View Full Version : New Minotaur D&D sheets for kingdom building - but what system are they referencing?

2015-03-29, 07:19 PM

Go to Dungeon Master > Kingdom Building and download a copy. It references some form of currency called 'bp' among other things. I've never seen any of this referenced anywhere else and I've been researching/playing D&D 3.5 for almost a year now which is still young in the grand scheme of things so there's every chance I've not stumbled upon the right supplement yet. I'm interested to know if this system is apropos of nothing because in the next session or two the party is going to attempt a non hostile coup of a large city with my PC likely ending up as the de facto king and this system would add an interesting bit of flavour to the proceedings.

2015-03-29, 07:48 PM
Sounds like it is Pathfinder. There is both an adventure path (Kingmaker) and arulebook (Ultimate Campaign) that has kingdom building rules.

So it is not D&D 3.5, but it is close enough (Pathfinder copied the 3.5 core rules, with some changes).

2015-03-29, 07:54 PM
So it is! How interesting. I'm sure our DM won't be aversed to dabbling with pathfinder to fill in a 3.5 gap. Thanks.