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2015-04-06, 02:50 AM
Oathday, The 17th of Arodus, 4707 AR


The sound of the carpenters and masons hammers ring through the town of Sandpoint with a lively beat. Some of the local bards have even been coming by while not working on their material, and cheering the men on with lyre and flute matching the rhythm as the work on the new Sandpoint Cathedral continues. The hustle and bustle of the town seems to have increased, as the townsfolk look forward to the Swallowtail Festival, which honors their favored deity, Desna.

Almost everyone in town seems to find an excuse to come and gawk at the construction, that is when they're not busy preparing. Almost every day now, the wagons of the farmers from the countryside roll in, and wait in long lines at either the Scarnetti Mill or the Grocer's Hall, and the market which usually stands empty but for two days every week is now bursting to capacity with townsfolk and travelling merchants selling trinkets of Desna, colorful ribbons, baubles, and niceties to use as gifts to woo men and women.

The proprieter of Vernah's Fine Clothing, Rynshinn looks exceptionally frazzled, and even though she posted a "By Appointment Only" plank, someone seems to have commissioned a carpenter to make a quick bench and placed it leaning against her flower planter, where 4 people currently sit waiting for their appointment.

Hayliss Kovarski also can't seem to catch a break, as now that there's nowhere for the children to play, they've invaded her shop when the school allows a break. Luckily her brother sent her a few men from the League and Headmaster Gandethus also sent a teacher or two from the academy, who seem quite glad to be free of preparing studies and instead keeping the children's hands mostly off the wares.

You know this because EVERYONE is talking about it

https://youtu.be/I8jItoSS9D8?t=124 About a minute or so of that one, but they have the whole miniseries on youtube if you want to watch it through.


1. Sandpoint Cathedral
2. Boneyard
3. The White Deer (Inn)
4. The Way North (map shop)
5. Kesk's Fine Jewels
6. Junker's Edge
7. Gorvi's Shack
8. Quink Thinks (Sage)
9. Briskalberd's Locks
10. Sandpoint Garrison
11. Sandpoint Town Hall
12. Savah's Armory
13. Risa's Place
14. Rovanky Tannery
15. Red Dog Smithy
16. The Pillbug's Pantry
17. Bottled Solutions
18. Cracktooth's Tavern
19. House of Blue Stones
20. Sandpoint Glassworks
21. Sandpoint Savories
22. The Curious Goblin
23. Sandpoint Theater
24. Carpenter's Guild
25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill
26. General Store
27. Turandarok Academy
28. Madame Mvashti's House
29. Grocer's Hall
30. Vernah's Fine Clothing
31. Wheen's Wagons
32. Scarnetti Mill
33. The Hagfish
34. Valdemar Fish Market
35. Sandpoint Market
36. Sandpoint Meat Market
37. The Rusty Dragon
38. Goblin Squash Stables
39. Two Knight Brewery
40. Sandpoint Mercantile League
41. Sandpoint Boutique
42. Fatman's Feedbag
43. The Pixie's Kitten
44. The Feathered Serpent
45. Hannah's
46. Sandpoint Shipyard
47. Valdemar Manor
48. Scarnetti Manor
49. Kaijitsu Manor
50. Deverin Manor


Post is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19117060&postcount=50).

Alright, the day is yours. Explore the town. If you're really eager, don't forget that Ameiko keeps a Help Wanted board in The Rusty Dragon.

2015-04-07, 12:54 PM
On this fine late summer day, Sminerano strolls about town, going leisurely and observing the Swallowtail festival preparation proceedings. Ekhaszer's business has been going slower and slower of late, with the older alchemist needing longer and longer afternoon naps, and going into more of a semi-retirement in his sunset years. This makes Sminerano a little nostalgic for the wild times they had together exploring the Mwangi jungle, but today, he decides to put his concern for his ailing master aside, and just enjoy the fresh air and the bustle of the town as it puts its best face on for the big festival.

This will mean a lot of visitors to the town. Maybe some will be even more exotic than me, the young vanara reflects, smiling to himself.

Indeed, as a member of a race native to a land far from Varisia, he strikes a very different figure than the majority of born-and-breed Sandpoint people. Shorter than most adult humans, Sminerano's body is lithe and flexible, covered in short, soft fur the color of ivory, carefully groomed and meticulously clean. His head is topped by a thick mane of hair in the same color as the rest of his fur, with hand-like feet - he doesn't wear shoes - and a prehensile tail over three feet long. His face is decidedly simian in features, very mobile and expressive, with an easy smile and deep brown eyes that hint at his sense of fun and humor. He wears with pride the colorful clothes of his adopted home, Varisia, including the traditional kapenia scarf in the colors of Ekhaszer Kenric's family - purple, green and gold, with the addition of a well-used, leather apron, covered in stains and discolorations, a tell-tale sign of his work in the alchemy lab.

2015-04-07, 02:30 PM
Sitting and dozing under a tree near the town square, Deren fades in and out of consciousness as he digests his morning meal. Stretching with a yawn he watches various craftsmen working hard on the cathedral, putting the finishing touches on the impressive structure.

"Well, it is impressive, Jade," the Sczarni says in response to the subtle communication of his hidden companion. The scorpion chitters back in annoyance, as if it finds the humans' behavior utterly alien - which it probably does. "just because you don't understand and I don't particularly worship Desna doesn't mean it lacks beauty and grandeur. Besides, the work brings in trade, and that's how we got this," the young man lightly shakes his pouch, filled with more gold than he really new how to spend. "Yeah, that trader paid well for the family's protection on the road last week. With this we can live easy for quite a while, or at least till we get too bored and decide to spend it instead."

Rising from his shady spot the young man notices what he is sure must be some kind of monster walking down the street dressed as a Varisian. Going suddenly silent, his green familiar peeks out of his hood, right beside a matching green tattoo design, to see. "What do you think that is, Jade? None of the townsfolk are running screaming, so it can't be too dangerous. No I don't think it will taste good! Are you hungry again? Ugh..." he watches the furry humanoid walk about for several moments before shrugging and saying, "Let's go buy something. What do you want to get today, buddy?"

On a whim he decides to follow the monkey-man from a distance and see which stores might be along the way. "As long as they take gold, it shouldn't be too bad. Jubrayl hasn't exactly given me limits in town..." Deren mumbles as he walks.

2015-04-08, 10:40 AM
"What do you mean no one has responded yet?!" The elf before the innkeeper makes no effort to his his frustration. "Sandpoint is full to bursting at the seams, and not a single adventurer will answer my call? How can this be, Ameiko?"

The woman rolls her eyes a little, clearly exasperated at the same complaints. "Perhaps no one wants to die, this week? she supplies, barely sparing half her attention from wiping down the bar and glasses.

"Ugh!" the elf exclaims, disgusted. He steps into the bright, sunny day with a scowl that would put thunderclouds to shame. He meanders towards the hub of all the noise, lost in thought until he sees Sminerano moving towards him.

Suddenly, the scowl is replaced by a grin, and he strides forward confidently to clasp his friend's hand. Facing thus, he has no problem noticing the young man who quickly ducks around a corner and peeks out from beyond. "You appear to have attracted attention.... Again." He sighs, before continuing. "You're being followed, but he doesn't look too dangerous." Despite his words, he places a hand on the hilt igneous longsword, more a personal reassurance. "Any chance you come bearing news? I cannot abide having so little work to do in the city. All these new faces are making it harder for us old hands to get along!"

2015-04-08, 01:19 PM
Ameiko happens to pass by the pair talking, but she seems to be in a hurry. She waves at Sminerano and almost interrupts them. "Almost forgot my appointment at Vernah's! The list is almost full, and I'm sure wearing clothing tailored by Rynshinn will attract lots of the right kind of attention!" Then she bows slightly and rushes off.

2015-04-08, 10:46 PM
*thud* "That's it, I've had it!" The feet of Rax's chair thump heavily to the floor as he jumps up from his reclined position. Scowling down at his poor hand of cards, he tosses them facedown onto the table, folding, and follows it with a small pouch of silver. "I'm out! One more hand with you lot and either I'll be out of coin or you'll be out a first mate!" The swarthy sailors across the table pay no heed to his threats as they scoop up what used to be his coins and start dealing another hand amongst themselves - they've heard them a dozen times en route from Riddleport, and what must have been a hundred times since they'd been forced to put into Sandpoint for repairs.

"What's the total, Jargie?" Sighing, Rax leaves the card table behind and walks over to the bar, resisting the urge to peer out the window at the docks, again, where the work was proceeding on the Lady's Fortune at what seemed to be a snail's pace. "Bad luck again, eh, son?" Jargie Quinn, the Hagfish's one-legged owner, shuffles over, polishing a glass. "Bad luck would would imply it's a transient condition," Rax replies dryly as he counts out even more coins to pay for his breakfast and drinks, "at this rate, I fear I must instead be under some frightful curse. I'm going out. If any asks for me-" he looks back over his shoulder at his "companions", and seems to change his mind. "you know what? Nevermind." His tab payed, he quickly slips out the tavern doors before Quinn can turn the subject into one of his famous "yarns". It'd probably be the one about his leg... again!

As soon as he steps out the door, Rax realizes his error, but too late - the bright light of the midday sun strikes him full in the face, causing him to cry out in pain and throw up an arm to shield his eyes. Hissing, he pulls his hood up - like he should have done before going outside, and remains crouched over, eyes watering. After a few moments, the burning pain subsides to a dull throb, and vision, while not comfortable, is again possible. Sun-blasted ship. Sun-blasted city. Sun-blasted ship stranding me in this sun-blasted city. Ugh! Fuming, he sets off down the road, heading anywhere that isn't the same four walls of the Hagfish he's been stuck in for days.

He cuts an unusual figure walking down the streets of Sandpoint, even full as they are with revelers anticipating the upcoming festival. Beneath his heavy cloak and hood, he wears a mis-matched array of salt-stained clothes and weatherbeaten leather armor, looking much like a quintessential pirate out of Riddleport. The effect is aided by the rapier riding at his left hip; in the slums of Riddleport, walking around unarmed was an invitation to get your head knocked in or your wallet taken, but to his surprise here it seems to be the norm, and Rax feels quite a few inquisitive glances following after him as he makes his way through the crowds. Or it might be that other distinguishing feature; the dusky-purple skin that betrays his drow heritage. bumpkins... Rax thinks bitterly, still squinting against the glare.

After a time his wandering starts to take on a particular direction, towards Varnah's Fine Clothing. What was her name? Wyn... Ryn...Rynshinn! That was it... She'd been the one bright spot to being trapped in Sandpoint, so far, and talking to her always made Rax feel better, somehow. His feet start taking him to her store again of their own accord, and Rax starts mentally rehearsing what he might say to impress her, hoping she's not too busy with the Festival preparations...

2015-04-09, 01:30 AM
As Rax strolls up to Vernah's Fine Clothing, he sees the door shut tight, but also sees the lights on and movement inside. 4 women gossip on a wooden bench, but suddenly go quiet as they see him. They seem to shrink back away from the half-elf, unsure about him. Ameiko is standing in front of the door and pounding on it. "Rynshinn! Rynshinn! I know I'm late! Please just be dealing with the client before me and be almost finished!" she shouts plaintively into the closed door.

"Be right with you!" Rynshinn calls melodically from behind the door.

"Rynshinn! You said that once already! I have to be back to the Dragon soon!"

The door opens and Hannah Velerin, steps out, right into Ameiko. The two women almost fall but instinctively reach for each other, grab each other's outstretched hand and pull themselves aright. Rax senses they're both a bit tougher than they normally look. "Oh pardon me!"

Ameiko looks down. "The fault was mine. If I hadn't been so hasty..." She trails off.

"Think nothing of it. No harm was done." Hannah begins walking away when she turns back to Rynshinn. "Thank you so much for this." Then she heads back to her own residence.

Once the two women are out of the doorway, Rynshinn comes out of the clothing shop. She doesn't see Rax yet, and looks at the long list of names posted by the appointment shingle. "Next is," she pauses to confirm. "Veznutt Parooh. Anyone see him?" Ameiko looks a bit disappointed, but looks around anyway.

"He's not here, so he should forfeit his appointment."

"Yes I am." A small temerous voice comes from behind Rax. Everyone turns to look and they see Rax. The women on the bench look confused, as do Ameiko and Rynshinn. Then Veznutt steps beside Rax. "Down here." Rynshinn begins to laugh, and Ameiko's face puckers into a disappointed frown.

Veznutt steps closer to the shop. "I'm ready for my close-up."

Ameiko steps closer to the little gnome. "Veznutt, perhaps I could offer you a trade for your appointment slot?"

The gnome's eyes twinkle. "What did you have in mind?"

"The best meal at The Rusty Dragon, served any time you wish during daytime or early night, on the house.


"The best meal at The Rusty Dragon, served any day and time you wish during daytime or early night, on the house, and I sing a song about your amazing maps."

"At Cracktooth's?" The little gnome pushes his luck. Ameiko frowns a bit more and then nods curtly.

"The best meal at The Rusty Dragon, served any day and time you wish during daytime or early night, on the house, and I sing a song about your amazing maps at Cracktooth's Tavern."


Ameiko hugs him. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She reaches to hug Rax and then stops, unsure, then rushes into the shop. "I can't wait to try on a new outfit!"

"That, young man, is the way to a woman's heart." The gnome chuckles, clearly pleased with himself.

Rynshinn, looks over to Rax again, gives her small smile, but waves and heads back inside and closes the door. One of the women on the bench stands up and checks the list of names.

"Moon and Stars above! Ameiko isn't after Veznutt!" The woman who was next goes over to the door. "Ameiko! You cheated!" She then looks over to Veznutt. He's already hiding behind Rax, and then he takes a few steps and flees.

"Be back later! I forgot something at the Academy!"

2015-04-09, 07:48 AM
"Good morning, Gilraen!" Sminerano replies, happy to shake his elf friends' hand. "Followed? Really? Some young chap, new in town and wanting to learn about new places or people, I'd wager. Maybe I'll become one of Sandpoint's attractions during the festival!" He laughs at that prospect, used to the curiosity his unusual appareance often attracts.

Waving back at the passing Ameiko, he goes on, "as for news, I'm afraid I've got nothing for you. I was just enjoying this fine morning and taking a look at the festival preparations. And, let's be honest, do you really think now would be the right time to go explore your ancient homeland? Your woulnd't want to miss the year's biggest party, would you?"

2015-04-09, 08:38 AM
"And to you," the tall elf returns the greeting with a slight bow of his head. "Likelier than not, you are quite correct. Still, one should perhaps not be so eager to ignore potential threats. It can be a stunningly effective way to receive unnecessary bruises." He smiles to relieve the tension of his words and acknowledges Ameiko as she passes.

His expression becomes unreadable at the lack of news. "I suppose this year will at least include the presentation of the new cathedral. Otherwise, I would not be particularly concerned. Still, it is perhaps a reasonable explanation as to why none of the newcomers have responded yet…" He seems to lose himself in thought, for a moment.

He bows in dismissal. "Very well, enjoy your day. At least the weather is not too gloomy. I think I'll go meet your tail. Err, that is, the person following you." He smiles at the slip, and excuses himself.

A few moments later, he stands before the unstealthy young man. He extends a hand in greeting, smiling politely. "You are not particularly adept at hiding your intentions, friend. My name is Gilraen, and you must be new around here..."

2015-04-09, 10:34 AM
The hooded Sczarni stops short when the elf confronts him, narrowly avoiding a collision. "Excuse me? Intentions?" he stammers, backing up to avoid an invasion of his personal space. "Is there a problem with someone looking at an unusual sight like a well-dressed simian in the middle of town?"

Not taking the outstretched hand, the young man continues, finally answering the implied question, "Um, I'm Deren."

2015-04-09, 12:03 PM
""Very well, enjoy your day. At least the weather is not too gloomy. I think I'll go meet your tail. Err, that is, the person following you." "

Sminerano guffaws. "Ha! Love it! I've always had a fine ear for your pointed jokes, you know that!" Still grinning, he gives the elf a solid clap on the back, and walks with him towards the newcomer.

"... And I'm Sminerano, pleased to meet you, good Sir!"

In a mock conspiratory tone, he adds, with a wink: "I'm actually just an ordinary ape with a minor magical enhancement, but don't tell anybody. It's a secret!"

2015-04-09, 01:54 PM
Gilraen leaves his hand extended for some time, a confused expression on his face, before slowly lowering his arm.
"Is there a problem with someone looking at an unusual sight like a well-dressed simian in the middle of town?"
"Of course not. At least, not directly. If your only intention was ogling, I suppose your manners have been twice displayed. Unfortunate, that. You should really not-"

"... And I'm Sminerano, pleased to meet you, good Sir!"

In a mock conspiratory tone, he adds, with a wink: "I'm actually just an ordinary ape with a minor magical enhancement, but don't tell anybody. It's a secret!"

Gilraen sighs, and turns back to the young man. "As you can tell, Sminerano is incredibly shy, and easily prone to upsetting." He raises an eyebrow and adds, "or something like that. So. Deren. Dare I ask what brings you to the lovely metropolis of Sandpoint? I doubt you made this journey for our world-famous lobster brine..."

2015-04-09, 04:42 PM
Startled by both the others' direct approach, Deren says, "I mean no offense, though most of the time no one cares if a Varisian is offended. Your direct approach surprised me, that's all." Awkwardly offering his hand to the others, the thin, tattooed man continues, "I apologize, I am here after finishing family business and planning to stay for the festival. Is that a problem?"

Turning to Sminerano he offers his hand again and says, "And though I have never seen a creature exactly like you before, I do know you are not enchanted - I am not unfamiliar with the mysteries of such things, and your possess no such aura at the moment..."

2015-04-09, 05:22 PM
A short, strangely dressed, older male approaches the Rusty Dragon Inn. He hesitates, and then sees Sminerano and Gilraen talking to a stranger. He walks over to them, and they recognize him as Longiku Kaijutsu.

"Is my disgraceful daughter inside?" He asks curtly. You can't help but shake your head, and he nods and then barges in. A minute or two later he comes out, looking a bit more relieved, then rushes off.

2015-04-09, 07:04 PM
The tall elf shakes Deren's hand, and a smile erupts across his face.

"I apologize, I am here after finishing family business and planning to stay for the festival. Is that a problem?"
"Oh, no. Not at all! Not it is my turn to apologize, I also meant no offense. I did intend to ensure that you were not a cutpurse or some other potential hazard to my friend, Sminerano. That ensured, I am glad to make your acquaintance, Deren. I make it something of a personal goal to know most of the new faces at Sandpoint, as I have been tasked with a venture that has proven more... demanding than I foresaw. That will be business for another time. You say you are new here, have you seen much of the city yet? I would be glad to show you-"

A short, strangely dressed, older male approaches the Rusty Dragon Inn. He hesitates, and then sees Sminerano and Gilraen talking to a stranger. He walks over to them, and they recognize him as Longiku Kaijutsu.

"Is my disgraceful daughter inside?" He asks curtly. You can't help but shake your head, and he nods and then barges in. A minute or two later he comes out, looking a bit more relieved, then rushes off.

Gilraen raises a pointed eyebrow and turns to Sminerano. "I wonder what she did to make him angry this time," he muses aloud. After a pause, he turns back to Deren. "Forgive me. Master Kaijutsu's daughter is a mutual friend of ours," he indicates Sminerano. "I hope she has not done something overly foolish. Shall I show you around? Normally, I would begin at the Rusty Dragon, here, but as its proprietor is currently preoccupied with other business, we can come back later..."

2015-04-09, 10:03 PM
Sminerano looks at Deren quizzically, trying to decide what to make of the strange tatooed man's behavior. OK, no sense of humor whatsoever, apparently.

"Er... Well, I guess you found me out then. No matter. Please excuse my poor attempt at a joke," he says. Years of living among the sometimes intolerant, sometimes welcoming humans have taught him that erring on the side of politeness is usually the safest course.

As Gilraen remarks on Longiku's unseemly anger, he just nods knowingly. Poor girl, saddled with such a sad father. He resolves to come back and pay a visit to the Rusty Dragon later in the day.

2015-04-09, 11:52 PM
As Rax strolls up to Vernah's Fine Clothing, he sees the door shut tight, but also sees the lights on and movement inside. 4 women gossip on a wooden bench, but suddenly go quiet as they see him. They seem to shrink back away from the half-elf, unsure about him...

"Be right with you!" Rynshinn calls melodically from behind the door.

Rax hesitates at seeing the door closed and the line of women outside, but hearing Rynshinn's voice bolsters his resolve and he crosses his arms to wait, giving a curt nod from beneath his hood at the ladies on the bench.

Once the two women are out of the doorway, Rynshinn comes out of the clothing shop. She doesn't see Rax yet, and looks at the long list of names posted by the appointment shingle. "Next is," she pauses to confirm. "Veznutt Parooh. Anyone see him?" Ameiko looks a bit disappointed, but looks around anyway.

"He's not here, so he should forfeit his appointment."

"Yes I am." A small temerous voice comes from behind Rax. Everyone turns to look and they see Rax. The women on the bench look confused, as do Ameiko and Rynshinn. Then Veznutt steps beside Rax. "Down here." Rynshinn begins to laugh, and Ameiko's face puckers into a disappointed frown.

A slow smile starts on Rax's face at Rynshinn's appearance, but then he flinches as all eyes suddenly turn on him, and he takes half a step back before the gnome steps forward and clears up the confusion. He's quiet... a part of his mind files away for later use. Might want to keep an eye on that one... Somewhat abashed, he takes a step to the side so as not to obstruct the following conversation.


Ameiko hugs him. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She reaches to hug Rax and then stops, unsure, then rushes into the shop. "I can't wait to try on a new outfit!"

Rax stiffens at the attempted hug, and awkwardly tries to cover it up with other nod at Ameiko's retreating form. Southerners... he sighs inwardly. why must they always be so touchy-feely?

"That, young man, is the way to a woman's heart." The gnome chuckles, clearly pleased with himself.

Rynshinn, looks over to Rax again, gives her small smile, but waves and heads back inside and closes the door.

"You don't say..." Rax replies absentmindedly, his frustration coming back as Rynshinn leaves without a word. Irritated, he turns to say something cutting, but the gnome is not where he was last standing...

"Moon and Stars above! Ameiko isn't after Veznutt!" The woman who was next goes over to the door. "Ameiko! You cheated!" She then looks over to Veznutt. He's already hiding behind Rax, and then he takes a few steps and flees.

"Be back later! I forgot something at the Academy!"

"An interesting fellow..." Rax remarks as the gnome scampers away, trying to break some of the ice between himself and the women outside the shop. "Don't tell me, he's the one in charge of procuring supplies for the lumber yards. Or perhaps the town purchasing clerk? Is he always so flighty?" He attempts a smile, though he doubts if they can see it clearly beneath his hood. "Is the line, ah, quite long?" he asks, pointing to the appointment schedule on the door. His hopes of seeing Rynshinn today are falling rapidly...

2015-04-10, 03:05 AM
"Veznutt sells maps, when he can find a buyer. He also teaches the younger children at the Academy. The older ones tend to get too rowdy with such a small teacher." Katrine, the woman reading the list of names responds to Rax. "After Ameiko will be Veznutt, then Arika Avertin, Katrine Vinder, that's me, Jillian Hosk, Merissa Valdemar, Chask Haladan, and Courrin Whesterwill. Do you have some business with Rynshinn?" Katrine is young and attractive as well, but something about the way she moves and talks tells Rax she's already seeing someone.

2015-04-10, 02:13 PM
Seeming to settle down and becoming comfortable with the conversation, Deren replies, "Oh, you misunderstand - I am not from Sandpoint, but I have visited several times over the years. The festival this year will be quite exciting, what with the cathedral being dedicated and all. What do you think?"

2015-04-11, 04:43 PM
Another man comes walking up to Vernah's. He's tall but stiff, and wears very expensive clothing. When Rax asks, he says his name is Boswick and that he too, is here to see Rynshinn.

"I hope you don't mind a bit of friendly competition."

After what seems like an eternity to Rax, Ameiko comes out of Vernah's, with Rynshinn behind her. "So you're coming to the Dragon tonight, right?" Ameiko asks behind her. "I'm going to sautee some freshly caught and cleaned scallops. Isn't that meal one of your favorites?"

"Ooh, that sounds so great!" Rynshinn closes her eyes and smiles. "I hope I can make it. I have a lot of customers today." Rynshinn says.

"Of course you can make it. I won't start them until you're there." Ameiko says cheerfully.

"Wonderful! I'll be there." Rynshinn says. She sees Rax waiting for her. "Hi, Rax. Sorry about earlier. Some people can be so demanding. And Boswick, too. I'm afraid I don't have much time for either of you."

"Zashong! It wasn't that long!" Ameiko protests.

Boswick seems to take the snub in stride. "I wasn't expecting to see you here Ameiko. All these lovely ladies around could drive a man to flee and wait for a more opportune time."

