed for example).

If you're just throwing on some stuff you can easily buy for gold like enhancement bonuses or standard weapon enhancements it's not worth the sacrifices though, especially if you follow the guidelines in the book and make the sacrifices really hurt the intended wielders.
Few characters can afford to basically turn their already existing weaknesses into massive holes in their defenses for a minuscule power gain that you could easily get for gold.

2015-03-27, 10:25 PM
At one point, I re-wrote the rules for WoL as homebrew, but I can't seem to figure out where I put the darn thing. Basically revamping it into a system of self-augmenting tool/weapon by investing the resources you would normally have invested into upgrading said item (similar in concept to Kensai/OA Samurai). It was focused more on enhancements and augments rather than times per day abilities, and avoided doing anything that might require a DC. So basically, you might end up with a staff that would give a +1 DC to your spells cast while it was equipped, but you wouldn't have a sword that could cast Fireball 3/day. Also, typically you could gain access to feats, since you had to burn feats to unlock the weapon of legacy.

It was also focused less on the legacy left behind so much as the legacy you were forging.