View Full Version : Portuguese Translation

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-13, 12:00 AM
Ok, I'm starting a new thread so we can play around with the unofficial translations of OotS to Portuguese, because the older one is like a year old. And I'm no thread necromancer. :smallbiggrin:

For those who have interest in the other strips already translated, here (http://web.archive.org/web/20041211045250/www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=1&lang=pt) are the "official" first 28 strips that were posted on here on GiantITP.com. Also, there is the old thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5389), which has a few strips translated too.

My thoughts are that we discuss first if we start over or not. I, for one, think that that official translation lacks some feeling. It it just ipsis litteris, no adaptations, no creative uses of slang. There is also the problem with Durkon's accent, but this one I think it's easy: we just make up our own accent here. Just adding a few apostrophes here and there, and there we go.

And I also think we have to translate 'em in the correct order, so we can be up-to-date with the current comic in no time.

Just so you can get along with it, here is my translation of the first strip. Suggestions are always welcome (nitpicks too :smallbiggrin:).


Goblin: Grrrr!


Haley: Como assim? Aquele goblin ia te detonar totalmente.
Durkon: Eu n' sei. Somente m' senti... 'stável.


Roy: Hmmm... Acho que é uma cota de malha. [1]
Elan: Bacana!

Vaarsuvius: Eu compreendo. Creio que estamos sendo convertidos para a nova edição 3.5.
Roy: Bem, eu realmente me sinto mais intimidador...
Belkar: BELEZA! [2]

Belkar: Eu venho fazendo essa merda de ranger há três anos, já era tempo de um upgrade.
Belkar: Vem, vem, o papai aqui precisa de alguns novos pontos de perícia. [3]




Roy: Ôôôô... Diminuição de arma.
Haley: Hihihi, é tão pequenina!
Belkar: DROGA!
Elan: Opa! Pontos de perícia! [3]
Belkar: DROGA!


[1] In my gaming group, we always use the English names of the things instead of the translated ones. Chain shirt is a perfect example: "Eu tenho uma chain shirt +2". Here, I think the English term could fit well.

[2] I though in leaving this as "YES!". It is English, but if we think, we portuguese-speaker use that on our everyday language too. At least some of us in Brasil.

[3] Same as note 1. "Pontos de skill" is ugly, but I think it more accurate thinking in gaming terms.

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-13, 12:25 PM
Ok, here's #2.


Elan: Pontos de perícia! Eu amo meus seis novos pontos de perícia! [1]
Roy: Esse andar é grande... Nunca acharemos as escadas pra baixo nesse ritmo.

Roy: Haley, pegue metade do time e vasculhe esses corredores.
Haley: Certo!

Haley: Vaarsuvius, você vem comigo.
Vaarsuvius: Nossos destinos estão agora entrelaçados!
Elan: Eu!
Roy: É, hm, Durkon, me siga.

Haley: Hmmm... Belkar.
Belkar: Trouxa.

Elan: Eu! Eu! Me escolhe!

Haley: Ok, nos encontramos depois.
Elan: Eu! Roy! Eu!

Elan: Eu! Vamos! Me escolhe!
Durkon: Você vai--
Roy: Estou pensando.


[1] Again, here I think "skill points" instead of "pontos de perícia" would be good too.

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-16, 04:48 PM
Guess no one's listening. Don't worry, I have this little problem of talking to myself sometimes. :smallwink:

Strip #3, arise!


Haley: ... e as Botas da Velocidade eram poderosíssimas, mas eram, tipo, verde-limão.
Vaarsuvius: De fato. Enfrentaste um impasse de grande gravidade.
Belkar: Esperem.

Belkar: Acho que acabo de falhar em um teste de Observar. [1]

Haley: Sério? Eu não estou vendo nada.
Belkar: Exatamente.

Belkar: Ei, V, você não tem um familiar que lhe dá Prontidão?
Vaarsuvius: Hmm? Ah, sim, sim é claro. Meu corvo está logo aqui.


Belkar: Vê alguma coisa?
Vaarsuvius: Não vejo.


Haley: Eu não sabia que você tinha um familiar...
Goblins: Éééé... Nós estamos tipo BEM aqui.
Belkar: Esperem! Acho que acabo de falhar em um teste de Escutar. [1]


[1] I really prefer saying "Acabo de falhar um Spot" and "Acabo de falhar um Listen"... It's more "gamelikeish".