"Boswick." Ameiko acknowledges his presence, but her voice seems neutral and measured.

Again, Boswick seems unfazed. "Very well, I shall take my leave. Would one of you other ladies like to accompany me? I'm headed to Risa's for a drink."

The other women look at each other first, and then wonder if they'll lose their spot just like Arika had. But Arika decides her appointment is already spent. "That sounds nice." she says. "Rynshinn, can you put me on the list tomorrow? Early morning, if possible."

"Yes, I think I can. I also think someone owes Arika and the other women here something nice too, for making them wait." Rynshinn points out.

Ameiko sighs, then nods. "Of course. How about this. Ladies, we'll all come over to Rynshinn's the night before the festival. I'll bring some niceties and we can plan together. You don't mind, do you Rynshinn?"

Suddenly volunteered, Rynshinn's mouth comes open before she knows what to say. Then she thinks about all the last minute changes that may have to happen. "That sounds great, as long as no one minds helping out if the seams aren't all finished."

Arika takes Boswick's arm and they walk off together towards Risa's Place. The other women are quite pleased with the new development. They all start chatting with Ameiko, which gives Rynshinn a moment to turn to Rax. "I'm glad Boswick is gone. It was nice of you to stay and wait. Can you meet me at the Dragon later?"

Veznutt passes by Arika and receives a scowl from the young woman, but shrugs. "Take two!" he says cheerfully.

Rynshinn smiles again at Rax and holds the door open for Veznutt. "Right this way." She says.

Ameiko says her goodbyes to the women and heads back to the Rusty Dragon.

2015-04-11, 07:49 PM
Seeming to settle down and becoming comfortable with the conversation, Deren replies, "Oh, you misunderstand - I am not from Sandpoint, but I have visited several times over the years. The festival this year will be quite exciting, what with the cathedral being dedicated and all. What do you think?"

"Yes, it will be great rejoicing for us to have a temple again. I understand how, for many in town, it will feel like a new beginning." He would say more, maybe, but seems to think the better of it. Not the right time to recall a painful past, and not the right person to do it with.

2015-04-11, 09:24 PM
Ameiko walks up to the inn and sees the trio still talking. "Well hello again! Come in if you'd like, and bring your new friend!" She opens the door to the inn and holds it for the group.

2015-04-11, 10:13 PM
"...After Ameiko will be Veznutt, then Arika Avertin, Katrine Vinder, that's me, Jillian Hosk, Merissa Valdemar, Chask Haladan, and Courrin Whesterwill. Do you have some business with Rynshinn?"

Rax's spirits slide lower and lower with each name Katrine lists, until he's thinking of giving up and trying again tomorrow. One more try... maybe I can catch her when she finishes with that girl... Out loud he says, "Oh, I was going to place an order for a- a hat, yes... maybe I'd better wait until after the festival, huh?"

Another man comes walking up to Vernah's. He's tall but stiff, and wears very expensive clothing. When Rax asks, he says his name is Boswick and that he too, is here to see Rynshinn.

"I hope you don't mind a bit of friendly competition."
Rax looks the man over, noting the fancy clothing in stark contrast to his own mismatched garb. He ignores the man's remark and crosses his arms to wait. How much longer...?

After what seems like an eternity to Rax, Ameiko comes out of Vernah's, with Rynshinn behind her. "So you're coming to the Dragon tonight, right?"


Arika takes Boswick's arm and they walk off together towards Risa's Place. The other women are quite pleased with the new development. They all start chatting with Ameiko, which gives Rynshinn a moment to turn to Rax. "I'm glad Boswick is gone. It was nice of you to stay and wait. Can you meet me at the Dragon later?"

Rax remains with his arms crossed throughout Boswick's flatteries and departure, nurturing a growing resentment for the man. If I'm ever low of coin, or hot air, I know who to visit... At Rynshinn's question he shakes his head, blinking, as his attention returns to the present. "At the-? Oh! Sure, it's no trouble. I'll save you a seat! Good luck with the rest of your, ah, customers!" He decides to follow Ameiko back to the Rusty Dragon immediately, since he doesn't have much else to do and this way he won't get lost...

Ameiko walks up to the inn and sees the trio still talking. "Well hello again! Come in if you'd like, and bring your new friend!" She opens the door to the inn and holds it for the group.

Rax gives a start as the group in front of the inn comes into view, suddenly looking at the largest... monkey?!?... he's ever seen! He blinks his eyes rapidly, trying to make sure the light and heat aren't playing tricks on him, but the figure remains. As he gets closer, he only gets more and more confused, as it becomes clear that he- it- what-ever-it-is! is dressed in brightly colored clothing and wearing a leather apron stuffed with tools - and speaking in Common?? He stops a few paces away from the group, and as Ameiko goes to the door he quickly takes in the armed elf (warrior-sort, that one...) and the tattooed traveler (outsider... Sczarni, perhaps?). He hesitates, not going to the door yet, and waits to see how the others respond to Ameiko's greeting...

2015-04-12, 04:15 AM
Deren nods politely at the hostess of the Rusty Dragon and heads inside to have a drink and maybe steady his nerves. Under his cloak he feels Jade crawl around for a better position to watch and listen. As the scorpion eventually settles on his left wrist Deren makes it a point to sit at a table near the bar with his left hand in his lap, out of sight of a casual observer.

2015-04-12, 05:23 AM
Sminerano brightens up further at seeing his innkeeper friend back. "Well certainly, a pleasure as always!" he says, entering the door with a broad smile on his ape-like face.

2015-04-13, 02:02 AM
Assuming everyone comes in to the bar.

Ameiko pulls a few bar stools down off the bar, and wipes it down quickly, before offering them a seat. "What would you fine gentlemen enjoy today? I have a fresh keg of ale from Two Knights I can tap, a few bottles of mierani wine I stashed away, or you could sample a rice wine I've been working on. My stock of that is quite small, as I'm not quite happy with it yet, but it will definitely take the edge off. I also have a pork quarter and some roasted onions and peppers left from last night's dinner I can do something with, if you'd like." While the group is deciding, Ameiko calls upstairs.

"Bethana! Bethana! How is the work coming?"

A halfling girl puts both hands on the bannister to the stairs and then pops her head out over it. "Fine, my lady. All the unoccupied rooms are prepared for tonight, should someone else wish to stay."

"How is Shallelu's room?"

"Still unused, my lady."

"So she hasn't come back quite yet." Ameiko says to herself. She then looks over at the message board. "What's this?" she says curiously, as she sees a new notice. "A reward for finding someone, but the details aren't listed. Nor the patron. It just says meet them at Risa's place tomorrow evening."

2015-04-13, 11:59 AM
Deren quietly orders some ale, nursing it slowly and watching the others warily.

2015-04-13, 12:21 PM
"What's this?" she says curiously, as she sees a new notice. "A reward for finding someone, but the details aren't listed. Nor the patron. It just says meet them at Risa's place tomorrow evening."

Gilraen speaks up from his seat, having already accepted and begun drinking an ale. "Oh, Hmm. Your father came by. He says his life is drab and meaningless without you, as he always does." With a broad wink he continues, "perhaps he posted it? I know not what he would need this person for, but I suppose you could ask him."

2015-04-13, 03:27 PM
Filibert and Growler make their leisurely way up the road towards Saddlepoint, the halfling man alternating between appreciative appraisals of the scenery on either side of the road and recounting of stories heard by the fireside. As Saddlepoint comes into view, however, Filibert's speech lapses as he approaches with anticipation. Suddenly giving a sly glance to his companion, the halfling gives the wolf a gentle shove toward the margin of the road, yelling Last one there is a lily-livered lizard lover!!! Even as Filibert runs as hard as he can toward the gates, his companion gives a playful growl, crouching with his tail wagging in the air before springing into the chase and easily overtaking him. Growler pulls up beside Filibert, tongue lolling out the side of his wolfish grin, and the tiny man laughs his way to a stop as the wolf gives his face a long lick from chin to temple. Steadying himself with one hand on the horn of the military-style saddle strapped across the back of the wolf, Filibert makes a great show of wiping imaginary gobs of slobber off of his face and out to the margin of the road before resuming the pair's walk up the road.

As they walk into the town, Filibert's gait slows, as he takes in the sights of something more closely approximating civilization than the empty wilds and border towns through which his wanderings have taken him. While appraising the sign swinging outside the Two Knight Brewery with obvious interest, his attention is distracted by the sound of crates and barrels coming loose from the straps keeping them precariously perched upon a rather shabby-looking wagon being driven by a Sczarni woman, looking as though she's seen more than her share of miles. Oh, no! Please, miss! shouts the halfling as he moves to assist. Allow me! The woman's look of dismay fades into one of scorn, and she clicks her tongue dismissively at Filibert before noting the comparative ease with which the tiny man is able to lift and shove the items up onto the cart. As the Sczarni woman is pulling the straps tight and mumbling her thanks, Filibert grins broadly before bowing low. It is my pleasure, frie-

Suddenly he feels a yank on his sleeve, and yelping his surprise and dismay, he turns to see Growler's teeth on the exposed fringe of his padded undershirt, and looking back to the road he notes the flapping cape of a haughtily dressed figure on a tall black horse turning the road's corner far ahead. Muttering and eyeing the now-distant figure with irritation, Filibert gives Growler a grateful scratch about the ears and a pat on his armored shoulder. Looks like I owe you my skin again, buddy... and I don't know about you, but I'm about ready for lunch! What do you say... are you hungry? Hungry? As the wolf's tail lashes about in excited recognition of that magical word, Filibert swings his way up into the saddle and dramatically shouts a mock battle command, Onward, to glory... and Lunch!!

2015-04-13, 10:42 PM
Gilraen speaks up from his seat, having already accepted and begun drinking an ale. "Oh, Hmm. Your father came by. He says his life is drab and meaningless without you, as he always does." With a broad wink he continues, "perhaps he posted it? I know not what he would need this person for, but I suppose you could ask him."

"Or I could do that for you, should you want to know." Sminerano casts a sideways glance at Gilraen, hoping that his friend takes the hint. Not the best joke subject.

2015-04-13, 11:30 PM
As the others file into the common room of the Rusty Dragon and take their seats, Rax pushes aside his reservations, and his speculations about whatever-it-is!, and follows Ameiko inside, his eyes grateful for the reduced illumination. Pushing back his hood slightly, he finds a seat at the bar, adjacent to Deren, and waves at Ameiko, "A glass of the mierani, please." As she goes to fetch it, he casts a sideways glance at the man beside him, noting once again the distinctive tattoos and well-worn travel clothes. "Not from around here either, eh?" he finds himself remarking to break the silence. "Me neither... I wasn't supposed to be here at all, truth be told - my ship was nearly capsized en route to Magnimar! Yeah... the captain said "two weeks", give or take, but that was four days ago, and I can't see that they've done -thank you- anything yet!" His drink arrived, Rax takes a long sip while rolling his eyes. "He's been paid in advance, so what does he care? Bloody pirate is what he is... And what about you?" He shifts on the barstool to regard Deren more directly. "What brings you to Sandpoint? Here for the festival?"


Sometime later, Rax's curiosity gets the better of him and he can contain it no longer. Turning to Gilraen and Sminerano, he addresses the elf while eyeing the Vanaran with ill-disguised amazement. "Pardon me, but your friend there- I've not seen anything like it! Er,..." he hesitates as he considers the misinterpretation of his meaning, "no offense, that is! Uh, I'm Rax." he finishes abruptly, unsure of the new social dynamic he's instigated...

2015-04-14, 02:41 AM
Ameiko's tone gets sharp at the mention of her father. "I have nothing nice to say to that gu bendan! I'm amazed he would even ask for help! And from adventurers?!" Then her eyes shine with a fierce, vindictive glee. "Would you go find out? It's tomorrow night, so you don't have to make any decisions yet. And you don't have to help him, but I would love to know what he's up to."

2015-04-14, 03:20 AM
"And what about you? What brings you to Sandpoint? Here for the festival?"
"Well, mostly, yes," Deren replies cautiously. "I finished a job working for some family traders and decided to hang around town till the cathedral dedication. The festival should be entertaining and I have some time to spare.

It sounds like you may be here for a while - nearly capsizing can really damage a vessel. Sandpoint is a nice little town - I have been here several times before - though Magnimar is certainly busier. I can see why you might chafe a bit at the quieter pace of things around here."

Listening to Ameiko address the pair at the table Deren looks to the advertisement posted by Mr. Kaijutsu. "I wonder what that is all about..." he mumbles before taking a long pull of his ale and turning to watch the development in the inn common room.

2015-04-14, 07:06 AM
"Would you go find out?"
Gilraen sighs, seemingly disappointed. "I suppose the day would not be complete without at least one pot pointing out the color of the kettle; you really should speak to him, you know. When blood is uncomfortable with itself, it only turns more sour. Of course I will look into the matter, and of course you will ignore my suggestion." He raises his ale in mock toast to the mention of so many long nights' discussions, with a slightly uncomfortable smirk. "Would that I could take my own advice," he mumbles into his cup as he takes a swig.

"no offense, that is! Uh, I'm Rax."

When Rax walks in, Gilraen immediately goes uncomfortably quiet. He says nothing, content to watch the half-drow not cause trouble until his attention is garnered directly. With a single raised eyebrow, his piercing gaze bores into Rax. "You bear your ancestry boldly, for possessing one so widely distrusted and condemned. My friend here," he gestures to Sminerano, "stands out for a different sort of reason. He is quite intelligent, and can speak for himself, should he so chose. What does a... half drow, unless I miss my guess, plan to do in Sandpoint?" he asks pointedly.

I'm assuming that a full blooded elf would recognize drow ancestry immediately, and also have little trouble noting that he was not a full drow. If I'm out of line, I'll correct it.

2015-04-14, 07:53 AM
When Gilraen squarely confronts Ameiko about her relationship with her father, Sminerano looks down into his ale, heartily wishing for a change in subject. "All right, I'll go with you, after all, we're the budding adventurers here, aren't we? Unless it just happens to be a odd dream of yours after all?"

Fortunately, the nosy newcomer provides for a distraction. "Well, yes, it's a monkey, isn't it? By the looks of it at least. Recently escaped from Escaterinius Pamphilionis' Curios Shop of the Extraordinary, dealing in unusual and intriguing artifacts, animals, and contraptions since 4632 AR! Its fur is of a particularly rare color, resulting from an excess of yellow sea urchin in its diet during infancy," Sminerano adds, the nonsensical nature of his tirade increasingly clear as he goes on, the grin on his face widening in step with the more and more outlandish claims. "Some think it is in fact a being from the Outer Planes, as evidenced by the tiefling-like tail you couldn't help noticing!" The tail in question rises in the air, taking the shape of a large question mark.

"And you are... Rax, an unusal sort of elf, if my friend here is to be believed? Don't let yourself be put off by his gruff manners", and with that, his elbow bumps into Gilraen's side. "He's really a nice person when you get to know him!"

"Oh, and the name is Sminerano, by the way." He takes a gulp from his mug, obviously enjoying the refreshing taste of the Two Knights.

2015-04-14, 09:11 AM
Rax is quiet for a moment, processing the very different responses he's received so far. And here I thought this was going to be boring...

"What does a... half drow, unless I miss my guess, plan to do in Sandpoint?" he asks pointedly.

Rax had been ignoring the distrusting looks and sideways glances; he's had plenty of practice doing just that. Still the elf's condemning language catches him a bit off guard (at least he's direct about it!) and he tamps down a surge of anger as he considers how to respond. "Oh, you know, the usual activities... walking along the beach, frolicking in the sun with the goblins, perhaps getting a tan..." He holds up one of his dusky-purple hands and makes a show of inspecting it thoughtfully. "I think only half of one, though."

As Sminerano is speaking, he picks up his drink and walks around to the Vanaran's other side, so that he is between him and Gilraen.

"Oh, and the name is Sminerano, by the way." He takes a gulp from his mug, obviously enjoying the refreshing taste of the Two Knights.
Rax can't contain a small smile at the Vanaran's obvious good humor. "Sminerano... pleased to make your acquaintance." He reaches out to shake hands, or... paws?

"And you are... Rax, an unusal sort of elf, if my friend here is to be believed?
"Oh, this?" Rax makes a show of inspecting his skin again. "A tragic accident at the ink factory, is all. That," he indicates the other's prehensile tail, "looks to be quite useful." He takes another sip of his wine and goes on, pointedly ignoring Gilraen for the moment. "And I couldn't help overhearing... you did say adventurers, of some sort? That sounds interesting. My friend here" he nods across the room at Deren, "was just remarking on the... quieter pace of life hereabouts, but we wouldn't want the young ones degenerating into idleness and delinquency!" He meets Gilraen's eyes as he finishes his glass of wine, then turns, looking for Ameiko to order another.

2015-04-14, 03:12 PM
Filibert swings the door of the Rusty Dragon open, serious eyes scanning the room for the bar. As they scan, he can't help but notice the curious assemblage of figures at the bar. The shrouded figure, the simian bar occupant, the tattooed Sczarni... his eyes widen, and his grin grows as well! Puffing himself up to his full height, the halfling waves his friend wolf at his heel and strides purposefully toward the bar. Scrambling up onto the human-sized barstool, he stands and waves at the barmistress...

2015-04-14, 05:12 PM
"As I was saying...EEEEEEK!" Ameiko shrieks and ducks under the bar, then rises with a long blade drawn ready to fight. "Look out! Wolf!"

2015-04-14, 06:02 PM
Rax jumps a foot out of his seat at Ameiko's shriek, and is already drawing his own sword by the time she rises. "What the-?!" Stumbling back, he hastily pushes his barstool between him and the wolf, keeping his blade raised. He blinks, suddenly, as something unusual about the creature registers. "Is- is that armor??"

2015-04-14, 07:58 PM
Gilraen, facing away from the door, is among the last to react to the halfling's presence. At Ameiko's cry he turns, draws his bow in one smooth motion, and has an arrow fully drawn before he realizes that his mark is some two and a half feet to high to strike the "threat." Subconsciously responding to Rax's comment, he lowers his bow with a look between confusion and distrust.

With a serious expression, arrow still half-drawn, he asks the halfling, "Would you care to explain why you frighten our hostess with your... *ahem* friend? Ameiko runs a respectable inn; I would encourage you take any trouble you intend elsewhere."

2015-04-14, 08:23 PM
Filibert looks behind him (and past Growler, sitting calmly behind his barstool), startled at the outburst of the barkeep! Hopping from the barstool to the floor, he reaches into one of the saddlebags hanging from his faithful companion's sides for his cestus, brandishing it at the empty center of the room... before noticing the circle of suspicious faces (and a few drawn blades) pointed in his direction.

Rax jumps a foot out of his seat at Ameiko's shriek, and is already drawing his own sword by the time she rises. "What the-?!" Stumbling back, he hastily pushes his barstool between him and the wolf, keeping his blade raised. He blinks, suddenly, as something unusual about the creature registers. "Is- is that armor??"

Attempting to defuse the situation with a hearty laugh, Filibert turns to address the elf. Why, it is indeed armor! he says, with a strong and clear voice. I wouldn't ask my greatest, and momentarily only friend to serve as my companion and steed without a care to his safety! He reaches down to the horn of the saddle on Growler's back, easing the rusty tan wolf up from the defensive crouch that was the latter's instinctive response to the ruckus, and reaching underneath the leather armor to give a friendly scratch to the back of Growler's neck.

Diplomacy roll to improve attitudes of all present: [roll0]

"Would you care to explain why you frighten our hostess with your... *ahem* friend? Ameiko runs a respectable inn; I would encourage you take any trouble you intend elsewhere."

I assure you that he and I mean no trouble at all, friend! We have, however, been much too long between meals cooked in a proper kitchen, and I brews from a proper keg, and wished to ease these discomforts in this fine establishment! To that end... the halfling pulls himself up to the barstool, waving Growler into the space between the barstool and the bar proper before fishing a fistful of coin out of his pouch and calling over to Ameiko, My good lady, a plate of whatever's best for myself, and mugs for all assembled! A full pint for me, mind you. The thirst of the road will harbor no "half" measures for me this day! He winks playfully at Ameiko.

2015-04-14, 10:15 PM
Bethana rushes down stairs with a small knife, but stops three steps up, seeing the large (to her) animal. Ameiko seems even more furious, but lowers her blade and begins muttering in Minkai under her breath.

"Milady!" Bethana whispers in shock and drops the knife.

Ameiko turns to Bethana, anger still lingering in her voice "You wouldn't bring a mount in here, would you, Bethana?"

"Of course, not, milady."

Ameiko nods, and Bethana picks up the knife and retreats upstairs. Ameiko continues to serve the halfling, first dropping a metal plate on the bar in front of him, then hacking off some of the roast pork with her sword, sticks the point in and slowly and deliberately scrapes the meat off onto the plate. She pulls out a ladle and dumps some onions and peppers on the plate. She serves the rest of the group the ale the halfling requested with a tight smile which seems to smolder, then pounds the halfling's mug on the bar next to his plate, causing the plate to jump and ale to slosh out onto the bar.

"I suppose you want me to find a place for your animal to stay as well?"

Already doubled it, so don't double again: 1g for the meal, 3s for all the ale, 4g for the room, so 5g 3s in all.

2015-04-14, 10:24 PM
At Ameiko's outburst, Sminerano turns around, only to see... A wolf??? He isn't nearly as fast as any of his friends to draw weapons. A good thing since I don't carry any. After a tense moment, the halfling's calm and friendly demeanor seems to defuse the situation.

"... And good day to you, good Sir! I think you have the right approach, there's nothing like good ale to recover from a shock! Mind you, some of us have seen stranger sights today, haven't we?" He casts a wink in Rax' and Deren's general direction.

As he sees the stranger's entrance put Ameiko in a fairly foul mood, he makes a somewhat lame attempt to clear the air with a joke.

"That said, I think there is something missing here. I mean... what does your friend with the fangs like to drink? Not fresh blood, I would hope. I hear it's really horrible for your digestion!"

2015-04-14, 11:07 PM
Ameiko turns to Bethana, anger still lingering in her voice "You wouldn't bring a mount in here, would you, Bethana?"

The magnanimous expression on the halfling's face begins to wilt.

She serves the rest of the group the ale the halfling requested with a tight smile which seems to smolder, then pounds the halfling's mug on the bar next to his plate, causing the plate to jump and ale to slosh out onto the bar.

"I suppose you want me to find a place for your animal to stay as well?"

Filibert's crestfallen expression accompanies a much softer, penitent voice as he responds. No, ma'am. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I can wash him down so's he won't dirty up any rugs you've got in your rooms, and we won't cause any trouble. Any more trouble, I s'pose. He counts out a few coins and places them gingerly on the bar.

Give me an appropriate number of coins to pay double for the room and food/drinks so far, and I'll deduct it from his currency... :D

"That said, I think there is something missing here. I mean... what does your friend with the fangs like to drink? Not fresh blood, I would hope. I hear it's really horrible for your digestion!"

Turning to answer the furry fellow, Filibert Perks up immediately. Oh, of course not! He's a wolf pup like any other, likes a cool drink of water, and ale doesn't suit him, and a good warm meal! The halfling tears off a bite-sized hunk of pork, dumping the peppers and onions from it, and hands it down to Growler, who gently takes it out of the halfling's tiny hand and tosses it back before looking up at his master for more. Found 'im as a pup, just a few days old, and brought 'im up in the house. I didn't know he was gonna grow to be so big, but we wrassled when he was tiny and he still seems to think I'm bigger'n him. The halfling grins over at the speaker. But enough about me... what's your story? I mean... pardon my sayin' it, but I wasn't sure you were for real when I saw you at the bar! I'd heard stories about all kinds of things in far away places, but I never thought... Filibert trails off into silence, blushing at what he caught himself saying.

2015-04-15, 12:01 AM
Rax's tense posture slowly relaxes at the halfling's introduction, and by the time he calls for a round for the house Rax just shakes his head, feeling somewhat foolish at his outburst as he returns his sword to its sheath. He keeps a wary eye on the wolf, though, as the newcomer continues.

But enough about me... what's your story? I mean... pardon my sayin' it, but I wasn't sure you were for real when I saw you at the bar! I'd heard stories about all kinds of things in far away places, but I never thought... Filibert trails off into silence, blushing at what he caught himself saying.

Rax eases back to his original seat, near Deren, to be out of the way of the halfling and Vanaran's conversation. "Lot of that going around..." he mutters as he settles down to watch the proceedings.

2015-04-15, 06:31 AM
While the bar erupts into outbursts of family squabbles, old racial enmities, and unusual animal companions Deren sits quietly, surprised that for once his own heritage is not the one under attack. "How odd - to be invisible in a respectable establishment. This sort of thing doesn't happen everyday..." he says to Jade with a sardonic smirk. Silently he finishes his glass of ale and begins on the mug purchased by the halfling and watches, not quite trusting his luck with this odd pack of characters...

