View Full Version : Pathfinder Drunk Master + Quigong + Sensei; Advice needed

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-04-06, 03:55 AM
This thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?367701-The-quot-Monklock-quot-(drunken-ki-spam)) by Psyren creates wonderful images of a drunken master inspiring his students to shoot flashy ki-attacks aka DBZ.

However, Mystic Wisdom refers to Ki powers *affecting you* that instead *affect allies*.
Does Scorching Ray *affect* the Sensei, or does it *affect* whatever poor target is scorched?

-> Are offensive Ki Powers valid components of the Mystic Wisdom ability?

2015-04-06, 08:55 AM
Yes - the "class ability affecting the sensei" in this case is the qinggong archetype's "ki power" class feature. The target or targets of the ability itself (e.g. scorching ray) does not matter - you are sharing your activation of the "ki power" class feature.

Of course, I'm more or less tooting my own horn here, so I'm open to discussion.

2015-04-06, 09:09 AM
Psyren, I missed that. It is glorious.

Also, it brought up for me once again: WHY MUST DRUNKEN MASTERS BE LAWFUL?

2015-04-06, 10:19 AM
Because Drunken Masters drink responsibly.

2015-04-06, 04:55 PM
Psyren, I missed that. It is glorious.

Also, it brought up for me once again: WHY MUST DRUNKEN MASTERS BE LAWFUL?

Lawful alignment does not mean law abiding. For a monk it means you adhere to the laws of your order. You need to take the RP initiative and decide what your order is like and how it's beliefs and edicts work

2015-04-06, 05:01 PM
Lawful alignment does not mean law abiding. For a monk it means you adhere to the laws of your order. You need to take the RP initiative and decide what your order is like and how it's beliefs and edicts work

I fully understand that about lawful. I also fully understand that when I play a character who is a raging drunkard, he very rarely gives a crap about anything like that, especially when drunk.

In case you're new, I'm against alignment restrictions and everything they stand for (namely, the prevention of interesting characters who break the mold)

2015-04-06, 05:05 PM
Restrictions can foster creativity too though - like an artist who decides to make a painting using only one color, or make a fantasy epic out of stick figures.

In this case I agree though - I think if any monk archetype could have ditched the lawful restriction, Drunken Master would have been it.

2015-04-06, 05:12 PM
I think the alignments just need better interpretation.

I played a LE rogue once and a player complained to the DM that I shouldn't be allowed to steal because I'm lawful