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-18, 07:58 PM
It should be noted that I'm feeling a little... alone. :smallbiggrin:

Strip #4? Will you give me some company in this thread?


Elan: Pule, pule, pule, pule sobre o precipício!

Roy: Que que cê tá fazendo?
Elan: Estou inspirando competência!

Elan: Uso minhas canções mágicas para alavancar o espírito e fazer qualquer tarefa ficar mais fácil!
Roy: Que seja.

Ogro: Hunh. Cêm ôro pa passá.
Roy: Eu cuido disso.
Durkon: Sim, m' jovem.

Roy: Ah, hm, olá. Nós, er, pagamos ontem.
Ogro: Ah, tá bom...

Elan: Engane, engane, engane, engane o ogro imbecil!

Elan: Acho que ele rolou Sentir Motivação. [1]
Roy: Eu te odeio.


[1] Yes, you guessed it. I think "rolou Sense Motive" is better.

2007-04-18, 10:58 PM
Elan: Nós despistamos o ogro?
Roy: Se por “despistar o ogro” quer dizer “atraímos dois de seus amigos” então sim.
Durkon: Mais rápido por favor.

Belkar: Eu ainda não vejo nada.
V: Expeditious retreat [1] [2]


Belkar: Ogros!
Haley: Belo teste de observar [2]

Roy: Ufa...
Haley: É...

Roy: Calma aí... Do que vocês estavam correndo?

Elan: Bem, aqui parece um bom lugar para descansar.

[1] I’m not pretty sure how it was translated to Portuguese and my copy of the player handbook is borrowed with a friend of mine.
[2] The English term is very used. Some times more then the Portuguese one on this terms.

Well you’re not alone anymore.

2007-04-18, 11:10 PM
Okay, thoughts:

Durkon - Perhaps he could have a defined accent, not just random apostrophes. I always considered a Germanish thing could be nice, seeing as you can't get a nice Irish/Scotish accent in portuguese.

Game terms - Despite what a lot of people do (same with my game group), I don't think the translations should mention things like "falhei num teste de spot". I remember reading somewhere (FAQ, I think) that the Giant's intention is for the comic to make sense for the general public, even if they miss the obvious "game jokes". So, in my understanding, "falhei num teste de observar" is a lot more "adequate", since a non-DND-player might read it and understand the meaning, even if he doesn't get the joke about the failed spot check.

And let the discussion begin! :smalltongue:

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-19, 09:19 AM
Ooo! People! :smallbiggrin:

[1] I’m not pretty sure how it was translated to Portuguese and my copy of the player handbook is borrowed with a friend of mine.

It's "Recuo Acelerado".

Well you’re not alone anymore.

Thank you. :smallbiggrin:

Durkon - Perhaps he could have a defined accent, not just random apostrophes. I always considered a Germanish thing could be nice, seeing as you can't get a nice Irish/Scotish accent in portuguese.

Eh? How so? Could you give an example of this "Germanish Portuguese"? :smallsmile:

I remember reading somewhere (FAQ, I think) that the Giant's intention is for the comic to make sense for the general public, even if they miss the obvious "game jokes".

Ah, if that's The Giant's will, thy will be done. Let's translate all the spell names too.

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-20, 01:11 AM
It's #6 for the masses.


Durkon: Bem, os ogr's 'stão tod's mort's. O que vam's faz'r agora?

Durkon: Ah. Certo.

Durkon: Curar F'rimentos Graves! Curar F'rimentos Graves! Curar F'rimentos Leves!
Belkar: Ei, este era PELO MENOS um ferimento moderado!
<cura!> <cura!> <cura!>

Elan: Fechem, fechem, fechem, fechem minhas artérias sangrantes!
Haley: Elan!

Elan: Oi Haley. Veja, eu achei todas estas espadas de graça.
Elan: Elas estavam no meu baço.

Durkon: O quão f'rido estás, meu jovem?
Elan: Isso depende...

Elan: Qual a importância de um destes?

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-20, 01:12 AM
And #7 is free of charge. :smallbiggrin:


Durkon: O Elan está mal... E estou sem CFG agora.
Roy: Faça o que puder, Durkon.

