View Full Version : DM Help A Campaign in transition, where to next

2015-04-07, 12:36 PM
Ive been running a campaign for a few months now, and my players enjoy it quite a bit.


As I am planning for their ship to have a malfunction when they finally "fix" and engage the FTL (faster than light) drive. Basically its going to open a rift to another dimension / universe and they will be transported there via an unstable quantum wormhole.

My only issue is deciding which of the rich world settings to send them to. Its meant to be a complete shock to the characters, (and to an extent, the players)

For those who havent checked the obsidian portal for this adventure yet,

It started in WW2, where magic exists. They saw the beginning of the war kick off, but it was brought to an abrupt end due to alien entanglements (involvement) They advanced a few years, and found out about a major race of terrible creatures that are invading and killing everything in their path (almost like reapers or a stupid version of the borg) With their alien allies they launched a top secret mission deep into enemy territory where they secured the required information from their allies captured servers. They managed to get off world, but have sustained considerable damage to their space faring vessel. The stealth drive is intact, but can only function at a fraction of its original power, and the FTL drive is totally disabled (but kind of repairable.) When they repair the drive, (an experimental drive that hasnt fully been tested before they were launched into their mission) they even with their technical prowess, manage to misalign or improperly repair something in the drive which triggers an event (quantum wormhole).

AND their current objective is to meet up with an allied fleet that is almost 5 light years away (at their current sub-light speed, it would take over 400 years to reach their destination. (4/5 of the players are human)

I am open to suggestion on realms to send them to...
So far I am looking at


2015-04-07, 12:50 PM
I personally think it would be neat to send them to an alternate universe where the invading aliens have instead become slaves to humanity. That way, they can reconnoiter and learn about the alien's strengths/weaknesses, and even potentially befriend the leaders who were going to destroy humanity in their universe. Seeing the destroyers as slaves ought to provide plenty of opportunities for moralistic roleplay, as might seeing the humans/folks they were friends with being cruel slavemasters.

The reason for the difference in events could be some sort of more-powerful cosmic force that coincidentally interfered in one universe, rather than anything that either side did. It might be just weak enough that the PCs could quest to make it happen in their own universe to create salvation for humanity (but do they want to, knowing the potential consequences? Or is there another way?).

Other ideas: It seems like a spelljammer campaign fits what's happening pretty well if you want to port it to 3.5 (not difficult, just use plenty of aberrations). If they're high enough level, then popping them out of a random portal in baator or sigil might be interesting -- they would be able to return to the PMP, but not until after navigating the outlands/a few levels of baator. Those portals also provide a potential way for them to skip the whole 5-lightyears thing.

2015-04-07, 01:05 PM
I like that idea, but the part that the players dont know is that the race of destroyers was created by the gods that are rebelling against the one true god. They are meant to extinguish any of the believers of the Christian / Jewish / Muslim god. And thats a majority of races in the universe that dont live more than 2000 years.

2015-04-07, 01:15 PM
In d&d, god-level power can be common in a setting. Besides the obvious wiz 17, there's all sorts of ECL 20+ creatures, Elder Evils, and folks that happen to have stumbled into having a ton of int and wis. It sounds like this is more of a political issue, though, so the difference in events could simply be due to some outside force affecting the politics. Perhaps the rebel gods learn that there's some dire consequence for wiping out a ton of races (eg they lose out on worshippers/food/playthings, some over-deity will get angry at them, or it will end up working against their favour long-term), or the outside force coincidentally messes up one of their carefully-laid plans that had little room for error.

Let's be careful talking about this. Real-world religion isn't on the docket for this forum.

2015-04-07, 01:17 PM
Noted* This is what i get when i mix the real world and DND

2015-04-07, 01:20 PM
No worries. This thread is about campaign ideas, not religion.

What if the interloper came from a universe where the complete domination of a set of races had already happened? If it's from the winning side, it could express its regret, or if from the losing side, perhaps its similarity to the rebel gods could shake their motivation.

Edit: If you're a fan of making things really complicated, the interloper could be a member of the party because time travel or ultimate power or something. The party then needs to attempt to accomplish whatever it was that made that happen, or else the universe will stop existing.

Also, I'm heading out for the day, so expect me not to respond until at least 12 hours from now or longer.

2015-04-07, 02:41 PM
In d&d, god-level power can be common in a setting. Besides the obvious wiz 17, there's all sorts of ECL 20+ creatures, Elder Evils, and folks that happen to have stumbled into having a ton of int and wis. It sounds like this is more of a political issue, though, so the difference in events could simply be due to some outside force affecting the politics. Perhaps the rebel gods learn that there's some dire consequence for wiping out a ton of races (eg they lose out on worshippers/food/playthings, some over-deity will get angry at them, or it will end up working against their favour long-term), or the outside force coincidentally messes up one of their carefully-laid plans that had little room for error.

Let's be careful talking about this. Real-world religion isn't on the docket for this forum.

Or there are actual divine ranks, defined in Deities & Demigods.