View Full Version : From Brazilian fans to Mr. Burlew

2015-04-01, 10:05 AM
I have recently sent an e-mail to Rich but I don't know if his @giantITP.com account is still being used.

He replied an e-mail I sent him a few years ago about the same topic and today we (me and the people I represent) tried to contact him again.

In the hope of here in the Forums he will have more chance in noticing me, I will write it down here as well.

So here it goes:

Hey Rich!

I’m writing in the name of a bunch of fans from Brazil. We are friends now for almost ten years and it all began because of OOTS. We already told you that back in 2008.

We know that you probably won’t remember that, but we sent you an email telling you about this website called orkut.com. It was one of the first social network to work around here. In Orkut you could create these themed communities that worked like a forum and you could discuss and talk about the theme (or not). The OOTS Community came to light around 2004 and from that on we talked about OOTS and other chaotic stuff for a good time. We spent our days in there and the forum had new posts all the time, day and night. Because of it, we developed bonds strong enough to endure until today.

We are talking about some thirty people. We all live scattered around this big Brazil and after all this time we still stick together in Facebook chats, real-life meetings (that we call “OC” or “Oots Café”), visit each other in their cities when a big event occur like Cons, marriages or other life events – in fact, we have cases of members marrying each other’s, people that met on Orkut and carried their relationship online to other levels along the years.

The Orkut is closed now. It was bought by Google and after the Facebook explosion we abandoned our old home and migrated. Last year Google shut down Orkut forever and archived all of the active communities. If you want to check it out, the OOTS Community is still visible – read only – in this URL (it’s all in Portuguese, but it is still a proof that I’m telling you the truth :smallsmile:):

Actually, the fact that the Orkut is now closed and our community archived made me want to write you this e-mail. We wanted you to know that this happened and we also wanted to remind you that we are still here.

Last time you talked to us, your words hit us deep. We took that like it was kind of a blessing. You said amongst other things:

“While I am sure that the foundation of your current friendships lies deeper than a comic strip, it is still nice to have served as the spark that started the fire. I hope you continue to enjoy the comic, and the community you have built up around it, for years to come.”

Seven years later, here we are. Intact.

We want nothing more from you, actually! We can’t ask for anything. The simply recognition and the fact that we know that you know about us and what OOTS caused in our lives is enough. BUT—

—IF, by any case, you would be interested in coming to Brazil for a Con or to a simple casual visit, know that you would be very welcome! It would be the greatest OC of all time. We are also active on a secret group on Facebook. Yeah, secret, the group is kind of closed and we don’t want anyone new in there, heh. But we would accept your proposal in joining us for a few days to chat if you want to.

Now, seriously, we thank you. A simple reply to this would be great.
Maybe seven years from now we will send you another e-mail to update you about us again!
We wish you the best!

(I attatched some pictures of us during OCs. Yes, Steve Jackson is a member of the group :smallbiggrin:)




2015-04-01, 02:56 PM
>Not a single black person

I find it offensively not diverse. :smallamused:

2015-04-01, 10:43 PM
>Not a single black person

I find it offensively not diverse. :smallamused:

As far as I can see, Marcio didn't claim to specifically represent an ethnically diverse group, so I find YOUR answer pretty offensive - as if friendship only counts if there are several ethnic groups among your friends.

2015-04-01, 10:45 PM
>Not a single black person

I find it offensively not diverse. :smallamused:

Well, the (rather sad) answer is that the ethnic makeup of the group doesn't look surprising at all to me... considering that the readership of an English-language webcomic in Brazil are probably going to be middle-class and higher. Actually, come to think of that, they're missing a couple Asians there. But yeah, middle-class environments aren't that racially diverse here :smallfrown:

2015-04-01, 11:18 PM
I think martianmister was trying to make a joke.

But anyway--Marcio, I really enjoyed reading your open letter to the Giant. Congratulations on keeping your group of friends together, too--a very real accomplishment that isn't valued as highly as it might be by a lot of folks.

2015-04-01, 11:57 PM
I think martianmister was trying to make a joke.

I should really hope so, because I got really worked up about that comment. if there was irony, it was well hidden. That the make up of the group is pretty much predefined by demographics has already been said.

So, now about this heartwarming fan community and your great photos!