Durkon: Ó grand' Thor, seu humilde s'rvo pede p'r vossa ajuda n'sta hora de n'cessidade.

Gravação: Olá! E bem-vindo ao RezaThor®.

Gravação: Para continuar em Comum, entoe "um" agora. Ech tod kodo kra'th shana "deth" frek.
Durkon: Ahn... "Um"!

Gravação: Se você souber o nome do milagre que quer pedir, entoe "um" agora.
Durkon: Um!

Gravação: Por favor, entoe as três primeiras letras do milagre agora.
Durkon: Bem, eu quero t' curar, 'ntão...
Durkon: C-U-R!

Gravação: Você selecionou "Curvar Espírito". Se isso estiver correto, entoe "um". Senão, entoe "dois".
Durkon: Dois!

Gravação: Você selecionou "Curso Eterno da Perdição". Se isso estiver correto, entoe "um". Senão, entoe "dois".
Durkon: Dois! DOIS!!

Gravação: Você selecionou "Dores". Para escolher com que tipo de dor você quer punir os inimigos de Thor, entoe "três" agora.
Durkon: Três.
Durkon: Não, PUTZ!

Gravação: Você selecionou "Dor de Próstata".
Durkon: Aaah!
Elan: Quem sabe uma poção não seria melhor?

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-04-20, 01:22 AM
I can't resist #8.


Haley: Elan, achei esta poção de cura para você.
Elan: Valeu, Haley!

<glub> <glub> <glub> <glub>

Haley: Uau! Essa poção é das boas!
Elan: Eu que o diga!

Elan: Mas como ela consertou minha capa...?
Belkar: Algum de vocês por acaso viu por aí uma garrafa verd--
Belkar: EI!

Belkar: Você pegou minha poção!
Haley: O quê?

Haley: Ah, entendi. Sou uma ladina, então devo ter roubado sua poção.

Haley: Uuuu... Melhor esconder tudo quando a Haley estiver por perto, ela é uma LADINA!
Belkar: Mas... Mas você está segurando a garrafa!

Haley: Francamente, Belkar, com toda a imagem que os halflings têm, pensei que você fosse um pouco mais sensível.
Belkar: Hã... Eu, ahn... Eu não queria, hm...

Haley: Não, não, está tudo bem. Eu só... Eu só achei que fôssemos melhores amigos que isso.
Elan: Você devia se envergonhar.
Haley: *chuif*

Elan: Uau. Aquilo foi ótimo.
Haley: Papai era um ladrão da Primeira Edição. É de família.

2007-06-27, 06:36 AM
RAISE DEAD! Lose a level, thread.

I was translating the strips by myself, and cjecked the forum just because of that big complaining about SoD. And i found this topic by accident. This made me register just to post here.

I never read the first "official" translation. I really liked some things on it, as i liked some things on Nazzo's transcripts. So... let's join heads.

I already done from #0000 (yep, the characters presentation) until #0019.

#000 - A Ordem do Graveto (http://i16.tinypic.com/4xz555s.gif)

I translate the surnames following the Devir's translation in Forgotten Realms, but since "Brilho das Estrelas" (Starshine) and "Punho/Cabo Verde" (Greenhilt) doesn't look like humans surnames, i maintain the original.

And since the first strip, i tryed to give Durkon the Germanic accent. It was a hint from a friend who study profissional translation. Coincidently, BobTheDog sugested the same, what means that i follow the right line.

#001 - Nova edição (http://i17.tinypic.com/5yupmqe.gif)

Chain Shirt in portuguese was translated as "Camisão de cota de malha". Because of the baloon space, i supressed the "camisão". The problem is because the Chainmail was translated as "Cota de malha".

#002 - De volta ao segundo grau (http://i17.tinypic.com/6cywduv.gif)

Durkon was interrupted by Roy in the last panel. I think he was saying "Are we gonna let he stay?", so he was interrupted when he wanted to say "Nós estamos deixando ele ficar?" Because of the german accent, he say "estar" instead of the conjuged verb.

#003 - Veja, observe, observe (http://i19.tinypic.com/549vp1j.gif)

Perfect. Nazzo used other words, but they are synonymous.

#004 - O poder da música (http://i17.tinypic.com/5z1chmv.gif)

I'll chance to "cem ôro". I didn't recognized that "hunnerd" is "hundred".