2015-04-15, 07:46 AM
Gilraen's eyebrow reaches new and impressive heights as Ameiko's response gives away her discomfort. He doesn't yet drop his bow, but releases the tension on the string as he deliberately shifts his focus to the barkeep. A questioning look later, she serves the newcomer and a round of ales, and he finally, almost reluctantly lowers his weapon.

"My word, you appear to have attracted quite the diverse crowd today, Ameiko." Taking his cue from her behavior, he settles down uneasily at the bar, tense as a coiled spring. His ale sits untouched for several seconds as he continues to try to parse the situation.

Finally, only after Ameiko's posture indicates some measure of acceptance, he takes the mug in his hand and draws a long draught. He mutters into the cup in elven, and closes his eyes for a moment.

2015-04-15, 11:09 AM
Focused on the newcomer's strange manners - unusual choice of company, to say the least - Sminerano barely senses the tension in the room, and answers the question addressed to him. "Am I for real? Good question, I'm asking it of myself sometimes! My story, you see, is simple. I used to work for a barber shop, and I was in charge of making wigs out of customers' hair. I had quite a stock of it, accumulated over the years. One favored way to make sure a wig stays in place, mind you, is to glue it onto the customer's scalp."

The monkey-man pauses for a hefty gulp of ale.

"Then, I came up with this most interesting invention, you know, to make the process easier: Why not mix the glue with the hair, in just the right quantities? Then all I would have to do is to apply the mixture, and here you go, a brand new set of hair in minutes!

This scheme would have made me rich, I'm sure, but for an unfortunate error. At the time, I was also working on an experiment to create a new perfume oil - like a hobby on the side. Unfortunately, I mixed the wrong oils together, and this was in my workshop, right next to my beaker was a fresh batch of glue and hair mix. The explosion spread it all over the place, including yours truly! That's why you see me the way I am..." he adds, in a despondent tone.

"Ever since, I've been researching the right solvent to come back to my normal appearance and get rid of all this hair, but no success so far... I had quite a nice, peachy skin tone, back as a youth. But nothing seems to work..." He stops, a half-smile on his simian face, watching the halfling wonder what to make of this tale.

2015-04-15, 11:28 AM
As Sminerano begins his tale, The look on Filibert's face goes from wonder to confusion, from confusion to an amused suspicion, and at the dramatic climax of the explosion, the halfling cannot help but let loose a howl of laughter, very nearly tumbling from the barstool. Wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, he reaches over to give the simian fellow a squeeze on the shoulder as the laughs subside. That's a heck of a tale! I haven't heard a story that good in the last month on the road! After a few seconds catching his breath, he fixes the fellow with a playfully stern grin. Now, good story though it be, I wasn't born yesterday! What brings a fellow such as yourself to these parts? Or are the tales I've heard of tropical islands and rain-drenched jungles as fanciful as your hair-dresser yarn? He grins at Sminerano expectantly.

2015-04-15, 10:18 PM
A quickly written note reads "Wanted, pairs of goblin ears. 2g each pair, 5g for a pair matched with a name. Heads also accepted. Bring all you find to Daviren Hosk at the Goblin Squash Stables."

A more steady and patient hand wrote: "Seeking Reagents for Alchemical Processes. No Questions asked. Contact Nisk Tander for details."

You have trouble reading this one. "Goblins spotted raiding Junker's Beach. Gorvi"

Gilraen's note is placed, and looks rather worn.

A note written by Sheriff Hemlock reads: "Bandits spotted along Lost Coast Road at the Cougar Creek ford. 300 Gold reward for the discovery of the location of their camp."

Longiku's note reads: "Seeking individuals capable of finding a missing person. Please come to Risa's Place on the 18th of Arodus in the evening. Dinner and ale will be provided for interested parties."

Another posted note reads: "Seeking individuals to aid in guarding the Scarnetti grain mill. 1g a night. Courrin Whesterwill will authorize payment."

Posted in the flowing handwriting of a noble: "Wanted, staunch adventurers able to track down and slay the Tickwood Hag. Contact Gregan Soval, agent of Asmodeus."

Posted in a practiced hand: "Tired of watching sheep? Waiting for crops to grow? Running behind a wheelbarrow? Come join the Black Arrow Rangers at Fort Rannick! Adventure Awaits!"

2015-04-16, 08:36 AM
"So you saw right through me, ah, right", Sminerano says in mock despair. "Oh well. I need to hone my talespinner talents to a sharper point, then! The truth, I'm afraid, isn't nearly as interesting. My people call themselves the vanara. My tribe lives in the jungle, yes, right near the center of the Mwangi Expanse. I was brought here by an explorer, a man from Sandpoint. I wanted to see other places, I suppose. I've been living here for a bit less than ten years, helping him in his business, and learning the trade. There's always more to discover, more tricks to learn, more ideas to explore... More new people to meet. Such as you, example. Pray tell, what brings you here, you and your terror on four legs?"

2015-04-16, 01:13 PM
Awww, he's no terror! says Filibert, in mocking dismay. Don't get me wrong, he's not a pushover if you come at either of us meaning bad business... but if you don't, he's a sucker for a good scratch behind the ear! The halfling cuts off another bit of pork to palm down to Growler on the floor. No, we've just found ourselves... how to put it... between occupations for a while? The momentarily furrowed brows resume their enthusiastic expression on the halfling's smiling face. Seemed as good a time as any to get out there and see the world, stretch our legs, all that nonsense. That said, my legs're plenty stretched for the moment, and while I can look out for m'self in the wild, I ain't gonna say no to some proper cooked pork! This last is said particularly loudly, and the halfling looks to make eye contact with Ameiko, a friendly and hopeful expression on his face.

2015-04-16, 02:07 PM
Ameiko sighs a bit, but her anger seems to have departed. She cuts off a bit more from the quarter with a proper kitchen knife and fork, and places it on the halfling's plate. "There you go...?" she realizes she doesn't yet know the halfling's name. Ignoring that for the moment, she turns to the rest of the group "Would anyone else like some?" She asks.

Use the OOC thread to talk about which jobs (if any) you wish to take from the board...some of the jobs may reveal story elements...I suppose the characters may also have differing motivations to take certain jobs over others...

2015-04-16, 03:37 PM
Rax's stomach growls as Ameiko cuts off another slice of pork for the halfling, reminding him that he hasn't eaten anything beyond a few ales at the Hagfish all day. "One over here, if you please!" As he pulls out his coin purse to make payment, he's troubled by the relative emptiness of it - all that gambling with the crew of the Lady's Fortune has damaged his finances. While Ameiko is carving his portion and taking other orders, he gets up and walks to examine the Help Wanted Board near the entrance, leaving the halfling and Vanaran alone to their conversation, for the moment. He scans the list of postings, disregarding each in turn. Bandits? Too dangerous... Goblin ears? No thanks... "Guard duty? That might not be so bad..." he blinks and looks around as he realizes he's begun speaking out loud to no one in particular.

2015-04-17, 04:48 AM
Silently thanking his luck that the attention of common room has shifted from him, Deren returns to his drink and quietly observes the unusual group of guests. When the topic of jobs comes up and several of them begin to consider the "Help Wanted" board he makes a mental note to check it later and see if anything is of interest.

My intent is to have Deren observe and continue to try to get a feel for the other PCs, but not to be particularly involved. When they start to drift away he will check out the board also, eventually "coincidentally" choosing to go for the same job they all do, whether that is guard duty or finding the missing person.

2015-04-17, 07:26 AM
Gilraen's posture gradually relaxes until Rax unintentionally mentions bandits as too dangerous. Coincidentally, about that time is when he turns to Ameiko and says, "I would like another ale, please, and yes, the pork sounds delicious as well." He sighs happily as he takes a bite, commenting around half-chewed meat, "Your cooking is worthy of the gods, as always!" after he eats, he recalls the posting he saw on the way in. "Any idea who your dear-old pa would be looking for?" he asks the woman, amicably.

2015-04-17, 02:10 PM
"He is a man with a constantly wounded pride. If he doesn't also involve the guards, since he will have little faith in you, perhaps he was shamed in a business endeavor. He has close ties to Magnimar buyers, and may be looking for a specific one due to an order being complete, but I think he has runners and would need no secrecy for that task." Ameiko's brow furrows a bit. "Everything is personal with him, so I really don't know." she says.

You think there's something else she isn't telling you.

Ameiko's half brother, Tsuto Kaijitsu, was disowned by his father at birth. He was the product of a dalliance by Ameiko's mother and an elf who was passing through. Ameiko's mother died during the Late Unpleasantness (5 years ago) by killing herself. Tsuto had a vicious fight with his sister and his father 3 years back, and left town with his jaw broken from where his father hit him with a cane. You don't think Ameiko will want to talk about it or even think about the possibility that her father wants you to find him.

There was a scandal about the Kaijitsu family when you were in town a long time ago.

2015-04-17, 03:01 PM
Gilraen nods sagely. "I see. Well, worry yourself not, I will look into the matter for you. If you would like, we can remove the sign, though it strikes me as unlikely to help smooth things over..."

He looks somewhat distrustful, but otherwise keeps his pursed lips closed as he waits for her response.

2015-04-17, 06:56 PM
Awww, he's no terror! says Filibert, in mocking dismay. Don't get me wrong, he's not a pushover if you come at either of us meaning bad business... but if you don't, he's a sucker for a good scratch behind the ear! The halfling cuts off another bit of pork to palm down to Growler on the floor. No, we've just found ourselves... how to put it... between occupations for a while? The momentarily furrowed brows resume their enthusiastic expression on the halfling's smiling face. Seemed as good a time as any to get out there and see the world, stretch our legs, all that nonsense. That said, my legs're plenty stretched for the moment, and while I can look out for m'self in the wild, I ain't gonna say no to some proper cooked pork! This last is said particularly loudly, and the halfling looks to make eye contact with Ameiko, a friendly and hopeful expression on his face.

Sminerano lifts his hairy hand in the air, smiling at Ameiko. "... And for me as well, please. It smells delicious! It isn't the first time I find my appetite suddenly wakened by something you've been cooking."

The turns to the halfling. "Aye, suit yourself, but I won't share my pork with him. For fear he would take my hand along with his portion, to begin with. And, hey, 'tis mine! he adds, good-naturedly. "I don't think I told you my name by the way - I'm Sminerano. Pleased to meet you, and I recommend you make less impressive an entrance next time!", he adds with a wink at Ameiko as she's serving the meat.

Gilraen nods sagely. "I see. Well, worry yourself not, I will look into the matter for you. If you would like, we can remove the sign, though it strikes me as unlikely to help smooth things over..."

"I wouldn't do that, necessarily... But I'll go with you. It's tomorrow night, right?"

2015-04-17, 09:08 PM
"I don't think I told you my name by the way - I'm Sminerano. Pleased to meet you, and I recommend you make less impressive an entrance next time!", he adds with a wink at Ameiko as she's serving the meat.

After casting a guilty look at the barmistress, Filibert extends a hearty handshake to the simian fellow. And I'm Filibert, pleased to make your acquaintance as well!

"I wouldn't do that, necessarily... But I'll go with you. It's tomorrow night, right?"

Filibert, in his curiosity, leans conspicuously toward the conversation taking place between Sminerano and Gilraen.

2015-04-18, 01:36 AM
"...perhaps he was shamed in a business endeavor. He has close ties to Magnimar buyers, and may be looking for a specific one due to an order being complete..."

The mention of Magnimar, Rax's original destination, catches his attention, as does the mention of 'business' and 'guards'. He turns slowly from the Help Wanted poster, his attention narrowing to the discussion between the elf and the Vanaran. He notices the strange halfling doing the same thing, and he tries to make his own posture a little less obvious as he eavesdrops.

2015-04-18, 06:05 AM
Listening quietly to the conversations around him Deren looks at Filibert and his wolf with curiosity. Turning to them both he says, "It isn't often that you find a wild carnivore so well trained and behaved. Is your mount enchanted in some way, or simply the consequence of many days of training and domestication?"

2015-04-18, 05:02 PM
Listening quietly to the conversations around him Deren looks at Filibert and his wolf with curiosity. Turning to them both he says, "It isn't often that you find a wild carnivore so well trained and behaved. Is your mount enchanted in some way, or simply the consequence of many days of training and domestication?"

Distracted from his eavesdropping, Filibert grins up at Deren. There's no magic, I raised him from a pup myself! It's a bit of a sad story, at the start, the halfling's grin fades as he thinks back, I came upon his pack in the woods, all torn apart and some of them half-eaten by gods-know-what. If the little guy had started whining any earlier, he might have been found by whatever it was, and any later and I wouldn't have heard him! He reaches down to scratch Growler's ears, and the wolf instead nudges his hand expectantly. Oh, alright, you glutton! says the halfling, as he cuts off another morsel to share with the wolf. Anyway, he can't have been more than a few days old, and he wouldn't have lasted the night out there... so I took him home, gave him some vittles and water, and before I could say Bob's-your-uncle, he was bigger than I was! I think he still thinks I can wrassle him down, though... but he's just a hug with fur, most of the time. Holds his own in the wilds, though. The halfling gleams proudly down at the wolf. So I guess maybe 'domesticated' isn't quite the word.

After seeming to notice the length of his story, Filibert gives his head a shake as though clearing away cobwebs before smiling congenially at Deren. Anyway, that's his story. What's yours?

2015-04-19, 02:11 AM
As the group continues talking, afternoon fades into evening, and other patrons begin visiting the Rusty Dragon. Ameiko cooks the evening meal: sauteed scallops with a spinach salad. She seems to cook enough for a small army, but the reason soon becomes clear. As more people come in, they sit at long bench tables, mostly not caring who they sit next to. Everyone seems quite friendly, the younger men and women flirting with each other, under the watchful eye of their parents, children carrying on in front of the fire, a few older couples telling each other niceties. The mood isn't even dampened when the normally grim Sheriff Hemlock and a few of his deputies sit down in a corner booth.

After most have finished with their dinner, the fire dims, and most of the diners stop talking as Ameiko picks up her lyre. The inn goes quiet as Ameiko sings a song she learned on her adventures.


Rynshinn comes in and smiles at Ameiko, then at Rax, and goes and sits down at a table.

2015-04-19, 05:42 AM
Anyway, that's his story. What's yours?
Deren listens attentively to the halfling's story and replies, "My story? Oh, there isn't much to say. I am a traveler and trader. My families usually make the preparations and I help with the work. The pay is decent, I get to see Varisia, and occasionally run into interesting people like yourself. I guess you could say my story isn't really written yet, since there isn't much to say so far..."

Deren sits back and enjoys the afternoon and evening at the Rusted Dragon, applauding appreciatively when Ameiko takes up her instrument and performs, and making a mental note to investigate some of the job offers over the next several days. "Perhaps they will be interesting..." he says to Jade as they leave later that evening.

I would like Deren to "conveniently" show up at whichever job the rest of the PCs decide to take. I have no particular preference as a player as to which that will be, however.

2015-04-19, 10:27 AM
Gilraen fluctuates between aloof and personable, depending on the nature and topic of conversations, generally avoiding his own story, since it would take quite a time to divulge (and he generally doesn't want to discuss it). As the evening wears on, he enjoys the music and company, content for the moment to pass the time in restful preparation.

The next day, however, he seems possessed by an intensity of focus alien to most of the more short-lived races. As the afternoon passes into evening, he finds Sminerano and leads the pair to Risa's place.

2015-04-19, 10:59 AM
Rynshinn talks about her absent father and what she feels like he might be like. She explains that she found gifts on her birthday every year that had a distinctly elven feel to them. She asks Rax about his father. She tells Rax she hopes their fathers are still alive, and wants to meet hers, if it's even possible.

18th of Arodus, evening

Risa's place is one of the older buildings in town. It doesn't seem to be kept up as well as most of the others, and has a place where the roof sags a bit. There are a few dock workers at a table at the window, who whisper to each other and cast glances in the direction of the pair.

Risa, however, recognizes them as Sandpoint natives, and shows them to a table. "You're early." she says, indicating that Lonjiku isn't there yet. "He'll be in the back, and I'll come get you when he's here."

2015-04-19, 03:15 PM
Several minutes later, Deren (and Jade) enter the establishment and quietly take a seat at the bar, waiting for Lonjiku to arrive before announcing his interest in the job to anyone.

2015-04-19, 05:53 PM
Sminerano enjoys the afternoon at the Rusty Dragon, exchanging jokes with any who can hear, appreciating the food and the company. It's been a pattern with him since he's been living in Sandpoint: He manages to be tolerated, even liked, but in the process, he makes it difficult for anyone to take him seriously. He doesn't resent that, even enjoying being the butt of the joke at times.

Side note: This is my explanation for the character kidding with everybody and getting along, even while his Cha is pretty poor.

On the following day, he works as usual with his master, running a number of errands and crafting a few items in the lab. Then, in the evening, he goes to Risa's place together with Gilraen. When Deren enters, he nods amiably, but silently, slightly nervous at the prospect of learning what Lonjiku has in mind.

2015-04-19, 07:21 PM
Rax spends the rest of the evening at the Rusty Dragon conversing pleasantly with Rynshinn, although he tries to avoid the occasional glances from Sheriff Hemlock and to steer the subject away from his estranged father. He wanders about the streets of Sandpoint alone for several hours after leaving the bar, enjoying the peace and quiet of the relatively empty streets and the absence of the burning sun before returning to his cramped quarters onboard the Fortune.

18th of Arodus, evening

After another day of watching and listening to minimal, or what even seems to be negative progress on the ship's repairs, Rax is driven to distraction by boredom and restlessness. He remembers the "missing-person" job from the board at the Rusty Dragon, and overhearing a few of the others discussing it. With nothing else to do, his curiosity gets the better of him and he decides to wander over to Risa's as the sun is setting.

On entering he immediately recognizes Sminerano and Gilraen, as expected, but he's surprised to see Deren, the Varisian-looking fellow, present as well. "Well, isn't this quite the little reunion?" he quips to the tattooed man as he walks up to the bar. As he pays for his drink, he grins across the room at Sminerano and exchanges frosty glances with Gilraen. "No sign of halflings, wolves, or minstrels so far, though, I take it?"

2015-04-19, 09:21 PM
All conversation ends as Rax comes in, and Risa sighs. Three patrons look at Risa as if she's a traitor, but she shrugs. "One time thing," she says. When Rax orders, they pay and leave, grumbling. The tavern seems to be empty except for Gilraen, Sminerano, Deren and Rax.

They hear a knock on the back door, and Risa goes to it, and lets Lord Kaijitsu in, and sits him at a prepared table in the back. She then waves them in, and closes the door after them, choosing not to include herself.

When he's certain he's alone with whoever showed up, and it seems like no others are here, he begins speaking. Already looking annoyed, he mutters under his breath a bit. "Have you come to right wrongs your people caused my family, elf?" He closes his eyes and rubs them, sighs, then says "Let me begin again. I have a mission that I need complete secrecy for. You must not tell my daughter or anyone else in town, should you choose to accept this. If you do tell anyone who I am looking for, the contract will be void. I will offer you 100 gold coins to split among anyone choosing to assist me, and more depending on results. Anyone who does not wish to aid me, please leave now."

Longiku does not seem to be particularly thrilled nor relieved. He begins to tell his story. "Twenty five years ago my wife shamed me in the worst way possible, by consorting with an elf and bearing a son of mixed blood. As she is not elven, nor has any elven blood, there was no way to hide this transgression. He grew up in Turandarok Academy. That child is now grown into a man. His mother named him Tsuto Kaijitsu, and while I would have no dealings with him, he believes I killed his mother." Lord Kaijitsu's voice swells with anger. He calms himself again, and continues. "So convinced is he that I suspect he means me harm. This would not matter if he was where my contacts could easily see him, such as in Magnimar or Riddleport, but he has taken to the road."

"My contacts last spotted him with a group of bandits preying on the Lost Coast Road where it crosses the Thistle River. What I would like you to do is to go there, and convince the bandits to give you more information about Tsuto, if you don't see him yourselves. Your reward will be 100 gold pieces in addition to the retainer I am about to give you, split amongst you for confirmation of his whereabouts, with a bonus granted for detailed information regarding his future plans, if they can be ascertained. You will receive the retainer after you sign this document that you will tell no one of what I have just told you. I have contacts here in Sandpoint that will let me know if you do nothing, or if you tell my daughter or anyone else in town. As I'm sure you've come to be aware, word spreads very quickly here."

With that, he places a pen and a piece of paper with the contract spelled out omitting the name of the target. It says

I promise to never speak of what I learned from Lord Kaijitsu. I promise that I will seek the person Lord Kaijitsu wishes me to find and report back to him and only him my findings.


Enough X's for everyone in the party to make their mark.

2015-04-20, 05:15 AM
"[COLOR="#0000DD"]Well, isn't this quite the little reunion? No sign of halflings, wolves, or minstrels so far, though, I take it?"
Deren shrugs noncommittally. "I suppose everyone saw the same advertisement. To be honest, I am not sure why I am here - boredom perhaps. I wonder who the desired person is. Do you have any idea?" he quietly replies.

"Anyone who does not wish to aid me, please leave now."
Uncomfortable with the tone of the job offer, Deren carefully looks around at the rest of the gathered company before saying, "I would like to know more about the job, though I can assure you of my discretion even should I not accept the offer in the end. Loose lips don't tend to make any lasting friends, or business partners after all..." He remains seated, though clearly skeptical of their potential employer.

"What I would like you to do is to go there, and convince the bandits to give you more information about Tsuto, if you don't see him yourselves."
"You want us to negotiate for information from a band of outlaws? About one of their own? That seems something of a fool's errand at best, and at worst a suicide wish. What makes you think they will be cooperative with us? Unless you are planning to send us with a sizable bribe, I have my doubts that this will end profitably for either you or us," the young man says, his doubt evident in tone and expression. "With all due respect sir, this is business best handled by other outlaws, not townfolk and strangers to the bandit gang. How do you see this working?"

2015-04-20, 06:41 AM
"There would be, complications, if I were to hire other outlaws. If I were to send you with a large bribe, it would surely be lost and you would most definitely be killed. However, if you were to bring enough of something of low value that they desired, such as food or wine, they may deem it unworthy of their effort to kill you. Because you are not known to them, you may be able to convince them you wish to join them and gain the information through deceit. I have no doubts that there is a risk of death, but I doubt you could raise such quick coin otherwise."

2015-04-20, 06:53 AM
"Let me begin again. I have a mission that I need complete secrecy for. You must not tell my daughter or anyone else in town, should you choose to accept this. If you do tell anyone who I am looking for, the contract will be void. I will offer you 100 gold coins to split among anyone choosing to assist me, and more depending on results. Anyone who does not wish to aid me, please leave now."

Sminerano replies calmly, "I can keep my mouth shut, Sir. We have had mutually profitable business dealings with the Glassworks in the past, as you certainly recall; so, yes, I know the value of discretion in such affairs. I will not, however, commit to assisting you before you tell us what you desire us to do."

"What I would like you to do is to go there, and convince the bandits to give you more information about Tsuto, if you don't see him yourselves. Your reward will be 100 gold pieces in addition to the retainer I am about to give you, split amongst you for confirmation of his whereabouts, with a bonus granted for detailed information regarding his future plans, if they can be ascertained."

The vanara looks at the master of the Kaijitsu house with incredulity. He adresses him with a respectful tone, but finds it hard to hide his surprise.

"Sir, when you said Tsuto means you harm, I expected you would ask for us to organize your protection. I am not a fighting man, but I could think of ideas to help make your home more secure, for example. Or, if you wished us to go battle the bandits, or maybe go spy on them, I would understand, too, even though I would hesitate to participate, lacking the qualifications for it.

But to go and negotiate with them... That leaves me baffled, to be honest. I can't see how we would expect success, Sir."

2015-04-20, 09:39 AM
Gilraen maintains his composure unusually well, saying simply, "I have not wronged you, and to say otherwise is slander." He then listens patiently, occasionally nodding when familiar names are mentioned. As his companions state their objections, he sits quietly, noting the man's response.

He asks only one question of his own, "How many in number is this bandit gang?" before putting his name on the line.

2015-04-20, 01:25 PM
"I am not a fighting man either, so if spying can gain enough of the information requested, that would be a possible solution as well. The details of how you gain the information matter little to me. As far as numbers of the bandits, my contact was unable to tell. He did not encounter more than eight of them. He simply paid what they asked and was let through, and though he did not know to be watchful, Tsuto is very distinctive."

2015-04-21, 12:47 AM
The ford Longiku is speaking about is an hour on foot out of town to the East. Goblins are known to live in the forests to the north and south of the ford.

Shallelu is due back in town any day now. You could easily wait for her and ask her about Tsuto. You would be following the letter of the contract, since Shallelu doesn't live in town. You would just have to be general (don't drop his name, but ask about the bandits) about asking her, as she is very good friends with Ameiko. Shallelu can also tell you about the goblins and other greenskins in the area, and may be able to go with you out to where the bandits are reported to be.

