View Full Version : Pathfinder Best Third Party Books 2: Pathfinder Boogaloo

2015-04-05, 06:15 PM
A while back I asked for everyone's 2 cents on what their favorite 3rd party book or publisher is. Besides the obvious ones (I'm looking at you Dreamscarred) What are some books that you like for Pathfinder?

I like Spheres of Power.

2015-04-05, 07:49 PM
Pact Magic Unbound by Radiance House is a good one. They are working on a compilation book now too

2015-04-05, 09:02 PM
I second Spheres and Radiance.

Into the Breach has some fun Summoner archetypes

I've heard decent things about some of the stuff from Rogue Genius. I know Ssalarn (writer of Akashic Mysteries) did some writing for them.

Ilorin Lorati
2015-04-05, 11:17 PM
Interjection Games makes absolutely amazing (if sometimes hellaciously complicated) stuff. The math is all quite tight; I've personally seen the calculations the writer goes through to make sure everything is good. The mechanics are all interesting, the classes are flavorful and the Archetypes/PrCs all transformative. In some ways, they're better than DSP to me - the only reason why I say DSP first is because they write much more understandable things with higher production values.

2015-04-05, 11:30 PM
I just picked up Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary, and it's pretty amazing. Lots of cool templates and unique critters.

Alluria Publishing does amazing things for aquatic settings; their Cerulean Seas campaign setting is one of my favorite books.

Northwinter Press has a book called Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters. It's basically Pokemon for Pathfinder and I thought for sure that I would hate it or that it couldn't be done right, but it's actually amazing.

I'm currently digging into Legendary Games' Gothic Campaign Compendium, and so far the mechanics are tight, the fluff is awesomely dark and creepy, and the production value is really high.

Amora Games' Liber Influxus Communis, which I wrote a class for, has 14 new classes that all fill under-served niches in unique and exciting ways. I keep finding cool builds and concepts in it with every read through, and that's a pretty big deal for me.

2015-04-06, 12:42 AM
(Usual suspects first) From DSP: (Ultimate) Psionics, Akashic Mysteries, Path of War, etc. etc.

Beyond that, I can't recommend the Talented Classes line highly enough. Originally Super Genius Games (now Rogue Genius Games), they rip a given class apart and let you rebuild it. A player in my RotRL campaign is using Talented Fighter to mash up 2 handed fighter, weapon master and armored fighter, and it's hilarious.

2015-04-06, 01:52 AM
I just picked up Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary, and it's pretty amazing. Lots of cool templates and unique critters.

Alluria Publishing does amazing things for aquatic settings; their Cerulean Seas campaign setting is one of my favorite books.

Northwinter Press has a book called Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters. It's basically Pokemon for Pathfinder and I thought for sure that I would hate it or that it couldn't be done right, but it's actually amazing.

I'm currently digging into Legendary Games' Gothic Campaign Compendium, and so far the mechanics are tight, the fluff is awesomely dark and creepy, and the production value is really high.

Amora Games' Liber Influxus Communis, which I wrote a class for, has 14 new classes that all fill under-served niches in unique and exciting ways. I keep finding cool builds and concepts in it with every read through, and that's a pretty big deal for me.

Heh! This might just be my 3 AM shock, but it's a pleasant surprise to see one of the authors of a book I'm planning to read (still waiting for Daevic!).

2015-04-07, 06:46 PM
Heh! This might just be my 3 AM shock, but it's a pleasant surprise to see one of the authors of a book I'm planning to read (still waiting for Daevic!).

Last I heard we're just waiting on art for the Daevic :)

Another awesome book I remembered is Companions of the Firmament from Geek Industrial Complex. It does for aerial/flight oriented campaigns what Cerulean Seas does for aquatic campaigns, and adds in an amazing compilation of all the rules for flight and aerial combat that are otherwise scattered throughout the Paizo core books.

2015-04-08, 02:56 AM
Are there books that are on the high end of the power scale you'd recommend?

2015-04-08, 03:16 PM
Are there books that are on the high end of the power scale you'd recommend?

So, Little Red Goblin Games has a class called the Runesmith that's surprisingly potent once you get the hang of it, but it is a little complicated.

The Way of Ki from Legendary Games lets you really notch up the mysticism which can make the game feel really "high magic", but it's not really high-powered per se.

The Direlock from Forest Guardian Press is another class that has a real high magic feel to it, plus it's got this whole threatening-tentacles-of-doom thing that can get a little crazy.

The Swordmaster from Dreadfox Games is an amazing class for non-Strength warriors, but he isn't bringing much more to a table that already uses Path of War. His combat subsystem is amazingly elegant and fun though, and I'd recommend it to anyone who either likes of Path of War, or is trying to win over a DM who won't allow PW because he heard it's OP. Swordmaster is super elegant (I know, I called it elegant twice, and I meant it both times) and doesn't have as many obviously strong tricks as some of the PW classes, so once you get people used to the idea that a "fighter" can have techniques that compete with casting on some levels, it can open the door for the big boy.