#005 - Quando os ganchos conectam (http://i17.tinypic.com/5x7dhs4.gif)

Another perfect

#006 - O clérigo "está" (http://i18.tinypic.com/4vshahu.gif)

A good place to pratic the Durkon's german accent.

#007 - ThorPrayer® (http://i8.tinypic.com/4vnq8on.gif)

I didn't find any "word play" that match in portuguese, so i replace the "3 letters" to just 1. Nazzo give two great spells, so probly i'll replace it too.

#008 - Os benefícios de um Blefar alto (http://i9.tinypic.com/4qh6gj8.gif)

I replaced the "first edition" to AD&D, because it was more popular here on Brazil than the original edition. And because of regionalism, i trade the "is on the blood" to "vem de família". This means the same thing, but is more commom to hear that than "é do meu sangue".

#009 - Estou curioso, Elan (http://i16.tinypic.com/6769lhx.gif)

Two notes: (1) Is very hard to maintain the gender joke about Vaarsuvius because we lack from neutral nouns. I'll do my best. (2) Vaarsuvius speak A LOT! And in general, a english-portuguese translation is 30% bigger than the original. This is all.

#010 - Como Cativar, apenas mais entediante (http://i15.tinypic.com/6gwkak1.gif)

Read again my point 2 above.

#011 - Diferenças de Tendências (http://i11.tinypic.com/66l6gwx.gif)

"Overhelmed by" was traded to "overhelming me with". Reason? Neutral gender. I change the "can't talk, can't move" from Elan and Haley to smaller words with some similarity because of space.

#012 - Subir um nível, descer um nível (http://i8.tinypic.com/642jtys.gif)

The "spell level" pun isn't translationable (this word exist?), and the joke is very nailed on the initial discussion, só i opted to give litteral translation and add a TN on the foot.

#013 - Enredo, viva! (http://i16.tinypic.com/542ya3c.gif)

Perfect again.

#014 - O porque de Roy estar sempre cansado (http://i10.tinypic.com/6h3bf6f.gif)

The hardest part was put the "burro" word in the dunce hat :smallbiggrin:

#015 - Reunião de família (http://i7.tinypic.com/4pwjec6.gif)

The only reason that i could translate this strip is because i already know to were it links :smalltongue: This is because "red" in US is a color and the definition to someone with red hair. So, i checked and Roy can waste time explaining this later. :smallbiggrin:

#016 - Trocadilhos (http://i10.tinypic.com/4u0gora.gif)

Same as the ThorPrayer: Adaptations to don't lose the joke. I couldn't find anything in the same level as the "which is kinda cool - a lich os binding ghouls".

#017 - Maestria com o sabre (http://i12.tinypic.com/6bkzbyv.gif)

First strip to Belkar talk more than 2 baloons. The only good part is: After this i have the "word level" of all protagonists. V is verborragic, Durkon is German, Haley, Belkar and Elan talk "naturally" and Roy is Roy as ever :smallamused:

#018 - Dupla surpresa (http://i9.tinypic.com/68kbvrs.gif)

Another perfect.

#019 - Esquive-se! (http://i12.tinypic.com/4pbmj55.gif)

I hate the word "playa". That's all.

#020 - Arcanolypse Now (http://i16.tinypic.com/4plywld.gif)

Nothing to say, except that i hate "Fireball" be "Bola de Fogo" and "Lightning Bolt" be "Relâmpago". Do not have much space to write both.

#021 - É tudo pelo drama (http://i7.tinypic.com/4p1ad7l.gif)

"Who da halfling" is something like "Quem é o cara"? I translated having it on mind.

#022 - Liderança em ação (http://i19.tinypic.com/542d6rb.gif)

I changed the "sue me" to something like "believe me". It's because in Brazil we do not have a easy resonable event about sues. Belkar's last text was changed a lot too, but the text sense is the same.

#023 - Enquanto isso... (http://i18.tinypic.com/6cmrntd.gif)

I changed the "my bony ass" to something lighter. Just this.

#024 - Está ouvindo o que eu estou ouvindo? (http://i16.tinypic.com/4lnxl3s.gif)

I'm still searching the font of the neon board. Something curious about this strip is because almost of the translations is smaller than the original text. This is very rare to occur in a english-portuguese text.