You have been across this ford quite often in your travels, and know it is only an hour on foot out of town to the East. Some of the bandits may be Sczarni Bravos, but Jubrayl would know for sure.

2015-04-21, 07:36 AM
"I am not a fighting man either, so if spying can gain enough of the information requested, that would be a possible solution as well. The details of how you gain the information matter little to me. As far as numbers of the bandits, my contact was unable to tell. He did not encounter more than eight of them. He simply paid what they asked and was let through, and though he did not know to be watchful, Tsuto is very distinctive."
Qilraen nods, his expectation proved correct. "Methinks this should not be too great a challenge, though it appears my new companions may disagree..." He looks around the room, a questioning expression on his face, but says no more.

2015-04-21, 08:01 AM
Sminerano gives Gilraen a puzzled look. Does he know something I don't?

He clears his throat, "That goes against my better judgement, but... If you insist on going, I will come along. If only to make sure you don't end up alone and into a dangerous situation."

2015-04-21, 08:02 AM
Gilraen's expression shifts into a grateful smile. "I have no intentions of dying just yet- after all, my homeland has yet to be restored," he says with a wry smirk.

2015-04-21, 09:05 AM
Deren looks unconvinced, but nods and signs his name to the page without a word.

2015-04-21, 02:02 PM
Rax crosses his arms as the other patrons mumble about his looks, and rolls his eyes at their retreating forms. He continues to act unimpressed as Lord Kaijitsu lays out the task ahead of them. "Well, I've nothing better to do!" he jests as he picks up the pen and signs his name below Deren's. "This will at least make things interesting, eh?"

2015-04-21, 02:50 PM
Without further comment, Sminerano grabs the sheet of paper and signs his name next to the others.

2015-04-21, 03:12 PM
"Then we are in agreement." He takes the pen and paper, and then puts 100g on the table. "I'll leave you to your task, and will be looking forward to your report."

2015-04-21, 06:48 PM
"Then we are in agreement." He takes the pen and paper, and then puts 100g on the table. "I'll leave you to your task, and will be looking forward to your report."
Gilraen nods, and maintains a stony facade while the man leaves. "Well, I must admit some degree of shock that the rest of you all chose to join me on this little journey. I might as well share some details with you. Come, it is better that we talk where ears must struggle to keep up." He rises, and thanks Risa for her hospitality. He leaves a gold mark on the bar for her "troubles."

Outside, he sets a rambling course for the Rusty Dragon. "It would not do to start such a journey this late. We will leave tomorrow morning- or I will at least. I will be glad of the company, should the rest of you join me." As they put some distance between themselves and their employer, he continues scanning the road before them as he fills in his companions regarding some of the finer details of their endeavor.

"Kaijitsu's son is not unheard of, here in Sandpoint. In fact, I believe I would recognize the man, though it has been some time since last I saw him. I doubt he would recognize me- after all, one of us has known the other's name since birth. No matter, that. As I said, Tsuto is fairly well-known. I can think of at least a few noteworthy contacts who might have information that could help guide our efforts.

Also, I must admit something of a personal interest. Ameiko is as good a friend as you are likely to find in Sandpoint, and I have no desire to see her relationship with her family continue to be strained. Anything I can do to settle tensions in that regard, I consider worthwhile.

Finally, as to that little waiver of his, essentially all we cannot say is that we he seeks his son, and his son's most recent location. I, at least, learned nothing else at that meeting, and therefore will have little trouble keeping them secret.

Let us hope Shallelu returns this eve. It would be most fortuitous, and she is somewhat overdue as it is..."

He falls silent as they continue the rambling track back to the Rusty Dragon.

2015-04-21, 08:17 PM
The vanara looks at Gilraen, a concerned frown on his face.

"Ameiko was my first - well, let's say second, after my master - so, my second friend ever in Sandpoint. My second friend ever among people other than my own, in fact. I wish nothing more than to have her mind put at ease, and with such a father, that's hard enough. But I didn't know she had a half-brother. She didn't ever mention him to me..." He pauses, as if in deeper thought, something uncharacterisic for him.

"Now, she had a right not to do so, of course. I wonder what this means, though. And him turning to banditry... That's troubling. Anything to piss daddy off, I suppose..."

2015-04-21, 09:46 PM
Rax walks comfortably with his hood down as the group leaves Risa's bar, enjoying the reprieve from the crowds and the glaring son. He listens silently as Gilraen discusses plans and he and Sminerano mention their friendships with Ameiko. He finds his opinion of the haughty elf rising... slightly.

Outside, he sets a rambling course for the Rusty Dragon. "It would not do to start such a journey this late. We will leave tomorrow morning- or I will at least. I will be glad of the company, should the rest of you join me." As they put some distance between themselves and their employer, he continues scanning the road before them as he fills in his companions regarding some of the finer details of their endeavor.

"It's agreed then, we'll meet here at the Rusty Dragon at first light. And then we set off down the Lost Coast Road and... then what? Ask the bandits to please not kill us, and also while they're at it to betray one of their own? We need a plan for getting that information, and getting out alive again... anyone have any ideas? Or, has anyone maybe heard anything else about these bandits...?" He does his best to avoid turning to Deren's Varisian garb at the end, but the implication is unmistakable...

2015-04-22, 03:24 AM
"We need a plan for getting that information, and getting out alive again... anyone have any ideas? Or, has anyone maybe heard anything else about these bandits...?"
"I know of the crossroads where they supposedly harass traders," Deren says. "I have been that way several times before. As for a plan, I suppose we could try to set our own kind of ambush - since we know they are likely to try and extort wealthy travelers, we offer to escort some such traveler and use them as bait...how about that halfling fellow with the wolf at the Rusty Dragon last night? He seemed clueless enough to walk into the situation, and the wolf will help protect him so our consciences can be clear..."

2015-04-22, 07:34 AM
Gilraen nods at his companions suggestions. "I hope go have more information before we meet. If we must begin without it, I fear this errand may be more difficult than I expected. At any rate, I have little hesitation to threaten or exact violence upon them, should the need arise. We will have to see what opportunity presents itself..."

2015-04-22, 01:58 PM
The group sees Shallelu walking to the Rusty Dragon from the north. She's currently speaking with Sheriff Hemlock, and gives a small wave to Gilraen as she passes. You catch a bit of their conversation as they go in.

"It's true. They're all burned. Even the mill at Ulmsford. The farmers struggled mightily to put out the flame, but it's damaged beyond repair."

"Then the Scarnetti mill is the only source of meal this side of Magnimar. And you're certain it was goblins?"

Shallelu nods. "The tracks are small, booted, and lead into Mosswood. A large group of them. I also saw heavy, booted tracks..."

"You don't mean...the elfslayer?"

The door shuts behind them before you could hear the rest of the conversation.

2015-04-22, 07:54 PM
Gilraen smiles at the sight of his elven friend, but scowls ferociously at the sheriff's mention of the elf-slayer. Before they enter the common room, he comments to his companions, "As is often the case, the good comes with the ill. That was precisely who I hoped to see. Her tidings sound unfavorable, but perhaps not altogether unsurprising..."

Outside the door, he turns to Rax, meeting the half-elf's eyes for the first time. He inclines his head in acknowledgement. "As you said, we will meet here at first light." His gaze shifts to Deren and Sminerano as he adds, "I mean no ill, but I will not delay."

He presses into the common room, looking about for Shallelu and the sheriff.

2015-04-22, 08:54 PM
Sheriff Hemlock is sitting at what is starting to become his usual corner booth against the corner window. He's gazing outside. In front of him are two mugs, one of which is his and the other must be Shallelu's. You don't see her inside, but hear her voice from the balcony above. Ameiko is serving some other customers a nightly meal, looking to be grilled salmon with tomatoes and capers.

Filibert and his unusually calm wolf are sitting at the bar. You see a few mugs in front of him.

Shallelu finishes stowing her traveling cloak and pack and comes downstairs. She sees Gilraen. "Blessings upon your House, Gilraen. Sheriff Hemlock, I believe you know Gilraen Surion."

"Gilraen. Would you like to join us? I'm not on duty." The sheriff seems somewhat relaxed, but his eyes are sharp and focused.

2015-04-23, 05:34 AM
Deren listens and nods at the scheduled departure time before taking leave of his unusual companions. Walking up to Filibert he asks, "So, have you traveled much to the east of Sandpoint? Interested in making a day trip out that direction?"

2015-04-23, 06:38 AM
Sminerano looks at Gilraen, puzzled. "Elf-killer? Hopefully, you'll find out what that means. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

The vanara goes home, preoccupied. After checking that Ekhaszer is well, he fixes the two of them a quick dinner, during which he explains the nature and motivation of his endeavor to his mentor. "I'm not at all sure it is a wise thing to do, to be honest. But I'm committed to help Gilraen and Ameiko. I'll be as cautious as possible", he promises.

Before going to bed, he spends the rest of the evening ransacking the lab and reserves for anything that might be of help in an exploration - or in a fight. For the first time, he realizes that many of these conconctions he had prepared for future experiments, or for the fun of fireworks, can actually be rather deadly.

2015-04-23, 07:53 AM
She sees Gilraen. "Blessings upon your House, Gilraen. Sheriff Hemlock, I believe you know Gilraen Surion."

"Gilraen. Would you like to join us? I'm not on duty." The sheriff seems somewhat relaxed, but his eyes are sharp and focused.

Gilraen nods to his friend, replying almost reflexively the same greeting. He doesn't hide his surprise at the sheriff's invitation- while never impolite, the two haven't seen eye-to-eye on things in the past. Shrugging, he orders a drink and joins them, seated at the end of the table. "Was there something you needed to know, or simply putting stress to rest?"

2015-04-23, 08:51 AM
Sheriff Hemlock drains his mug as Shallelu and Gilraen sit. "The latter. I have a feeling I'll be summoned to the Feedbag soon. My boys didn't need me last night, so that usually means revenge tonight. Speaking of, perhaps I'll head it off before any of those louts actually hurt someone." He stands up. "Shadows guard you." He says to Shallelu.

Fatman's Feedbag is the meanest bar in town. Bar fights erupt nightly, and depending on severity, the watch is almost always called.

"Stars guide you." Shallelu responds.

Sheriff Hemlock looks at Filibert and his wolf, frowns a bit, then shrugs and leaves the Rusty Dragon.

Shallelu reverts back to elven, when speaking with Gilraen. "You look troubled. I hope you don't mean to head out of town. I would hate to lose another friend to Bruthazmus, earth take him. I did not see him, but his trail led into Mosswood. Strange, that he would be so far south. The goblins are acting, together. I will have to resupply quickly tomorrow and head for Mosswood myself."

2015-04-23, 09:46 AM
Shallelu reverts back to elven, when speaking with Gilraen. "You look troubled. I hope you don't mean to head out of town. I would hate to lose another friend to Bruthazmus, earth take him. I did not see him, but his trail led into Mosswood. Strange, that he would be so far south. The goblins are acting, together. I will have to resupply quickly tomorrow and head for Mosswood myself."
Gilraen smiles, sliding into the sheriff's vacant seat. He answers in elven [no spoilers on the phone], "Actually, I do. Perhaps. Hopefully you can prevent the need, but I doubt I will be so lucky." Without additional preamble, he describes as much of his situation as he can.

"You recall, I am sure, some five and twenty heads hence, when Tsuto Kaijitsu was born. I have need to verify the youn man's location, and perhaps discover what I can of his intentions. I am not at liberty to say more, but will freely admit a significant degree of urgency. I feared you would not return before the morning, when I am to depart, and hoped you might be able to provide some aid to my efforts."

2015-04-23, 11:20 AM
Deren listens and nods at the scheduled departure time before taking leave of his unusual companions.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." The vanara goes home, preoccupied.

Rax takes his leave after confirming the rendezvous time tomorrow, and walks back to the docks and his quarters on board the Lady's Fortune, where the hammering and sawing have mercifully abated. As he waits for sleep to come, his mind races through the strange events of the day. Well, I wanted something interesting to happen...


He arrives the the Rusty Dragon just before first light the next morning, carrying a heavy pack laden with most of his worldly belongings. He tosses it down and finds a shadowy spot to sit and wait for the others.

2015-04-23, 01:11 PM
"So, have you traveled much to the east of Sandpoint? Interested in making a day trip out that direction?"

Filibert starts at the unexpected address, but turns a curious eye to the man. Do I know you- Oh! You were here the other night, right? The look of mild recognition floods the halfling's face. You were on the other side of the rather monkey-like fellow. Well, regardless, I wouldn't say I've traveled much in the area, but I'm very much at home on the road. The life of a fortune-seeker... The halfling strikes a melodramatic pose for the merest of moments before fixing a keener eye on the man. Now, I'm guessing you wouldn't be asking if you've got a picnic planned... so what's the story?

2015-04-23, 04:49 PM
Gilraen smiles, sliding into the sheriff's vacant seat. He answers in elven [no spoilers on the phone], "Actually, I do. Perhaps. Hopefully you can prevent the need, but I doubt I will be so lucky." Without additional preamble, he describes as much of his situation as he can.

Shallelu pauses to think about what her friend has said. "I have not seen Tsuto recently. Has he left Magnimar? If you are headed that way, there is a group of bandits operating on the Long Coast Road to the South you should be prepared to bribe. I hear they prefer gems and baubles. Tomorrow, I intend to deliver my full report to Mayor Deverin and Sheriff Hemlock and then buy supplies. These tasks will take most of the day, and I would not be able to join you until well after you wish to leave. If you can delay, I will travel with you as far as Mosswood on Starday."

The town is on a bend of the Long Coast road, it's two directions out of town are South and East.

2015-04-23, 07:14 PM
"I have not seen Tsuto recently. Has he left Magnimar? If you are headed that way, there is a group of bandits operating on the Long Coast Road to the South you should be prepared to bribe. I hear they prefer gems and baubles. Tomorrow, I intend to deliver my full report to Mayor Deverin and Sheriff Hemlock and then buy supplies. These tasks will take most of the day, and I would not be able to join you until well after you wish to leave. If you can delay, I will travel with you as far as Mosswood on Starday."

Gilraen nods. "I am to believe he has. In fact, if what I suspect is true, I will find either both he and the bandits, or neither." He raises an eyebrow to punctuate the sentence. "Do you know of their number? I am loathe to walk deliberately into danger, but equally displeased by banditry and the harassment of those unable to defend themselves." His lips rise into a sneer at the image.

"In any case, I will not travel alone, and my companions expect to leave at first light. I will not renege on my word to them. As much as I would love an extra pair of experienced eyes and capable hands, I cannot accept your offer. Gods willing, I will return before dinner tomorrow" He rises, smiling amicably.

"Enough of that. It has been much too long since I have heard of your exploits! I yearn to hear your discoveries of the past moons, and I fear this evening will be too short. Too much has already been wasted!" He departs long enough to request and retrieve two dishes of the salmon and two mugs of ale, before returning to the table and spending what remains of his evening catching up with a good friend.

FYI, this is not Gilraen hitting on her. Totally platonic :-P. He's got the hots for Hannah, but is close friends with Shallelu

2015-04-23, 11:02 PM
Shallelu, pauses, somewhat unsure, then relaxes a bit. "There is a new development in a tale regarding Tickwood. As you have come to find out, the young ones sometimes take on strange personas to escape circumstances they do not like. One such woman did just that, and she is now living alone in Tickwood, under my and many other's protection. A man with a ragged red cloak seeks her, and means the form she has taken harm, for he is blinded by the very circumstances he caused. Be wary, if he should try to involve you. The young woman has been quite a boon to me and other rangers who know of her." Shallelu is beginning to look sleepy. "I'm afraid I must turn in. And you have an early day before you as well. Shadows guard you, my friend."

Shallelu goes over to the bar, and Ameiko gives her friend a hug. "May night pass fitlessly into day." The elven ranger then goes upstairs and into her room.

The night seems to end quickly, as restlessness and anticipation stir in the minds of the travelers at what they must do the next day. The sun has not risen when Gilraen awakens and heads out of the Rusty Dragon, but the night has already been all but banished.

Fireday, the 19th of Arodus, 4707 AR

2015-04-24, 06:26 AM
Now, I'm guessing you wouldn't be asking if you've got a picnic planned... so what's the story?
"We have a job involving an encounter with a band of highway roughs. I thought it would be nice to have some additional muscle on our side and thought of both you and the wolf immediately. You look capable in a scuffle - definitely better than me - and if your...companion is as capable as you said last night then you would be a welcome addition to the gang. The other three members are Sminerano, who you met last night, his elven friend Gilraen, and the drow-blooded half-elf Rax. My name is Deren. What do you say, are you interested in joining us?" Deren waits for his confirmation before sharing their starting point and time before shaking hands and excusing himself.

Leaving the Rusted Dragon he makes his way to the Feedbag and Jubrayl. Once there Dereb waits for a good opportunity to approach the Uncle and explain the party's job, hiding no details but impressing upon the Sczarni leader that they all signed to secrecy with their employer. He then asks if there is any warning Jubrayl thinks appropriate before Deren heads out on the job before thanking the other graciously and making his way to bed.

2015-04-24, 06:52 AM
Sminerano arrives just a minutes later than Rax, and greets the half-drow with a serious look on his face. "Good morning... Let's hope this will be a good day, too."

The vanara has a dagger to his side today, and is equipped with a full pack. Multiple attachments on his outfit hold a variety of small flasks and pouches. He doesn't own any real armor, but his laboratory apron, made of thick, stained leather, provides a degree of protection.

2015-04-24, 08:13 AM
Gilraen greets Sminerano pleasantly and Rax a bit less-so as he steps outside from the common room. Garbed in his full battle gear, he strikes an imposing figure as the pre-dawn lightens the sky. "Good morning, Sminerano. Rax." He inclines his head politely but without any particular emotion. "Hopefully Deren... and what was the halfling's name? Hopefully they will both arrive shortly. There is little time before daybreak."

When the pair arrive just a few moments later, the tall elf grins. "Wonderful. Shall we?" As the group voiced their varied assent, he sets a steady pace eastward.

2015-04-24, 09:21 AM
Rax waves in response to Sminerano's greeting. "You came prepared for anything!" He nods his approval at the various odds and ends all secured in easy reach on the Vanaran's apron.

Gilraen greets Sminerano pleasantly and Rax a bit less-so as he steps outside from the common room. Garbed in his full battle gear, he strikes an imposing figure as the pre-dawn lightens the sky. "Good morning, Sminerano. Rax." He inclines his head politely but without any particular emotion. "Hopefully Deren... and what was the halfling's name? Hopefully they will both arrive shortly. There is little time before daybreak."

Rax nods his agreement. "And you're sure you'll recognize this... Tsuto fellow when you see him? We'd look awfully silly walking all that way without knowing how to spot the man." He picks up his pack and adjusts a few straps in preparation for leaving as soon as Deren and the halfling arrive.

2015-04-24, 12:47 PM
Rax nods his agreement. "And you're sure you'll recognize this... Tsuto fellow when you see him? We'd look awfully silly walking all that way without knowing how to spot the man."
Gilraen nods. "I am," he says, simply.

2015-04-24, 12:53 PM
"All right, what is your plan of action, my friend?" Sminerano asks. "I can't say I have much of an idea how to proceed."

2015-04-24, 01:32 PM
Jubrayl thinks about what Deren has said, and begins explaining some of the history Longiku has with Tsuto. As for suggestions, he says this. "Do what you just did for me. Watch and wait. Engage only if you must. There are no Sczarni among those bandits, but we have seen them on our travels. They are working with a goblin tribe. Goblins hide when horses pass quickly, thus why they attack at the ford. They will come from both sides of the river, so clearing one side somehow will make their ambush fail. I will send Cousin Sevli to watch and possibly aid you."

2015-04-24, 01:56 PM
The group heads out of Sandpoint, and see the back of the [famous] welcome sign. Growler's ears fold back and his eyes narrow, and his head starts shifting lower to the ground as they walk, a low rumble escaping his throat.

You get the feeling someone is following you.

2015-04-24, 02:39 PM
Sminerano walks, looking nervously at the road ahead of him, with a distinct feeling of an itch in the back of his neck.

"Folks, don't turn your heads too obviously, but I think somebody is trailing us."

2015-04-24, 04:38 PM
After meeting the party and heading out, Deren deliberately avoids looking for the other Sczarni assigned to follow the party. As it is brought up by his ally he shrugs and continues walking, saying nothing.

2015-04-24, 05:14 PM
As you look behind you, you see an old man in an oversized, patched robe, walking with a walking stick. He sees you looking at him and smiles and waves and keeps walking out of town. No one else seems to be with him, though.

2015-04-24, 05:16 PM
Gilraen turns to get a look at the odd figure. He inclines his head in acknowledgement before turning back to the road. He grunts noncommittally, as they journey Eastward, but keeps a hand on his sword.

2015-04-24, 05:52 PM
As he walks with his wolf at his side, Filibert's eyes narrow at Growler's obvious discomfiture, but his unasked question dies on his lips at Sminerano's mention. After turning and waving congenially at the man, the halfling returns to Growler's side, and he steps smoothly up onto the saddle on the wolf's back. He shifts the grip of his shield in one hand, and he reaches down to pull the lance strapped to Growler's side upright in one hand. Affecting an air of nonchalance, Filibert turns to continue his conversation with the party. So, Gilraen. May I call you Gil? It's a lovely name, but for some reason my tongue seems to trip over it. How'd you and Sminerano come to meet?

2015-04-24, 06:22 PM
So, Gilraen. May I call you Gil? It's a lovely name, but for some reason my tongue seems to trip over it. How'd you and Sminerano come to meet?

The vanara interjects, before the elf can respond. "Now that would be an interesting story, to be sure, but if you don't mind, Filibert, it would be much better told tonight, with mugs of cool beer in our hands. Right now, however, it's more urgent to talk about the near future than the distant past. So, Gilraen, you didn't answer my question... What do you expect will happen along this road? Do you know how we can find the bandits, and what we should do if that happens?"

2015-04-24, 06:57 PM
So, Gilraen. May I call you Gil? It's a lovely name, but for some reason my tongue seems to trip over it. How'd you and Sminerano come to meet?
Gilraen's arched eyebrow shifts higher.

"Now that would be an interesting story, to be sure, but -snip- What do you expect will happen along this road? Do you know how we can find the bandits, and what we should do if that happens?"

The tall elf grins. "I suspect we will find a group of bandits along this road. I have learned from a reliable source that they lurk along the road that prefer baubles and gems. When we approach the area, I suspect they may find us, though I mislike the thought. Furthermore, what we should do when, I suspect, that happens, I am not sure. I will first and foremost attempt to verify Tsuto's presence. Secondly, I will decide whether or not I care to bribe the cads. I have some ideas for a third step, but have not yet determined a course of action beyond the former. I... mislike the idea of leaving thieves to prowl the road unimpeded, though I likewise mislike the idea of bleeding too much." He falls into a comfortable silence, handling the hilt of his sword, as he continues striding purposefully eastward.

2015-04-24, 07:43 PM
"Elves, as all know, have this tendency to talk at length. Use more words than strictly necessary, I might say. Sometimes this can leave me a little foggy in the mind... Let me think..." Sminerano replies, scratching his head with his long, supple fingers. A long pause ensues.

"You're saying your plan is to walk into an ambush, then to talk our way out of it. Right?"

2015-04-24, 08:54 PM
"You're saying your plan is to walk into an ambush, then to talk our way out of it. Right?"
Gilraen smiles. "The blood is a powerful thing, is it not?

In answer to your question, the first is correct. The second is but one of many options. I am all ears, as the humans say, if anyone cares to offer an alternative solution. I must admit some degree of expectation that someone will bleed, before the day is fully spent."

2015-04-24, 08:59 PM
A cool breeze seems to constantly blow from the North, easing travel along the meandering coast. The old man continues down the road with you, but is now about a hundred feet back behind you. As the foothills of Ravenroost begin to take larger and larger shape to the South, you notice the Three Comorants, small islands that most sailors know harbor dangerous reefs around them. You continue, and the mountains to the south are replaced with the thick copses of trees and thorny undergrowth of Tickwood to the South. The view of the coast is also replaced by the forest of Shank's Wood. The woods are cut away from the road about fifty feet on the North bank and thirty feet on the south, but up ahead, the trees have grown almost together. This could be a dangerous spot.

2015-04-24, 09:30 PM
As the group walks, Rax periodically casts looks behind them to verify that the old man's constant tailing has not deviated. He remains largely silent, lost in thought, while his fingers of his left hand beat out a nervous pattern on the hilt of his rapier.

You continue, and the mountains to the south are replaced with the thick copses of trees and thorny undergrowth of Tickwood to the South. ...The woods are cut away from the road about fifty feet on the North bank and thirty feet on the south, but up ahead, the trees have grown almost together. This could be a dangerous spot.

