View Full Version : Let's Rebuild the Magic Mantle Using the StP and Substitution ACFs!

2015-04-07, 10:41 AM
Here is the list of powers which are in the Magic Mantle as the default:

1 Metaphysical Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
3 Dispel Psionics: Cancels psionic powers and effects.
5 Power Resistance: Grant power resistance equal to 12+ level.
6 Analyze Dweomer, Psionic: Reveals magical aspects of subject. You also gain an augmentation option unavailable to other manifesters of this power.

Augment: For every additional power point you spend, you can analyze an additional object or creature, requiring an additional round per target.
6 Null Psionics Field: Create a field where psionic power does not function.
8 Protection from Spells, Psionic: Gain +3 on saves against spells and spell-like abilities.

Ardents have an ACF which allows them to swap out any appropriate power onto their mantles.

And since convert spell to power erudites can turn any arcane spell into a psionic power, and we can have just about any divine spell as an arcane spell through various PrCs and the Child of Eberron dragon archetype (for druid spells), that means we have practically the entire spectrum of spells in 3.X D&D as potential powers to place on the Magic Mantle.

So, which ones would be the best to have, especially using the dominant ideal ACF and metapsionic cost reduction, to apply all the metapsionics we want to them for free?

I'm going to start with the druid's Awaken spell. Apply Metapower (Awaken + Empower Power) to it. Then when you Metamorphosis into a tree, you can infinEmpower yourself for nigh infinite mental stats. (Note that metapsionics do not have limits on how many times you can apply them aside from those implied by pp costs and psionic focus limits.)

Any other good ones you can think of?

2015-04-07, 12:20 PM
Null Psionics and AMF work the same way? I think that's fine.

Does not having a ninth level power mean no Effulgent Mispronunciation or Mordekainen's Disjunction?

2015-04-07, 01:15 PM
You can get 9ths post-epic, because Epic Spell/Powers count as 10th level "for possible situations where spell level is important" - which covers the Erudite's restrictive discipline power clause.

The rest of this limburger I'm not touching with a 10-foot psychokinetic mindfeeder pole :smalltongue:

2015-04-07, 02:47 PM
You can get 9ths post-epic, because Epic Spell/Powers count as 10th level "for possible situations where spell level is important" - which covers the Erudite's restrictive discipline power clause.

The rest of this limburger I'm not touching with a 10-foot psychokinetic mindfeeder pole :smalltongue:

Which means pre-epic epic spellcasting.

2015-04-07, 02:56 PM
Which means pre-epic epic spellcasting.Only if you're a dragon and can skirt around the requirements for the Epic Manifesting feat.

2015-04-07, 03:01 PM
I'm going to start with the druid's Awaken spell. Apply Metapower (Awaken + Empower Power) to it. Then when you Metamorphosis into a tree, you can infinEmpower yourself for nigh infinite mental stats. (Note that metapsionics do not have limits on how many times you can apply them aside from those implied by pp costs and psionic focus limits.)How are you getting unlimited focuses to spend though?

2015-04-07, 03:10 PM
How are you getting unlimited focuses to spend though?

If you have the Dominant Ideal ACF (IIRC), it won't take a focus to add MP.

2015-04-07, 03:21 PM
If you have the Dominant Ideal ACF (IIRC), it won't take a focus to add MP.This.

Dominant Ideal allows you to use metapsionic feats on any power in one mantle without expending focus. And since Metapower (Awaken + Empower) reduces your metapsionic cost for Empower Power on the Awaken spell/power by 2 (making the cost literally free), you can multi-Empower as much as you want.

2015-04-07, 03:23 PM
*reads dominant ideal*
Hax! :smallbiggrin:
Well yeah, that's insane then. Infinite mental stats! Then PsyRef it to give you infinite damage with any damaging power. It's probably so blatantly broken as to be unusable though. Doing it without Metapower would be large but finite, more likely to fly.