#025 - A armadura sumiu! (http://i17.tinypic.com/5x6h0kz.gif)

Here you can see better what is a German accent. It was the hard part of the translation.

2007-06-27, 07:20 AM
Wow translating OOTS in portuguese looks like hard work. But (I'm not 100% sure about this, but please bare with me... or don't... I don't really care) I think it's a little harder translating it into Finnish.

Almost no one speaks Finnish here (or definately does not take up finnish as a secondary language), well.. of course some do, like I live in finland, but that's not the point. The point is: This is well done and I wonder what it would look like if OOTS was in finnish.

Anyway nicely done. (Of course it would be no problem for me to translate at least 1 of the strips)

PS. It also wouldn't be easy, sience not everyone can write Ä or Ö, am I right? (And no! I am NOT trying to get OOTS to be translated in finnish! I just wanted to share my thoughts!)

2007-06-27, 02:29 PM
I would be careful with the slang, it would be better to keep it to a minimum, most of it may be unknown for Portuguese speakers outside from Brazil (ok, not that many). I think you should avoid some of the curse words like in:
"Eu venho fazendo essa ***** de ranger "

As for Durkon, I tend to view him with the accent in some regions of the Algarve and the Azores. But I don't suppose you're familiar with it, so maybe the germanic thing is easier.

About "cota de malha, it's ok to use for any vest made of chainmail, "cota" means vest, malha is the chainmail. If you want to be pedantic you can use "loriga", the portuguese name for the most common mail shirt. But very few people will know what that is.

EDIT: by the way, I thought we were not allowed to change the original strips in any way, including translation.

2007-06-27, 02:41 PM
Well done Nazzo and company,i guess you guys had alot of work to do this

just a small complaint,the comic is translated in a Brazilian-Portuguese language because somethings would been said diferent in Portuguese-Portuguese.:smalltongue:

anyway good job

2007-06-27, 02:49 PM
Ok, here's #2.


Elan: Pontos de perícia! Eu amo meus seis novos pontos de perícia! [1]
Roy: Esse andar é grande... Nunca acharemos as escadas pra baixo nesse ritmo.

Roy: Haley, pegue metade do time e vasculhe esses corredores.
Haley: Certo!

Haley: Vaarsuvius, você vem comigo.
Vaarsuvius: Nossos destinos estão agora entrelaçados!
Elan: Eu!
Roy: É, hm, Durkon, me siga.

Haley: Hmmm... Belkar.
Belkar: Trouxa.

Elan: Eu! Eu! Me escolhe!

Haley: Ok, nos encontramos depois.
Elan: Eu! Roy! Eu!

Elan: Eu! Vamos! Me escolhe!
Durkon: Você vai--
Roy: Estou pensando.


[1] Again, here I think "skill points" instead of "pontos de perícia" would be good too.

Well as a fluent Portuguese user, i have to admit that's pretty good, the only proplem with transtation is the grammar jokes Rich do, like the up down thing

2007-06-27, 03:24 PM
Elan: Pontos de perícia! Eu amo meus seis novos pontos de perícia! [1]

What about "adoro" instead of "amo"? "Amar" for something else than people sounds weird.
And why the "Eu?", just "Adoro os meus seis novos pontos de perícia!" would be enough.

2007-06-27, 04:47 PM

Amo = 3 letters
Adoro = 5 letters

Space is gold in translation. :smallbiggrin:

About the "eu" (I), good idea. Sometimes i ocult the noun, but brazilians really say "eu" frequently, so the noun use is essential to have a natural feeling.

And finally, i agree with you about the use of innapropried terms, like "merda". Check my job: I only used it in #007 because this is a joke about "colon tumor". Excessive slang, like "nos esquema" in the original translation or the excessive "tamos" instead of "estamos", can change all the significance of the strip to someone that live in Rio and other that live in Salvador.


Do yourself the hard work and every Finn can read this. Start a translation is easy. The hard part is not stop when find a big obstacle.

2007-06-27, 04:55 PM
Amo = 3 letters
Adoro = 5 letters
Space is gold in translation. :smallbiggrin:
I know, that's why I suggested removing the 'Eu'. It maybe a Portuguese thing, but no one I know would use "amo" in that way. Is it common usage in Brazil?

