View Full Version : Inventive use of items/summons? and a Poem

2015-04-06, 10:27 AM
Recently my party blew my socks by using a summoned Thoqqua in a very inventive fashion. I was Wondering if anyone else had some awesome lateral thinking to share?

I'm currently running a RHOD campaign with a few friends. They have just reached Skull Gorge Bridge and for the first time ever really decided to talk tactics before rushing in. THey surprised both me and the Hobgoblins by using the druid to fly up to the tower as a local bird then summon a thoqqua which over the next few turns burned its way through the bridge, causing to to collapse.

Old Warklegnaw, my one-eyed friend
He guards The Witchwood until his end
Still the proud king of the Twist-Tusk Tribe
With power more mighty than I could ever describe

In glory days he would raid Vraath Keep
Chaos and destuction he did reap
But Amery Vraath is a loathsome guy
Snuck in at night and took Wark's eye

Nothing could stop you though, Warklegnaw
You took up arms and went back to war
And the mighty prevailed, let it be said
Because you still live, and that ****er's dead