Marcio, I really wish all of you the very best, and may you prosper until OotS ends - and long after that, too. It's very inspiring to see fans all over the world, united by our love for Richs magnum opus. Cheers, Onya

2015-04-02, 03:03 AM
Steve Jackson?
Like the guy who created Munchkin?

Playing Munchkin with my friends got me a reputation of selfish untrusty cheating bastard that would argue anything if it has a chance to impair someone even if I get nothing from hit. Even if it costs me. They believe I would sell mother and father for a chance to stab someone in the back without any purpose or reason and that I can hold a grudge for years or more likely for ever.
Their reaction when I'm ready to help for free or being friendly with a new player is not unlike the last three panels of #620 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0620.html). On another hand, they are often too afraid to refuse. Because sometimes refusing my help will result in death and levels loss.
Sometimes they don't aim to win as much as they aim to have me not winning. I think that breaks the game spirit.

This reputation managed to affect other games:
While playing "Werewolves of Millers Hollow", I will be suspected to be the werewolf whatever odds are (actually another friend is quite always slain before me because he's too much of a loose cannon and has been nicknamed "the beta male". In french "beta" stands for "dumb"). Only rare combinations will allow me to survive a few turns, which is fun because these combinations require me to be a wolf so I can have wolves that argue for me. But they often don't because as soon as you take my defense, you're suspected to be a wolf as well.
It's always fun to have me arguing that I'm not a wolf. I'm good at arguing, it's always quite theatrical.

They also have anecdotes of me being selfish in pure cooperation games like "Zombicide". Almost none of them is true but I share them the same than they do to our friends that don't know these stories. For example, last week-end I defended that this story of me not willing to trade my weapon (so a teammate would kill a bunch of zombies, survive and prevent me from taking a wound) just because I was unsure I would get it back was not true (I'm quite sure it isn't). I acknowledged that I COULD do it if I was in the situation though. Right after, I mumbled that it was MY chainsaw after all, which made everyone laugh.

Whatever they say, they love when we play together and don't worry, they have their own backgrounds over exaggerated as well.

I think Munchkin brought a lot of fun to us, tell SJ we love him :D

Edit: In mundane munchkin, I would do anything for the following cards:
Very impressive title (because it's really impressive)
Singing and dancing sword (because it's so cuuuuute)

2015-04-02, 04:36 AM
Steve Jackson?
Like the guy who created Munchkin?
Yeah, that is impressive. How did y'all get Steve Jackson?

2015-04-02, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the replies!

Know that the whole group is following the thread and we are happy to finally be here, being noted and finally leaving our mark on the Forums!

Please note that the pics doesn’t show all of the members because a meeting that gathered all of us in a single shot never happened. Maybe it will happen when Rich come to visit us! Who knows? :smallbiggrin:

Steve Jackson?
Like the guy who created Munchkin?

Yeah, that is impressive. How did y'all get Steve Jackson?

He attended to a Con (World RPG Fest) on the city of Curitiba back in 2011. One of our guys is a MIB and it helped him to keep in close touch with Steve. We organized a meeting during the event and met him there. He is great person!

And Quild, you're like my French counterpart in games. People tend to have trust issues about me during games like Werewolf, Mafia or Resistance. I almost always am the "werewolf" and it leads me to be discarded on the early rounds "just in case". :smallannoyed:

In fact, this “curse” started while playing Werewolf online with our group. On the first three games I was the werewolf and since then I have trouble playing with them! And actually, one of the most memorable moments of the Community was when we played an online OOTS version of Werewolf. The classic roles were replaced by OOTS characters and each one of them had singular powers. It was great!

Now about the diversity issue, I wasn’t even going to talk about it. First because it was completely out of context, and second because I couldn’t detect if the comment was serious, ironic, intended to be a joke or not.

But although SirKazum already said something about that I feel compelled to add that the group is formed by people from four different regions from Brazil (South, South-East, North-East and North) and from at least seven different states. Considering that each state has its own individual culture, manners, traditions, accents, history and even colonization… and plus the fact we are talking about a pretty big country that makes us separated by thousands of kilometers, I think we can say, in a manner, that we are very diverse. It is true we don’t have black or asian [edit: we DO HAVE asians on the group] friends inside the group, but it doesn’t actually reflect the reality of our lives or from the entire country.