2007-06-27, 05:27 PM
No one i know can sing "jump, jump, jump, jump over the fence". :smalltongue:

But yes, i know a lot of people that say "amo" frequently. "adoro" is more usable to something tasteful.

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-06-27, 05:44 PM
Ah, nice to see the thread I started beck from the dead! :smallbiggrin:

Great job, Nibelung. I suggest we keep translating until we keep up with Rich. If we manage to do that, I think it will be the first language where all the strips are translated.

There will be a lot of difficulties in the way, like translating "Sapphire Guard", or "Azure City", or even "Bearer of The Crimson Mantle".

Also, a lot of jokes and everything just make sense if they are in English, just like the Hinjo's junk. Maybe we can find a word that suits it, but it will be hard work.

Anyway, to quote a famous dwarf: "Certainty of death, little chance of survival... What are we waiting for?"

Let's do it. To #469! :smalltongue:

EDIT: Ah, sorry! I think we should define some topics to be discussed too, like: 1) Durkon's accent, 2) translation of the gaming terms, 3) V's gender translated, 4) slang, and other things you find relevant too.

2007-06-27, 05:56 PM
1) Durkon accent is Scotish, but we can use the German because is the nearest to original that we can simply write. A lot of accents are good, but not all are good when write.

2) I prefer to use the official portuguese terms, if they exist (AKA: Devir translated the book already). Exceptions is if the bad Devir translation take of the joke. But this probly don't occur.

3) V gender is the hardest part. I'm good in find neutral terms, but sometimes we just need to made someone "supose" what is V gender and we follow this for the rest of the strip.

4 and more: I'm on MSN now. You added me. Let's talk in portuguese because it is faster :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-27, 06:00 PM
Not really.

Sapphire Guard= Guarda Safira.
Azure City= Cidade Azure.
Bearer of The Crimson Mantle= Portador do Manto Sangrento.

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-06-27, 06:19 PM
I thought in "Cidade Anil" instead of "Cidade Azure". I think it's more in the mood. :smallbiggrin:

As for the other ones, I think they're pretty good.

2007-06-27, 06:37 PM
Except it would be not.

Azure represents the sapphire, the absolute correct would be Cidade Azul or Cidade Safira but portuguese is not french, it have no problem in adapting words from other languages.

2007-06-27, 07:07 PM
Bearer of The Crimson Mantle = Portador do Manto Escarlate

Crimson is relative to fire, so we need to use something like fire, not like red.

(Editing because a friend corrected me, and i looked in a dictionary after it :smallredface: )

Azure City isn't a joke. So it can still be "Cidade Azure", or "Capital Azure", since it is a big city. But since "azure" is a word relative to blue, we can found any old portuguese word that means "azul" in a stilish style (yep, redundance is good :smalltongue: ).

But before we even reach Azure City, the mention to a Bearer of Crimson Mantle and the all-powerfull Soon and the joke to his name, we have a lot of little jokes to work on. That's why i don't care much about it now.

One thing: Someone can talk about the font used on this images:

#24: "The heroes are here!" neon board
#29: "Xykon Sucks" in Xykon statue
#38: All red text in the wall, last panel
#54: Nale's notes

2007-06-28, 04:21 AM

Do yourself the hard work and every Finn can read this. Start a translation is easy. The hard part is not stop when find a big obstacle.

I would, but I don't have as free time as you people do. Yet I can translate the first one, which will not probably do much.

Now not to change the subject but I'll just translate the first strip in finnish here. Don't worry if you don't understand, I don't have a clue of anything in portuguese lol. I'll use my accent for Durkon. Anyway:
Strip #1 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html)

Goblin: Ärrh!


Haley: Mitäs helvettiä? Tuo peikko oli aikomassa tönäissä sinut perseelleesi.
Durkon: En tiiä. Miusta tuntu tosi... vakaalta.


