View Full Version : Brainstorming Fantastical Wild West for my Murder Hobo Players (WIP) (PEACH)

2015-03-27, 01:26 PM
Ok, so here is what i have so far


the maybe bit is for the idea of switching to spell points and having the classes restricted to you can't start with Wizard, Cleric, Bard, or Sorcerer until after level 5, and open the ability to make potions through either a feat or have it just open, and the the powering up of weapons through just having it open to any caster. The houses just make it easy to explain some things away as well as show major houses of leadership for nobles and such.

Some things I am still figuring out is this. The melee weapons will fall to the way side, and i'm wondering if that is ok for the barbarian. So i was thinking that the reckless attack will also gain the brutal attack modifier like the gladiator.

Other things i am not so much on the fence about is opening the spell selection choices for the arcane trickster and the eldritch knight. I find it wierd that you're restricted to the 2 classes and i just find it easier to allow the players to use spells from all the schools.