"Speaking of walking into an ambush..." Rax says softly as the trees begin to encroach upon the path. After another quick glance behind them, he continues, "It occurs to me that the bandits don't know how many of us to expect - perhaps we should keep it that way?" He points ahead to the denser area of forest south of the road. "One or two of us could slip through the trees a moderate distance away, but in eyesight of the road. Then if things go badly with the 'negotiations' we'd have the advantage of surprise ourselves. Let's see..." he continues, partly thinking aloud. "It would need to be someone who could move carefully, and quietly, yet react quickly to danger..." His gaze passes over the various members of the group, and stops on Filibert in his armor, atop his wolf. "Not you, I think."

2015-04-25, 06:27 AM
"One or two of us could slip through the trees a moderate distance away, but in eyesight of the road. Then if things go badly with the 'negotiations' we'd have the advantage of surprise ourselves..."
Gilraen nods at Rax's suggestion, before fixing the half-drow with an appraising stare. "Perhaps two? By your dress, you seem prepared for it. I would prefer we play as little of our hand as possible; Sminerano, would you go with Rax to prepare a surprise for the thieves?"

2015-04-25, 07:35 AM
"That's a good idea, I think. I grew up in the jungle, as most of you will have guessed by now." Sminerano's infectious smile returns for a second. "As a youth, hiding among trees was a way more important skill than reading and writing."

Yay, apes! :smallbiggrin:

2015-04-25, 11:36 AM
Rax sketches a mock bow. "With pleasure. We'll stay just out of sight, but we need a signal Hmm..." His mind jumps to the blasted ship whose damage in the storm stranded him in Sandpoint. "Say Lady's Fortune if you want us to take action. Drawing that sword and screaming would probably work too."

With that, Rax peels off from the main road and enters the woods to the south of the path. He draws his sap from his belt, and tries to imagine that he's infiltrating a warehouse back in Riddlepoint as his steps become lighter and more fluid.
Let's say Rax is ~100ft back in the trees: close enough to see the road occasionally through breaks in the trees, but far enough back to not be easily seen from the road.
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-04-25, 01:08 PM
"Not you, I think."

Filibert gives a rueful smile.

"Say Lady's Fortune if you want us to take action. Drawing that sword and screaming would probably work too."

Filibert grins nervously. I wouldn't say that subtlety has ever been my strong point, so I'm sure you'll know if I decide that the time for subterfuge is past. His hand continues to rest on his up-turned lance.

2015-04-25, 01:38 PM
"If a fog cloud suddenly appears, it means the time for subtlety is over, there is no need for a code word or weapons," Deren says before explaining, "It is a defensive spell I know that will help us to avoid the projectiles of any thieves at range and allow us concealment as we better position ourselves." He then looks to the halfling and elf to lead the way forward.

2015-04-25, 06:17 PM
As Rax and Sminerano head South, the rest of the group waits a few moments. The old man just keeps walking down the road, now coming closer to the group. Growler's ears perk up, and the animal stares at an area of the forest to the Northeast. A bit of undergrowth rustles!

As you continue South, you hear a huffing noise coming from the West. You think it's an animal of some kind, but are not sure what it is.
You recognize this as Growler's hunting pattern. Roll Ride, Handle Animal and Perception checks please.
Please roll Perception checks.

2015-04-25, 06:22 PM
Sminerano goes under the cover of the trees, keeping a distance of a few paces from Rax. His motions become quiet, as he smoothly moves over any obstacle by reaching for low branches and taking care to seek cover behind trees before moving further ahead.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-04-25, 07:22 PM
At the sound of the strange huffing, Rax suddenly halts and holds up a hand to signal Sminerano. "Do you hear that??" he whispers back at the Vanaran. Exchanging his sap for his rapier, he alters his course slightly to head in the direction of the strange sound...
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-04-25, 07:53 PM
Sminerano nods silently, indicating he, too, heard the noise. Before moving any further, he unfastens a small pouch from his apron belt, tears it open, and shakes the contents all around him. The bluish powder coalesces into a small, transparent, oblong shape that floats in the air in front of the vanara.

He then moves to follow Rax.

Using a Shield extract (I refluffed the look and feel because I can't see him drinking something to obtain a Shield effect)

HP 9/9
AC 19, Touch 13, FF 16, CMD 13 (armor +2, shield +4, Dex +3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Extract in effect: Shield 10/10 rounds.

2015-04-25, 08:16 PM
As Growler slows and stares at the underbrush, a growl begins to grow in his throat. Whoa, easy there. What is it, buddy? says Filibert quietly, Do ya smell something? The halfling looks into the brush and listens.

Handle animal: [roll0] to keep Growler under control.
Perception: [roll1]

2015-04-25, 08:18 PM
You see a heavyset animal, four feet long, with tiny, bloodshot eyes, and covered with dark hair, begin moving toward you, it's head lowered and tusks gleaming with saliva. (Roll Initiative)

Growler whimpers a little, but settles down, still looking over at the bushes. The rustling stops.

Roll Initiative

map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nth8bjP_p47739mWHiZ7-aAPLeigESgB6U9gMitIXEs/edit?usp=sharing)

Party is somewhere in the neighborhood of AG10. Rax and Sminerano are currently around AL29

2015-04-26, 05:01 AM
Perception [roll0] (Deren), [roll1] (Jade: 1 rank shared with Deren, +3 class skill due to being a familiar, +4 racial)

Initiative [roll2]
Deren and Jade look carefully in the direction of the rustling from their position near the rear of the party.

2015-04-26, 08:51 AM
"Uh-oh..." Rax whispers. Keeping his eyes on the creature, he begins carefully backing away, towards the road. "Let's get back to the others!" he whispers urgently to Sminerano.

Initiative [roll0]
Also Knowledge: Nature (untrained) to know anything about the creature: [roll1]

If you're ready for us to give first-round actions...

Rax double-moves 60ft back towards the road (probably by way of the clearing in AJ-19).
If the boar IS threatening Rax at the start of his turn, use the Withdraw action to avoid an AoO.

2015-04-26, 10:14 AM
As Rax backs into the underbrush, Gilraen calls out, "If you are too distant to hear us, if I shake my head vigorously twice, consider that a sign, as well."

[roll1], take better roll

Uaware of any immediate threats, Gilraen begins to walk down the road towards the point where the trees get close, more slowly than before. That is likely sufficient time for our shadows to get a bit of a head start, but it would not do to arrive before they were able to get into a suitable position." He begins to chat with Filibert, asking specifics regarding how he trained Growler, and learned to ride him.
Whoa, easy there. What is it, buddy? says Filibert quietly, Do ya smell something? The halfling looks into the brush and listens.
The elf stops walking, and watches Growler's posture, as he gently reaches for his bow.

Double move while drawing long sword with the first move and shield with the second.

2015-04-26, 10:24 AM
"Good idea", Sminerano answers in a similarly low voice. He follows, making sure a tree or at least some undergrowth stays between him and the angry-looking animal.

Double move. If the boar threatens him, he will use his Climb speed to get up a tree.

2015-04-26, 04:01 PM
Growler's head swivels to the South and he begins growling fiercely.

Round 1

Growler was the only one who beat the boar's 19 init. Not how I wanted this to go, stupid dice.

The boar moves towards Rax and jabs its tusks deep in his leg. Rax takes 10 damage.

2015-04-26, 04:14 PM
Round 1

"Ahhhh!!!" Rax cries out in pain as the boar gores him fiercely. Staggering away on his wounded leg, he takes the shortest route back to the road.

Use Withdraw to avoid an AoO, and double-move 60ft back to AJ-18.

AoO if applicable:
atk [roll0]
cc [roll1] (18-20/x2)
dmg [roll2]

(I'm hand-rolling this statblock, so let me know if there are issues with it or other stuff I should include)
Rax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=136832)
M TN Half-Elf Rogue 1
HP 3/13
Init +5
Speed 30
AC 15 (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)
CMD 13
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
CMB +0
Base Attack Bonus +0
Current Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition: normal

2015-04-26, 04:28 PM
Alarmed at the sight of Rax bleeding severely, Sminerano cautiously follows, keeping himself between the boar and the half-elf, and warily eyeing the beast in case it charges.

Standard action: Total defense.
Move action: Move to a position as far north as possible, while covering Rax.

HP 9/9
AC 23, Touch 17, FF 20, CMD 17 (armor +2, shield +4, Dex +3, dodge +4) - total defense
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Extract in effect: Shield 9/10 rounds.

2015-04-26, 04:45 PM
Round 1

Deren Urthn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=129569)
Male Neutral Human Witch, Level 1, Init 7, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 11, Fort , Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Dagger +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Club +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d6, 20/x2)
Touch +0 Melee/+1 Ranged (Varies, 20/x2)
No Armor Worn (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 10
Condition None
"Um, that's not a bandit ambush..." Deren says as he moves towards the half-elf and vanara. With an unnaturally piercing gaze he glares at the approaching boar.

Move action to approach the boar only if Deren can get within 30 ft. of the boar and he wouldn't be the closest PC to it...

Standard action to use Evil Eye (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/witch.html#evil-eye) (DC 15 Will or -2 on attacks rolls for 8 rounds; on a passed save the penalty only lasts 1 round) on the boar as soon as it is within 30 ft.

2015-04-26, 07:05 PM
Round 1

At Rax's cry, Gilraen dashes into the underbrush. "Damn it all, drow blood! This had better not be a trap!" he whispers, likely loud enough to be heard by the nearer allies.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=147585)
M CG Elf Oracle, Level 1, Init 5x2*, HP 10/10, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 15, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 1, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
MW Composite Longbow (20 arrows) +4 (1d8, x3 )
Long Sword +2 (1d8+2, 19-20, x2)
Steel Lamellar, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition None
Martial Flexibility, 3/3
Envoy Ability, 1/1

Double move action to AG/18, while drawing long sword in the first move and shield in the second.

2015-04-26, 11:17 PM
Round 1

Filibert and his mount's heads turn in the direction of Rax's pained shout. Steering Growler to get a better view of the situation, he sees Rax and Sminerano beating a tactical retreat from the unseen enemy. They're coming to us, and by their speed I think they're going to make it. Just leave me a clear path! shouts the halfling to his allies on the road.

Move action to AJ12 to be ready for a charge.

Filibert Heathertoe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=153526)
M NG Halfling Cavalier 1 (Order of the Dragon), Level 1, Init 5, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 15
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 15, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Double Damage on Charge Lance Melee (1d6+Str*1.5, X3)
Brace, Reach Bardiche Melee (1d8+Str*1.5, 19-20, x2)
Cestus Melee (1d3+Str, 19-20, x2)
Breastplate, Shield, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

2015-04-26, 11:58 PM
After being seriously wounded, Rax ran back towards the road. Sminerano did not wish to leave his new ally in the wind, and backed away from the boar and put himself in between them. Gilraen headed to the edge of the forest, drawing his longsword and shield. Filibert moved up the road a bit and further south, turning Growler to be ready to charge at the boar. Deren prepared to draw upon his foreboding power to afflict the boar as soon as it drew near.

Round 2

The boar burst through the underbrush, and turned towards Sminerano. It lowered its head and caught the Vanaran with surprising speed, tearing a chunk out of his apron, but not causing him physical harm.

No item damage done, just feel like being descriptive.

The rustle Growler saw drew your attention as well, but you noticed the familiar shape of a buck's head. To the south, you heard a crashing as bushes were flattened by a large mammal, but you're not sure what it is exactly. From your position, there is some undergrowth and a large tree blocking your view of the creature.

2015-04-27, 12:28 AM
Round 2

Rax stumbles out of the undergrowth, blood seeping from the wound and leg. "It's a bloody boar!!" he yells at the others as he turns around, looking for Sminerano. "C'mon, monkey-man! Get out of there!"

Move to AL-17, then Total Defense for +4 AC (to 19 total).

This might be a good time to mention Rax's light blindness (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/drow.html#light-blindness): he's dazzled under conditions of bright light, meaning -1 to attack rolls. I'll assume that the open road (where we are) is "bright light", but that in the middle of the trees is not, unless Justin corrects me.
Rax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=136832)
M TN Half-Elf Rogue 1
HP 3/13
Init +5
Speed 30
AC 19 (Touch 17, Flat-footed 12)
CMD 13
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
CMB +0
Base Attack Bonus +0
Current Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition: Total Defense

2015-04-27, 04:20 AM
Round 2

Deren Urthn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=129569)
Male Neutral Human Witch, Level 1, Init 7, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 11, Fort , Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Dagger +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Club +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d6, 20/x2)
Touch +0 Melee/+1 Ranged (Varies, 20/x2)
No Armor Worn (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 10
Condition None
Deren continues moving towards his allies and the beast in the brush, readying himself to hex it when it appears.

Same as last round, essentially. I would like to be moving closer without exposing Deren to the boar's attacks.

Move action to approach the boar only if Deren can get within 30 ft. of the boar and he wouldn't be the closest PC to it...

Standard action to use Evil Eye (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/witch.html#evil-eye) (DC 15 Will or -2 on attacks rolls for 8 rounds; on a passed save the penalty only lasts 1 round) on the boar as soon as it is within 30 ft.

2015-04-27, 06:24 AM
Sminerano continues to retreat, and as he gets a glimpse of Filibert on his wolf in the distance, steps out of the way.

Move to AI18
Standard action, total defense... looks like it was a life-saver last round.

HP 9/9
AC 23, Touch 17, FF 20, CMD 17 (armor +2, shield +4, Dex +3, dodge +4) - total defense
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Extract in effect: Shield 8/10 rounds.

2015-04-27, 12:22 PM
Round 2

As the boar and the other party members emerge from the underbrush, Filibert leans forward, lance at the ready, and Growler tenses underneath him...

Delay turn until the boar comes into charge range.

Assuming that the PCs move such that the boar is chargeable:

Attack: [roll0]
CC: [roll1] for x3 on 26
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

If Growler gets an attack (i.e. the charge continues from the square at which the lance attack becomes possible into the square at which Growler's melee becomes possible), here goes:
Attack: [roll4]
CC: [roll5] for x2 on 24
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]
Trip attempt: [roll8]

If the charge isn't possible, subtract 2 from attack rolls and lance damage is instead [roll9] plus [roll10] on a crit. Move into melee to attack anyway.

Drop lance after the charge.

Filibert (using Cestus):
Attack: [roll11]
CC: [roll12] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll13]
Crit damage: [roll14]

Attack: [roll15]
CC: [roll16] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll17]
Crit damage: [roll18]

Attack: [roll19]
CC: [roll20] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll21]
Crit damage: [roll22]

Attack: [roll23]
CC: [roll24] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll25]
Crit damage: [roll26]

Growler's AoO:
Attack: [roll27]
CC: [roll28] for x2 on 24
Damage: [roll29]
Crit damage: [roll30]
Trip attempt: [roll31]

Filibert Heathertoe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=153526)
M NG Halfling Cavalier 1 (Order of the Dragon), Level 1, Init 5, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 15
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 15, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Double Damage on Charge Lance Melee (1d6+Str*1.5, X3)
Brace, Reach Bardiche Melee (1d8+Str*1.5, 19-20, x2)
Cestus Melee (1d3+Str, 19-20, x2)
Breastplate, Shield, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

Growler (Animal companion to Filibert) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=154254)
N/A Wolf Animal Companion, Level , Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 50
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Trip Bite Melee (1d6+str, x2)
Studded Leather Barding (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition None

2015-04-27, 02:23 PM
Round 2

Gilraen steps up to the edge of the woods, looking for the cause of alarm.

2015-04-27, 03:20 PM
Round 2 Recap

As Sminerano backs further away from the boar, it takes another swipe at him, this time failing to connect. Gilraen pushes his way into the underbrush, his longsword raised and poised to strike. Rax continues his retreat, and comes around a tree to his right. Filibert sees his opportunity and takes it, urging Growler into a trot. The halfling's lance buries itself deep in the boar's shoulder, but does not slip home. When the boar squeals in pain, Growler goes for its neck, but can't get close enough without goring himself on the boar's tusk. Deren moves past Gilraen and the air seethes with energy, making those who witness it avert their gaze. The energy focuses on the boar and seems to pass through it. The boar shrugs off the effects.

Round 3

The boar, angered by being wounded, attacks Filibert, but is too wounded not to telegraph its attack. Filibert lifts up off of Growler and leans away from the beast, causing it to back away from the menacing wolf.

The boar is not yet staggered, and passed its DC 15 will save.

2015-04-27, 03:45 PM
Round 3

As Growler snaps at the boar, Filibert drops his lance and swings his cestus-encased fist at the beast.

Plain ol' attack with both characters.

Attack: [roll0]
CC:[roll1] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
CC:[roll5] for x2 on 22
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]
Trip: [roll8]

Attack: [roll9]
CC:[roll10] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll11]
Crit damage: [roll12]

Attack: [roll13]
CC:[roll14] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll15]
Crit damage: [roll16]

Attack: [roll17]
CC:[roll18] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll19]
Crit damage: [roll20]

Attack: [roll21]
CC:[roll22] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll23]
Crit damage: [roll24]

Attack: [roll25]
CC:[roll26] for x2 on 22
Damage: [roll27]
Crit damage: [roll28]
Trip: [roll29]

Filibert Heathertoe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=153526)
M NG Halfling Cavalier 1 (Order of the Dragon), Level 1, Init 5, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 15
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 15, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Double Damage on Charge Lance Melee (1d6+Str*1.5, X3)
Brace, Reach Bardiche Melee (1d8+Str*1.5, 19-20, x2)
Cestus Melee (1d3+Str, 19-20, x2)
Breastplate, Shield, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

Growler (Animal companion to Filibert) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=154254)
N/A Wolf Animal Companion, Level , Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 50
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Trip Bite Melee (1d6+str, x2)
Studded Leather Barding (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition None

2015-04-27, 03:49 PM
Round 3

"The fool's going to get himself killed...." Rax mutters as Filibert and Growler charge off into the underbrush. He hesitates for a moment, watching from behind the tree, then swears as he dashes back into the woods, circling behind the boar and angling to get a clear strike...

Double-move to AK-27 (going via the difficult terrain in AL-20 and AL-26 to avoid AoOs).

AoO if applicable:
atk [roll0] (assuming no "bright light" conditions)
cc [roll1] (18-20/x2)
dmg [roll2]

Rax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=136832)
M TN Half-Elf Rogue 1
HP 3/13
Init +5
Speed 30
AC 15 (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)
CMD 13
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
CMB +0
Base Attack Bonus +0
Current Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition: normal

(Here's the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nth8bjP_p47739mWHiZ7-aAPLeigESgB6U9gMitIXEs/edit#gid=222089810) if you're looking for it!)

2015-04-27, 04:28 PM
Sminerano cautiously gets a bit nearer, but decides to let his comrades finish the boar off rather than risk an attack of his own.

Move to AK22

HP 9/9
AC 23, Touch 17, FF 20, CMD 17 (armor +2, shield +4, Dex +3, dodge +4) - total defense
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Extract in effect: Shield 7/10 rounds.

2015-04-28, 03:33 AM
Round 3

Deren Urthn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=129569)
Male Neutral Human Witch, Level 1, Init 7, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 11, Fort , Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Dagger +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Club +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d6, 20/x2)
Touch +0 Melee/+1 Ranged (Varies, 20/x2)
No Armor Worn (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 10
Condition None
Scowling as the boar seems to shake off the effects of his hex, Deren tries again, concentrating on the boar as he walks slowly forward.

Once more, this time with feeling! In case there is any concern, the Evil Eye hex (linked below) makes no mention that it cannot be used on the same target repeatedly. Some hexes have this clause, but most this one does not.

Move action to approach the boar only if Deren can get within 30 ft. of the boar and he wouldn't be the closest PC to it...

Standard action to use Evil Eye (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/witch.html#evil-eye) (DC 15 Will or -2 on attacks rolls for 8 rounds; on a passed save the penalty only lasts 1 round) on the boar as soon as it is within 30 ft.

2015-04-28, 01:15 PM
Gilraen presses forward into the underbrush.

move action south, standard action, total defense (+4 AC)

2015-04-28, 02:42 PM
Round 3 Recap

As Gilraen, Sminerano and Rax reposition, Deren fills the air with strange energy again, and launches it at the boar. This time the boar slumps under the effect. Filibert swings his metal covered fist at the beast, but the movement is awkward atop Growler, and he fails to connect. The boar raises its tusks defensively to meet the halfing, and is bitten by Growler. Its heavy breathing, grunting, and squealing now fill the air.

Round 4

The boar swipes its tusks at Growler, but the wolf leans back onto its haunches, teeth bared.

2015-04-28, 02:58 PM
Round 4

Filibert watches Rax approach from the south, and bides his time while shifting his weight to assist with Growler's movements. Coiled, the halfling and mount wait for the best time to strike!

Delay action until Rax is able to move into melee with the boar. Then, move (if necessary and possible with 5ft steps) to flank! If not possible, just attack.

Filibert's attack:
Attack: [roll0] <-- not counting flank
CC: [roll1] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4] <--- not counting flank
CC: [roll5] for x2 on 22
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]
Trip: [roll8]


Attack: [roll9] <-- not counting flank
CC: [roll10] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll11]
Crit damage: [roll12]

Attack: [roll13] <-- not counting flank
CC: [roll14] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll15]
Crit damage: [roll16]

Attack: [roll17] <-- not counting flank
CC: [roll18] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll19]
Crit damage: [roll20]

Attack: [roll21] <-- not counting flank
CC: [roll22] for x2 on 23-24
Damage: [roll23]
Crit damage: [roll24]

Attack: [roll25] <--- not counting flank
CC: [roll26] for x2 on 22
Damage: [roll27]
Crit damage: [roll28]
Trip: [roll29]

Filibert Heathertoe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=153526)
M NG Halfling Cavalier 1 (Order of the Dragon), Level 1, Init 5, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 15
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 15, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Double Damage on Charge Lance Melee (1d6+Str*1.5, X3)
Brace, Reach Bardiche Melee (1d8+Str*1.5, 19-20, x2)
Cestus Melee (1d3+Str, 19-20, x2)
Breastplate, Shield, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

Growler (Animal companion to Filibert) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=154254)
N/A Wolf Animal Companion, Level , Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 50
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Trip Bite Melee (1d6+str, x2)
Studded Leather Barding (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition None

2015-04-28, 03:11 PM
Round 4

Taking advantage of the boar's distraction by Growler, Rax steps in behind it and aims a vicious thrust at its neck.

Move to AJ-26 and attack.

atk [roll0] (+2 flank)
cc [roll1] (18-20/x2)
dmg [roll2] + Sneak Attack [roll3]

AoO if applicable:
atk [roll4] (+2 flank)
cc [roll5] (18-20/x2)
dmg [roll6] + Sneak Attack [roll7]

Rax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=136832)
M TN Half-Elf Rogue 1
HP 3/13
Init +5
Speed 30
AC 15 (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)
CMD 13
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
CMB +0
Base Attack Bonus +0
Current Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition: normal

2015-04-28, 03:32 PM
Sminerano closes in, but remains on his most cautious posture.

Move to AK24, total defense

HP 9/9
AC 23, Touch 17, FF 20, CMD 17 (armor +2, shield +4, Dex +3, dodge +4) - total defense
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Extract in effect: Shield 7/10 rounds.

2015-04-28, 03:49 PM
Round 4

Deren Urthn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=129569)
Male Neutral Human Witch, Level 1, Init 7, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 11, Fort , Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Dagger +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Club +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d6, 20/x2)
Touch +0 Melee/+1 Ranged (Varies, 20/x2)
No Armor Worn (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 10
Condition None
Smiling satisfactorily, Deren once again glares at the beast.

Move action to approach the boar if necessary or helpful without entering melee.

Standard action to use Evil Eye (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/witch.html#evil-eye) (DC 15 Will or -2 on AC for 8 rounds; on a passed save the penalty only lasts 1 round) on the boar as soon as it is within 30 ft.

2015-04-28, 05:33 PM
Round 4

Gilraen steps in-between Deren and the boar, and swipes at the beast with his longsword.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=147585)
M CG Elf Oracle, Level 1, Init 5x2*, HP 10/10, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 15, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 1, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
MW Composite Longbow (20 arrows) +4 (1d8, x3 )
Long Sword +2 (1d8+2, 19-20, x2)
Steel Lamellar, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition None
Martial Flexibility, 3/3
Envoy Ability, 1/1

5-foot step, attack:
[roll0] atk
[roll1] damage
[roll2] CC (21+)
[roll3] cDMG

2015-04-29, 01:37 AM
The combined efforts of the group bring down the beast.

End of Combat

2015-04-29, 06:50 AM
Sminerano sighs in relief as the dangerous boar finally collapses. "Phew, that was scary... And it was just a wild animal. You all right, Rax?"

2015-04-29, 08:52 AM
"At least we have something to show for our trip out here," Deren says sarcastically as he walks up to the felled boar. Looking at the injured he walks over and gently touches them one by one, applying a benevolent hex to each.

Use Deren's Healing Hex (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/witch.html#healing) on everyone who needs it. (1d8+1) HPs per use.

