View Full Version : Shadowcaster Reflavoring

2015-03-31, 01:52 PM
As those familiar with the shadowcaster class may recall there is a section (listed Adaptation) mentioning one could flavor of the class to another theme, such as making them divine casters rather than arcane if they draw their power from a deity of darkness or night, or simply altering their flavor to create a 'mistcaster' or 'smokecaster'.

Following the same concept, what other ways could one alter the flavor of the class to fit different themes within D&D or Pathfinder? If there would be any mechanical change because of the change of flavor, what would it be?

2015-03-31, 02:11 PM
A big thing about Shadowcasters is that their whole deal - the Plane of Shadows - is a limited reflection of the Prime Material. Even the basic Shadow Evocation/Conjuration spells are "like this thing that exists already but not as good." You can take this to its logical conclusion and flip their shadow theme to a mirror theme.

2015-03-31, 02:18 PM
Or you are pulling a version of it from a less real/likely timeline, and when you have more than 100% real spells they are from a more likely/real universe. You could play that up by having everything look slightly different then the real versions, like red crocodiles or whatever.

2015-03-31, 09:05 PM
I can think of some notions.

Themes that maintain shadow theme, but to a different end:

You are like a druid but your focus is on the night, or the dark places in nature.

You draw upon the darkness that lies between the stars. Under Pathfinder, your power comes from the Dark Tapestry.

You draw your power from the 73rd layer of the abyss (Wells of Darkness), perhaps even from the Shattered Night itself.

Like the notion of drawing from a deity of darkness or night, perhaps you draw from a demon lord or similar entity.

You draw your power from the Elder Evil Father Llymic, commanding bitter cold and darkness.

Theme that eschews the shadow theme:

To the notion of things less than real, perhaps your powers are drawn from a place that is beyond the boundaries of what is reality (Far-realm, shattered night, the outside of the sphere in pathfinder), or from a place that isn't real to most (the plane of dreams/Dal Quor in Eberron).