View Full Version : Need help setting up a teleportation network.

2015-04-07, 10:43 AM
Okay, so I'm a level 21 wizard with ignore material components (dark chaos shuffled for Favored, Pirmary Contact, and Ignore Material Components) and the ability to cast divine spells out of my spell slots via a DM houserule epic award (I have to learn them like an archivist would though.)

So I have a year or so of downtime and the DM asked me what I wanted to do, so I said I wanted to set up a teleportation network between major areas of the campaign (he already had some teleportation spots at the beginning of the campaign, but they were destroyed by plot).

Pretty simple to just cast teleportation circle at various locations, but how should I go about guarding it so various baddies don't just use it to zip around the universe? I know I can't detect everyone, but I'm sure the serious threats wouldn't even need my help getting around the universe anyway. How do I stop run of the mill bad guys (up to level 10 or so for this campaign).?

Try to avoid binding sentient creatures for this if possible since my character is...very good.

2015-04-07, 10:52 AM
Constructs. Get some golems to guard each circle.

2015-04-07, 11:20 AM
Maybe you can get you hands on a 'Gate Key', since you're already epic level. Using that, you can set the parameters for who goes where.

2015-04-07, 11:22 AM
What spells/feats would I use to get said construct guards?

What generic detection/barriers should I have in case someone manages to sneak past them?

Unfortunately Gate Key is not an option for me as I want to set up more than 6 locations and multiple gate keys would be too expensive.

I don't actually have a lot of gold (only about 80k) to play around with but this would be my way of making money in game (not infinite money...but I'm quite far from WBL :p). I'm part of a major magic guild and have enough contacts that I'd be able to get a loan in game if I could provide a solid plan.

2015-04-07, 11:32 AM
What spells/feats would I use to get said construct guards?

What generic detection/barriers should I have in case someone manages to sneak past them?

Unfortunately Gate Key is not an option for me as I want to set up more than 6 locations and multiple gate keys would be too expensive.

Well, you could use permanency on animated objects, or buy golem manuals for the construct guards.

You could put tough doors on your teleportation areas, or even xorn movement yourself into solid rock somewhere, disintegrate a cavern for yourself, then put your teleportation circles there. You could use misdirection as well, they are already hard to see, so maybe mundane disguise or even cover the area with a 'permanent image'. Basically, this is so cool because you are making your own dungeons as a player! Who knew this is where dungeons came from in your world?

As for the gate keys, they can make 60 gate pairs, not six, if that's all that's holding you back.

2015-04-07, 12:01 PM
Other options include the use of permanency to enchant an area with helpful support spells. contingency spell is also a good idea.

Examples would include making these gates with a password, or pass key that if the portal was used in any way other then the passkey, an alarm type spell would go off, a divination spell could let you look to see who or what is using it/or where they will arrive at, and delay teleport, or even MORE fun, Teleport Redirect could come into play, sending them to a location that is not very welcoming :)

Sometimes the best defense is not spending loads of money and xp on guards, but cleaver uses of spells :)

Uncle Pine
2015-04-07, 12:57 PM
Use Create Portal to create keyed portals so that only you and a handful of gate guardians can use them. Be careful to base the condition on the identity of the guardians, so that you don't need to craft gate keys. Also, define "gate guardian" in terms broad enough to allow you to replace them if dominated, slain, etc. when creating the portal. This way, you and any gate guardian can touch and activate the portal for 1 full round any time. Moreover, as you can replace slain gate guardians, you don't necessarily need to invest gold in pumping them up (although you should pay them well to avoid treasons and such).

ace rooster
2015-04-07, 02:38 PM
Okay, so I'm a level 21 wizard with ignore material components (dark chaos shuffled for Favored, Pirmary Contact, and Ignore Material Components) and the ability to cast divine spells out of my spell slots via a DM houserule epic award (I have to learn them like an archivist would though.)

So I have a year or so of downtime and the DM asked me what I wanted to do, so I said I wanted to set up a teleportation network between major areas of the campaign (he already had some teleportation spots at the beginning of the campaign, but they were destroyed by plot).

Pretty simple to just cast teleportation circle at various locations, but how should I go about guarding it so various baddies don't just use it to zip around the universe? I know I can't detect everyone, but I'm sure the serious threats wouldn't even need my help getting around the universe anyway. How do I stop run of the mill bad guys (up to level 10 or so for this campaign).?

Try to avoid binding sentient creatures for this if possible since my character is...very good.

Binding is out, but is there anything problematic about simply paying them? You don't need a particularly huge toll to rack up profits fast, meaning security could easily be afforded. Go with some outsiders related to a good god of trade and there is no conflict of interest. I'm sure a gold dragon would be equally happy to live beside a network hub for huge sums of gold.

Depending on the locations of the nodes, could you not contract the locals to defend them? If the network does not default to 'on', instead requiring some action on the part of the recieving end, then the relative power levels stop being relevant. A level 1 commoner can repel an army, simply by not opening the gate. A teleportation circle that targets a doorway would not do anything if the door is shut for example (not a valid target) so this can be set up easily.

2015-04-07, 02:56 PM
Constructs. Get some golems to guard each circle.

Or zombified creatures.

2015-04-07, 07:54 PM
Try to avoid binding sentient creatures for this if possible since my character is...very good.

"Binding" is such a strong word. Sure, yanking a hapless creature to your location without regard for where it was or what it was doing at the time is the height of rudeness, but once it's there you can make the job you need doing worth its while.

2015-04-08, 06:00 AM
create a demiplane. in this demiplane, you have various gate spell permanent (or simply create a gate as a magic item, with help from some artificier) that is keyed to specific location. everyone that want to pass through the gate have to posses a specific key, that CAN be replicated if you have access to the original. problem: every key have in is interior a keyword, writed and created at the creation moment, and every keyword is settled with a specific route

2015-04-08, 06:33 AM
Could you retrain so that you have 10 levels of Planeshifter? That would get you a sweet demiplane...

Firest Kathon
2015-04-08, 07:57 AM
I'm part of a major magic guild and have enough contacts [...]
Tell your mage guild of the plan. Ask them to set up a branch office at each teleportation location, acting as a guardhouse and fee collector at the same time. Then split the profits.