View Full Version : Monster ideas for my next session?

2015-03-30, 09:57 AM
So in this past session, I sent my players to the land of the dead, which in my world is sort of a mix of the Shadowfell and some of the evil planes (I don't like the alignment planes much, and thus don't use them in my cosmology). I'm trying to do some thinking about my next session at work, but I don't have my Monster Manual, so I was wondering if some of you could provide some suggestions. They're level three right now, but I find that the CR system this edition hasn't been that reliable for my games, so CR 3 monsters probably aren't good enough to challenge them. I'd be willing to send a couple CR 4s after them, but probably nothing much higher than that. I'd probably also like to avoid most undead, as they've mostly fought zombies and skeletons up until now, although more interesting ones would be acceptable. I'm thinking demonic monsters, and shadow creatures as well. Any help or ideas would be appreciated!

2015-03-30, 10:39 AM
Skim through the encounter builders. You can sort by type, CR, environment, book source, etc. They are really useful for setting up challenging encounters. Generally, if the party is at full resources, anything less than the high side of Hard will be a matter of course for the party. Once past the initial levels, I've started cranking things well into deadly territory for the big fights, just to keep my party well challenged. Party members do go down, but no one dies in my party of 6.
If building a larger area to clear out, then use a mix of encounter sizes.



2015-03-30, 11:02 AM
Hmm. My suggestion, if in an underworld setting, is Animated Armour animated by the souls of the dead. Scale the number according to difficulty for the first encounter then start adding some with class levels.

2015-03-30, 12:15 PM
How about a wyrmling shadow dragon? First, have the players get attacked by small waves of shadows. Don't overdo it, but emphasize these shadows are coming from somewhere and seem clearly directed against them. Maybe even have a few shadows not attack but stare at the fight from a distance, then retreat after a few rounds. Later, they face the dragon itself.

Ways to make it more interesting:

1. The dragon has a few hiding places filled with half-dead human prisoners, which it uses to create shadows when it needs to. If the players discover such a place, give them a few minutes to talk to the prisoners, then have the dragon attack. During the fight the players may discover that the dragon's breath is causing the humans to animate as shadows, which should make the battle a bit more interesting.

2. There is a bigger, badder dragon around here; the parent of the one they killed. Fighting this one is suicide, they will have to employ alternative tactics. Yeah, I totally stole this from OOTS.

3. The dragon is actually Good, but the darkness of the plane is slowly turning it to Evil. It seeks the PC's help to either escape the plane or find a way to remove it's influence. Sadly, the dark part of it's soul does not desire this and will attack anyone who tries to help. Having a fight where the dragon is simultaneously trying to kill them and shouting to save him should be unnerving at least.

2015-03-30, 12:59 PM
These are good ideas, thanks! I was thinking about a shadow dragon of some kind, but I wasn't sure if there were any level-appropriate ones.

2015-03-30, 01:08 PM
I like applying characteristics of one monster category to other types of creatures. Oozes are a favorite of mine, since they have clearly-defined traits, resistances, and methods of attack.

For example, I might draw up an ooze beast that switches between different kinds of beasts. It molds itself into an owl one moment, a badger the next, then a panther. Each change affects the way it moves and its skills, but not its attack. One can simply balance the attack, HP, and AC for a specific CR.

2015-03-30, 01:22 PM
Could try a creature formed from the shadows the party cast. Thus the creature is a mishmash of their abilities (not all) with HP totaling the entire party. Or a group of them with less hp (to up the actions of the opponents).

When the party defeats said creature(s), they notice their shadows have vanished entirely, and have difficulty sleeping/resting/etc.

2015-03-30, 03:25 PM
Could try a creature formed from the shadows the party cast. Thus the creature is a mishmash of their abilities (not all) with HP totaling the entire party. Or a group of them with less hp (to up the actions of the opponents).

When the party defeats said creature(s), they notice their shadows have vanished entirely, and have difficulty sleeping/resting/etc.

Not a bad idea. I do love the trope of dark versions of yourself. I may save that for a different time, but we'll see. Although the not having a shadow thing could be an interesting plot hook, perhaps!

2015-03-30, 04:07 PM
Ankhegs bursting through the ground to drag a party member into their burrow. Undead Ankhegs, of course.

2015-03-30, 07:52 PM
All right, I'm home and have flipped through my MM a bit. I really like the shadow dragon idea, so I think I'm gonna go with that. I think it will originally have been a bronze dragon, because I like their secondary breath weapon and because if they do rescue it, I'd prefer to have a good dragon to use in later adventures. Thank you for the suggestions, everyone! This is now going to be much cooler than anything I would've come up with on my own.

2015-03-31, 06:44 AM
Any help or ideas would be appreciated!

You could always throw a Wight + some Zombies/Skeletons at them, perhaps have them get surrounded, or in a particular set piece area (terrain can make a big difference!).

Maybe to start the encounter they're trudging through hip deep swamp water when a mouldery hand from beyond the grave reaches out to pull one under! Wisdom (perception) check to notice (and not get grabbed) or Strength (athletics) to not get pulled under.

2015-04-01, 02:06 AM
How about a giant ape exept where its face normally is there are long feelers.

2015-04-01, 09:22 AM
How about a giant ape exept where its face normally is there are long feelers.

Ewww, that's disgusting! How did you even come up with that?

2015-04-01, 12:09 PM
Ewww, that's disgusting! How did you even come up with that?

Sounds like a Devouring Earth monster from City of Heroes.

2015-04-03, 10:24 AM
thought of another one over my coffee. a crazed wizard that has been held up in his tower breeding and killing rats(or other low CR monsters) for experience points.