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Fax Celestis
2007-04-12, 12:09 PM
Is it better to receive two extra claw attacks, or to have the ability to take Rapidstrike/Improved Rapidstrike and get iterative attacks on one claw?

2007-04-12, 12:29 PM

If you already have multiple claws, I'd say more claws. The two extra claws will use your full BAB, while the iteratives from (Improved) Rapidstrike will be at -5 and -10.

If you only have one, though, and it's your primary natural weapon, I'd say Rapidstrike. You get 1.5 times your strength bonus in damage with a single primary natural weapon, adding more would drop it to the standard 1 times strength bonus. Hitting twice out of your three iteratives would match the damage of hitting all three times with the three claws.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-12, 12:34 PM
Well, the build in question is determining between Totemist 11/Fighter 8/Barbarian 1, or Totemist 11/Cleric 9. The former would give me enough feats for Rapidstrike but would only have four claws and a gore, while the latter would give me six claws, a bite, and a gore.

2007-04-12, 01:00 PM
Huh. Can you even take Rapidstrike if you only have one of a weapon? Can't remember now, and I don't have it here to look up.

Anyway, I'd go with the more claw option, higher attack bonus on the extra claws. Your BAB will be 3 less between cleric and the fighter/barbarian, but you're a cleric 9. The 1st-level Divine Favor can compensate for a 3 point difference with that CL.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-12, 01:12 PM
Actually, as a Cleric 9, I'll have access to divine power, which'll not only make me large (increasing my natural attack damage), but give me a higher AB.

EDIT: As for Rapidstrike, you need pairs of natural weapons. I'd have three pairs of claws.

2007-04-12, 01:14 PM
Actually, as a Cleric 9, I'll have access to divine power, which'll not only make me large (increasing my natural attack damage), and give me a higher AB.

EDIT: As for Rapidstrike, you need pairs of natural weapons. I'd have three pairs of claws.
Wrong. Divine Power just ups your BAB. Righteous Might makes you large. You even confused them in the FAQ thread too :)

Fax Celestis
2007-04-12, 01:15 PM
Damn it! What is wrong with my brain today?