Also, it’s not like people had to fill a form to apply to a membership and inform race or ethnic group.

In any case, thank you guys! We will be here hoping Rich give us another blessing. :smallbiggrin:

2015-04-02, 01:03 PM
Take a look at our wedding cake decoration!
(it was my wedding in 2012)

We are not fooling around on the fan business, you know? :smallbiggrin:



2015-04-02, 02:31 PM
As far as I can see, Marcio didn't claim to specifically represent an ethnically diverse group, so I find YOUR answer pretty offensive - as if friendship only counts if there are several ethnic groups among your friends.
If after school specials have taught me anything, they also need a kid in a wheelchair for their friendship not to be offensive.

2015-04-02, 02:44 PM
Take a look at our wedding cake decoration!
(it was my wedding in 2012)

We are not fooling around on the fan business, you know? :smallbiggrin:



That is one awesome wedding cake. :smallcool:

2015-04-02, 05:28 PM
Now about the diversity issue, I wasn’t even going to talk about it. First because it was completely out of context, and second because I couldn’t detect if the comment was serious, ironic, intended to be a joke or not.

I was just joking. No need to worry. :smallredface:

2015-06-26, 10:06 AM
Well, it was worth a shot. :smallsmile:

Ted The Bug
2015-06-26, 10:27 AM
You said the site migrated - is there a new online Brazilian OOTS community somewhere, then?

2015-06-26, 10:35 AM
Okay I know I'm late to the party but that is one adorable wedding cake.

2015-06-26, 11:04 AM
You said the site migrated - is there a new online Brazilian OOTS community somewhere, then?

It wasn't the site that migrated. WE (the group) migrated to a secret group on Facebook before the end of orkut.com. In there we kind of perpetuate our history to this day. But it's a closed group so we don't have new "members" for a long time now. The fact is that since Facebook groups does't have a forum format, it kinda settled the whole (and amusing) chaos of posts and unrelated issues and topics that, in the early days, helped to shape our friendships. Instead, our group chats became very busy and replaced the forum format.

There should be lots of online brazilian groups or communities, even on Facebook itself, but I don't think any of us takes part in them.

2016-02-22, 03:17 PM
Almost a year later, well, it really was worth a try! :sigh:

2016-02-22, 08:59 PM
Almost a year later, well, it really was worth a try! :sigh:

Before the thread gets shut down for an improperly cast Resurrection, probably the best way to get in touch with El Gianto is to PM him. Replies not guaranteed.

2016-02-22, 09:30 PM
Great wedding cake.
Great post.
Great community.

Thanks for posting this great story. :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-23, 03:08 AM
Before the thread gets shut down for an improperly cast Resurrection, probably the best way to get in touch with El Gianto is to PM him. Replies not guaranteed.

"El Gianto" sounds like faux-spanish. I guess you could go with "O Giante". But as a native spanish speaker I find a little offesive the whole "spanish is just some article and words ending with an o" joke, so I wouldn't do that in portughese either.

2016-02-23, 08:29 AM
Even though this might be thread rez I think it's very well timed. I missed the original post (guess it got lost among the speculation) but to read it now, just after a touching tribute in-comic to a forum member, is truly heartwarming. It's good to see that the comic has led to friendships, marriages and a sense of community.

2016-02-23, 08:41 AM
"El Gianto" sounds like faux-spanish. I guess you could go with "O Giante". But as a native spanish speaker I find a little offesive the whole "spanish is just some article and words ending with an o" joke, so I wouldn't do that in portughese either.

The funny thing is, i nearly added in a "my Portuguese is flawless" line at the end, but I didn't want anyone to mistakenly believe i said his name that way specifically because the OP is Brazilian; sometimes i just feel like adding a flair for self-amusement.