Each character gets this once per day, so don't waste it, folks! (If it isn't clear, each injured player should claim the use if they want it now.)

2015-04-29, 09:13 AM
Rax stabs the felled beast once or twice more, to be sure it's dead, before leaning against a nearby tree to take the weight off of his injured leg. "Idiot creature. I've been better..." he admits to Sminerano. As Deren approaches, Rax watches him warily, but his touch does seem to stem the bleeding and heal the worst of the injury.
[roll0] HP to Rax
"Huh, that's better..." Rax observes, running his hand over the newly-mended skin. He eyes the tattooed man with renewed interest. "So, you're some kind of priest or something?"

2015-04-29, 09:53 AM
Gilraen's breath begins to settle as the massive beast collapses into the underbrush. "I have had more excitement before. Still, it strikes me as oddly inconvenient and unusal, that such a beast would be lurking so near a group of bandits. Perhaps we are not yet in the right place."

After a thoughtful pause, he continues. "Still, it would not do to cast aside caution on the chance it may be unnecessary. If we are all ready to continue?" He appraises the state of the party, and noting Rax's persistent injury, he approaches the half-drow. "If you would allow me, I am, that is, something of a priest. I have the power to grant a boon of rejuvenation, when it is needed."

1st spell of the day, CLW: [roll0] HPz

"Now, shall we see to our errand?"

2015-04-29, 02:30 PM
"So, you're some kind of priest or something?"
Deren hesitates just long enough for Gilraen to step in and heal the half-drow. Stepping back he does his best to avoid answering as he literally bites his tongue. When the elf suggests moving on with their task Deren nods and falls into line as he pulls his hood back and silently encourages Jade to stay out of sight.

2015-04-29, 08:12 PM
After checking Growler for any sign of injury, Filibert pats the wolf's armored neck. Didn't realize you all had those kinds of talents! he says. Then again, you might've looked for bigger muscle than myself if that was all you were counting on. He grins at the party assembled. So, shall we continue? I might suggest that we stick together after all, who knows what other fauna may be out and about on a beautiful day like this.

2015-04-29, 09:38 PM
"Yes, let's continue. It shall not be said that a mere animal of the woods lead us away from our goal!" Sminerano approves.

Turning to Filibert, he adds: "And I beg to differ. Two-legged enemies remain the worst danger... I think Rax and I should remain under cover of the trees and explore a little bit ahead. Don't you think?" He looks at the half-drow, expectantly.

2015-04-29, 11:15 PM
He appraises the state of the party, and noting Rax's persistent injury, he approaches the half-drow. "If you would allow me, I am, that is, something of a priest. I have the power to grant a boon of rejuvenation, when it is needed."

"You??" Rax looks skeptically at the armed and armored Gilraen, but as his leg is still giving him quite a bit of pain he gestures for Gilraen to go ahead and try. "Better." Rax allows grudgingly as he tests his weight again on his twice-healed leg. "...thanks."

After checking Growler for any sign of injury, Filibert pats the wolf's armored neck. Didn't realize you all had those kinds of talents! he says.

Nor I. Rax silently mulls over Filibert's statement, reflecting on the powers of his current allies... "Indeed, and lucky for me." he says aloud. "And that blue powder you used," turning to Sminerano, "don't tell me you're a priest too! What was it, some kind of alchemical compound?"

"I think Rax and I should remain under cover of the trees and explore a little bit ahead. Don't you think?" He looks at the half-drow, expectantly.

Rax nods at the Vanaran's suggestion. "Yeah, I agree. This-" he pokes the boar corpse with his rapier, "was just a setback. A mean, hairy setback with tusks. Besides," he pauses to frown and squint at the open road, baking in the midday sun. "under the trees is nicer anyway. More shade."

Sheathing his blade, he gestures Sminerano to follow and begins to head back into the woods, following the original plan of scouting ahead.
If necessary,
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-04-30, 02:11 AM
Deren nods and heads back to the road, once again placing himself between Filibert and his companion in the front and Gilraen behind.

2015-04-30, 03:06 AM
The old man keeps walking down the road. Doesn't seem to have even stopped or come over to you when you were fighting. You reach the spot in the woods were you expected the first ambush and....

Nothing happens. As you come between the two wooded areas, you reach a clearing. The breeze from the coast continues to aid your travels, but the sun is a bit higher in the sky now. To your left you see a strange set of hills, named by the Chelaxians as the Pauper's Graves. The Varisians call this place the Sendoff, as it is where they go to bury their dead. To the South are some minor mountains named Leb's Tors. As you head further East, the Pauper's Graves are soon replaced by yet another forest, this one named Nettlewood. You notice clear evidence of banditry by the broken wagon laying off the side to the North. Also, along the way you see horse skulls jammed on pikes in the forest to the North. While the woodsmen and lumberjacks of the area have done what they can to keep the road from being encroached by the forest, you're beginning to think they're facing a losing battle, especially to the South, as you notice the Mosswood. The ford should be up ahead, but it looks like the woods have been beaten back away from the area.

You remember two wooden structures, previously homes of woodsmen, on hills on both sides of the ford. The hills and the shallow spot was one of the major reasons the ford was established. You've been up the hill on the side closest to you, and remember it had a spectacular view, especially of the road leading back to Sandpoint.

Both Mosswood and Nettlewood are brimming with Goblins.

Going off the beaten path without the full support of the others nearly got you killed. [OOC Suggest everyone go into the woods this time?]

2015-04-30, 03:28 AM
Deren slows as they approach the ford and describes the structures to either side of the road. "This could be the spot for the ambush, but bandits won't spring it till we are down by the stream itself. Perhaps now would be an ideal opportunity for some scouting by our more capable members?" he hints, speaking quietly as he glances at his companions.

2015-04-30, 06:27 AM
Sminerano nods in answer to Rax's question. "I'm a mere apprentice, but yes, alchemy. My mentor, Master Ekhaszer Kenric, is the resident alchemist in Sandpoint. He taught me a few tricks, and I prepared as best I could. This powder takes a while to mix right, but it offers a nice protection. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to prepare a new dose... No regrets, since it spared me a rather painful goring. It's fortunate that our friends here have healing powers, but we don't want them to exhaust their energy even before we meet any bandits."

He moves in step with Rax under the trees, but his hunter's experience, while long unused, tell him that the half-elf is the more surefooted partner, so he stays a few paces behind him.

Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2015-04-30, 07:39 AM
Gilraen purses his lips at the sight of the broken wagon, and his expression sours further when he notices the impaled horse skulls. "We may face more... problematic opponents than bandits, this day. It seems to me they would have confronted us by now if they planned to. It also seems to me that most bandits would rather break or sell horses than slaughter them and leave their skulls as a warning.

No, this is not bandit work. Goblins are known to be present in both these woods," he gestures to either side of the road, one with a bared blade, the other with his shield. "If you are certain you wish to scout the woods as a pair, I must insist you maintain the utmost caution. If you note anything out of the ordinary, come to the road immediately. It would not do to have our troupe reduced to a trio by the gibbering buggers. Besides, trees cause problems with archery, which is my preferred method of inflicting pain."

He fixes Sminerano with a fierce stare. "Be careful, friend."

In a pair of smooth motions, he exchanges his sword and shield for his longbow. His eyes display a keen focus as he presses onward down the center of the road, an arrow fixed on the string.

2015-04-30, 12:24 PM
Rax nods at Gilraen's warning, and draws his sword again. "Goblins, uh? At least maybe they'll have eaten all the boars" he quips wryly. "We'll go as far as the ford, then check back in." Taking the lead from Sminerano, he presses ahead into the Nettlewood, moving parallel to the road and staying just near enough to keep it in sight.
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-04-30, 04:45 PM
Filibert fidgets with the lance still resting in its loop. I sure hope you guys know what you're doing out here. I can hold my own against one or two of the brutes; problem is, they don't usually come two at a time. I guess we'll see...

2015-04-30, 04:51 PM
The intrepid pair again head into the forest. As you watch them disappear into the treeline, you begin to notice small snaps and cracks, coming from their direction.

As you get into position, you begin hearing strange voices, speaking in a language you're not quite sure of. Listening carefully you can make out 4 distinct voices. "But Zikthuck, we don't want leave home. Why we serve Ripnugget? He not chief! Big Gugmut chief!"
A pause, then a quick, urgent sounding voice.
"Quiet! I hear things! Maybe longshanks come!"

You strain yourself to hear what is going on and then...snap! Sminerano looks down at a dry branch he just stepped on.

Place yourselves on the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nth8bjP_p47739mWHiZ7-aAPLeigESgB6U9gMitIXEs/edit?usp=sharing) near H18 on the Road Northwest of the Ford Sheet. Rax and Sminerano, somewhere in the far northern area of the map West of the Ford.

2015-04-30, 08:28 PM
You strain yourself to hear what is going on and then...snap! Sminerano looks down at a dry branch he just stepped on.

Rax winces as the loud snap fills the air. Thinking quickly, he picks up another nearby branch and tosses it deeper into the woods, gesturing for Sminerano to hide as he himself looks around for cover.

I've placed Rax in AE-5 of the "Forest West of Ford" map.
The goal is to create a diversion for enough time to use Stealth [roll0], moving behind a tree (like to AE-2) if possible.

2015-04-30, 09:29 PM
Sminerano muffles a curse as an unfortunate misstep causes a lot of unwanted noise. Now is not a time for regrets: He quickly follows Rax behind the tree.

Stealth [roll0]

Starting position: AD4. Move to e.g. AF2

2015-05-01, 12:45 AM
As you walk you again hear rustling, this time to the Southeast. When you turn to look, you catch glimpses of the overlook Deren was talking about. (OOC: Roll Perception checks)

One of the goblins shouts. "Two Longshanks! Get em!" The shouting one rushes out into the open. Another one hisses back. "Idiot! Zikthuck no say rush!"The goblin in the open looks conflicted.

2015-05-01, 06:33 AM
"They've seen us", Sminerano whispers. Thank the gods I found those books about the Goblin language last year.

"It's either run, or fight. If I climb the tree, how about you hide and surprise them?"

Perception [roll]1d20+5[roll]

2015-05-01, 08:11 AM
[roll0] vs. DC 15 to hear the interaction of goblins and scouts

2015-05-01, 08:31 AM
"It's either run, or fight. If I climb the tree, how about you hide and surprise them?"

"No, too many of them." Rax hisses back. "We'd better make a break for it. 1... 2... 3!!!" At the end of the countdown, Rax breaks from their hiding place and starts sprinting back towards the group. "Goblins!! Four of them!!" he hollers.

Initiative [roll0] if applicable.

Use Run (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html#run) action to move 120 feet back towards group, unless the terrain prohibits it, in which case double-move 60 feet.

2015-05-01, 10:19 AM
Sminerano runs, right on Rax's steps, towards the rest of the group.

Initiative [roll0]
Run towards appx NNW direction (or double move, depending on whether difficult terrain on 1st couple of squares precludes running entirely)

2015-05-01, 04:05 PM
"Goblins!! Four of them!!"
Deren silently readies himself for the appearance of the goblins, searching for signs of them in the brush.

Initiative [roll0]

Ready an action to hex a goblin threatening an ally with Evil Eye, DC 15, for -2 attack rolls for 8 rounds (1 round on a passed save).

2015-05-01, 07:53 PM
Round 1?

Gilraen, hearing Rax's shout, drops into a running stance and bolts southwards, bow and arrows held gently in his hands, clearly demonstrating his expertise.

or [roll]1d20+ initiative

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=147585)
M CG Elf Oracle, Level 1, Init 5x2*, HP 10/10, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 15, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 1, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
MW Composite Longbow (20 arrows) +4 (1d8, x3 )
Long Sword +2 (1d8+2, 19-20, x2)
Steel Lamellar, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Spells, 1st level: 3/4 remaining
Martial Flexibility, 3/3
Envoy Ability, 1/1

Move south as far as I have to, either double move or if I can see a goblin after the first move (and its within 110 feet), I will attack.

If I attack:
[roll1] atk
[roll3] dmg

if it's a natural 1, reroll to [roll2] (called trait) not necessary
[roll4] (24, x3) not a threat
[roll5] crit damage

2015-05-02, 12:10 PM
Round 1

Rax and Sminerano burst out of the woods into the mostly clear terrain, and are able to cover a lot of ground. The goblin's confusion has left them slower and still in the woods. Gilraen sees one and shoots at it, scoring a grazing hit, and the goblin holds its arm where it was shot.

2015-05-02, 12:31 PM
Round 2

Seeing that they've pulled well ahead of the goblins, Rax dives for cover behind a nearby mound of rocks and tries to steady his breathing.

Move to Z-21. Assuming the rocks are large enough to give cover or concealment, use Stealth (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/skills/stealth.html#stealth) [roll0] to hide.

Rax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=136832)
M TN Half-Elf Rogue 1
HP 10/13
Init +5
Speed 30
AC 15 (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)
CMD 13
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
CMB +0
Base Attack Bonus +0
Current Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition: normal

(Map is here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nth8bjP_p47739mWHiZ7-aAPLeigESgB6U9gMitIXEs/edit#gid=1115494225))

2015-05-02, 12:53 PM
Round 2

Filibert remains crouched atop Growler, waiting for a clear opening to charge...

Delay action until a goblin shows up in charge range.

Filibert's Attack: [roll0]
CC: [roll1] for x3 on 26
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Growler's Attack: [roll4]
CC: [roll5] for x2 on 24
Damage: [roll]1d6+1[roll]
Crit damage: [roll]1d6+1[roll]
Trip: [roll6]

Filibert's AoO: [roll7]
CC: [roll8] for x3 on 23-24
Damage: [roll9]
Crit damage: [roll10]

Filibert's AoO: [roll11]
CC: [roll12] for x3 on 23-24
Damage: [roll13]
Crit damage: [roll14]

Filibert's AoO: [roll15]
CC: [roll16] for x3 on 23-24
Damage: [roll17]
Crit damage: [roll18]

Filibert's AoO: [roll19]
CC: [roll20] for x3 on 23-24
Damage: [roll21]
Crit damage: [roll22]

Growler's AoO: [roll23]
CC: [roll24] for x2 on 22
Damage: [roll]1d6+1[roll]
Crit damage: [roll]1d6+1[roll]
Trip: [roll25]

Filibert Heathertoe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=153526)
M NG Halfling Cavalier 1 (Order of the Dragon), Level 1, Init 5, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 15
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 17, CMD 15, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Double Damage on Charge Lance Melee (1d6+Str, X3)
Brace, Reach Bardiche Melee (1d8+Str*1.5, 19-20, x2)
Cestus Melee (1d3+Str, 19-20, x2)
Breastplate, Shield, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size, -2 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

Growler (Animal companion to Filibert) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=154254)
N/A Wolf Animal Companion, Level , Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 50
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Trip Bite Melee (1d6+str, x2)
Studded Leather Barding (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect, -2 Misc)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition None

2015-05-02, 01:07 PM
Having cleared a good distance and reassured to be in sight of his companions, Sminerano turns around, using a couple of large rocks as cover.

Double move to AC24

HP 9/9
AC 15, Touch 13, FF 12, CMD 13 (armor +2, Dex +3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2

2015-05-02, 02:46 PM
Round 2
Deren Urthn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=129569)
Male Neutral Human Witch, Level 1, Init 7, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 11, Fort , Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Dagger +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Club +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d6, 20/x2)
Touch +0 Melee/+1 Ranged (Varies, 20/x2)
No Armor Worn (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 10
Condition None
Deren silently moves to follow his allies should they move towards the ensuing combat, gazing intently towards the approaching goblin enemies.

Move action to follow behind either Filibert or Gilraen if they move forward.

Ready an action to hex a goblin threatening an ally with Evil Eye, DC 15, for -2 attack rolls for 8 rounds (1 round on a passed save) once one is in range.

2015-05-04, 02:32 PM
Round 2

"To me!" Gilraen calls out, as he sees his new companions emerging from the forest ahead of them.

He moves forward, carefully scanning the forest to the south.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=147585)
M CG Elf Oracle, Level 1, Init 5x2*, HP 10/10, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 15, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 1, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
MW Composite Longbow (20 arrows) +4 (1d8, x3 )
Long Sword +2 (1d8+2, 19-20, x2)
Steel Lamellar, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Spells, 1st level: 3/4 remaining
Martial Flexibility, 3/3
Envoy Abilities: 1/1

Move action further eastward. If I can get a shot without cover, take it, if not, second move.

[roll0] bow
[roll1] damage
[roll2] bow cc
[roll3] crit damage

2015-05-04, 03:24 PM
Round 2 Recap

The goblins burst out of the woods, but Filibert was waiting for one of them and Growler leaps forward, harassing one of the oncoming terrors. Filibert's lance swooped just over the large globular head, and Growler's was unable to get an appropriate attack angle, as the goblin tripped face first into the dirt, flailing it's arms and legs out in all directions, its dogslicer waving wildly, and cut Growler's front left leg. The other goblins disappeared behind the rocky outcroppings that Rax and Sminerano are now taking cover behind. You don't see the fourth goblin anywhere. Deren and Gilraen moved together to support their friends.

When you looked over in the Southeast direction, you noticed a big hill like Deren said. However, you also saw human shapes on the hill. You think they might be lookouts.

map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nth8bjP_p47739mWHiZ7-aAPLeigESgB6U9gMitIXEs/edit?usp=sharing)

1 point of damage.

2015-05-04, 03:51 PM
Round 3

With a mixture of confusion and amusement on his face, Filibert shouts, Get 'im, boy! and the halfling and his wolf savage the flailing goblin!

Free action to drop Lance.
Standard action to attack the stupid gobber!

Attack: [roll0] (counts +1 for high ground, but not penalties to the goblin's AC for being prone)
CC: [roll1] for x2 on 24-25
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4] (not counting penalties to goblin's AC for being prone)
CC: [roll5] for x2 on 22
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]
Trip: [roll8]

Filibert takes a move action to retrieve Lance, incurring an AoO. If the goblin is dead, Growler's move action should be to move to place himself 40 yards from the nearest other goblin to prepare for next round!

Attack: [roll9]
CC: [roll10] for x2 on 24-25
Damage: [roll11]
Crit damage: [roll12]

Attack: [roll13]
CC: [roll14] for x2 on 24-25
Damage: [roll15]
Crit damage: [roll16]

Attack: [roll17]
CC: [roll18] for x2 on 24-25
Damage: [roll19]
Crit damage: [roll20]

Attack: [roll21]
CC: [roll22] for x2 on 24-25
Damage: [roll23]
Crit damage: [roll24]

Attack: [roll25]
CC: [roll26] for x2 on 22
Damage: [roll27]
Crit damage: [roll28]
Trip: [roll29]

Filibert Heathertoe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=153526)
M NG Halfling Cavalier 1 (Order of the Dragon), Level 1, Init 5, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 15
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 15, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Double Damage on Charge Lance Melee (1d6+Str, X3)
Brace, Reach Bardiche Melee (1d8+Str*1.5, 19-20, x2)
Cestus Melee (1d3+Str, 19-20, x2)
Breastplate, Shield, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

Growler (Animal companion to Filibert) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=154254)
N/A Wolf Animal Companion, Level , Init 2, HP 12/13, Speed 50
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Trip Bite Melee (1d6+str, x2)
Studded Leather Barding (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect, -2 Misc)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition None

2015-05-04, 07:03 PM
Round 3

Rax creeps forward towards the nearest goblin with rapier drawn.

Double move at half speed to AE-22. The goal is to maintain cover/concealment, and therefore to stay undetected. Stealth (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/skills/stealth.html#stealth) [roll0]

AoO if applicable:
atk [roll1]
cc [roll2] (18-20/x2)
dmg [roll3] + Sneak Attack [roll4] if flat-flooted.

(^In a perfect world, G3 would walk through AF-21 without noticing Rax, and thus incur an AoO while flat-footed :smallbiggrin:)

Rax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=136832)
M TN Half-Elf Rogue 1
HP 10/13
Init +5
Speed 30
AC 15 (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)
CMD 13
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
CMB +0
Base Attack Bonus +0
Current Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition: normal

2015-05-04, 10:47 PM
Not seeing any goblins, Sminerano decides to get a better vantage point. His lithe ape-like limbs are a model of efficient grace as he pulls himself up an outcropping of rock in no time. As he gets to the top, he grabs a tiny bottle from his pouch.

Move action: Use Climb speed to get on top of rock at AA22
Standard action: Ready to throw bomb at first goblin who appears with 30 feet.

Attack [roll0] including effects of Point Blank Shot and being on higher ground.
Damage [roll1]

2015-05-05, 02:21 AM
Round 3
Deren Urthn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=129569)
Male Neutral Human Witch, Level 1, Init 7, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 11, Fort , Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Dagger +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Club +0 Melee/+1 Thrown (1d6, 20/x2)
Touch +0 Melee/+1 Ranged (Varies, 20/x2)
No Armor Worn (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 10
Condition None
Continuing his efforts to hinder the goblins, Deren peers into the brush and rocks, looking for a target.

Move if necessary action to follow behind Gilraen if he moves forward.

Ready an action to hex a goblin threatening an ally with Evil Eye, DC 15, for -2 attack rolls for 8 rounds (1 round on a passed save) once one is in range.

2015-05-05, 07:40 AM
Round 3

Gilraen strafes north-easterly, following the road's contour, until he sees [G3] with a clear shot.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=147585)
M CG Elf Oracle, Level 1, Init 5x2*, HP 10/10, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 15, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 1, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
MW Composite Longbow (20 arrows) +4 (1d8, x3 )
Long Sword +2 (1d8+2, 19-20, x2)
Steel Lamellar, Heavy Wooden (+6 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Spells, 1st level: 3/4 remaining
Martial Flexibility, 3/3
Envoy Ability, 1/1

If I read the map right, AD/15 puts me 20 feet away with a clear shot of G3. If not, delay the action to shoot if/when I get a clear shot from AD/15.

[roll0] bow
[roll1] damage
[roll2] (24, x3)
[roll3] damage

2015-05-05, 01:49 PM
Round 3 Recap

Sminerano impresses everyone with his climbing ability and climbs up some of the rubble. Gilraen steps to the side and effortlessly lets loose an arrow, dropping the goblin he had previously wounded. When the second goblin goes after him, Sminerano is ready and drops a bomb. The goblin looks up at him in surprise before it is blown up. Growler savages the prone goblin. Still no sign of the fourth goblin. End of combat?

2015-05-05, 01:52 PM
"There are never only three goblins in a group," Deren grimly says as he scans the area.

Deren will take several rounds to scan the area. If the rest of the party starts talking alot, treat it as taking 20 for a 23. If there is not that much time, take 10 for a 13 or if there is very little time, [roll0] to see more threats.

2015-05-05, 04:31 PM
Everybody okay?? says Filibert, after he checks the minor scrape on one of Growler's leg. Unless they have a LOT more friends nearby, I think we are done with that lot for the time. If there's only one or two left, they're not gonna stick their necks out for honor.

As Deren begins to scan the area, Filibert sidles up to him. I saw that hill you were talking about, and I happened to make out a couple of figures on it. Might be lookouts, or something. If we're looking for people who *clears throat* are trying to stay off the beaten path, that might be a good place to look, no?

2015-05-05, 06:21 PM
"Spoken with the voice of wisdom," Sminerano answers to Deren's remark. Taking advantage of his elevated position, he gives a long, thorough check to the surroundings.

I'm assuming we have time, so Sminerano can just take 20 on Perception for a result of 25. If not, then it's just a check, [roll0]

2015-05-05, 06:55 PM
From your vantage point, you can see the lookouts, and some movement around the hill below it. Also, you see 4 humanoids on horseback making their way through the ford. They don't seem to be harassed by the bandits, but you can't make out who they are yet. They continue to ride up the road.

Four riders come up the road from the ford, a blonde man in armor leading them. He holds up a gauntletted fist as he sees the group, and the rest of the riders stop well out of parley range. Among them, a dark complexioned woman wearing a cream-colored robe, her hood worn up and back on her head, a woman wearing a black robe, with beautiful silver hair streaming behind her, and a half-elf dressed in form-fitted leather. They look at the group, and then the half-elf says something to the silver-haired woman. She says something, and the riders turn back towards the ford.

There's still at least a football field of space between you and the riders, so you probably can't hear their conversation.

It's Tsuto alright. And there's something about that Silver-Haired woman. You feel like you've seen her before, but can't place her.

2015-05-05, 08:07 PM
Gilraen purses his lips. "Check the goblins for any hints as to why they come so close to Sandpoint. This is too convenient to be pure coincidence." He takes his own advice, sheaths his weapons, and begins unceremoniously rifling through the goblins' collective belongings.

As the quartet rides closer, his eyes narrow. When they ride away, he turns westward. "That is Tsuto, make no mistake. I... I know the silver-haired woman, bat cannot place her.

There is nothing to be gained here, if Tsuto had wanted to talk, he has just ruined his best chance. Be prepared for those outriders to come at us from the rear."
He retrieves any reusable arrows and begins marching resolutely back towards Sandpoint.