Roy: Ööö... Luulen että se on ketju paita (Note: Not sure about the word chain shirt, I can't find it in a dictionary)
Elan: Makeeta

V: Minä taidan ymmärtää. Uskoisin että meidät muutetaan uuteen 3.5 painokseen (Ok the word ''painos'' is more of a print thing, but I can't find another word for it)
Roy: No, minusta ainakin tuntuu enemmän uhkaavammaiselta. (I think that's it but not sure)
Belkar: JES!!! (Or just Kyllä but kyllä is used more as an anwser in a Yes/No question)

Belkar: Olen tehnyt tätä ''Ranger'' roskaa jo 3 vuotta, oli jo vähän aikakin että tulee päivitys. (I have absolutely NO idea what ranger is in finnish, all that comes up is a ranger of the woods and not a D&D ranger) Noni, noni, isi tarvitsee vähän uusia taito pisteitä.




Roy: Oho... Aseen kutistus
Haley: Hi hi, se on niin pieni
Belkar: Hemmetti!
Elan: Oho! Taito pisteitä
Belkar: Hemmetti!

It's not too good, but that's the best I could do.
EDIT: I added a link just to keep you on track of what's going on. I mean it's not like you wouldn't really know where you're going, it's just a thought

2007-06-28, 04:50 AM
Bearer of The Crimson Mantle = Portador do Manto
That's the one I would suggest. About Azure City, I'd prefer "Cidade d'Azur" to keep the french flavor like in Côte d'Azur.

I would also prefer "Guarda da Safira" and not "Guarda Safira". I know it takes an extra "da" but...

By the way Nibelung, in the old days we could change the text in the strips but the strips had to remain in the GIANTitP site. Rich decided not to keep translations anymore. You'll have to keep that on your computer until Rich decides to allow them again.

2007-06-28, 06:48 AM
5 minutes before go to work.

#20 and #21 linked in my first post too. When i do not thave to change jokes, is too easy translate :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-28, 07:20 AM
5 minutes before go to work.

#20 and #21 linked in my first post too. When i do not thave to change jokes, is too easy translate :smallbiggrin:

True. Having to translate jokes from english to some other language is a lot harder than the other way around.

EDIT: Hey I just thought:

There will be a lot of difficulties in the way, like translating "Sapphire Guard", or "Azure City", or even "Bearer of The Crimson Mantle".

Also, a lot of jokes and everything just make sense if they are in English, just like the Hinjo's junk. Maybe we can find a word that suits it, but it will be hard work.

Anyway, to quote a famous dwarf: "Certainty of death, little chance of survival... What are we waiting for?"

Ah, sorry! I think we should define some topics to be discussed too, like: 1) Durkon's accent, 2) translation of the gaming terms, 3) V's gender translated, 4) slang, and other things you find relevant too.

Do not forget about O buddy Roy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0445.html). Making a rhyme will be a lot harder. Don't forget that!

2007-06-28, 06:56 PM
I would, but I don't have as free time as you people do.

I work on oots translation only after 18:00 until i get bored :smalltongue:

If you are a good english reader, and have a good dictionary on hand, is easy to translate 1 strip/day in... 20 minutes. The hard thing is adapt the jokes, what takes another... 10~30 minutes. Very few jokes need more time. And finally, using Photoshop/GIMP you can erase the baloons and do copy-paste on your preview text in about... 20 minutes too.

So, except when we have a very difficult joke (like the pun with "spell level"), a full strip take 1 hour, in media. And you can cut the work in a lot of small works.

That's why i said: Translating is easy. The hard part is not stop.

2007-06-29, 03:54 AM
I work on oots translation only after 18:00 until i get bored :smalltongue:

If you are a good english reader, and have a good dictionary on hand, is easy to translate 1 strip/day in... 20 minutes. The hard thing is adapt the jokes, what takes another... 10~30 minutes. Very few jokes need more time. And finally, using Photoshop/GIMP you can erase the baloons and do copy-paste on your preview text in about... 20 minutes too.

So, except when we have a very difficult joke (like the pun with "spell level"), a full strip take 1 hour, in media. And you can cut the work in a lot of small works.

That's why i said: Translating is easy. The hard part is not stop.

I know, I know, translation is easy, but the problem here is, I DON'T speak english too good. Of course I am with the suggestion that OOTS should be in our own languages, but I don't have all the time in the world to do this. In fact having to get, let's say, O buddy Roy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0445.html)translated (even though it IS far far away from strip one. I mean like... 444 strips to go... I think) is really hard. Getting the rhymes to rhyme is really hard.

