View Full Version : E6 (with D&D 3.5), Beguiler and concentration

2015-03-29, 12:30 PM
Hello, I want to save up on ranks on my Beguiler to fill the most roles outside of combat and I was looking at my spell list (stops at third level spells) etc. and thought... Is concentration really necessary?

2015-03-29, 12:37 PM
Hello, I want to save up on ranks on my Beguiler to fill the most roles outside of combat and I was looking at my spell list (stops at third level spells) etc. and thought... Is concentration really necessary?

Concentration isn't mostly for actually maintaining concentration on spells you've already cast. It's mostly for casting defensively and therefore not provoking when someone is up in your grill and you can't 5 ft step away from them for some reason. (Or, I suppose, for casting when you're in some kind of distracting circumstances—some GMs love doing that, and some don't.)

If everything is going well, you'll be out of range of your melee foes, or you'll be able to disengage before you cast. But Concentration isn't for when things are going well. Concentration is for when things are going poorly, and you need to get some magic on the field to make them go right again.

I think it's an immensely valuable skill. I don't recommend you skip it. You probably won't need it every day, but when you need it, nothing else will do.

2015-03-29, 12:49 PM
You are probably right. I am in a point buy 32 setting and starting as a mature human I get +1 to int/cha/wis and -1 to physical stuff, leaving int 18 @ level 1. So I have 44 ranks@level 1 (11 maxed out skills). Trying to fill a role as a trickster, but also to support that beguilers has trapfinding. So hard to find room for them all :)

I guess concentration stays then. Thank you :)