2015-05-06, 12:43 AM
"There are never only three goblins in a group," Deren grimly says as he scans the area.

"Good, more for me!" Rax growls as he slashes his blade against the empty air in frustration. "There was at least a fourth, although he didn't run out with the others. So if there are more, they'll know we're here soon..." He casts an appreciative glance up at Sminerano perched on top of the rock formation. "Nice climbing, and, uh, whatever that was." He gestures to the smoldering corpse of the goblin struck by Sminerano's bomb.

Four riders come up the road from the ford, a blonde man in armor leading them. ... She says something, and the riders turn back towards the ford.

Rax stands tensed, blade in hand, while the riders assess the group. Just as he's contemplating making a move they turn to depart, and he relaxes visibly.

As the quartet rides closer, his eyes narrow. When they ride away, he turns westward. "That is Tsuto, make no mistake. I... I know the silver-haired woman, bat cannot place her.

There is nothing to be gained here, if Tsuto had wanted to talk, he has just ruined his best chance."

Rax stops in the act of rifling through a dead golbin's belongings. "Wait, that was him?? That was our guy? And you're just gonna let him go? I thought the old man wanted us to investigate - learn his future plans or some such." Abandoning the goblin, Rax stands up and begins pacing. "And another thing - what kind of bandits announce their presence so bodly, or ride around with women like that? Something doesn't feel right about this..."

2015-05-06, 01:16 AM
"Right, there are lookouts on that hill, and then some more people around it. And those four... They passed the ford unmolested. That tells us something." Sminerano swiftly comes down from his high post.

"On the other hand, that doesn't tell us much. We should try to understand more of what's going on."

2015-05-06, 03:13 AM
"Call me cautious, but I doubt we know this area as well as they do. Either we should go now, as Gilraen suggests, or we should do something unexpected so that we can confront them more on our terms. But standing here in the middle of the clearing is a great way to get shot..." says Deren as he moves adjacent to a tree behind which he could take cover if needed. "I am not a particularly effective combatant, but I can help all of you, so make the call and I will follow."

2015-05-06, 07:57 AM
"And another thing - what kind of bandits announce their presence so bodly, or ride around with women like that? Something doesn't feel right about this..."
Gilraen stops, midstride, and turns to his new companions. "That feeling, which you correctly note, is what it feels like to walk into a trap, or be set-up. I do by trust Tsuto, but neither do I particularly trust his father. Both of which are sufficient reason for me to value my skin staying precisely where it is over pressing further."

"Right, there are lookouts on that hill, and then some more people around it. And those four... They passed the ford unmolested. That tells us something."
He turns to his friend. "It tells us, perhaps, more than you realize. First, there is at least a camp nearby. Lookouts do not protect nothing. Second, their number is over a dozen- more than sufficient to squash ours. Third, those four are, if not the leaders, at least involved with the bandits.

All told, we face a group of more than a dozen, who know we are here and do not want to talk, and have at least four able horsemen. Furthermore, we know that there were goblins suspiciously close to both Sandpoint and more importantly the bandits in question. Those lookouts should be strung up and quartered if they did not know the goblins were also near. Unless I miss my guess, going much further on this road is akin to suicide, if coming this far is not already...

Am I missing anything?"

2015-05-06, 08:18 AM
Sminerano's mind kicks into analysis mode, much like he would scrutinize some mixture in an attempt to figure out its components.

"There's merit in what you say, hmm... Lookouts, yes, more than a dozen, yes, ergo, camp, very likely. But those four, involved with the bandits - no more than a possibility. The leaders - pure speculation, that.

What are you missing? Well, the things that didn't happen are more interesting that those that did. They weren't attacked at the ford. Maybe because they're in cahoots with the goblins, maybe for some other reason. Something else didn't happen: They didn't attack us, even though they saw us with goblin corpses. Why? They didn't want to be seen further, I'd wager. But if they were with the goblins, I'd expect they'd want to silence us rather than retreat.

I concur with you on fundamentals: The town needs to learn about the goblins, we can't go straight in the face of this ambush, and we can't stay in the open. Let's go back as fast as we can, and stay close together."

2015-05-06, 08:55 AM
Rax shrugs. "As long as the pay's the same, sure." After hastily finishing his search of the goblins, he prepares to set off down the road back to Sandpoint with the others.

2015-05-06, 12:37 PM
After scratching his chin thoughtfully, Filibert shrugs and moves to take a position near the front of the company. That whole thing just struck me as odd. I hope the old man's got something more to go on, but I've no particular desire to charge into twice our number of bandits who ain't gonna play fair either. he thoughtfully says from atop Growler.

2015-05-06, 12:49 PM
"All right, maybe we should take steps against pursuit? Not that I have any great ideas, mind you. By the way, what happened to this person who was tailing us? I hope he isn't in league with goblins too..." Worried, the vanara adopts a brisker pace.

2015-05-06, 08:52 PM
When you turn back, you pass the old man and he smiles and waves, and keeps walking down the road. You do see him finally step off the road as it turns southeast. He seems to turn Northeast instead. On closer look, you see a ball of twine and a few fishing hooks clipped on his belt that you didn't notice before. Nothing else happens as you travel back to Sandpoint.

You think you'll find Longiku hard at work in the Glassworks today.

You strongly think the old man was Jubrayl's backup. Looks like he wasn't needed after all, but you may owe Jubrayl something for his aid. You can never tell with family.

Shallelu is still in town, and might have finished giving her report.

2015-05-06, 11:03 PM
Relieved that the group made it home safely, Sminerano says: "We should report back to Longiku as soon as possible... but also, it's urgent that we warn the sheriff about the presence of large numbers of goblins. Goblins aren't a are occurrence, but these seemed rather organized."

If I recall the player's guide correctly, there's nothing special about seeing goblins around town, but the organization with the lookout is notable. Also, it's clear that road is not at all safe now.

2015-05-07, 12:16 AM
Rax nods, shrugging his shoulders to work out some of the knots from carrying his pack all day. "Yeah, we finished the job fair and square. I'll, uh, let you do the talking with Sheriff Hemlock, though - I don't he's too fond of me or the Fortune's crew." As he's ruefully shaking his head, another thought occurs to him, and he turns to Gilraen. "You didn't recognize any of the others, did you? The armored man or the two women? If we could give the old man the names of some of Tsuto's new 'friends', that might be worth something to him. Do you think they're from around these parts? And what do you suppose is the connection with the goblins?" He scratches his head in puzzlement.

2015-05-07, 06:35 AM
"You didn't recognize any of the others, did you? The armored man or the two women? If we could give the old man the names of some of Tsuto's new 'friends', that might be worth something to him. Do you think they're from around these parts? And what do you suppose is the connection with the goblins?"

Gilraen shakes his head. "I feel I have seen the silver-haired woman before, but no. For now, he will have to settle for what information we have. I do not intend to get killed for him.

As to the connection, that is a concern. Goblins are little more than pests on their own, but can pose a serious threat when led by a stronger and more cunning individual- take Tsuto, for example." The tall elf's expression sours as he puts words to his thoughts. "I will report to the Longiku first. You are all welcome to come with me." He heads in the direction of the glassworks, where Longiku usually is this time of day.

2015-05-07, 06:48 AM
Nodding in approval, Sminerano follows his friend towards the Glassworks. On the way, the vanara, now at his most talkative again, begins on a story of how his master's alchemical research gave Longiku the opportunity to bring new glass colors and patterns to the market, this making Longiku a good customer for his alchemy shop.

2015-05-07, 02:15 PM
The Glassworks is one of the largest stone buildings in Sandpoint, and it is easily visible from Main Street. As you approach, you pass by Sandpoint Savories, and the smell from the bakery reminds you that you have yet to partake a meal at midday. A middle-aged woman rocks in a rocking chair, seemingly lost in thought. The bakers are twin sisters, though one seems to be a bit more heavyset. The thinner one, tries to catch someone in the party's eye with a little curtsy. She then notices how grim your purpose seems to be, and sighs, putting her hand on her hip.

The furnace to the Glassworks can be heard clearly out in the street. Smoke rises from its three chimneys in the middle of the building. Light shines down from a large skylight in the display room, and many outside windows also allow light into the building, and show off various glass wares, including a rather large, beautiful wrought-iron and glass sculpture of a butterfly. You suspect it is a piece to be placed in the Temple after the work is complete. A wooden sign with carved scrollwork that has been recently repainted displays "Sandpoint Glassworks" proudly, and an arrow points towards a set of double doors.

As you enter, you are greeted by a cheery halfling woman named Belinda, who welcomes you loudly (the furnace creates a lot of sound, even in the reception area), and asks if your business is custom, supplier, or other. You explain that you're here to see Longiku, and she asks you to have a seat and wait. Around this room you see drawings of successful projects completed by the Glassworks, and a listing of the location, most of which are in Korvosa and Magnimar. A few of the drawings are signed by Ameiko, and one is signed by a "T.K."

The door opens, and Longiku enters the reception area. He beckons you to come into another door. The small office is ill suited for the number of people, but the walls are thicker and much of the furnace sound abates as you enter. He gets right to the point. "You have news, then?"

2015-05-07, 02:59 PM
As the party reaches the glassworks, Filibert dismounts Growler and, after patting the wolf's head, gestures for him to wait outside.

After being ushered into Longiku's presence, the halfling gives a low bow. Allow me to introduce myself... Filibert Heathertoe, gentleman knight. I was contacted by a few of these fine fellows to help provide some muscle. After rising, the halfling continues: I'll make it quick. After being attacked by goblins on the way, we saw Tsuto riding toward us in the company of a few others, all mounted and seeming confident of their ability to repel us if we were to attack directly. After they chose to turn and ride leisurely back along the road, it was suggested that between their clear lack of concern for us and the lookouts sighted nearby that we were very likely to be out of our depth here. The halfling steps back into the general line formed by the party.

Diplomacy to improve attitude: [roll0]

2015-05-07, 05:11 PM
Deren patiently and silently follows the rest of the party back to Sandpoint, carefully watching their rear until out of the woods.

Once back in town he follows the rest to see Longiku but does not speak up when they address the old man, preferring to let those more comfortable in such discussions explain what they discovered.

2015-05-08, 07:24 AM
As they step inside the glassworks, Gilraen turns to Filibert. "It is best that you wait for us here, my new friend. We are pledged to secrecy regarding the purpose of our task, so it is not prudent to include you in the meeting." When Longiku invites them into a more secure meeting area, he steps through the doorway boldly, holding it for those behind him.


Once everyone has filed in and settled as best they are able in the over-cramped room, he gets straight to the point. "As we approached the area where the bandits were known to prowl, my colleagues attempted to scout the area so that we might not walk into an ambush unawares. We came upon a troubling situation: a small group of goblins in the area was working in collusion with the bandits. After we dispatched the petty miscreants, we were approached from the distant hilltop by a quartet of horse-riders. As they approached into bowshot range, I recognized Tsuto at their fore. I am ashamed to admit that I cannot recall the identity of his companions, but nonetheless, the four approached near enough to recognize, before turning and fleeing beneath their posted lookouts.

Taking their tactically advantageous position and clear lack of interest in discourse, we decided that it would be more prudent to report what we have learned, rather than report nothing, due to our own deaths or capture.

I can say, conclusively, that Tsuto is not only among the bandits, but in some position of leadership. I can also say that he is working hand in hand with at least a small company of goblins, and that they have a somewhat firm hold on the fords East of Sandpoint- one does not place lookouts to defend nothing. "

He stands tall, waiting for the man's response.

2015-05-08, 07:34 AM
Longiku sighs the heavy sigh of a man burdened with worry. "It is true then. Thank you for fulfilling your part of the contract." He counts out 100 gold from a small purchasing safe in the office, then shuts and locks it. "Here is mine. Again, I ask you not to tell Ameiko or anyone else that would tell her. I must deliver this news to her, if I have any hope of saving what's left of my family."

At this point you guys are free to finish out this day. Then we will skip ahead to the night before the festival. If for some reason you do not wish to skip ahead, please post your reasoning in an ooc spoiler to your post for this evening.

2015-05-08, 07:43 AM
"Here is mine. Again, I ask you not to tell Ameiko or anyone else that would tell her. I must deliver this news to her, if I have any hope of saving what's left of my family."]

Gilraen nods formally. He accepts the pouch, intending to divvy it later. He makes no effort to hide his smile at the man's final comment. He ushers his companions from the room, before turning back to Longiku. "She may not often show it, but I can assure you that Ameiko yet cares for you. She speaks of you on occasion, often unsure how to put words to what she feels in her heart. I wish you the best, and will be glad to provide any other aid I can. I count your daughter among my closest friends." He nods to the man, before leaving the room behind his companions.


Outside the room, he recovers Filibert, and asks the assembled group, "Shall we retire to the dragon, then? Our work for the day appears completed."

2015-05-08, 04:51 PM
"Shall we retire to the dragon, then? Our work for the day appears completed."
"I am afraid I have other business to which I should attend. For now, I will take my pay and my leave of you fine people. I am sure we will see each other again, perhaps at the opening of the cathedral," Deren says, politely waiting for Gilraen to pay him his earnings.

After receiving his cut and excusing himself, the tattooed man makes his way to see his own set of contacts in town.

Deren will explain the situation at the ford to Jubrayl, avoiding personal details about Tsuto or his step father, but covering the safety concerns for traders and family members who might pass that way. If pressed, he will explain that he knows too little about the family issues to feel confident in what he saw or heard and will insist that the road the party explored today is too dangerous to warrant use until something has changed.

After this, I am 100% good with fast forwarding to the day of the cathedral dedication.

2015-05-08, 04:59 PM
"Sir, Ameiko is my friend, and I believe she deserves to know what is going on with her brother. Naturally, it is only proper that you would be the one delivering the news, and I trust that you will do so", Sminerano replies, in the formal and polite tone he's learnt to use with Longiku in his business dealings.

"This leaves, however, the business of a goblin camp and set ambush blocking one of our roads, so close to our town. The sheriff needs to be informed of that threat, and with your permission, I will do so."

2015-05-08, 05:22 PM
"Since the matter is concerning bandits, I will bring it up at the next League Meeting. While I doubt either the sheriff or the mayor will want to address the issue before the upcoming festival, you can certainly make your feelings about it known, as long as I and my "son" stay out of the conversation."

"Cousin Sevli has yet to return to make his report. If I have news to deliver to Riddleport, I will make sure to send it via ship. Thank you for letting me know about the situation so quickly. I'm sure Cousin Sevli will be along shortly. He has yet to fail me."

2015-05-08, 07:50 PM
Sminerano nods, and bids his host a good day before heading out with the rest of the group.

2015-05-08, 08:05 PM
Outside the room, he recovers Filibert, and asks the assembled group, "Shall we retire to the dragon, then? Our work for the day appears completed."

Rax hefts his now-heavier coin purse with a slight smile. "I'm off as well. This certainly livened things up a bit, though. Be seeing you." With that, he turns and makes his way back to the docks, looking for a dice game, dinner and a pint at the Hagfish, and then bed.

Good with fast-forwarding to the festival here as well!

2015-05-08, 08:17 PM
Oddly chagrined, Gilraen suddenly finds himself standing outside the glassworks with several less people than expected. "Ah well. I should tell you, Filibert, we were offered coin for that little venture. It was little enough of an incentive for me, as I care deeply- ah, that is I had my own reasons. If you would deign to buy me a few rounds out of this, I would be much obliged." With that, he tosses the remaining 25g to Filibert, and strolls towards the Rusty Dragon, whistling pleasantly.

Ready and prepared for take off, mon capitan!

2015-05-09, 04:01 AM
You start to wonder if you'll ever see these people again, or if they, like so many adventurers you met before, will pass through on the way to different destinies. You see Shallelu at the Rusty Dragon, and tell her about what happened. She vows to check it out and do what she can to disrupt the bandit point.

While you were away, a worker accidentally drove a nail into a hidden still, which exploded. You think the Lady's Fortune may now be a better tavern and inn (especially since it's free for you) than boat.

Your mentor is quite glad to see you back. He asks about your journey and you show him the spot where the boar ripped your apron. He says to wear it proudly.

Now that you see yourself as a knight, you start beginning to wonder what that really means, and what you should do about it. In the times when the town is still, you begin reflecting on your previous life, and wondering, now that you've tasted the thrill of the charge, if you could ever go back.

Cousin Sevli returns, and takes off his mask, revealing a man not yet forty, possibly not yet thirty, with a shock of black hair. The mask turns into a simple cap. Sevli looks lean and quick, something the oversized robe had hidden from your view. (If you thank him, he laughs and says "That's what family does! Looks after its own." It seems to be both acceptance and warning at the same time.) Jubrayl only requests that you stay in town for a while. He has been working on something big, but has yet to iron out all the details.

Night falls, and you wonder if the next day will bring as much excitement.

Starday, the 20th of Arodus, 4707 AR

Shallelu leaves early in the morning. and Father Zantus has asked Ekhaszer to help prepare fireworks for the festival. This keeps Sminerano quite busy, and will until the order is complete. Filibert, still curious about the Two Knight's Brewery, begins meeting with Brewmaster Deverin and asking him questions about his adventuring life. Rax finds himself starting to help Rynshinn, mostly out of boredom, and some of the townsfolk begin to not be as fearful around him. Ameiko also seems to be busily working towards perfecting a salmon dish, as it seems the local taverns have been commissioned by the Merchant League to compete with each other to claim Sandpoint's Best Eatery award. She treats the party to a free evening meal, as long as they give honest critiques about how she could do better.

Sunday, the 21st of Arodus, 4707 AR

Things slow way down today, as it seems everyone is quite ready to pause the preparations. It gives them time to enjoy, and look forward to the dedication ceremony. Father Zantus chooses this Sunday to reintroduce Sarenrae, and reminds the followers that while Desna is most honored, Sarenrae has her part to play in the new temple as well, since it is a form of renewal. The weather has not yet turned cold, and it is a glorious day for the beach. None of the shops are open today, save the taverns and inns, and many people are out on the docks, fishing, or wading into the ocean by the Glassworks. Rax and Rynshinn spend the day walking about town, since this is the first real break she's had from work. Even the town guard seems more lax today, and you notice fewer patrolling.

Moonday, the 22nd of Arodus, 4707

Refreshed and still looking forward to the celebration, most of the town wakes early and goes straight to it. Notable exceptions are Vin Vender, who seems to have spent the night fitfully, constantly concerned that his daughter Katrine had been sneaking out, and Brodert Quink and Headmaster Gandethus spent the evening hours talking about the Old Light. When Rynshinn hears that Rax has an interest in Thassilonian runes, she lets him know that Brodert is the town's expert on the subject.

Toilday, Wealday, Oathday, the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of Arodus, 4707

Very little of note happens. Work proceeds on the temple as planned, and it is nearing completion.

Fireday, the 26th of Arodus, 4707

The local market is going full steam, and a few more merchants from Magnimar arrive. They seem also interested in staying for the festival. (If asked, they do mention the bandits south of Sandpoint, but that they were Varisian and bribable, so no one really got hurt.)

Starday, the 27th of Arodus, 4707

A man in black with a tattered red cloak comes into the Rusty Dragon, and puts a notice up on the Help Wanted board. He mutters something about incompetent forest guides and fickle fey, and pays Ameiko for a room.

Sunday, the 28th of Arodus, 4707

A heavy rain causes the temple workers a lot of grief today, as they have to go secure a large tarp over the top of the uncompleted temple. The rain keeps most people in their homes.

Moonday, the 29th of Arodus, 4707

Work was not set back by the rain, and the men seem to be bolstered by seeing the end of the project so soon. Stained Glass windows arrive completed from the Glassworks, and are set in the Temple, honoring many of the Gods that control the fortunes of the majority of the people in Sandpoint. Desna's stained glass window is exceptionally beautiful. Also, a sculpture with a large tarp over it is lifted into place at the front of the temple.

Toilday, the 30th of Arodus, 4707

The masons finally finish the Temple, and cheers erupt. A little pre-celebration happens in most of the taverns and inns, and the Sheriff has a very busy night.

Wealday, the 31st of Arodus, 4707

Almost all the preparations for the festival are complete, and a wooden stage is erected in front of the Temple, as well as various tents set up but covered and closed, mostly trying not to spoil the surprise. A few more out of towners come in, and stay at the White Tail Deer and the Rusty Dragon.

The ones staying at the dragon are an old, gruff farmer named Maester Grump, and a Black Arrow Ranger by the name of Althus. He seems to be some sort of recruiter for their order. He also posts a message on the "Help Wanted" board.

here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19117060&postcount=50)

Father Zantus offers a special night of prayer to the Dreamer tonight, but few of the townspeople stay much past the revelation of the evening stars, and even Father Zanthus turns in before too long.

2015-05-09, 05:19 AM
Oathday, 1st of Rova, 4707

The day everyone has been preparing for is finally here. Many of Sandpoint's most elgible are out in force, wearing stunning dresses and elegant tunics designed by Rynshinn. Ven Vinder's daughters Katrine and Shayliss look exceptionally beautiful. Shayliss's long red hair is held in place with painted metal Swallowtail pins, and her dress matches their color. Quite a few of the travelers gawk at her, including a young farmer who tries to introduce himself as Rogors Craesby. Shayliss seems unimpressed by his eagerness, and her father nearly whacks him over the head with a walking stick. Katrine's blond tresses are gathered at the back with a white lacy ribbon that accentuates the lace hem of her dress. Ven is currently scowling at Benny Harker, who seems to be by himself, but has been meeting Katrine's glances. Mayor Deverin currently stands on the stage, accompanied by Boswick Vernari, and is currently waving and welcoming people as they come into the square. A large banner held aloft by two poles at the end of the stage reads "Swallowtail Festival". Rynshinn and Hannah are also present and wearing quite alluring atire as well. Ameiko is wearing what looks like some sort of Minkaian dress, a deep blue color with golden inlay, very form fitting at the front, and then squaring off at the hip, and trailing down to her knees. She wears tight fitting black pants and black slippers to complement.

The few farmers that have come today seem to look somewhat out of place, with their simple garb, but no one seems to mind their presence or their lack of decor. A cute pair of farmers holding hands introduce themselves to Mayor Deverin as Crade and Lis Hambley, and present their five sons to her. The youngest seems very distracted by one of the festival games near the Old Light. Maester Grump and Recruiter Althus seem to have hit it off as well, as they seem to find a festival archery game highly amusing.

Many of the town merchants have set up small stalls themselves, showcasing some of their best wares and all have decorative and colorful signs proudly displaying their shop names. This goes double for the taverns and inns, which have free food on hand. Ale however, is still being sold.

Boswick Vernari calls the crowd's attention, and then Mayor Deverin begins speaking. "Welcome again, Friends and Neighbors, to the Swallowtail Festival!" Cheers rise out of the crowd. "This has been, without a doubt one of the highest turnouts we've ever had in my tenure as Mayor. Why even Larz Rovanky was able to tear himself away from smearing brains on deerhide!" The crowd laughs at her joke, but Larz grumbles to himself.

"I want to offer my thanks to the many people who made this festival possible. Thank you, masons, for all your work on our new Temple! I'm sure it will be the site of many wonderful things to come! Thank you, innkeepers and tavern keepers, for providing food for our event. Don't forget, there are secret judges among the crowd who will be coming by to sample your food and be ready to reveal the prize later on today. Thank you to all our farmer friends who provide us with the opportunity to eat such great food! Thank you, Jodar Provolost, Daverin Hosk, Aesrick Battlehorn, Gressel Tenniwar, Turch Sterglus, and Sabyl Sorn for providing entertaining games and activities. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourselves!"

The Mayor sits down in a chair on the stage. Next up, is Sheriff Hemlock.

"Welcome everyone. I just have a few cautionary words and then I will allow everyone to get back to it. Please mind yourselves today. While there will be plenty of ale, the guards are on hand to stop any unpleasantness. This evening will be featuring a bonfire, like last year, but I ask that everyone maintain a proper distance from the fire, so that no one is burned. Please do your best to leave enough space for people to move around so that if the fire gets out of hand, the it can be easily suppressed. Also, let us take a moment to remember the passing of Ezakien Tobyn and his adopted daughter Nualia."

The mention of Nualia triggers an image of a young woman with violet eyes and shockingly beautiful silver hair, who was of celestial descent. Could it be? Has she somehow survived the fire that claimed her father?

The sheriff, unsure when to stop talking, lurches into a halt, and then motions to Boswick and sits down.

"Oh, ah, yes. Now we were scheduled to hear from Longiku Kaijutsu, the master glassworker here in Sandpoint, but he appears to have caught a cold from last Sunday's rain and has retired to his home."

Cyrdak Drokkus, sensing an opportunity, rushes up to the stage and whispers to Boswick.

"In his absence, we are delighted to announce that our beloved Cyrdak will now say a few words!" The crowd cheers wildly. "Come on up!"