Seriously: It takes me forever to find out what a LICH is in finnish! It could be the same as a ghost, but I have absolutely no idea. I checked the internet for words, all that came was ''No match found'' and not to mention my dictionary was also useless. Oh and what about great cleavage (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0102.html)? First of all, I do not get the joke (because I'm finnish and I don't speak english too well) and I cannot find any way to translate this to finnish.

Nope. Too hard for me. :smallfrown:

PS. I don't know how to use Photoshop/GIMP. Besides I don't think I even have them. All I got is Paint and Ulead photo express.

EDIT: Looks like I left one sentence unfinished :smallannoyed:

2007-06-29, 05:04 AM
"Lich" was a term invented specifically for D&D, as far as I know, at least in terms of a nasty undead spellcaster. The proper English meaning of the word is an obsolete term for a corpse--hence the "lich gate" in a churchyard being the gate through which dead people were carried on the way to the cemetery.

As for cleavage, it's a euphemism for the bits on a woman's chest that make her look different to a man...

2007-06-29, 06:06 AM
As for cleavage, it's a euphemism for the bits on a woman's chest that make her look different to a man...

Well, sort of, it refers to the intermammary sulcus, but not only to that:

The hollow or separation between a woman's breasts, especially as revealed by a low neckline.
The act of cleaving or the state of being cleft.

That explains the jokes. The DnD use of the word is obviously the second, and related with this verb:

to cleave: "To split or sever something or as if with a sharp instrument."

2007-06-29, 06:28 AM
1st: Great I finally understand the joke.
2nd: That's not what I meant by what a lich is. I was looking for it in finnish, finnish being the language I speak.

Meh. I'll leave this OOTS to other language thread to be... unless people really wanna talk to me about this... but I decided: I'm not translating OOTS.
Too much work for me :smallsigh:

All work and no play makes Omicron REALLY REALLY bored... though it only may take like 20 minutes per strip.

2007-06-29, 07:05 AM
I know, I know, translation is easy, but the problem here is, I DON'T speak english too good. (...and) I don't have all the time in the world to do this.

Period. You say all. Try open a topic "Finnish translation" and have hope that someone can help. ^^

About the O' buddy Roy, i think i'll use the easy way: Maintain the original and translate it with legends. Most of american movies that have musics do this (except Disney) in Brazil.

2007-06-29, 02:24 PM
Period. You say all. Try open a topic "Finnish translation" and have hope that someone can help. ^^

About the O' buddy Roy, i think i'll use the easy way: Maintain the original and translate it with legends. Most of american movies that have musics do this (except Disney) in Brazil.
I second that. Disney's Hercules, for example, is awful, and they had to change all the jokes, because they either couldn't translate it properly ("he is cool, but still hot", for example) or didn't rhyme.

Translating Durkon's speech is almost impossible too. The "'" Didn't work well in Portuguese speech (makes it sounds like Portugese from Portugal). Same thing as pirate speech. It simply has no good translation.

2007-06-29, 05:00 PM
Translating Durkon's speech is almost impossible too.
We could use Portuguese sister language, Galician. Instead of J Durkon would use 'X', and instead of 'V' he would say 'B' (it would get on Belkar's nerves). Any 'galegos' in the playground?

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-06-29, 11:15 PM
I kinda like Nibelung's suggestion of giving Durkon a Germanish accent. It has the same effect. :smallbiggrin:

As for "O Buddy Roy", we can do Disney's way too. If we have a lot of free time one day. :smallwink:

About the cleavage, it will be hard to find something. "Trespassar Aprimorado" is not something that allow a joke. :smallconfused:

2007-07-01, 11:34 PM
Updated until #025 in my fist post.

I was thinking... don't be better if i open another topic, control this list on the first post, and discuss about it inside?

2007-07-15, 12:22 AM
Duoble post, but after a long, long time is ok, right?

For anyone who want to view how i'm doing this work, check this link: http://z12.invisionfree.com/Spell_Forever/index.php?showtopic=3378

By now, i finished until 37. At this rate, i'll catch the 100 before October.

2007-09-24, 06:59 PM
Triple post, just to inform.

The forum where i was hosting my OotS portuguese translation was gone, and now you can find it on http://spellrpg.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=53

If you wanna talk to me about it (corrections, suggestions, questions, and any others tions), ill reply faster on this topic. Thanks.