2016-02-23, 08:59 AM

nice seeing other Oots fans from Brazil :D
and you guys are really into the thing
like, *REALLY* into the thing XD

i think i was part of the orkut community, but never got that much vocal or attended any meethings cuz i was living in Rio Grande do Sul back when that network was worth something
now i am in São Paulo, so if you guys still do any meet-ups, gimme a call :D

ps. the cake looks awesome
pps. w00t Steve Jackson! I used to be a huge fan of his work back when i used to play GURPS :D
ppps. i really hope the cake isn't a lie

2016-02-23, 11:36 AM
Wow. I remember that. But you were called ponto back then.
I remember the mistery of the anonymous person.
I almost went in one of the meetings in Belo Horizonte. I was wondering what happened to the group

2016-02-23, 11:40 AM
In fact, this “curse” started while playing Werewolf online with our group. On the first three games I was the werewolf and since then I have trouble playing with them! And actually, one of the most memorable moments of the Community was when we played an online OOTS version of Werewolf. The classic roles were replaced by OOTS characters and each one of them had singular powers. It was great!


I remember that too. I was Sabine. That was the first werewolf game I played in my life.

2016-06-23, 01:39 PM
Before the thread gets shut down for an improperly cast Resurrection, probably the best way to get in touch with El Gianto is to PM him. Replies not guaranteed.

Good idea. Goona try to PM him right now. Thank you.

2016-06-23, 01:56 PM
hagnat and Luizeu, sorry about the late reply. I completely forgot about this thread! :smallsigh:

Also, totally not surprised in meeting you guys (orkut community lurkers lol) around here!

Luizeu, you played the Mafia Oots!! Can't believe this. I'm gonna PM you guys the facebook secret group.
Like I said, we're alive! We're still active and together! And yes, I was the Ponto. Or just "." lol

Also, for other brazilians or former members from the orkut commutity that maybe are still lost or about to stumble across this thread, stay tunned to hello.com. It's Orkut 2.0. Like, it really is. It is made by Orkut Buyukkokten himself and as soon as it is online in Brazil, we will try to restore the community.

2016-06-26, 12:25 PM
Wow, talk about nostalgia. :smallsmile:

2016-06-30, 04:48 PM
Wow, so there REALLY are other Brazilian people who read the comic, not only my D&D table. :smalltongue:

And I really liked the cake. In my wedding I'd like one... Now I just have to make my girlfriend read the comics...


*EN: Hugs!

Nazzo, the 102nd
2016-07-01, 02:51 PM
Wow, so there REALLY are other Brazilian people who read the comic, not only my D&D table. :smalltongue:

Strange, I also had this same feeling. :smallwink:

2017-06-01, 02:35 PM
So it turns out July 7th is our group's 10th Anniversary!

That's right! Our first meeting happened in 07/07/07 during a RPG Con in São Paulo (EIRPG)!
Like I said earlier - nearly two years ago actually - we still stick (no pun intended) together and to celebrate this special date we awarded ourselves some cool OotS avatars and a banner!

We would like to share them with you guys and also to make some noise hoping for The Giant to hear it! Maybe he can finally give us another blessing like I said in the original post (I'm joking btw) :biggrin:

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the Former OotS Orkut Community!


Alão, Ana Cristina, Anônimo

Ary, Bone, Brave

Caio, Ceci, Cold

Cyro, D., Herbert (Geba)

Helô, Hugo, Jesus (Negrelli)

J.J., Jô, Leo, o Poldo

Marcio (that's me), Milésimo, Moren

Morena, Pedro Chamado da Natureza, Rach

Salgado, Santiago, Shadow

Squall, Taissa, Tamisa

Tito, Vagner, Zanzini, Zó (Giorgio; Chaos)

2017-06-06, 07:34 AM
I was also part of this group, but I was not a very vocal one.

There was this "game" that each time a new comic was up, you'd have to post the link for that comic in the Orkut group. If you were the first, you'd get 1XP. I got so nervous the first time that I thought I had the chance to be the first one to post the link, that posted the wrong link, hahahah. :)

Great to see you guys you still trong!

Awesome cake and awesome avatars!

2017-06-06, 08:48 AM
There was this "game" that each time a new comic was up, you'd have to post the link for that comic in the Orkut group. If you were the first, you'd get 1XP.

Yes! We even had this XP chart naming every activity inside the community that could earn XP and levels.
SOMEONE at the time (:smallbiggrin:) had all the spare time needed to read all the comments and to calculate the XP and maintain the scoreboard up to date.
Those were some crazy times.

Chaotic© times I would say.