Cyrdak jogs around and almost flies up the stairs to be on his natural home. "Friends! While it is quite a shame that Master Kaijutsu cannot be with us, I'm sure that we will make merry twice as hard in his absence! After all, we should party all the more, that way our good spirits will allow his to rise! Of course, we should celebrate, given what this monument cost, we all deserve it. Why Father Zantus even came to me to ask for a few coppers per ticket of my new showing of "The Harpy's Curse." But fear not! I, Cyrdak Drokkus, was more than happy to oblige! After all, what are a few coppers more when you get the chance to see the lovely, the captivating, the talk of Magnimar, Allishanda! She will portray the devious Avisera the harpy queen as she fights against the curse of Lamashtu to find true love! So eat! Drink! Be merry!"

"Thank you Cyrdak, that was quite moving. And next we have Father Zantus, who will offer a quick benediction."

Father Zantus stands up. "Again, welcome everyone. Thank you for coming on this fine day. We praise Gozreh for calming the winds and the seas. We praise Sarenrae for redeeming our place of worship. We praise Abadar, for smiling down on our work to restore our place of worship. But this day belongs to Desna! Praise be to the Great Dreamer, who saw in us, the hope that we would once again have a beautiful place to worship her, who inspired us to seek out the contracts we would need to rebuild this holy place, who bolstered our work with song and dance, and kept our hearts light as we rested under the stars. Today is her day, and may we dance and sing the starsong!"

2015-05-09, 06:50 AM
Most of this food will come out at lunch, but Ameiko does allow anyone in the group who asks to sample some of the smoked salmon she prepared. It's nearing divine.

Sandpoint Savories is featuring Avertin's Apple Pie

White Tailed Deer is serving roast venison with capers

The Hagfish serves butterfly clams with lemon-butter

Risa's Place is serving Varisian Delight, A thinly sliced fillet, breaded and rolled around a batter of onion and corn meal and deep fried in oil

Cracktooth's Tavern has made a crab bisque

"Do you have what it takes to bring down the infamous Sandpoint Devil? Take a shot and see." Jodar Provolost cries. Maester Grump and Recruiter Althus have both tried their hands and are munching on a pie. They're watching and commenting about the people who try the game.

This event takes place at an archery range set up on the beach by the lighthouse. Two large targets with silhouettes of a monstrous winged horse are set up fifty yards away from a firing line. The bull’s-eye on each target is where the horse’s heart would be, and there are four concentric circles surrounding the bull’s-eye. To play costs two copper pieces. Using one of the longbows provided, the player fires two arrows at the target, scoring the better of the two. Hitting a bull’s-eye wins a small pie. Hitting anything else wins progressively cheaper trinkets for each band outside the bull’s-eye, with nothing for a miss.

Make 2 ranged attack rolls. If you hit higher than 20 you win a pie.

"Three Goblins have found their way into your house and are tearing it up! Toss them into the fireplace before they can destroy everything." Daverin Hosk calls to promote his game. The children all seem to love this game, and have formed a long line.

This game is a simple bean bag toss set up in the square. A board with a row of three holes is set up 10 feet from a throwing line. The closest hole is the largest and the farthest hole is the smallest. There are buckets of beanbags sewn to look like goblins by each of the three stations, and each bean bag has a goblin name printed on it. This event costs one copper piece. The player receives three “goblins,” and must try to toss them into a “fireplace”. Children aim for the closest hole, women use the middle hole, and adult men use the furthest hole.

Make 3 ranged attack rolls to hit AC 15. No penalty for improvised weapons. Hit all 3 and win a bag of venison jerky. Daverin tells any children who win the jerky that it's really goblin meat. Most of them believe him.

"Who needs a lighthouse without a light? The old lighthouse has become an eyesore. Let’s knock it down so we can use the stone to build something new," calls Aesrick Battlehorn.

This game is set up at the end of Junker’s Way next to the lighthouse. It has a table with six square stones stacked on it in a triangular shape, and has a firing line twenty feet from the tables. Using a small catapult, the players must try to knock down the stack of stones. To play costs two copper pieces. Each player gets three shots. It usually takes all three hits to knock down all the stones, though it is possible to knock the stones down with one catapult shot. The small catapult is a work of art. It is 2 feet tall and has been carved in the shape of a stone giant with its arm throwing the stone. Battlehorn has a soft spot for the children, and helps them aim it so that they can win the toy catapults.

A successful ranged attack roll against AC 12 counts as one hit. Hitting AC 16 counts as two hits, and hitting AC 20 counts as three hits. The catapults have a range of fifty feet, so there is no range penalty, but players incur a penalty of -4 if they are not proficient with siege weapons. Knocking down all the stones wins a small toy catapult. Anything less wins the player a handful of cheap trinkets. Missing all three shots does not win the player anything.

"There’s been talk of starting a dragon farm in Sandpoint. We need to find out which dragons are the fastest so that we have the best stock. Pick yourself a dragon and put it to the test in a race against your friends!" calls a crier for Gressel Tenniwar.

The final game is located in the Sandpoint market square at the beginning of Market Street. There are two thirty-foot-long double lane tracks set up next to each other with a three-foot wide gap between. Near the starting line, there is a large cage with twelve lizards in it. Each lizard has a set of twig and cloth wings attached to their backs, and each is painted a different color. Without touching the lizards, the player must goad their lizard down the track. To play costs one copper piece. Once four people have picked a “dragon”, the players must place them in the starting lanes. At the sound of the whistle, the gates are lifted and the players must goad their dragons down the track without touching them.

Each person racing makes an initiative check and the race proceeds in initiative order. Making each lizard move five feet requires a successful DC 14 Handle Animal check. On a failure, they do not move, and if the check fails by 10 or more, the lizard moves five feet backwards. The first lizard to cross the finish line wins. The winner gets a large, cheap medal that reads “1st Place Swallowtail Dragon Races” and 2 copper pieces. All other places get nothing. If you want to do this one, let me know and we'll hash it out in our OOC thread.

You see a few unsavory characters watching the "dragon races" with great intent. When one wins, one of the men cheers wildly while the rest of their faces sour. If you keep watching, make a You see some of the competitors hold raw meat in front of their lizards.

Some of the lizards seem more motivated to win than others, and usually its the ones who want the raw meat.

"Who is the strongest in Sandpoint?" Sabyl Sorn offers this simple challenge.

She stands before three sets of weights that pairs seem to be attached to a bar. The challenge seems simple enough, lift the weight over your head. Both men and women gather to watch people attempting this challenge.

This is a straight lifting check. The first weight starts at 150 pounds. The next is 250, and the final one is 350. If you can lift all three over your head, you win.

Turch Sterglus calls out. "Welcome sailors and sandlubbers, to this here duck pond. Whoever's got a keen eye in their skull will win a prize. Whoever's not will ne'er see Murdermaw sneakin up on em till it's TOO LATE!" All the kids cheer "Murdermaw! Murdermaw!" when they hear the salty old dog say his name.

This is a classic duck pond. 2 coppers gets you the chance to pick 3 ducks. Picking the correct duck requires a dc 15 perception check. The ducks don't go back into the pond until after you've finished your try. On the bottom of each duck will be a symbol. The one you want is Murdermaw. Match 3 symbols and you win a carved fishbone necklace. Match 2 and you get a carved fishbone hairpin. Get 1 Murdermaw symbol and you get a salty treat.

It's rare for Madame Mvashti to do readings these days, but the festival seems to have put her in a good mood. Her services do not come cheap, however, and gold must cross her palm before she will deal the Harrow Deck before her. A few birds have gathered near her, and seem to chatter back and forth, sometimes seemingly addressing her. She clucks back to them.

A few hours into the festival, Ameiko calls out to the crowd. "If you think you're tough, come prove it to all Sandpoint. If you can eat the spiciest of what I've cooked, you and a friend can have free drinks this Starday at the Rusty Dragon!"

This is the event that Horran and Lettie Guffmin, two farmers from the surrounding area, seem to have been waiting for, and they're the first to sit down at the long table. Also sitting down at the table is the local locksmith and well known patron of the arts, Volioker Briskalberd.

The rounds will get progressively harder, the first one starts out with a DC 10 fortitude check. It's not poison, so the dwarf doesn't have that advantage. We will need to coordinate this one to see who will be knocked out during each round.

Most of the ones listed before, except Katrine Vinder and the married farmers are available to speak with and court. Also here and available are Arika Alvertin, Courrin Whesterwill, and quite a few others (meaning if you don't like any of these, you can certainly make someone up). Notably missing is Jubrayl's sister, who is probably out on the road and Shallelu, who is also busy scouting. Ameiko, while available, is really busy preparing all the fish and Bethana is helping her. Belinda is here and available.


2015-05-09, 05:09 PM
The day of the festival dawns warm and sunny, but Rax has prepared by purchasing a wide-brimmed straw hat, after the style the local farmers wear. It clashes quite obviously with his salt-stained leathers and sailing garb, and draws quite a few looks and giggles, but for keeping the worst of the sun out of his eyes he's willing to tolerate almost anything. He makes his way through the various booths savoring a handful of butterfly clams from the Hagfish he was acquire early on his way to the festival this morning. His glance falls appreciatively on Katrine and Shayliss as he passes by them, but a dirty look from Ven Vinder keeps him moving on his way.

The *thunk* of arrows and the sounds of applause draw him over to the archery range set up by the old lighthouse. Drawing out a few coppers, he pays the entry fee by the brightly painted sign advertising "The Devil Hunt". He makes eye contact with Maester Grump and the Black Arrow ranger, Althus, as he goes to select his bow, and nods carefully at the pair. After rejecting the first bow as being too large, he settles on a smaller shortbow and steps up to the line. After glancing around to see if Rynshinn might be watching, he aims carefully and sends two arrows sailing at the targets.
attack 1 [roll0]
attack 2 [roll1]

EDIT: I forgot to include being "dazzled" for bright light, so -1 to each attack roll. Still not too shabby :smallcool:

2015-05-09, 06:06 PM
Rynshinn has trouble recognizing Rax in the big hat. She laughs when he finally gets her attention. "I've got to do something about your outfit." She says cheerily, and then wraps a scarf around the crown of the hat that pulls the elements of his strange costume together. Then when he goes over to the archery range, she can't help but leave her booth for a moment to watch and cheers as his first shot strikes true! Jodar guffaws and Maester Grump and Recruiter Althus both clap the half-elf on the back after he's taken his second shot. "Quite the showing, young master." Recruiter Althus says. Jodar hands him a small meat pie. "Well done!"

2015-05-10, 10:49 AM
Gilraen arrives at the festival a little bit late, and spends several minutes orienting himself about all the games. He nods appreciatively as Rax shoots the target, smiling at the wide, silly looking hat.

When he comes across Hannah, he bows deeply to the woman. "Good afternoon, miss. Enjoying the festival?" As always, he is slightly uncomfortable in conversation, but he acquits himself passably, without too much embarrassment. He attempts to guide her towards the Cracktooth's Tavern vendor, buys her and himself an ale, and thoroughly enjoys the crab bisque as he otherwise watches most of the revelry.

2015-05-10, 01:42 PM
Hannah's emerald green dress matches her eyes, and she wears a holy symbol of Gozreh prominently today. "I am enjoying the festival, though Nualia's tragedy dims it somewhat. Her passing is still too near for me. Gozreh has never desired a Temple of stone and glass, so while Father Zantus means well, in some ways the mark is missed. Have you heard from your mother and sisters lately? I always like when you share bits about Mierani life, as it seems so far away from my existence here." She accepts walking with Gilraen, and the ale.

2015-05-10, 07:16 PM
Sminerano spends a few of Lonjiku's gold on a new, brightly colored, striped vest for the occasion of the festival. On the great day, he looks rather dashing with the new garment, even though it doesn't quite match his kapenia scarf's colors. The look is completed by a full head of elaborately braided hair in the manner of his parents' tribe - a display he is quite proud of, but is reserved for special occasions such as this, because it is quite time-consuming. Having thus paid homage to both his homeland and the man who's been as good to him as an adoptive father, the vanara is satisfied by his good looks, and meets any remarks about it with his customary humor.

He thoroughly enjoys the festival, admiring all displays with open enthusiasm, insisting on trying the food from all six competing inns and taverns, along with the best-smelling from and stands along the way, and a few cups of various wines on the way. Mid-way through, he happily competes in the Goblin Toss, and later, in the Lighthouse Smash. Always with a good eye for beautiful mechanisms, he heartily praises Aesrick on the superb design and craftmanship of the catapult.

By the end of the morning, he already starts to feel the consequences of having indulged in his one major foible, food. Feeling a little too full, he regretfully declines the Spicy Food contest.

Goblin Toss

I think the Thrown Anything bonus can reasonably be invoked, as this is practically the same as a splash weapon. Also, Point Blank Shot for a total of +5.

Lighthouse Smash - Point Blank Shot for a total of +4, -4 for lack of proficiency, 0 in all.

2015-05-10, 08:06 PM
Sminerano's aim with the stuffed goblin is true for the first toss, but the next two bounce off the front of the fireplace. This still manages to amuse everyone, due to the odd nature of the game. Daverin still congratulates Sminerano, by saying "Well you didn't manage to burn them all, but those other two got shown one of the ways to Desna!" and hands you a small wooden swallowtail trinket.

The catapult proves slightly easier for the alchemically minded Vanaran, and he manages to knock out all of the blocks representing the lighthouse. Aesrick and the crowd cheer as the last few blocks are knocked down. "Thank you for your kind words. Here is your prize!" he says and hands Sminerano a small catapult.

I don't know that it will have much gameplay use, but might be able to be rigged as a diversion of some sort.

2015-05-10, 09:02 PM
Sminerano shares a good laugh with the crowd around the Goblin Toss, and gives his newly won toy to one of the delighted children. When he wins at the Lighthouse Smash contest, he screams in delight, just as loudly as any of the little ones. He profusely thanks Aesrick, and proudly carries his prize to show it off to his friends for the rest of the day.

2015-05-11, 06:57 AM
After quietly arriving at the festival, Deren's face lights up in a smile at the townsfolk and their reactions.

Most of this food will come out at lunch, but Ameiko does allow anyone in the group who asks to sample some of the smoked salmon she prepared. It's nearing divine.
Sandpoint Savories is featuring Avertin's Apple Pie
White Tailed Deer is serving roast venison with capers
The Hagfish serves butterfly clams with lemon-butter
Risa's Place is serving Varisian Delight, A thinly sliced fillet, breaded and rolled around a batter of onion and corn meal and deep fried in oil
Cracktooth's Tavern has made a crab bisque
With no sign of either subtlety or passion, Deren tries a little bit of everything, enjoying the opportunity for free food. He compliments the various vendors, making no real effort to invest more than a fleeting word here or there as he walks from stand to stand.

After eating more than his usual fill, he makes his way to the games, picking and choosing from them as the whimsy hits him.

The Devil Hunt

[roll0], [roll1] vs. AC 20
After missing twice, the thin man shrugs, not too surprised with his poor showing but smiling at the other competitors anyway.

The Goblin Toss

[roll2], [roll3], [roll4] vs. AC 15
After hitting his mark twice and missing once, Deren smiles and cheers on some of the local children, enjoying the environment greatly. Even Jade pokes his head out briefly to see the excitement before skittering back inside its master's hood, shyly.

Murdermaw - Duck Pond

Perception [roll5], [roll6], [roll7] vs DC 15
After finding one duck with a symbol and one without, Deren finds the duck marked as "Murdermaw," earning a treat which he happily shares with several of the cheering children around him. He stays much longer, encouraging the littlest ones as they try to find the right ducks over and over again.

Spicy Eating Contest

[roll8], [roll9], [roll10], [roll11], [roll12], [roll13], [roll14], [roll15], [roll16], [roll17] vs. DC 10
It doesn't take long for the skinny man to realize he is out of his depth. After enjoying a cold ale to help quench the fires in his mouth, he smiles through bleary eyes at the cook, raising a glass in her honor.

2015-05-11, 11:01 PM
Oddly chagrined, Gilraen suddenly finds himself standing outside the glassworks with several less people than expected. "Ah well. I should tell you, Filibert, we were offered coin for that little venture. It was little enough of an incentive for me, as I care deeply- ah, that is I had my own reasons. If you would deign to buy me a few rounds out of this, I would be much obliged." With that, he tosses the remaining 25g to Filibert, and strolls towards the Rusty Dragon, whistling pleasantly.

The armored halfling looks down at the clinking coins appreciatively. He turns to see Growler's canine smile and pats the beast affectionately before hopping onto his back. You know, I am a mite thirsty m'self! he calls to Gilraen as he overtakes the taller man.


As the day of the festival arrives, Filibert rises from the comfortable bed at the Rusty Dragon, eager to mingle with the crowd and see what wonders lie in store. Having painstakingly cleaned his shirt of chain mail and Growler's barding (and attempting to give the latter a bath, which had resulted in the both of them quickly becoming soaked) the day before, the halfling prepares to present himself and his canine friend to the townsfolk.

He is able to maintain a facade of dignified (but benevolent) pomp all the way down to... the common room of the Rusty Dragon, where the smells of the smoked salmon overwhelm his more earthy nature. After being given a sample thereof, Growler very nearly resists the halfling's urging (and straining against the straps of his saddle) in his attempts to peer up over the counter of the bar toward the kitchen, and Filibert stammers out something that sounds like an apology at the beginnings of a thundercloud on the woman's face, just as his companion grudgingly allows himself to be led out the door.

After gathering himself (and reassuring his mount), the halfling takes to the streets with his lance held high. Weathering the questioning stares of many of the townsfolk, the halfling heartily salutes any of the men and children who meet his gaze with a modicum of appreciation, and is moved to dismount and kneel at the feet of more than a few of the ladies who have taken to the street in their finest garb.

Although he watches the Dragon races with a modestly more-than-respectable amusement, Filibert takes the majority of his entertainment from the varying foods being offered, and makes a point to contribute to each establishment by buying a mug. As a result, his salute begins to be a bit less than snappy as the day moves on, and Growler begins to look a little beleaguered until he finds a modest clearing under a shady tree, and refuses to move. Giving the wolf a good-natured scoff and a clumsy scratch about the ears, Filibert gingerly steps out of the saddle and sits on the grass, leaning gently against the comforting bulk of his best friend to watch the people pass.

2015-05-12, 01:20 AM
At noon, Father Zantus's acolytes roll a large covered wagon into the center of the square off to the side of the stage. Father Zantus ascends the stairs and begins to speak.

"As this day honors Desna, it is only appropriate for us to tell of her ways. Once, long ago, Desna was severely wounded by agents of Lamashtu and Rovagug, and she fell to earth. On the brink of death, Desna was comforted by a small child who was blind. Every day, Desna would ask for covering, for though the Dawnflower heals, the light of the sun was blinding to Desna and aggrivated her wounds. The child brought blankets, and covered Desna. And during the night, Desna would shiver from the cold. And the child brought yet more blankets. Eventually the Goddess's entire body was covered in cloth, and she lay like this, sleeping for many days and nights."

"When Desna awoke, the night of the full moon, she saw the child, who had cried herself to sleep. Desna woke the child and asked 'Child, why are you crying?' The child, not realizing Desna had arisen, said 'My only friend in this world is gone. Soon I will go too, and I do not know where to find her?' Desna responded, 'Be at peace, for your friend has recovered. So too shall you.' And Desna used her magic to wrap the small child in blankets, as she had been wrapped. Then, when the child was ready, Desna unwound the blankets, to reveal the child's new form."

Father Zantus queues his acolytes, who remove the cover, releasing a furious storm of swallowtail butterflies that swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd. Throughout the rest of the day, children futilely chase butterflies, never quite quick enough to catch them.

Quite a few moments pass as the chaotic display subsides though never entirely, and Mayor Deverin takes the stage. "Thank you Father Zantus. Now, are all the judges ready to report?" She looks across the crowd to see a few nods. "Very well then, come up, and confer."

An elderly gentleman with a bit of a stoop and a bookish look to him comes up to the stage, followed by Sir Jasper Korvasky, a halfling named Olmur Danvakus, and Ven Vinder's wife, Solsta. Finally Titus Scarnetti and Veznutt Parooh join the group of judges. They confer for a few minutes, and then tell Mayor Deverin.

"The winner of this year's Sandpoint's Best Eatery goes to Ameiko Kaijutsu! Congratulations!"

2015-05-12, 06:35 AM
With the release of the swallowtail butterflies, Sminerano giggles in delight, and cheers and cries and jumps up and down as happily as any of the children. He does so again when the contest winners are announced, and is among the first to congratulate Ameiko, catching her in a somewhat awkward hug. "Well deserved, and in the face of some really good competition! You're the best!"

2015-05-12, 09:12 AM
Gilraen breaks his usual stern composure at the announcement of Ameiko's victory. As he enjoys another bite of the salmon before him, he cheers loudly with the crowd.

2015-05-12, 10:23 AM
Rax finishes his morning at the festival with around the various food stalls, and standing eating a steak of venison as Father Zanthus gives the dedication for the new temple. He notes Sminerano in the crowd - the enthusiastic Vanaran is hard to miss. He flinches back from the sudden explosion of butterflies, until he realizes it was part of the plan all along. Ameiko's name recalls to mind the last meal he had at the Rusty Dragon, before the mission for Lonjiku, and he starts making his way forward to give her his congratulations when she exits the stage.

2015-05-12, 10:56 AM
After seeing the halfling cavalier and his unusual mount enjoy themselves at the food stalls, Deren makes his way to where the little man is resting and unceremoniously sits down beneath the shade of the same tree. After making himself comfortable with his back to the trunk of the tree he begins to drowsily doze off, leaving Jade to wake him if anything interesting happens.

If James wants to RP some conversation with Deren this setup should make it possible.
As the priest speaks Deren stirs awake and murmurs something unintelligible. At the release of the butterflies Jade perks up and makes it clear it is hungry. Deren looks at his familiar with a moment of annoyance, mentally forbidding it from going hunting, and rises to get something more to feed the unusual scorpion. At the announcement of Ameiko's culinary victory he nods approvingly and goes to get another plate from the Rusty Dragon's stall to share with his companion.

2015-05-12, 05:11 PM
The nap into which the well-fed (and more than a little tipsy) Filibert had fallen is interrupted by the sounds of Father Zantus's speech, and the halfling reaches for his waterskin to wet a mouth parched from his slack-jawed sleep. As the story progresses, he nods congenially, with a mild smile on his face, and he stands to clap heartily at the release of the many butterflies.

As the judges reveal their verdict, the halfling's applause joins that of the throng, and he reaches over to rouse his resting steed, mounting the wolf and guiding him gently into the street to congratulate Ameiko.

When Filibert's turn comes in line, he apologizes for Growler getting carried away in the morning, but suggests that the wolf's palate must count for something, given the results of the competition! Feel free to roll a diplomacy check at +5 to improve attitude.

2015-05-13, 03:12 AM
Ameiko seems quite pleased with the development and walks over to the stage to claim her prize. She holds it up for the crowd to see as they applaud. "Thank you. I'm truly honored, and I've sampled some of the competition, it was quite a fierce display of skill this year!" She exits the stage, and shows the prize to the group who comes up to see and congratulate her in person. Hannah, Katrine, Rynshinn and Anika rush up, giggling and cheering their friend on and go in for a big group hug that seems to bustle with excitement. As the men in the party go up to offer their congratulations, Ameiko thanks each of them, and is clearly in too good of a mood to remember any grudge she had towards Filibert. She then goes back to her booth, and displays the award on it.

If you'd like to interact with anything else in the festival, now's the last chance. If you're fine with moving on, say so in hangouts.

2015-05-13, 03:06 PM
Sminerano can't resist the lure of another helping of Ameiko's smoked salmon, perfectly accompanied by just the right white wine. The afternoon sees him joining more games, or inventing some more on the fly, for the benefit of the Sandpoint children and any of the young at heart.

How better to cap a perfect day, than with a fantastic show of fireworks? As the evening comes, and the sky becomes darker, the vanaran joins Master Ekhaszer Kenric in the wagon where they carefully installed a good number of their most fiery and colorful creations, be they varisian candles, aerials, or fire fountains. He takes his new vest off, carefully stoves it away in a safe place, and dons his trusty apron instead. Checking that everything is properly in position, he looks out to the square, waiting for the sheriff and his men to cordon the crowd off to a safe distance.

"This is going to be just grrreat!" he excitedly says. His old mentor and friend responds with a knowing smile.

2015-05-13, 05:11 PM
(OOC: Please position yourselves on the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nth8bjP_p47739mWHiZ7-aAPLeigESgB6U9gMitIXEs/edit?usp=sharing).)

A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun's setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. The dog's bark breaks the silence before the priest can speak. He clears his throat, looks down at the stray sternly, and suddenly a woman's scream slices through the air.

A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human . The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.

Goblin Song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9cRvSGHaJc)

Round 1 is going to begin, need initiatives and first actions, and positions on the map.