View Full Version : OOTS art use in another Kickstarter

2015-04-06, 10:47 AM
I was looking around children's books on Kickstarter and came across this: {link removed to avoid giving publicity} and saw that the 'thanks for pledging' image from the OOTS Kickstarter was used. I just want to let Mr Burlew know and after posting in his comments on his Kickstarter, I figured that I might also reach him on these forums. Not sure if this is the place to post it, but I hope that either he sees it or someone with more direct access to him does and passes it on.

Ron Miel
2015-04-06, 05:20 PM
Been working on it since age 15, now nearly 19. Uses lowercase i for personal pronoun. Talks about creating art, but steals someone else's for promoting it. 0 backers so far.

Well, this book looks promising. I'm in.

(where's a rolleyes smiley when you need it?)

2015-04-06, 06:06 PM
I was wondering how she found it, as she wasn't a backer and it ended a while ago. The only one who can report it to Kickstarter is The Giant, which is funny in a way, seeing how they could just go to his Kickstarter to verify it if someone else could report it.

Ron Miel
2015-04-06, 06:57 PM
I was wondering how she found it, as she wasn't a backer and it ended a while ago.

Probably because OOTS kickstarter made the news, and the Guinness Book of World Records, and the image was used on a few legitimate news sources who presumably did it legally.

Example: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2012/feb/22/author-raises-1m-self-publish-webcomic

Roland St. Jude
2015-04-06, 10:41 PM
Sheriff: Thanks for reporting this. We'll look into it.